Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

When it comes to this forum and the meta and playerbase I've been working so hard to develop and keep going, I do play peacemaker. :p
this is the SECOND time that you have imploded for no reason at all. This type of game-play is not only annoying as hell but makes playing with you a CHORE rather than enjoyable. Your comments surrounding Wake have made the 2 of you look like a scum team - defending him without cause or reasoning but not doing so concerning anyone else. Why just Wake? You claim when there was absolutely no reason to claim another thing that makes you look like scum.

You then whine about me only sheeping (when I have not done so all game) while the only thing you manage to do at all is OMGUS, ever. I am not sure I have seen you cast even a dozen votes that were not OMGUS through all your games here.

Vote: Wolfster

You want to self destruct, so be it. It is bad for town and, more importantly, bad for the game in general for you to act in that manner and I don't have the patience to deal with you and that attitude.

At the very least, your flip gives us information. Scum - Wake is likely your partner. Town, then Wake is also likely town (confirms the town powers) and I would be highly suspect of grandma and SR.

Wolfie can be fragile, and Scum is prone to take advantage of it. For this game I think we ought ot be mindful of that and try to work with the complex personalities at play here, if we expect to get through this game alive.

In Mafia, defending a player isn't alignment-indicative. In my experiences I've had run-ins with players who'd defend their Townreads while not responding to my questions. It did aggravate me at times, because I felt like the person getting in the way was behaving like a smug defense attorney. It was only then that I'd start really getting into it by asking questions of both of them and redirecting the attentions of the other players that I managed to pry apart some answers. If you do question Wolfie on why she's defending me and she doesn't provide cause or reason, then that's simply more reason to continue asking, so long as the message is delivered in a firm but respectful manner.

The game can be a pressure cooker, and cause players to do different things under the pressure. Wolfie revealed her ability under duress. It's not a good thing to do that under pressure, but in Wolfie's case she said she already used her 1-Shot (iirc) ability on House, and nothing happened. And because all the abilities given were randomized, it's really not bad at all that Wolfie claimed that when stressed. What harm was done? We know now that players have been given random abilities as well. I'm fairly certain there's at least one other player that has been given an ability that isn't a post restriction, and it wouldn't surprise me if there were more (mind you, if you're reading this and you do harbor a useful ability, please keep it under wraps).

Since you have experience playing with Wolfie, what does your gut say? Does it say she's Town? Is this something Town-Wolfie might do? Should you really be voting for her if you feel she's Town? Frankly, I think it's sub-optimal to vote someone your gut tells you is Town. We cannot afford a policy lynch Today, and I do feel Wolfie needs a break. She'll catch her second wind soon enough and come roaring back into the game. All she need do is stay calm and keep pawing at her suspects to see how the varmints react under duress.

FA_Q2, which players haven't even been registering on your Scumdar so far?
Wake is town. Period. Thank You Wake. If he's scum, he's got me fooled.

House is awesome. I really, really, really, really needed to hear that and your timing couldn't be better so thank you so much House. I think you guys are going to see a more considerate player in the future with him and you should know that so I'm telling you here since he can't speak here now.


You came in here and said you wanted to lynch Wake and Grandma with no discussion-looks like lining up lynches to me. I did say you had a post restriction and were on V/LA but your behavior doesn't look like your town game so far.

Also, Wake is right that I need a break. I need to walk away for a time. I realize deadline is Tues but since I have the most votes, and most of you aren't really playing, I'm pretty sure that lynch will be me. I am town. I used my ability on House N1. I did reveal it under stress, I have a bad habit of doing that kind of thing. The way SR and FA reacted to finding out about my ability was not pro-town. It would not surprise me if one of them was scum. Probably FA.

I am actually frustrated by the apathy like Wake said and the insults that occurred but I am also extremely frustrated by the fact that not one of you voting for me ever really questioned me or interacted with me about any of the issues you mentioned. None of them are alignment indicative at all. How do you know I'm scum without talking to me? You don't like me, so what? Is a PL a good idea on D2? How does that help town? You think I lied about my ability. Why? And why don't you ask me about it? You think I OMGUS'd Scarlet. Why didn't you ask me why I voted for her? You think I sheeped on Moonglow. Why didn't you ask me why I voted for him or ask Grandma why she sheeped on Moonglow? You think I'm defending Wake too much so I'm his scum buddy? Let me tell you something. I don't defend my scum buddy as scum. NEVER. If anything I'm afraid to bus and usually ignore my team mate. And my reads suck as scum. Townreads are easy. I have a hell of a time developing a good scumread on someone though as scum and that's one of the number one reasons I will find someone scummy and why I don't like being voted for, for weak reasons. Scum need to make something up. You should always develop your scumread with real reasons. Not one of you voting for me has done that.

Well, I have to get ready for 8 in. of snow on Monday by cleaning up the yard. @ me if you need me.
I'm not townreading you wolf.

nor is voting for you because I find you suspicious being unkind.
I'm not townreading you wolf.

nor is voting for you because I find you suspicious being unkind.

I'm leaning town on wolf. My only other huge town read was house.

i haven't decided on the rest yet.


just because I was leaning town on you way back when doesn't mean I am now

In between your townread of me and this post, you've said nothing. One of them was a vote for Cafe. One was saying you weren't feeling well. One was saying I'm sheeping while ignoring the other's similar behavior and then the two here today where you are saying as little as possible to get by.

As scum, you are always careful. You said in your QT you don't like taking chances. This game you have only spoken up when people are voting for you, otherwise you are saying as little as possible to get by.

You are not giving good reasons for voting me even though pages of content has been posting explaining why that is scummy behavior. You are not reading or paying attention to the thread.

House was town and had you as his top scum suspect. This is not something to be ignored.

The number one reason I had you as town was something I am not going to elaborate on but I believe I was dead wrong about based on things I'm not going to elaborate on.

Therefore, this vote is a good one. I believe Moonglow made an excellent point in his vote for you. He recognized that you are antagonizing people. You taunted House when he was upset and were right there in the middle of that making it worse saying he needed to see a shrink.

Vote: Avatar4321
Wake (1): CafeAuLait
Moonglow (1): Grandma
Avatar4321 (2): Moonglow, Wolfsister77
Wolfsister77 (3): Avatar4321, ScarletRage, FA_Q2

Not Voting: Shaitra, Wake

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch!
Deadline is 11/11/14, @ 8PM central.

ScarletRage - V/LA from 11/5 to 11/10
CafeAuLait - V/LA
There's got to be at least one Scum on Wolfie's wagon.

I think they think she's a threat, and trying to push her buttons.

Explanations from each and every one of you would be great.

Avatar4321, ScarletRage, FA_Q2
I've explained my vote multiple times.

and there doesn't have to be scum if she is scum.
Wake, What I would recommend you do is analyze the wagon on me now and the reasons for the votes and if someone adds to it, and finishes me off, the reasons for those votes as well. When I flip town, that will be useful.

Scum are either both going to be on it or there will be one scum on and one most likely among the non-voters.

I doubt scum are going to be voting for Avi right now so you can take Moonglow and myself out of the picture, I don't think Grandma's single vote for Moonglow that doesn't get his lynch is really worth looking at. Cafe's vote on you was from way earlier in the game and I wouldn't count that.

So FA, Avi, SR, and Shaitra are your best bets. Especially if you are townreading Grandma. Two of the scum are in that group of 4.

Narrow that down by seeing how SR behaves after her V/LA and if Shaitra comes back to the thread and posts and how she behaves. If you can clear them then FA and Avi are the two scum.
I have orientation tomorrow for eight hours.

In the afternoon I'll be here to summarize my thoughts.

Everyone please have a good night and don't lose sleep over the game. :p :D
I've explained my vote multiple times.

and there doesn't have to be scum if she is scum.

Nope you are lying again. Not only haven't you really explained your vote but you are not really interested in talking to me or anyone else about it. Nothing has changed since your townread of me earlier in the game and you are well aware of how I play as town.

I think you are showing your hand and it's pretty obvious. You might be the vamp. I've thought so since you started arguing against our plan to have the vamp claim. Or you are scum. You are not playing like town Avi. Others need to take note of this when I'm gone.
Also Avi, your tormenting of House is not your typical town play either. You were antagonizing him on purpose. Dead townies should always have their posts and interactions looked at.
I have orientation tomorrow for eight hours.

In the afternoon I'll be here to summarize my thoughts.

Everyone please have a good night and don't lose sleep over the game. :p :D

I'm at complete and total peace Wake. Scum being forced to show their hand when a townie is up for a lynch is always a good thing no matter what happens to me. You'll be able to find the other two easier now than if it didn't. And yes Wake, they always come after me. Haven't you noticed? :p

Good luck at your orientation.
Hey all,

Sorry for my prolonged absence. Will be reading tomorrow and hopefully some more tonight. I did make one quick observation though (which I hoped would be answered by now, but I see it was ignored) Moonglow has yet to answer my question posed Thursday night, unless I missed it while doing a quick ISO.

Catching up ASAP- again my apologies all.

Why did you vote for a dead townie (House) start of day 2, and why didn’t you have to check to see if scum had NKed you night 1? Isn't this the first thing we all do? Check to see if we are alive after scum get a chance to NK and to see which one of us they killed? *If* you had checked, you would have seen House had been NKed - therefore your vote confuses me - it made/makes no sense at all, to include your reasons. You did not change it until Wolf pointed out your "mistake".

Vote: Moonglow
( I thought I had already voted for you with my post to you)

I thought I had posted this on Thursday. Obviously I did not. I am losing my mind... I think.

Can you please put up a reminder about editing posts. I feel any reminder is wholly unneeded given we all have been playing this game long enough to know the rules and editing is against the rules. Especially when they are edited nearly 7-10 minutes later or more. It always makes me think someone is combing over their posts to ensure they have not possibly outed themselves with a scum slip.

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