Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

Wolf, you suck this game. I'm not the Vampire. I'm not Scum.

vote: FA_Q2

Seriously, maybe due to issues I am dealing with right now, this post comes off as over the top. I have been an emotional wreck due to r/l issues, my emotions are up and down and I know if this post had been directed at me I probably would have quit the game. I have already discussed with Aye about possibly replacing out and Aye said she would put me on V/LA for a few days if I needed a break.

Hell, I felt bad about the stupid hex I got, and having to insult people. I think we can get by in this game without making things personal. I would hope we can. Or maybe I am just supersensitive right now. I'll shut up now.
scarlet tried to cover for house when he claimed. I through she might be trying to draw the night kill away from him as town because I assumed Arden was the vampire and not the serial killer. Could she have been trying to draw the night kill for more nefarious reasons?

FA jumping off me has me scratching my head right now. I'm curious what is it that you saw when you reviewed my game that made you think twice? That's not necessarily a scum tell because I often reevaluate my choices when I have the flip and nk info.

(emphasis added)

That sounds like a reach Avatar, not to mention I thought what she did was pretty damn town and it did not seem like she was looking for scum to recruit her. With that said, I've seen crazier things happen in these games, but I highly doubt it. I really hate to focus on it because this is also going to have scum take note of that and other stuff that happened- which I am not going to draw attention to. Obviously we need to figure out who the vampire is, I just don't know how without giving scum ideas.
Wolf, you suck this game. I'm not the Vampire. I'm not Scum.

vote: FA_Q2

Seriously, maybe due to issues I am dealing with right now, this post comes off as over the top. I have been an emotional wreck due to r/l issues, my emotions are up and down and I know if this post had been directed at me I probably would have quit the game. I have already discussed with Aye about possibly replacing out and Aye said she would put me on V/LA for a few days if I needed a break.

Hell, I felt bad about the stupid hex I got, and having to insult people. I think we can get by in this game without making things personal. I would hope we can. Or maybe I am just supersensitive right now. I'll shut up now.

That's not the first time she has insulted me and my play this game. You are not being too sensitive. It is over the top and not necessary and then she calls my response an extreme over-reaction. How about people play the game and stop insulting how others choose to go about it? I've been trying to calm you down in both games and it has nothing to do with alignment or the game really but just a personal thing because I can tell you are stressed out. Just relax, take a deep breath, walk away if you have to. If you need a break, take one.
Wolf, you suck this game. I'm not the Vampire. I'm not Scum.

vote: FA_Q2

Seriously, maybe due to issues I am dealing with right now, this post comes off as over the top. I have been an emotional wreck due to r/l issues, my emotions are up and down and I know if this post had been directed at me I probably would have quit the game. I have already discussed with Aye about possibly replacing out and Aye said she would put me on V/LA for a few days if I needed a break.

Hell, I felt bad about the stupid hex I got, and having to insult people. I think we can get by in this game without making things personal. I would hope we can. Or maybe I am just supersensitive right now. I'll shut up now.

She's just not playing well at all. To me Wolf looks like she's trying way too hard to mimic her Town game. And it's not personal. I'm sure she's Scum.

And yes, you are being overly sensitive. Quite a few people are, not just here but many of those that post in other parts of the site as well. Maybe the membership has negative politics burnout or something. Been a tough year.
I voted for FA because he wasn't posting.

Then he made a very good post. Good enough to move from leaning scum to null.

That's FA's MO though. He posts infrequently, I would not scum read him over that. Shai is the same, I wish they had time to post more though.

The problem I have with FA is his sheeping the whole playerbase this game. I have not seen anything original from him at all. It's all things others have said which is why I am suspicious of him.

Him and Grandma are my top two scumreads right now.

Shaitra is less so than she was before because even with less posting, her posts mostly seem more town than they did in game 6.

Wake and SR I'm still unsure about.

Moon I was leaning town but again, I'm not 100% here.

Avi's town. I'm still working on your alignment but no need to worry about it right now until you feel better.
Wolf, you suck this game. I'm not the Vampire. I'm not Scum.

vote: FA_Q2

Seriously, maybe due to issues I am dealing with right now, this post comes off as over the top. I have been an emotional wreck due to r/l issues, my emotions are up and down and I know if this post had been directed at me I probably would have quit the game. I have already discussed with Aye about possibly replacing out and Aye said she would put me on V/LA for a few days if I needed a break.

Hell, I felt bad about the stupid hex I got, and having to insult people. I think we can get by in this game without making things personal. I would hope we can. Or maybe I am just supersensitive right now. I'll shut up now.

She's just not playing well at all. To me Wolf looks like she's trying way too hard to mimic her Town game. And it's not personal. I'm sure she's Scum.

And yes, you are being overly sensitive. Quite a few people are, not just here but many of those that post in other parts of the site as well. Maybe the membership has negative politics burnout or something. Been a tough year.

No, She's not being overly sensitive. You keep insulting me and I'm getting sick of it now. If you don't stop, I'm going to ask Aye to put a stop to it.

You have no case on me because you can't fabricate a scumread on a townie and it must be terribly frustrating for you.

Too bad. If you are going to be disrespectful, don't expect me to treat you any better. If you are town, you have screwed town by being this divisive.

Bite me.
Wolf, you suck this game. I'm not the Vampire. I'm not Scum.

vote: FA_Q2

Seriously, maybe due to issues I am dealing with right now, this post comes off as over the top. I have been an emotional wreck due to r/l issues, my emotions are up and down and I know if this post had been directed at me I probably would have quit the game. I have already discussed with Aye about possibly replacing out and Aye said she would put me on V/LA for a few days if I needed a break.

Hell, I felt bad about the stupid hex I got, and having to insult people. I think we can get by in this game without making things personal. I would hope we can. Or maybe I am just supersensitive right now. I'll shut up now.

She's just not playing well at all. To me Wolf looks like she's trying way too hard to mimic her Town game. And it's not personal. I'm sure she's Scum.

And yes, you are being overly sensitive. Quite a few people are, not just here but many of those that post in other parts of the site as well. Maybe the membership has negative politics burnout or something. Been a tough year.

Maybe I am being too sensitive, I probably am. I start weekly methotrexate injections this Friday, which is a chemo therapy drug, but I have to take it for autoimmune issues- my hair is going to fall out. I am utterly broken over this and continued health issues. It's like WTF, I can't get a friggin break. I believe it is affecting my play.

I agree her play may be different, but I still don't think the personal stuff is needed. That's all.
Wolf, you suck this game. I'm not the Vampire. I'm not Scum.

vote: FA_Q2

Seriously, maybe due to issues I am dealing with right now, this post comes off as over the top. I have been an emotional wreck due to r/l issues, my emotions are up and down and I know if this post had been directed at me I probably would have quit the game. I have already discussed with Aye about possibly replacing out and Aye said she would put me on V/LA for a few days if I needed a break.

Hell, I felt bad about the stupid hex I got, and having to insult people. I think we can get by in this game without making things personal. I would hope we can. Or maybe I am just supersensitive right now. I'll shut up now.

She's just not playing well at all. To me Wolf looks like she's trying way too hard to mimic her Town game. And it's not personal. I'm sure she's Scum.

And yes, you are being overly sensitive. Quite a few people are, not just here but many of those that post in other parts of the site as well. Maybe the membership has negative politics burnout or something. Been a tough year.

No, She's not being overly sensitive. You keep insulting me and I'm getting sick of it now. If you don't stop, I'm going to ask Aye to put a stop to it.

You have no case on me because you can't fabricate a scumread on a townie and it must be terribly frustrating for you.

Too bad. If you are going to be disrespectful, don't expect me to treat you any better. If you are town, you have screwed town by being this divisive.

Bite me.

Exactly what "insulting" have I done? I said you suck this game, which is true, not an insult. You're pulling reads out of your butt, "seeing" things that do not exist. You're trying to convince us that we're Scum and you're Town.

You are not playing normally. This is your Scum game. You don't play Scum well.
Maybe I am being too sensitive, I probably am. I start weekly methotrexate injections this Friday, ... I have to take it for autoimmune issues- my hair is going to fall out. I am utterly broken over this and continued health issues. It's like WTF, I can't get a friggin break. I believe it is affecting my play.

I never had methotrexate, the stuff they gave me had about 20 more syllables and I never could figure out how to pronounce it, but yeah, the hair falling out thing is massively depressing. I'd wash mine and the rinsing would knock gobs of it out by the roots.
Wolf, you suck this game. I'm not the Vampire. I'm not Scum.

vote: FA_Q2

Seriously, maybe due to issues I am dealing with right now, this post comes off as over the top. I have been an emotional wreck due to r/l issues, my emotions are up and down and I know if this post had been directed at me I probably would have quit the game. I have already discussed with Aye about possibly replacing out and Aye said she would put me on V/LA for a few days if I needed a break.

Hell, I felt bad about the stupid hex I got, and having to insult people. I think we can get by in this game without making things personal. I would hope we can. Or maybe I am just supersensitive right now. I'll shut up now.

She's just not playing well at all. To me Wolf looks like she's trying way too hard to mimic her Town game. And it's not personal. I'm sure she's Scum.

And yes, you are being overly sensitive. Quite a few people are, not just here but many of those that post in other parts of the site as well. Maybe the membership has negative politics burnout or something. Been a tough year.

No, She's not being overly sensitive. You keep insulting me and I'm getting sick of it now. If you don't stop, I'm going to ask Aye to put a stop to it.

You have no case on me because you can't fabricate a scumread on a townie and it must be terribly frustrating for you.

Too bad. If you are going to be disrespectful, don't expect me to treat you any better. If you are town, you have screwed town by being this divisive.

Bite me.

Exactly what "insulting" have I done? I said you suck this game, which is true, not an insult. You're pulling reads out of your butt, "seeing" things that do not exist. You're trying to convince us that we're Scum and you're Town.

You are not playing normally. This is your Scum game. You don't play Scum well.

Grandma I've had it with this. I happened to win my last two scum games at MS. You behavior is absolutely lousy for continuing to insult me over and over. This is not my scum game. I am town this game. The fact that you've been insulting me since I voted for you tells me you are now you are trying to piss me off on purpose. Especially since you've done it repeatedly even after myself and Cafe called you out on it. I believe you are doing it to antagonize me as scum so I throw a fit and more people scum read me as being too dramatic. If you are town you are being disgusting and causing all kinds of problems which prevents people from being able to play and scumhunt which is why you are very likely scum this game.

I will be voteparked on you as long as it takes. You are scum and you need to die.
Wolf, you suck this game. I'm not the Vampire. I'm not Scum.

vote: FA_Q2

Yeah, Wolf, your gameplay sucks to high heaven. You're literally pulling "tells" out of your ass. As is Wake.

I especially like how you spent much of Day 1 raising hell with me because I downplayed the Vampire's importance, now you claim I was rolefishing.

Ladies and gentlemen, your Scum team is Wolfsister/Wake. Please sheep me now.

Vote: Wolfsister

Wolf, you suck this game. I'm not the Vampire. I'm not Scum.

vote: FA_Q2

Seriously, maybe due to issues I am dealing with right now, this post comes off as over the top. I have been an emotional wreck due to r/l issues, my emotions are up and down and I know if this post had been directed at me I probably would have quit the game. I have already discussed with Aye about possibly replacing out and Aye said she would put me on V/LA for a few days if I needed a break.

Hell, I felt bad about the stupid hex I got, and having to insult people. I think we can get by in this game without making things personal. I would hope we can. Or maybe I am just supersensitive right now. I'll shut up now.

She's just not playing well at all. To me Wolf looks like she's trying way too hard to mimic her Town game. And it's not personal. I'm sure she's Scum.

And yes, you are being overly sensitive. Quite a few people are, not just here but many of those that post in other parts of the site as well. Maybe the membership has negative politics burnout or something. Been a tough year.

Wolf, you suck this game. I'm not the Vampire. I'm not Scum.

vote: FA_Q2

Seriously, maybe due to issues I am dealing with right now, this post comes off as over the top. I have been an emotional wreck due to r/l issues, my emotions are up and down and I know if this post had been directed at me I probably would have quit the game. I have already discussed with Aye about possibly replacing out and Aye said she would put me on V/LA for a few days if I needed a break.

Hell, I felt bad about the stupid hex I got, and having to insult people. I think we can get by in this game without making things personal. I would hope we can. Or maybe I am just supersensitive right now. I'll shut up now.

She's just not playing well at all. To me Wolf looks like she's trying way too hard to mimic her Town game. And it's not personal. I'm sure she's Scum.

And yes, you are being overly sensitive. Quite a few people are, not just here but many of those that post in other parts of the site as well. Maybe the membership has negative politics burnout or something. Been a tough year.

No, She's not being overly sensitive. You keep insulting me and I'm getting sick of it now. If you don't stop, I'm going to ask Aye to put a stop to it.

You have no case on me because you can't fabricate a scumread on a townie and it must be terribly frustrating for you.

Too bad. If you are going to be disrespectful, don't expect me to treat you any better. If you are town, you have screwed town by being this divisive.

Bite me.

Exactly what "insulting" have I done? I said you suck this game, which is true, not an insult. You're pulling reads out of your butt, "seeing" things that do not exist. You're trying to convince us that we're Scum and you're Town.

You are not playing normally. This is your Scum game. You don't play Scum well.

This is not acceptable to me (bolded) and it's BS. I guess you can use RL to say your game is off but I'm not playing to your specific standards and you are going to repeatedly throw these insults at me?

I would like you to stop. If you can't play scum without being nasty that's not my problem. It's yours.

Stop it now. How do you think new players are going to look at this? Do you think they will want to join up? How are you going to get 40 people for your next game when you can barely get 10?

Knock it off Grandma. Seriously. I've had it with this garbage. It ruins the game for me and ruins the atmosphere for everyone else.
I'm not happy about being accused of insulting someone that I'm genuinely sure is Scum. It's pissing me off.

But hey, getting pissed off happens in this game.

So does pretending to be pissed off to try and make me look like Scum.
For example, Wake said the board was glitching when he saw Scarlet's posts.
As long as he's been playing he should be able to spot a post restriction immediately.

Frankly, I've experienced various glitches and problems with the new software, mainly while modding Mafia games. When Scarlet was copying everyone's posts, I was confused, and figured it was a glitch. There was no way for me to expect there were post restrictions, because I was basing my gameplay assumptions on the Setup posted in the OP, and only when I was PM'd my ability during Day 1 did I see the possibility of there being post restrictions. In fact, it was only then that I read backwards and noticed that more than 2 players were dealing with Halloween mischief during Day 1. My friend, that is not Scummy. That is being an easily-confused, fallible human being.
No, that might not have been scummy but many of your other vapid posts have been. Then, the claim that you made was clearly, IMHO, anti town and VERY self serving. Further, a detailed town post like you just put up (after you are being called out) that only expounds ONE read is not going to convince me. That was a good post, a lot of good thought in it and very town.

Unfortunately, it is VERY narrow. I don't think it is enough. Give us your reads on the rest of us.

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