Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

CafeAuLait is on V/LA.

ScarletRage is on V/LA until 11/10.

For trying to expose our town to compromise and
exposing his true nature in the act when opposed..

You just voted for a dead townie.
Well then that won't work...I am behind the storm knocked out service...and I am working on a new home buy so I will be in and out working on that for the next week and then moving(blah)..
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I think, whether you are Scum or not, it's best to treat each other with respect.

On a side note, trying to start a 40-player game here, while very ambitious and cool, is nearly impossible. It only happened once on the main site, and everyone was a 1-Shot Day Vig. :p It'd be a nightmare trying to find replacements. 20 is far more possible, especially if you want me to go russle up some veterans. :D
Dang, I'm sorry to hear that Cafe. Take a break, rest up, and hang in there! :)
Wolfie, Grandma, I feel that both of you have very strong and admirable personalities.

And I have the feeling that neither of you want to lose.

If each of you personally know you're Town, then chances are Scum is doing everything in the background to push your buttons. If they so much as smell the blood of contention in the water, they're not going to play peacemaker. They're either going to stir it up or let it simmer. By fighting each other Scum is left in the murky, watery background, like a crocodile, waiting patiently and grinning from ear to ear.

No, that might not have been scummy but many of your other vapid posts have been. Then, the claim that you made was clearly, IMHO, anti town and VERY self serving. Further, a detailed town post like you just put up (after you are being called out) that only expounds ONE read is not going to convince me. That was a good post, a lot of good thought in it and very town.

Unfortunately, it is VERY narrow. I don't think it is enough. Give us your reads on the rest of us.

I confess I have been extremely busy. Yesterday was my first day off in 45 days, and it was wonderful. As for my claim, it's not Scummy in the slightest, because it's real, and I shared it with everyone because, as Town, I don't want a Town PR to unknowingly die from it.Aye mentioned that players were given roles at random, and that some of them lasted until Day 1 and some of them lasted beyond that. If I were self-serving, I'd say nothing. And it would suck if, after getting hammered, a Town PR died ecause of it, too.

I would like to make more of those thorough posts. I got a pot o' coffee with 10 cups and 6 scoops of caffeinated coffee in it. It's likely that I'll be able to squeeze one or two more quality reads out. They require a lot of time and energy, and I have to comb through all the pages one post at a time. Shaitra didn't say or post much in the game so far, so other reads posts are going to take a lot more time and energy.
I'm not seeing Wake not knowing about SR's post restriction as scummy because I wasn't aware of her or Cafe's right away. It was confusing at first. I've already said why I don't think Wake's ability and the way he revealed it to be scummy. If he was scum, the better move would of been to let a townie die hammering him.

In before 2 or 3 people accuse Wake and I of being the scumteam from the above post. :rolleyes:
And now I'm being called scummy for trying to get someone lynched who was lying and trying to out our PR and frankly, that sucks. Wake and I both handled that the way townies are supposed to handle it. And sorry Wake, no offense, but I'm being linked to you as scum because of that and because of the fight House and I had and the way you tried to mediate. It wasn't a fucking show. You guys have played with me long enough to know how I react to stuff like that. House called me an idiot, said I had my head up Avi's ass, called me his scumbuddy, and tried to replace and I get blamed and called scum because of MY reaction to it. That's BS.

WTF are you doing anyway trying to use associative tells between Wake and myself to call us the scumteam in this game?

There are 4 possibilities here: 1) We are the scumteam and we are playing really super obvious 2) We are both town 3) He's scum-buddying me 4) I'm scum buddying-him

Which is most likely without a flip of myself or Wake? Can you tell? No? Well, then why link us like that? Not only does it keep you from finding real scum but it is just making up stories and is worthless as analysis. Instead you should be looking for your most suspicious person, lynching them, if they flip scum, look for their interactions with every single person in the game to find their buddy. How would scum interact with their buddy in the game? Realistically? If you really think it's like Wake and myself have been, then I don't know what to tell you.


I have problems with the bolded. I disagree that there is any specific way that things should be handled.

OK, So what is your opinion of how I handled it? Forget Wake. Just look at how I handled it. I'm being told it is scummy but not why it is scummy. Arden wasn't town. She was trying to out the PR. There was a cc. How would you have handled it? Why do you have a problem with what I said about it?

IMO you are passing judgement on how townies are supposed to act. That's why I said I disagree that there is any specific way to handle things. I was trying to be diplomatic in my phrasing and not accusing you of passing judgement.
Hey Moonglow, who's pinging your Scumdar?


By playing the game, you should put on your detective hat and share your opinion on who's currently suspicious and who isn't. Give us a reads list. Make a case on somebody. Ask some gameplay-related questions of the person you find most suspicious at this very moment.

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