Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

I can't sleep and I came here to read and take my mind off tomorrow or today as it is for some. I will still be on limited posting, most likely won't be on tomorrow/today at all- depending on how things go. Anyway while reading the last few pages something jumped out at me and I am going to comment on a few posts and the ones that raised a HUGE red flag for me and try to go sleep again.
Maybe I am being too sensitive, I probably am. I start weekly methotrexate injections this Friday, ... I have to take it for autoimmune issues- my hair is going to fall out. I am utterly broken over this and continued health issues. It's like WTF, I can't get a friggin break. I believe it is affecting my play.

I never had methotrexate, the stuff they gave me had about 20 more syllables and I never could figure out how to pronounce it, but yeah, the hair falling out thing is massively depressing. I'd wash mine and the rinsing would knock gobs of it out by the roots.

Gah, Grandma, not sure if I needed the visual, sorry to hear you went through the same sort of thing. ((Hug))
For trying to expose our town to compromise and
exposing his true nature in the act when opposed..

Did anyone find out what Ardens role was?

I had the feeling from his first post that Arden was an aggressive position...that works out well for our town...

Well then that won't work...I am behind the storm knocked out service...and I am working on a new home buy so I will be in and out working on that for the next week and then moving(blah)..


These posts really bother me. I know you said you are closing on a house, you also said that the start of the game and then electrical issues here. I get personal issues, I really do. The fact you have them is fine, the fact you don’t have time is fine- and I am going to tread carefully here, because I have come off in past games as being uncaring or calling people liars about personal issues- when it was not my intent-EVER.

If you don’t have time for the game that is fine, I get life, we all do, and it really can put many restrictions on us. You can say, “Hey, I’ll catch up later, when I can! BBL” or some such thing. Or even go on V/LA.

BUT throwing up a vote for House and then asking, "did we find out what Arden was" in the next post, almost as if it was an afterthought- is bothersome. I’ll tell you why. Quite frankly when I just saw it, I thought you were scum not paying attention, now I think it may be something else more nefarious.

Which brings me to my second point.

Like I said, I thought scum not paying attention. But, then I thought WHY, why would scum be so stupid to throw up a fake or ridiculous vote. They wouldn’t, right? There is no way in hell scum would draw that much attention to themselves. Then, I thought about it some more. Could it be you wanted to pretend you did not know House had been NKed, thereby possibly distancing yourself from scum? And putting up a vote which made little sense? Nah, no way, right?

I have a few questions too: You said you voted for House:

For trying to expose our town to compromise and exposing his true nature in the act when opposed.”

How was House trying to expose us to compromise? Why not vote House when he was, “…trying to expose our town to compromise exposing his true nature” days ago?

Secondly, Post 1027(which comes off as an afterthought) you say :

"I had the feeling from his first post that Arden was an aggressive position...that works out well for our town..."

Arden’s first and only true content post IIRC was a RVS vote for Wolfsister saying her PM said so. It sounded silly, especially given it was RVS. I did not get "aggressive" from that post at all. Later though, when she tried to screw us over by thinking she was outing our Joat, yeah, aggressive.

None of those questions may matter though, this one is the most important:

Thirdly, and most importantly: YOU KNEW we had started the night phase since we lynched Arden, which is evident by your post asking "if we found out what Arden was". So YOU KNEW Night 1 had arrived and this is when scum kill and we started a NEW DAY.

(Your last post in this game before your vote for House here on Day 2- was post 934- right before Day 1 ended and night started).

You did not check to see if you were still alive with the start of a new day before you voted for House? That is the first thing I do, when I come back to the game after night falls, check to see if I am alive and to see who scum NKed.

Why wouldn’t you have checked to see if you were still alive given we started a new day? Which would have shown you House was dead? Or did you not have to Moon?

I have one more observation to make after you answer these questions.

Am I reading too much into this?


16's null. I will say 57 feels rather opportunistic, because for some time Moonglow's been exceptional death-bait. That in itself is innocuous, as well as her 113, 115, 118, and 121. Cafe's 129 I like, because it's thoughtful. 130 isn't doing much. I like 134, but since it's like one morsel of breaded shrimp, it leaves me unsatiated. Looks like in 135 Cafe was responding to the effects of Arden's post restriction. In itself, that's null. Her 191 and 192 are fine. I do want answers for 193. The same goes for 194.

Cafe's 195 tells me she's playing and has an interest in finding out who the Scum are. I would like to see how her reads have evolved since then. That latest post feels Townish to me, if only a little. I'm reading 200 as Newb-Town. 234 feels a bit confusing, as if she's a bit confused about how the 3rd-party SK fits into this game. There's the possibility that the SK could out itself and be "leashed," making it sort of like a temporary Town Vigilante (238). I'm sort of reading her 244 as Town; the SK being alive would be dangerous for both Town and Mafia.

260 is banal; does not move me either way. Her 264 does feel as if there's Townish intent behind it. Nothing suspicious really turned up in 266, though I do wonder a little why she feels the need to be quiet. It's not necessarily a bad thing to overthink. I do it all the time as a consequence of my ADD. I do agree with Cafe in 314 that having the SK claim and be healed and protected would be worth it, in that it would reduce us to having to deal with only one NK per Night. If that was not optimal play—and it would seem the Serial Killer disagreed—I am open to hear the logic on why, please.


Paranoia and a desire for answers in 315 looks good to me. Same with 318: I see nothing wrong with it at all. At this point I still haven't found anything that screams being suspicious which, in itself, feels suspicious to me. Usually Scum attempt to make less mistakes than Townies because they have far more reason to strive towards self-preservation. 328 is informative yet null. I like 353. On first glance I didn't like 396, because it utilizes the same wifom that she noted with Wolfie. Should I read that as hypocrisy and/or inconsistency? Cafe, please explain.

On the main site I've received conflicting opinions on whether or not it's best for Town to crumb or not. One prominent member said that, as Town, you shouldn't crumb (405). Personally I disagree if and only if you are a Cop with at least 2 or 3 results. That's a whole debate and frankly I don't know for certain what the optimal play there is. Then again, if the SK or Vamp did crumb, Scum could find the crumbs and utilize them to their advantage. 407 feels Townish. On an unrelated note, Avatar feels rather pensive this game. The paranoia in 421 is certainly Townish. 426 is both helpful and good content. 447 sounds good. Maybe too good. Hrm...

To be clear, you were saying Moonglow was scumreading Wolfie and Arden (449)? I see Cafe working with people in 450. ScarletRage , Grandma , Wolfsister77 , everyone, should I be worried about Cafe so far? So far I'm reading her as Town, and so far I haven't noted much if anything that's suspicious. I don't want my paranoia to make me mess up: I need your honest input here, please. 529, 530, 532, 533, 538 aren't putting an itch in my britches. You do not want me to descend upon you with all the wrath of one thousand demons Hi, please don't do that. It's only helping Scum, Cafe. 539 promises a return to the game, I hope. 543: Eh. Regarding 545 that bit between 529 and 538 did not help. However, it's not that big of a deal. Some fluff is fine, else' the game would be boring as Hell, amirite?

Since the Serial Killer is dead, I too would like to know where the SK crumb was, according to Wolfie (549). I only got one M&M for Halloween (550). My sugar tooth was disheartened. :p With 553, House seemingly flipped Town. With that in mind, where do you stand now in regards to that post?

So far I'm reading Cafe as Town, but not Solid Town. Much of what she's said up to 553 has been Townish, besides the fluff, and I haven't found anything really suspicious about her posts up to that point. If you, however, have, please point it out for the rest of us.


Welp, two hours just flew by. I am tired, and laptop feels like it's on fire. Please don't make me feel unappreciated, guys. :p

If anyone takes issue with this read or has a varying read on Cafe please speak up. I want to compare notes with the rest of the Town.


I will get to your questions probably Saturday maybe tomorrow night depending on how things go with my treatment tomorrow, the links are not working and it is going to take me awhile to find what you are referencing given I will have to look up each number individually. Just an FYI I am not ignoring you.
Wake's claim of being a super saint bugs me. This is supposed to be an open setup, ie, we know what roles are in play. I've re-read the opening posts from Aye and I don't see anything about there being abilities in this game. At the time Wake made his claim, people were calling him scummy. To me it seems very suspicious.

(Emphasis added)

What got me was the timing of the claim too and the power it wields however, abilities were passed out.

Additional Abilities have been sent by PM to each player. Some are only for the remainder of the Game Day; others are for the remainder of the game.

And then there was a second post by Aye;

The Gremlins were cut loose with the extra abilities I added in today.
I don't consider being told to post pictures or curse at people an ability though. Not like being a super saint. It is very unbalanced compared to the "abilities" everyone else got.
Shaitra-We are in a bind no matter what regarding Wake. If he's lying scum, we can't prove it without risking the life of a townie. What if Wake turns out to be town telling the truth? That's two dead townies. We need to come to a consensus on a lynch before deadline because Wake isn't going to be it. I doubt scum will kill him either so if he's scum, I guess he wins. So who else besides Wake do you guys think could be scum and secondly who is a good lynch candidate? Another flip would also be helpful but two dead townies would not.

Alternatively, if it becomes obvious at some point that Wake is lying, we lynch him then. I'll hammer.

Regarding abilities-what makes you think others didn't get abilities and just feel like there is no benefit to town to out them now? I mean, besides Wake, and all the cursed people, has everyone spoken up about it? Have you thought that there might be a reason why?
If someone else has a case on anyone outside of this group, I'll be willing to sheep: Cafe, Wake, Avi, SR.

I'd rather not lynch those 4 D2.

Everyone else, I'd be willing to listen. Speak up.
Two requirements for me to sheep:

-Not in the ones I don't want to lynch

-A good case is made

Any of the others are either scummy enough to lynch and/or who's flips would be useful.

That's why. I'm hoping to get others to talk more also.
Vengeful (role)

Vengeful (role)
  • Vengeful Townie
  • Hunter
Role type:
  • Killing
  • Passive
Vengeful (role)
  • Super Saint
Role type:
  • Killing
  • Passive
A Vengeful player is a one that, when lynched, is awarded the ability to kill any other player as they die.

Vengeful roles are much more commonly Town than Mafia, as Vengeful Mafia roles essentially punish the Town for lynching them.

A Super Saint is a Vengeful Townie who only kills the person who placed the hammer vote (they do not get to choose). The Super Saint is notably featured in the mafia variant SS3.

Some moderators interchange the names Vengeful and Bomb.

In Vengeful Mafia games, the Vengeful Townie may only kill if the game is in a LyLo state. However, this is not done in any other setup.

Some versions of Vengeful are allowed to kill a player upon death regardless of whether they are lynched or killed by another means.

In Non-Normal games, Vengeful may be used as a role modifier. For example, a Vengeful Cop would get a result when they are lynched. From this point of view, the regular Vengeful Townie is essentially a Vengeful Vigilante.

Use and Power
A Vengeful Townie is in effect a bonus kill for its faction, pending the player's lynch. This is the best case - there is theoretically a less-than-50% chance that the Vengeful player will not be lynched, and the role will do nothing. Thus, it is notably low-power.

A Vengeful scum role gives the scum a free kill. The scum will tend to engineer a bus on a Vengeful scum role specifically to get this kill out.

Play Advice
Claiming Vengeful Townie is not advised (unless your actual role is Vengeful and Mafia-aligned). The effect of giving its faction a bonus kill is useless unless you yourself are worth lynching - otherwise it's obviously more profitable to lynch the player you would Vengefully kill while leaving you alive. Thus, Vengeful claims under duress are seen as grounds for a policy lynch.

If you are still unclaimed at three-player LyLo, consider deliberately getting lynched and using your vengekill on the hapless quickhammering scum.

this game has bee a tough day two for me. I'm sick so I'm not my focused self. Not to mention I have two games over the mafia sitr, job hunting, and a buch of crap on my plate.

I'll try to get some time to focus this weekend. Sorry guys

Wake (2)
: CafeAuLait, ScarletRage
CafeAuLait (1): Avatar 4321
Moonglow (1): Grandma

Not Voting: Shaitra, Moonglow,Wake, FA_Q2, Wolfsister77

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch!
Deadline is 11/11/14, @ 8PM central.

ScarletRage - V/LA from 11/5 to 11/10
CafeAuLait - V/LA

“Those who jump to conclusions may go wrong.”

Sophocles, Oedipus Rex

Vote Counts
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

#tipsy Wolfie posted a post in game 7 that was supposed to go here. I'm easily confused. :biggrin:

I hope all of you that are not feeling well and going through some tough times in RL feel better soon and things get better for you. Hugs to all of you.

Also, this game has stalled out and needs a kick in the ass so I'm sheeping.

Vote: Moonglow

Also, enjoy this photo of a wolf with some fruit. It's in both games now for double the enjoyment. :night:


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