Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)



16's null. I will say 57 feels rather opportunistic, because for some time Moonglow's been exceptional death-bait. That in itself is innocuous, as well as her 113, 115, 118, and 121. Cafe's 129 I like, because it's thoughtful. 130 isn't doing much. I like 134, but since it's like one morsel of breaded shrimp, it leaves me unsatiated. Looks like in 135 Cafe was responding to the effects of Arden's post restriction. In itself, that's null. Her 191 and 192 are fine. I do want answers for 193. The same goes for 194.

Cafe's 195 tells me she's playing and has an interest in finding out who the Scum are. I would like to see how her reads have evolved since then. That latest post feels Townish to me, if only a little. I'm reading 200 as Newb-Town. 234 feels a bit confusing, as if she's a bit confused about how the 3rd-party SK fits into this game. There's the possibility that the SK could out itself and be "leashed," making it sort of like a temporary Town Vigilante (238). I'm sort of reading her 244 as Town; the SK being alive would be dangerous for both Town and Mafia.

260 is banal; does not move me either way. Her 264 does feel as if there's Townish intent behind it. Nothing suspicious really turned up in 266, though I do wonder a little why she feels the need to be quiet. It's not necessarily a bad thing to overthink. I do it all the time as a consequence of my ADD. I do agree with Cafe in 314 that having the SK claim and be healed and protected would be worth it, in that it would reduce us to having to deal with only one NK per Night. If that was not optimal play—and it would seem the Serial Killer disagreed—I am open to hear the logic on why, please.


Paranoia and a desire for answers in 315 looks good to me. Same with 318: I see nothing wrong with it at all. At this point I still haven't found anything that screams being suspicious which, in itself, feels suspicious to me. Usually Scum attempt to make less mistakes than Townies because they have far more reason to strive towards self-preservation. 328 is informative yet null. I like 353. On first glance I didn't like 396, because it utilizes the same wifom that she noted with Wolfie. Should I read that as hypocrisy and/or inconsistency? Cafe, please explain.

On the main site I've received conflicting opinions on whether or not it's best for Town to crumb or not. One prominent member said that, as Town, you shouldn't crumb (405). Personally I disagree if and only if you are a Cop with at least 2 or 3 results. That's a whole debate and frankly I don't know for certain what the optimal play there is. Then again, if the SK or Vamp did crumb, Scum could find the crumbs and utilize them to their advantage. 407 feels Townish. On an unrelated note, Avatar feels rather pensive this game. The paranoia in 421 is certainly Townish. 426 is both helpful and good content. 447 sounds good. Maybe too good. Hrm...

To be clear, you were saying Moonglow was scumreading Wolfie and Arden (449)? I see Cafe working with people in 450. ScarletRage , Grandma , Wolfsister77 , everyone, should I be worried about Cafe so far? So far I'm reading her as Town, and so far I haven't noted much if anything that's suspicious. I don't want my paranoia to make me mess up: I need your honest input here, please. 529, 530, 532, 533, 538 aren't putting an itch in my britches. You do not want me to descend upon you with all the wrath of one thousand demons Hi, please don't do that. It's only helping Scum, Cafe. 539 promises a return to the game, I hope. 543: Eh. Regarding 545 that bit between 529 and 538 did not help. However, it's not that big of a deal. Some fluff is fine, else' the game would be boring as Hell, amirite?

Since the Serial Killer is dead, I too would like to know where the SK crumb was, according to Wolfie (549). I only got one M&M for Halloween (550). My sugar tooth was disheartened. :p With 553, House seemingly flipped Town. With that in mind, where do you stand now in regards to that post?

So far I'm reading Cafe as Town, but not Solid Town. Much of what she's said up to 553 has been Townish, besides the fluff, and I haven't found anything really suspicious about her posts up to that point. If you, however, have, please point it out for the rest of us.


Welp, two hours just flew by. I am tired, and laptop feels like it's on fire. Please don't make me feel unappreciated, guys. :p

If anyone takes issue with this read or has a varying read on Cafe please speak up. I want to compare notes with the rest of the Town.
Wake-You keep posting like that and I won't want to vote you any more. But it's going to take you forever to read us all that way. :biggrin:

Cafe was null, leaning-town for me.
Odd. They all work for me. :/

I do 30 posts per page.

Hopefully that can be fixed.
Wake they just lead me to different places when I click on them. I think it was what FA said that I have my posts per page set up different than you. It isn't that tough to go find them though.
Wake's claim of being a super saint bugs me. This is supposed to be an open setup, ie, we know what roles are in play. I've re-read the opening posts from Aye and I don't see anything about there being abilities in this game. At the time Wake made his claim, people were calling him scummy. To me it seems very suspicious.
Wake's claim of being a super saint bugs me. This is supposed to be an open setup, ie, we know what roles are in play. I've re-read the opening posts from Aye and I don't see anything about there being abilities in this game. At the time Wake made his claim, people were calling him scummy. To me it seems very suspicious.
AFAIK, no one actually got abilities as well...

Me, Cafe and SR were all cursed. That is not the equivalent of doling out abilities...

That is what seems so damn fishy to me as well as the fact that claiming that particular ability is not helpful to town.
Odd. They all work for me. :/

I do 30 posts per page.

Hopefully that can be fixed.
AFAIK, the only way to fix it is for you to change your posts per page to the default (10) or the person clicking on your links to change theirs to 30.

Of course, we could simply go to the posts in question. That is the simplest way of dealing with it. I wouldn't bother placing links in your posts anymore though Wake. It is rather pointless if you are on a format that is not default as there are going to be very few with 30 per page setups.
It would be not helpful to Town if I stayed silent and the ability killed a Town PR. I don't want that to happen, which is why I gave the heds-up.
Wake-You were nowhere near being hammered. It seemed like self-preservation and way too unbalanced a power to have. Did it only last D1?

No, I still have the ability.

There was the risk of being hammered at L-1 before claiming, which could have resulted in a Town PR dying.

If I were Scum, why would I even say anything???
Wake-You were nowhere near being hammered. It seemed like self-preservation and way too unbalanced a power to have. Did it only last D1?

No, I still have the ability.

There was the risk of being hammered at L-1 before claiming, which could have resulted in a Town PR dying.

If I were Scum, why would I even say anything???

That's crap Wake cuz you can never be lynched without whoever hammered you dying. Am I right about that?

Please elaborate. Is that how it works? Anyone who hammers you dies no matter what, not restricted to D1?
If I get hammered, the person who hammered me dies with me.

That is a Super Saint.

I made this known because keeping it secret would only benefit Scum.
If I do get mislynched, I'm asking that the hammerer is a VT for the sake of the Town. I'm pretty sure Scum's not going to dare hammer me. Although, them knowing this, I can see them being on the earlier part of the wagon... I've never been a Super Saint before.

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