Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

I don't consider being told to post pictures or curse at people an ability though. Not like being a super saint. It is very unbalanced compared to the "abilities" everyone else got.

Read the posts I quoted by Aye, there, she says:

The Gremlins were cut loose with the extra abilities I added in today.

The Gremlins curse was not an ability IMO.
Moonglow is leaning scum for me.

Your vote is pure OMGUS. You've been scumreading far too many players and townreading too few.

Not that everyone's supposed to have a perfect reads list at this point in the game, but you trust pretty much no one. No one. Well, maybe Cafe, now that she's V/LA. And House since he flipped. But no one else.

So I hate the Avi wagon.

Right so I ask you why Moonglow is scum and why Avi is a bad vote and you lie about me and majorly misrep me instead.

I explained my Avi vote in great detail and have been giving detailed reads lists and analysis this game. I am not going to spend my time doing nothing but defending myself when most are not posting or playing this game.

Thanks for not answering my questions.

I did answer your questions. You just don't like the answers.
I don't consider being told to post pictures or curse at people an ability though. Not like being a super saint. It is very unbalanced compared to the "abilities" everyone else got.

Read the posts I quoted by Aye, there, she says:

The Gremlins were cut loose with the extra abilities I added in today.

The Gremlins curse was not an ability IMO.

Methinks we might be playing a bastard game, lol.
Moonglow is leaning scum for me.

Your vote is pure OMGUS. You've been scumreading far too many players and townreading too few.

Not that everyone's supposed to have a perfect reads list at this point in the game, but you trust pretty much no one. No one. Well, maybe Cafe, now that she's V/LA. And House since he flipped. But no one else.

So I hate the Avi wagon.

Right so I ask you why Moonglow is scum and why Avi is a bad vote and you lie about me and majorly misrep me instead.

I explained my Avi vote in great detail and have been giving detailed reads lists and analysis this game. I am not going to spend my time doing nothing but defending myself when most are not posting or playing this game.

Thanks for not answering my questions.

I did answer your questions. You just don't like the answers.

This is the most frustrating answer anyone can ever give.

-Why is Avi town?

-Why is Moonglow scum?

Do not talk about me please.
I don't know that Avi's Town. He's just leaning that way to me right now.

And I think Moon's the Vampire.
I have a habit of claiming under stress. Just because it's frowned upon, it does not mean it doesn't happen and frequently too.

A lot of what FA said in his vote and post to me was completely un-necessary and rude. He could of made the vote for other reasons and left the personal stuff out. I never said anything to him at all and wasn't even online when he made that post. If you remember game 6, he did the same thing and spent that whole game trying to get rid of me. The fact that he said he wants me dead even if I am town and hasn't been back to the thread since is very telling. The post he used of mine to respond to wasn't even that big of a deal either for the kind of reaction he gave. I sincerely hope he is scum trying to get rid of me again. If he's town, then he's too intolerant of other personality types and I likely will avoid playing with him in the future.

Anyway, deadline is a little over 24 hours away and no one's really playing or posting and because of that, I'm waiting to see who jumps on me now and then I'm going to self-hammer because maybe then, town will wake up and go after who the scum really are and they'll see with my flip, that it isn't me and never was and they'll see who was trying to get rid of me and why.
I am not intolerant of personality types wolf. I am intolerant of people threatening to quit, period. I have not said a single thing here that was nasty or rude at all either. That is an outright lie because you don't like it when I call you out for being overly dramatic. You are the intolerant one here as well. Notice that I have no problems with any players here save for you. That happens to be the exact same case for a number of players - you are the only common denominator here but somehow I am the one that is intolerant of your 'personality type.' No wolf, YOU are being intolerant of anyone that makes any statement against your being town and you are always extremely intolerant of others posts.

Go ahead and avoid playing with me in the future then, I don't care and I am not going to allow such drama to manipulate me or the game. You use it as a tool to avoid getting lynched and others seem to play to that tune. whenever you are close to lynching you go into meltdown mode and miraculously avoid it. Very good strat for a scum player that needs to avoid getting lynched but also quite bad for town. I am not saying any of this to 'spin' you up nor should you get spun up. That is what is bringing the vote in the first place. Nor am I making any statement against you personally. I will not, however, be censored in what I say because you do or do not approve of how or what is said. None of it is rude (like you keep demanding that it is). None of it calls you a name. None of it makes a statement against you or your personality. Yet you continue to claim that I am being unreasonable.

This will be the last statement I make in this manner for the rest of the game because I think it detracts from the game play and the fun. I am also not going to be a party to more drama. This statement is only here because your last (and some others statements that are looking at the exchanges between me and you) warrant some sort of response. I have posted little else in the last while because this is dominating the game making looking for scum essentially impossible. Not much other chatter has gone on that is worthy of commenting on tbh. Day one was a success because we nailed the SK but gave us little to no information to go on.

As far as voting for you, it will change when there is another candidate that is more scummy to vote for. I think Avatar is town. Moon's case is centered around small instances in his language that I really don't see as making a very strong case against him but then again that is because I see Moon as a rather chaotic player. His posts mean very little for the most part.
Whatever you do FA, makes sure you blame me for everything and never look at any other person's behavor including your own. I am not going to respond to anything you said. I am so done with this game it isn't even funny. I doubt I will sign up for another one here. I have asked repeatedly for another vote so I can self-hammer. I am still waiting for that. Otherwise, I have nothing else to say to you or any one else.
Welcome back Cafe and I hope you are feeling better.

So why would Moonglow vote House if he was scum and knew that House was dead?

I agree about the editing.
I didn't know he was dead, even though I perused the previous posts, I never saw the night kill action..
Welcome back Cafe and I hope you are feeling better.

So why would Moonglow vote House if he was scum and knew that House was dead?

I agree about the editing.
I didn't know he was dead, even though I perused the previous posts, I never saw the night kill action..
This, I cannot believe....

You could have come up with a better cover than that moonglow.
Moonglow is leaning scum for me.

Your vote is pure OMGUS. You've been scumreading far too many players and townreading too few.

Not that everyone's supposed to have a perfect reads list at this point in the game, but you trust pretty much no one. No one. Well, maybe Cafe, now that she's V/LA. And House since he flipped. But no one else.

So I hate the Avi wagon.
Most scum buddies would....
Welcome back Cafe and I hope you are feeling better.

So why would Moonglow vote House if he was scum and knew that House was dead?

I agree about the editing.
I didn't know he was dead, even though I perused the previous posts, I never saw the night kill action..
This, I cannot believe....

You could have come up with a better cover than that moonglow.
Hardly so as it is the truth...
I don't consider being told to post pictures or curse at people an ability though. Not like being a super saint. It is very unbalanced compared to the "abilities" everyone else got.

Read the posts I quoted by Aye, there, she says:

The Gremlins were cut loose with the extra abilities I added in today.

The Gremlins curse was not an ability IMO.

Fine, so it was a curse or whatever. However, people did gain abilities. Super Saint is still way more powerful than it appears this game warrants. That is the problem with claiming early (directed at Wolf and Wake). Now you have people speculating what else is out there vs. hunting scum.

And if you want to be picky about it, Aye said this was an open set-up, ie, players know what's at play in the game. Adding in abilities after the game has started means it is no longer an open set-up. Now it is a bastard game as Grandma pointed out.
My 194: I thought Moon’s post 190 was strange because I did not see any advice offered (except his quoting Wolf saying “everyone can kiss her ass if they have a problem with her” and he said:

Thanks for the advice maybe I can use it next time I am scummy in a game...”Post 190 by Moon

Why would he kiss her ass "next time" he was scummy in a game? – That was how I read it. His post seemed to come out of the blue, so I questioned him on it, the way "next time" was worded caught my eye.

BUT before Moon could reply Wolf quoted my post to Moonglow in her post 197, saying she thought Moon was replying to her post 189 where she said:

If you read the Dead PT link, Jingle has some great scum advice in there for newbies. Might be fun to check out”. (Wolf 197)

The posts stood out for me until Wolf pointed me to the post he may have been replying to, when I first questioned Moon, I wondered if Wolf may be warning Moon his posts were coming off as scummy and I also thought she might have been laying a trip up for him too if she thought he was scummy.

I am not sure what you want from me concerning any other posts in your first paragraph or your second. if I have missed something let me know.

So are you saying here that you thought Moonglow was scummy but then decided he was not after Wolf explained things? I'm not sure I'm following you here.
Cafe's post 1084 is very sensible.

Vote: Moonglow

This post bugs me. Can you explain more Grandma about why you feel her post is sensible? Otherwise, it looks like a sheep vote which is something scum tend to do.
Shaitra Wake

The deadline is today. Neither of you have voted D2 at all.

I believe my lynch is the best. With me out of the way, scum will be easier to find.

Also, this game is not playable for me under these conditions and I've already stated why.

I can't vote for myself twice.

There isn't a lot of evidence for Moonglow scum or anyone else because no one is posting enough to get a read and that frustrates me to no end. I signed up hoping people would post and play. They are not.

Alternatively, Grandma CaféAuLait and Moonglow can help me out as well.
Actually I claimed because I am beyond frustrated with this game for a variety of reasons. It's like banging my head against the wall trying to play. Feel free to lynch me. You'll find out that I'm telling the truth.

Just remember town, that scum knowing about this, will try hard to lynch me now so they can use their NK to try to target who they think the JoaT is.

So look out for that.

Whatever you do FA, makes sure you blame me for everything and never look at any other person's behavor including your own. I am not going to respond to anything you said. I am so done with this game it isn't even funny. I doubt I will sign up for another one here. I have asked repeatedly for another vote so I can self-hammer. I am still waiting for that. Otherwise, I have nothing else to say to you or any one else.

So, what are you doing Wolf? Why would you want to self-hammer while you claim JOAT? I understand frustration, I am there, really. I understand your frustration with the game- I really, really do.

With that said, I agree with Shai timing is off Wolf, the same way you thought Wakes timing was off IIRC and Houses as well. You chastised both for claiming and or using a gambit- I think you called both scum as well. I thought House may have been pulling a gambit and was not the Joat,( given his comments to you -while you were telling him the plan was screwed up/backfired) then given your post where you said you would hammer Wake ( right before you claimed Joat) which would leave our most powerful PR dead (you) if Wake is being truthful. It made little sense, along with your statement scum will have a hard time figuring out who the Joat is- after you claimed or was it in your post you claimed in.

What I am saying is- I hope you can see why there is trepidation about your claim- there should be with ANYONE'S CLAIM. Who cares, right? If you are town, allow us to play the game, keep playing the game!. EVERYONE here needs to weigh each claim to see if we are reading people right- to see if it makes sense. Just because one does,- does not mean it is personal, its the game and not directed at you. I also get you are frustrated from lack of posts, I am guilty of this and am catching up, but slowly, and I know the feeling as if you are the only one playing. Take a deep breath and walk away for a few. With your last few posts I am reading frustrated town- for now. But I have/am waffling back and forth on your read ( due to what I mentioned above) , but please don't give up.
Cafe's post 1084 is very sensible.

Vote: Moonglow

This post bugs me. Can you explain more Grandma about why you feel her post is sensible? Otherwise, it looks like a sheep vote which is something scum tend to do.

Townies can sheep too.

However, in light of Wolf's post 1197,

vote: Wolfsister

This was way too easy, LOL. Thank You for falling right into my trap. You sheeped Cafe on Moonglow and now you wasted no time in taking my bait. I thought it was odd how you said earlier you were so sure I was scum yet the only time you voted for me was when I told you it was scummy not to vote your top scumread. You were right in the middle of the House/Wolfie argument stirring the pot. You haven't once given a fleshed out reads list like you do as town in other games. You attacked me when I voted for you and insulted my play repeatedly when I turned suspicion on you. When I asked you questions, you talked about me instead.

All this time, I've been wondering why you don't jump on my wagon. I mean you could of come up with something. I was waiting for you to do it. I think you hesitated when Wake and I were talking about how scum would take advantage of it. I don't think you wanted that kind of attention. As town, if I truly thought someone was scum, that wouldn't bother me a bit. Then, I gave you an excuse in my earlier post that you mentioned in your vote for me. It's a perfect excuse for scum to use to cast a vote with. Especially when the mislynch target says they are going to finish themselves off. You can look oh so pro-town by telling everyone you were just trying to help me out and use the reasons I gave to do so. The thing is, as town, I wouldn't hurt town's wincon like that. I would of discussed it with me first at the very least. As scum, I would of done exactly what you just did.

I am interested to see how you spin your way out of this one. I think you might actually be able to since town is very apathetic this game. If you are town, I'd be very, very surprised. Then again, the way most of town is playing this game, I wouldn't actually be totally shocked.

Anyway, I am more than willing to make a sacrifice to find out. I also hope with this sacrifice, town will wake up and actually play again and scumhunt again and not stupidly vote the most active player with terrible reasoning.

Oh and FYI, Wake and SR have been posting over at MS, especially Titus so don't let her use any excuse for why she isn't here.

I just saw that Cafe posted so I will hold my vote while I answer here and then vote myself in a separate post. Don't worry Grandma. You'll get your mislynch soon enough and well before deadline.

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