Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

If two people are going to come in here today and throw votes on me, I'd appreciate the common courtesy of a reason. Last I heard from you Avi, you were leaning town on me. And SR, last I heard from you, you wanted to lynch Wake and Grandma.

It's bad enough most people aren't playing this game in any way for me to get a read on them but it's even worse when you people are going to throw votes at me in a way I can't defend myself from.

OK fine, this might kick some juice into the game.

My ability is called a Disguiser: Each night I can visit one person and if they are NK'd, I assume their role. This means if the JoaT dies, and I visited the JoaT, I can take over that role. I visited House N1 thanks to his gambit.

Now discuss.....................................

then you started sheeping people for no reason. Stating you didn't care who was lynched other than a certain few. Then you omgus when scarlet voted you.

so why is suspecting you unreasonable?

You do realize you are voting one of your only townreads this game for things that others are doing right? Did you notice Grandma sheeping on Moonglow or FA sheeping all game? What about SR naked voting people and listing who she wants to lynch? Did you ask me why I voted for Moonglow or SR?

This is what pisses me off so much and makes me not want to play these games. I get judged for a double standard and I am just so damn sick of it. I could list off a bunch of examples for just this game but what is the point?

That plus the fact that I've been insulted several times this game and most of the players either are barely posting or not posting anything that could be considered content when they do, I'm pretty much done.
Grandma, which three are your top Scumreads and which one would you lynch today?

My top two are Wolf and Moonglow. I just took my vote off Wolf because her wagon wasn't going anywhere and put it on Moonglow.

Can't figure out the third yet. You're in the running.

This post makes no sense. I'm a top scum pick of yours, I have two votes, and you say my wagon doesn't have momentum but you are going to vote for Moonglow who has no votes but yours? You do realize the deadline is on Tues right? You do realize that voting for your scum pick with the most votes makes a hell of a lot more sense than voting for the one that has no votes right?
You do realize you are voting one of your only townreads this game for things that others are doing right? Did you notice Grandma sheeping on Moonglow or FA sheeping all game? What about SR naked voting people and listing who she wants to lynch? Did you ask me why I voted for Moonglow or SR?

This is what pisses me off so much and makes me not want to play these games. I get judged for a double standard and I am just so damn sick of it. I could list off a bunch of examples for just this game but what is the point?

That plus the fact that I've been insulted several times this game and most of the players either are barely posting or not posting anything that could be considered content when they do, I'm pretty much done.

I'm just asking - do you seriously want to be voted off today?

I'm asking because if you're Town, that's not a good idea, and regardless of alignment the 48-hour Night (once we get to it) can give you enough of a rest to come back on Day 3 feeling better.

I just want to be sure what's up here.
FA_Q2 Wake Moonglow Shaitra

Are any of you planning on voting for anyone?


My plan is to stay voteparked on SR and lurk the rest of the game. Fun times. :biggrin:
My top two are Wolf and Moonglow. I just took my vote off Wolf because her wagon wasn't going anywhere and put it on Moonglow.

Can't figure out the third yet. You're in the running.

This post makes no sense. I'm a top scum pick of yours, I have two votes, and you say my wagon doesn't have momentum but you are going to vote for Moonglow who has no votes but yours? You do realize the deadline is on Tues right? You do realize that voting for your scum pick with the most votes makes a hell of a lot more sense than voting for the one that has no votes right?

"I just took my vote off Wolf because her wagon wasn't going anywhere and put it on Moonglow."

Those 2 players voted for you after I moved my vote.
You do realize you are voting one of your only townreads this game for things that others are doing right? Did you notice Grandma sheeping on Moonglow or FA sheeping all game? What about SR naked voting people and listing who she wants to lynch? Did you ask me why I voted for Moonglow or SR?

This is what pisses me off so much and makes me not want to play these games. I get judged for a double standard and I am just so damn sick of it. I could list off a bunch of examples for just this game but what is the point?

That plus the fact that I've been insulted several times this game and most of the players either are barely posting or not posting anything that could be considered content when they do, I'm pretty much done.

I'm just asking - do you seriously want to be voted off today?

I'm asking because if you're Town, that's not a good idea, and regardless of alignment the 48-hour Night (once we get to it) can give you enough of a rest to come back on Day 3 feeling better.

I just want to be sure what's up here.

Nah Grandma, you can just shoot me over night instead. Or have SR do it.
If two people are going to come in here today and throw votes on me, I'd appreciate the common courtesy of a reason. Last I heard from you Avi, you were leaning town on me. And SR, last I heard from you, you wanted to lynch Wake and Grandma.

It's bad enough most people aren't playing this game in any way for me to get a read on them but it's even worse when you people are going to throw votes at me in a way I can't defend myself from.

OK fine, this might kick some juice into the game.

My ability is called a Disguiser: Each night I can visit one person and if they are NK'd, I assume their role. This means if the JoaT dies, and I visited the JoaT, I can take over that role. I visited House N1 thanks to his gambit.

Now discuss.....................................

then you started sheeping people for no reason. Stating you didn't care who was lynched other than a certain few. Then you omgus when scarlet voted you.

so why is suspecting you unreasonable?

It isn't. You should totally lynch me today. I've already accepted it.

If you read my earlier post, I already said I am beyond frustrated with this game for a variety of reasons.

So I really don't care any more.
this is the SECOND time that you have imploded for no reason at all. This type of game-play is not only annoying as hell but makes playing with you a CHORE rather than enjoyable. Your comments surrounding Wake have made the 2 of you look like a scum team - defending him without cause or reasoning but not doing so concerning anyone else. Why just Wake? You claim when there was absolutely no reason to claim another thing that makes you look like scum.

You then whine about me only sheeping (when I have not done so all game) while the only thing you manage to do at all is OMGUS, ever. I am not sure I have seen you cast even a dozen votes that were not OMGUS through all your games here.

Vote: Wolfster

You want to self destruct, so be it. It is bad for town and, more importantly, bad for the game in general for you to act in that manner and I don't have the patience to deal with you and that attitude.

At the very least, your flip gives us information. Scum - Wake is likely your partner. Town, then Wake is also likely town (confirms the town powers) and I would be highly suspect of grandma and SR.
I really love waking up in the morning and seeing these wonderful posts. You say unkind shit to me every game FA either here in the thread or in your QT to others and I've thought you were a jerk ever since game 3 but I've been putting it aside for the sake of peace and the game.

Your biggest reason for voting for me is because I criticized your play and because you don't like me or mine. I highly doubt you actually think I'm scum. Nope, I didn't lie about my ability or the fact that I'm town. And nope, you haven't done much at all this game FA and I'm sorry you can't handle the truth. There isn't a damn thing you are going to find out from my flip that is going to tell you anything about anyone else and you are very well aware of that because you are either scum yourself or you are an anti-town player who wants to kill someone because they don't like them and risk town's wincon as well.

One more vote and I'll self-hammer. I'm truly am done. No one wants to come into a thread and see someone rip them apart.
If two people are going to come in here today and throw votes on me, I'd appreciate the common courtesy of a reason. Last I heard from you Avi, you were leaning town on me. And SR, last I heard from you, you wanted to lynch Wake and Grandma.

It's bad enough most people aren't playing this game in any way for me to get a read on them but it's even worse when you people are going to throw votes at me in a way I can't defend myself from.

OK fine, this might kick some juice into the game.

My ability is called a Disguiser: Each night I can visit one person and if they are NK'd, I assume their role. This means if the JoaT dies, and I visited the JoaT, I can take over that role. I visited House N1 thanks to his gambit.

Now discuss.....................................

then you started sheeping people for no reason. Stating you didn't care who was lynched other than a certain few. Then you omgus when scarlet voted you.

so why is suspecting you unreasonable?

It isn't. You should totally lynch me today. I've already accepted it.

If you read my earlier post, I already said I am beyond frustrated with this game for a variety of reasons.

So I really don't care any more.
this is the SECOND time that you have imploded for no reason at all. This type of game-play is not only annoying as hell but makes playing with you a CHORE rather than enjoyable. Your comments surrounding Wake have made the 2 of you look like a scum team - defending him without cause or reasoning but not doing so concerning anyone else. Why just Wake? You claim when there was absolutely no reason to claim another thing that makes you look like scum.

You then whine about me only sheeping (when I have not done so all game) while the only thing you manage to do at all is OMGUS, ever. I am not sure I have seen you cast even a dozen votes that were not OMGUS through all your games here.

Vote: Wolfster

You want to self destruct, so be it. It is bad for town and, more importantly, bad for the game in general for you to act in that manner and I don't have the patience to deal with you and that attitude.

At the very least, your flip gives us information. Scum - Wake is likely your partner. Town, then Wake is also likely town (confirms the town powers) and I would be highly suspect of grandma and SR.

This whole post is not one thing that is lynch worthy. Not one. You are outright lying because I've voted for a lot of people in these games for various reasons. Did you ask me why I voted for SR? It wasn't OMGUS and I don't just OMGUS people but I do play the game which you barely do except to throw down votes like this for mostly personal reasons which just shows what kind of person you are.

You find me annoying. Too bad. I don't like you either. But it isn't lynch worthy and you know it. You are being a reactionary, nasty, jerk.

My flip doesn't tell you shit except you killed someone with an ability that can help town because you don't like them or how they play and because your ego can't take that I criticized your play. You don't like when someone shows any emotion. It turns you into a nasty person.

I haven't even been defending Wake that much. I also went after him some. I outlined in detail why we are not a team.

Anyway, I'm out of here except to self-hammer when I get one more vote. I have lost all interest in the game. I don't think I've ever been in a situation anywhere where I've been treated as badly as I have been in these games. Usually the good part of playing these games outweighs that but it hasn't this game. I have zero interest in signing up again either to be insulted by unkind people. I've got better things to do with my time.
Actually, I think I'm going to unwatch this thread so I am not going to be able to self-hammer so I'll go ahead and put myself and L-1. I think scum are going to win this one easily anyway.

Vote: Wolfsister77

I am not rewarding unkind behavior. If you guys want me gone, you are going to have to come up with 2 more votes. I'm sure you'll either justify them with non-alignment indicative things or things that don't actually make me scum because I'm not actually scum but that's fine. I just want you guys to actually do it because it is much easier to analyze everything that way then if I vote for myself. I am going to go pull up some posts before I leave the thread for my own personal benefit and closure because I don't think I'm over-reacting here at all. Then I'm done. If Aye wants to replace me, I am o.k. with that as well.
I VOTE: Avatar..
Watching the acceleration of hostility to not scum read and charge at targeting Wolfie to quit. I aver Avi, Grandma and FA as scum reads. Those three are attempting another Townie to self destruct..Liken to the House attempt..
Final reads:

Moonglow, Avi, Wake, Cafe-likely town

FA and Shaitra-null, leaning scum, I'm sure they are not scum together but I see similarities to their scum play plus they are not posting enough to actually get reads, they are not scumhunting or trying to game solve either, FA is voting for personal reasons which is at the least anti-town but he has done this as scum also, Shaitra majorly lurks as scum and is majorly lurking here, these two need to be watched they are flying under the radar

Grandma-her behavior is much more like her scum behavior than her town behavior, she has been insulting, reluctant to vote her top scum pick, and I have not seen fleshed out reads and observations from her that I've seen in her really good town games-games where she rallies town and is a threat to scum, could be scum or having a bad game

SR-naked voting, lining up lynches, fabricating scumreads-this is scummy enough behavior to warrant my earlier vote. However, due to a post restriction, and V/LA-I would wait for her to be able to post regularly to determine her alignment.

Wolfie's Wagon Analysis:

Avi: Votes one of his townreads without questioning me further on reasons that others are doing that he's ignoring

SR: naked vote, didn't have me as a pick, then makes up some story about me reacting like scum with no logic or further discussion, forgets how I usually react as town to being voted for bad reasons, and discounts my ability as a lie

FA: He doesn't like me or my play or what I've said about his, voting for personal reasons and then majorly misrepping what I've said about Wake in this game because he has no excuse for this vote, also sheeping SR on thinking outing my ability makes me scum-actually I have reasons why I did that and this reaction and SR's reaction is one of them, has zero interest in any sort of discussion with me on these issues and instead is going to make up reasons to paint me as scum, refuses to scumhunt or game solve otherwise

Well, this should be enough to help you guys when I'm gone. Good luck. If you really badly need me for something you can @ me, I will not be getting alerts for this thread after unwatching it.

Enjoy your Sunday.
You know, some of you are making this way too easy for Scum.

Guys, we're all part of a team. It takes teamwork to try and work together to root out the Scum. We're not islands, and we can't function like that in these games. Even in the movie 'The Thing' the survivors, although paranoid and scared like Hell... they tried to work together. We need to do that if we're to have any chance of finding and killing the Scum.

As said before I'm Townreading both Wolfie and Grandma. They can make of that what they want, but that's how I honestly feel about their actions at this very moment. Wolfie I know is a good player, and, as shown in this thread, capable of providing decent Reads Lists. Whether she can emulate this as Scum well or not remains to be seen, but for the moment I feel she's Town, and a frustrated Townie at that. I suspect the apathy is what's angering her and, frankly, apathy is one of the greatest weapons the Scum can harness.

We need to stay active and earnestly ask each other for their ideas and feelings on one another if we have any hope of coming to a more-informed opinion on who to lynch today. The very worst thing we can do is No-Lynch, so that's off the table. I for one am wanting answers from Scarlet and, if necessary, I'd see her pressured to share the information we need to better understand what exactly it is she's doing.

I don't like Wolfie's wagon, and am not comfortable contributing to it. In fact, I'm asking each and every one of you on it why you're doing so. Is it based in reason? Is it based in logic? Why are you doing that? What is your reason for wagoning Wolfie? I want to see if the reasons are actually good ones which, bluntly, I doubt. Methinks the Scum are taking advantage of this wagon on her (at least one Scum), so I want answers on this as soon as possible.
Wake id scum. I am 80% sure. Wake doesn't plau peacemaker ever.

Wolf, show me where I lined up lynches? As for the naked votes, I am vla.

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