Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

Oh, and I asked for Wake not to be lynched D1 because he could kill whoever hammered him. The fact that he told us that, makes me question the scumread I had on him for most of the game and was why I was saying I didn't think he was scum. Scum would just let the townie die who hammered him unless it was his buddy. I also doubt that ability would be given to scum since it's usually a vengeful townie type ability.

I don't know what to make of that claim Wolf. It would seem to me someone who has been pegged as scum by several people on day 1 and may have been lynched would say anything to save their butt. Would Aye have handed out such a PR in the middle of the Day 1 ? It made me think of Sammich's claim. But I am fairly new to the game and I suppose it is possible, but forgive me if I think that claim sounded off. Then he asked for protection... Stop it, you are making me waffle Wolf!!! Gah!

I am rereading day 1 again to look those I believe may have been vampire hunting Day 1 or crumbing as well. I also have a read on one person I have not named- to see something.

Do you think I have read Wake's meta at the main site wrong? You seem to have played games with him there, his meta is hard to follow at times, but what is here is kinda reading scummy to me given a few scum games I read of Wake's. And, I have noted before- reading a game gives one a different feel than actually being in the game at the time- if that makes sense. I hope I am not off- especially given I am pretty sure House was far off on his read of Avatar- I think Avatar may be town and we misread what he was trying to tell us when he was seemingly against the SK plan. I just keep coming back to possible scum on Wake each time I think about it.

Well, even though I explained in a previous post why I thought Wake was town, I'll go ahead and explain why I think he may be scum. He buddied House almost right away as scum in a game at MS and he has been buddying the shit out of me all game. He accepted me being town almost right away with very little questioning. He not only accepted it right away but tried to convince others of it also. He has been WKing me in several instances this game. Falling for scum buddying is one of my weaknesses as town. He is aware of this I'm sure. So that level of being so sure of my alignment is something I am concerned about.

What is WKing?

Do you think I have read Wake's meta at the main site wrong? You seem to have played games with him there, his meta is hard to follow at times, but what is here is kinda reading scummy to me given a few scum games I read of Wake's. And, I have noted before- reading a game gives one a different feel than actually being in the game at the time- if that makes sense. I hope I am not off- especially given I am pretty sure House was far off on his read of Avatar- I think Avatar may be town and we misread what he was trying to tell us when he was seemingly against the SK plan. I just keep coming back to possible scum on Wake each time I think about it.

Well, even though I explained in a previous post why I thought Wake was town, I'll go ahead and explain why I think he may be scum. He buddied House almost right away as scum in a game at MS and he has been buddying the shit out of me all game. He accepted me being town almost right away with very little questioning. He not only accepted it right away but tried to convince others of it also. He has been WKing me in several instances this game. Falling for scum buddying is one of my weaknesses as town. He is aware of this I'm sure. So that level of being so sure of my alignment is something I am concerned about.

What is WKing?

White Knighting. When scum defend a townie for towncred. Town will also white knight other town also so it isn't necessarily a scum-tell.
Oh, and I asked for Wake not to be lynched D1 because he could kill whoever hammered him. The fact that he told us that, makes me question the scumread I had on him for most of the game and was why I was saying I didn't think he was scum. Scum would just let the townie die who hammered him unless it was his buddy. I also doubt that ability would be given to scum since it's usually a vengeful townie type ability.

I don't know what to make of that claim Wolf. It would seem to me someone who has been pegged as scum by several people on day 1 and may have been lynched would say anything to save their butt. Would Aye have handed out such a PR in the middle of the Day 1 ? It made me think of Sammich's claim. But I am fairly new to the game and I suppose it is possible, but forgive me if I think that claim sounded off. Then he asked for protection... Stop it, you are making me waffle Wolf!!! Gah!

I am rereading day 1 again to look those I believe may have been vampire hunting Day 1 or crumbing as well. I also have a read on one person I have not named- to see something.

Well, he could be fakeclaiming but I highly doubt, if he's being honest, that it would last all game or he'd never be lynched and as scum, that would make him invincible. Again, I think this is a townie ability because scum would have a pretty big advantage with it. If he's being honest. I need to talk to and question Wake some more to determine his alignment.

If you get a vampire lead, we should lynch right away. I don't think we should do scum's job for them and say who it is unless we lynch. The vamp is investigation immune so really needs to die sooner rather than later if we can find it. I think I might have a guess but if I'm wrong that would not be a good thing. So some consensus has to be had before we go after the vamp.

I'm just gonna say right now, straight out, that I'm not the vamp. I really doubt I'd be able to pull off an alignment switch if I was and got recruited and make it believable.

I do think the vamp will want to be recruited because if the ghouls die, it dies. It does not win with town, if town wins, so I believe the vamp will crumb for scum to find it. We need to look for that.
Vote: Grandma

I think she's either scum hunting for the vampire or she's the vampire trying to be recruited. She has talked about the vampire more than anyone else in the game. I also don't see much scum hunting or town Grandma moves from her either.

She's a good lynch IMO.
Vote: Grandma

I think she's either scum hunting for the vampire or she's the vampire trying to be recruited. She has talked about the vampire more than anyone else in the game. I also don't see much scum hunting or town Grandma moves from her either.

She's a good lynch IMO.
ONE post above, you state that we should not be claiming anything about the vampire and here you are - claiming who the vampire is....

You and Wake are my strongest scum reads atm. That show last game day was scummy as well. Back to drama that simply does not belong and is anti town. House is more scummy than you are atm though so...

Vote: Wake

Others have adiquately explained why. Focusing on the PR is certainly scummy and your play has not really been for the benefit of town - no actual scum hunting. The PR claim is another move that is scummy as hell. It seems to me that you are simply trying to scare people from hammering you. Very anti town particularly when it is not necessary. If you are town, ALL you have accomplished is telling scum to avoid hammering you making such a power completely useless to us (actually HURTING us). Yes, EXTREMELY scummy.

After going back through Avatars posts I think I was wrong about him on day one, Avatar is leaning town for now.

I think you are wrong on Grandma Wolf - this is pretty standard for Grandma. I doubt that she is scum.

As for the reads House put up - I don't really think they mean anything other than the logic that he posted with them. I think that he was targeted for the obvious reason: the JoaT claim and not because of his reads.

If you are reading House, good job - well played. Very well played.
I'll be online later this afternoon. Orientation at the new job. :p
You and Wake are my strongest scum reads atm. That show last game day was scummy as well. Back to drama that simply does not belong and is anti town. House is more scummy than you are atm though so...

As for the reads House put up - I don't really think they mean anything other than the logic that he posted with them. I think that he was targeted for the obvious reason: the JoaT claim and not because of his reads.

What show are you talking about? The crap House pulled on me or the pro-town hammer of Arden? Neither of those was any show. Do you have any thoughts of your own this game? Your blatant sheeping of others is obvious all game. I don't think I've seen an original thought from you yet. First you come in here and sheep House on his idea to out the SK and the vamp, then you sheep him on Avi as scum. Then you come in here today and basically sheep Cafe and Shaitra about Wake and Cafe and SR about me, then sheep both Cafe and myself about Avi being town now and being wrong about him being scum which is something I've said most of the game.

I agree House was targeted because of his JoaT claim and not who he was suspicious of. Scum generally don't target the ones who are most suspicious of them, because it points the finger back at them if that person dies. Just read the scum QT game 3 where TN discussed that with me. Because of House's gambit, that NK really can't be analyzed. We can't really analyze the wagon on Arden because of her JoaT gambit. I'm disappointed in the play by both of them. I am also disappointed in whoever the JoaT is for accepting such a sacrifice from House and not protecting him and denying scum a NK. I also implore the JoaT if you decided to investigate someone, to let us know if you got a guilty. Otherwise, there is no need to say anything.

FA, Please show your are scum hunting. I haven't seen any legitimate scum hunting from you other than sheeping most of the playerbase. Please show original content and reads. I haven't seen anything original from you and that keeps you in FoS territory. I'm more than happy to move my vote to you as soon as I see Grandma engage in the game also in the way I've seen town Grandma behave before and have not seen much of this game. If she keeps insulting me, she gets ignored and my vote stays. That is not a pro-town response to a vote.
You and Wake are my strongest scum reads atm. That show last game day was scummy as well. Back to drama that simply does not belong and is anti town. House is more scummy than you are atm though so...

As for the reads House put up - I don't really think they mean anything other than the logic that he posted with them. I think that he was targeted for the obvious reason: the JoaT claim and not because of his reads.

What show are you talking about? The crap House pulled on me or the pro-town hammer of Arden? Neither of those was any show. Do you have any thoughts of your own this game? Your blatant sheeping of others is obvious all game. I don't think I've seen an original thought from you yet. First you come in here and sheep House on his idea to out the SK and the vamp, then you sheep him on Avi as scum. Then you come in here today and basically sheep Cafe and Shaitra about Wake and Cafe and SR about me, then sheep both Cafe and myself about Avi being town now and being wrong about him being scum which is something I've said most of the game.

I agree House was targeted because of his JoaT claim and not who he was suspicious of. Scum generally don't target the ones who are most suspicious of them, because it points the finger back at them if that person dies. Just read the scum QT game 3 where TN discussed that with me. Because of House's gambit, that NK really can't be analyzed. We can't really analyze the wagon on Arden because of her JoaT gambit. I'm disappointed in the play by both of them. I am also disappointed in whoever the JoaT is for accepting such a sacrifice from House and not protecting him and denying scum a NK. I also implore the JoaT if you decided to investigate someone, to let us know if you got a guilty. Otherwise, there is no need to say anything.

FA, Please show your are scum hunting. I haven't seen any legitimate scum hunting from you other than sheeping most of the playerbase. Please show original content and reads. I haven't seen anything original from you and that keeps you in FoS territory. I'm more than happy to move my vote to you as soon as I see Grandma engage in the game also in the way I've seen town Grandma behave before and have not seen much of this game. If she keeps insulting me, she gets ignored and my vote stays. That is not a pro-town response to a vote.

I hope this fixes the above quote.
Well, those above two posts are messed up because this forum software insists on putting an extra quote tag at the end sometimes and it messes everything up. I separated them again and added new thoughts here also. If it doesn't work, I give up.

You and Wake are my strongest scum reads atm. That show last game day was scummy as well. Back to drama that simply does not belong and is anti town. House is more scummy than you are atm though so...

As for the reads House put up - I don't really think they mean anything other than the logic that he posted with them. I think that he was targeted for the obvious reason: the JoaT claim and not because of his reads.

What show are you talking about? The crap House pulled on me or the pro-town hammer of Arden? Neither of those was any show. Do you have any thoughts of your own this game? Your blatant sheeping of others is obvious all game. I don't think I've seen an original thought from you yet. First you come in here and sheep House on his idea to out the SK and the vamp, then you sheep him on Avi as scum. Then you come in here today and basically sheep Cafe and Shaitra about Wake and Cafe and SR about me, then sheep both Cafe and myself about Avi being town now and being wrong about him being scum which is something I've said most of the game.

You need to show you are scum hunting. I haven't seen any legitimate scum hunting from you other than sheeping most of the playerbase. Please show original content, ideas, and reads. Otherwise, I'm happy to move my vote to you.

I agree House was targeted because of his JoaT claim and not who he was suspicious of. Scum generally don't target the ones who are most suspicious of them, because it points the finger back at them if that person dies. Because of House's gambit, that NK really can't be analyzed. We can't really analyze the wagon on Arden because of her JoaT gambit. I am also disappointed in whoever the JoaT is for accepting such a sacrifice from House and not protecting him and denying scum a NK. If you are the JoaT and you decided to investigate someone, to let us know if you got a guilty. I believe getting one of the scum would be worth it to out yourself. Otherwise, if you got an innocent, try to crumb it if you can so if you die, we can confirm a townie. I don't want to say how you can do this cuz it will be telling scum exactly what to look for.

Grandma-I'm more than happy to move my vote off you as soon as I see you engage in the game in the way I've seen town Grandma behave before and have not seen much of this game.
I just read Grandma's ISO and she is giving reads and commenting on stuff that is happening in the game. I'm not seeing your concern over lack of content Wolf. I do see that she is/was scum reading you quite a bit so are you sure that's not affecting your read of her?
scarlet tried to cover for house when he claimed. I through she might be trying to draw the night kill away from him as town because I assumed Arden was the vampire and not the serial killer. Could she have been trying to draw the night kill for more nefarious reasons?

FA jumping off me has me scratching my head right now. I'm curious what is it that you saw when you reviewed my game that made you think twice? That's not necessarily a scum tell because I often reevaluate my choices when I have the flip and nk info.
I just read Grandma's ISO and she is giving reads and commenting on stuff that is happening in the game. I'm not seeing your concern over lack of content Wolf. I do see that she is/was scum reading you quite a bit so are you sure that's not affecting your read of her?

She never voted for me though. And what kind of content is she providing?

Nothing can be gleaned from her 140. 142 isn't suspicious, but general. 145 is null. 146 she mentions she doesn't like Arden's posts at all. Though Arden did flip Serial Killer, her feeling at this point in no way vindicated her as Town. 146 does feel playful to me, and didn't really make me feel she was Town or Scum with her response. Why at this point she's leaning Town according to Wolfie does make me wonder, but perhaps that is simply misplaced paranoia. She did in 287 go along with the Doctor/Psyche declarations which, while easy to fake, don't make me suspect her at the moment.

366 I haven't found anything suspicious with. She was right about Arden, but I haven't had the time into researching why she has her suspicions about Avatar. In 702 Shaitra mentions why she's been inactive, so that brings a whole new light to the situation (I am sorry you and your husband got laid off. I can't even try to imagine how that must feel. :(). The pictures in 707 and 710 do nothing to move my current read on her. Same with 748, though it seems her feelings on Arden were correct. I can't really collect any information from 907.

I don't particularly like her 948, and I'll explain as best I can why. What House did put the Town at risk, because the real JoaT, watching this unfold, may have felt the need to come out and counter, too. Thankfully that did not happen, but what would happen if it did? I can't say Shaitra's words here are suspicious, so I chalk it up to inexperience, which isn't inherently a bad thing. As for her 951, her misplaced paranoia feels to be coming from a Town mindset. Nowhere in the game did I ever PR hunt. The fact that Arden and House both claimed Jack of all Trades did, in fact, confuse me, and made me wonder what exactly was going on, and that someone between those two were lying. As it turns out, both were. 952 reads as null.

975 does come off as Townish, if only slightly. Though Shaitra hasn't contributed much, and does have good reason why, when she does post it has almost always been from a mindset of wanting answers.

So, how do I judge her alignment thus far? She hasn't posted much, but as we know content is never, ever indicative of one's alignment. It doesn't feel, at least to me, that she's been defensive, evasive, hyperbolic, or not forthcoming. In fact, when she does post, when it's not fluff it's contributory, with some undertones of paranoia and curiosity. I don't feel she's been questioned nearly enough, and I do feel there's a need to gauge her responses under pressure, to really ascertain how she'll react. Tentatively I have Shaitra as Leaning-Town, and am thus currently uncomfortable with placing a vote on her. I can understand life being tough right now for her. If she can provide a reads list or take a few more inquisitive pokes at those players she hasn't really conversed with then I think we'll benefit from it unilaterally (unless you're Scum, of course). I'm awaiting more from her, and, should she continue to give off Townvibes, I am certainly willing to work with her more in the future of this game.

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