Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

Welcome back Cafe and I hope you are feeling better.

So why would Moonglow vote House if he was scum and knew that House was dead?

I agree about the editing.
I didn't know he was dead, even though I perused the previous posts, I never saw the night kill action..

Then how did you know you could post? How did you know you were alive? Did you expect one of us to say, Hey Moon, you can't post, scum killed you last night? I think it is even stranger you happened to vote for House- the very one scum killed out of ALL of us. Someone whose plan you just said YOU Agreed with about the Vampire!!!
Actually I claimed because I am beyond frustrated with this game for a variety of reasons. It's like banging my head against the wall trying to play. Feel free to lynch me. You'll find out that I'm telling the truth.

Just remember town, that scum knowing about this, will try hard to lynch me now so they can use their NK to try to target who they think the JoaT is.

So look out for that.

Whatever you do FA, makes sure you blame me for everything and never look at any other person's behavor including your own. I am not going to respond to anything you said. I am so done with this game it isn't even funny. I doubt I will sign up for another one here. I have asked repeatedly for another vote so I can self-hammer. I am still waiting for that. Otherwise, I have nothing else to say to you or any one else.

So, what are you doing Wolf? Why would you want to self-hammer while you claim JOAT? I understand frustration, I am there, really. I understand your frustration with the game- I really, really do.

With that said, I agree with Shai timing is off Wolf, the same way you thought Wakes timing was off IIRC and Houses as well. You chastised both for claiming and or using a gambit- I think you called both scum as well. I thought House may have been pulling a gambit and was not the Joat,( given his comments to you -while you were telling him the plan was screwed up/backfired) then given your post where you said you would hammer Wake ( right before you claimed Joat) which would leave our most powerful PR dead (you) if Wake is being truthful. It made little sense, along with your statement scum will have a hard time figuring out who the Joat is- after you claimed or was it in your post you claimed in.

What I am saying is- I hope you can see why there is trepidation about your claim- there should be with ANYONE'S CLAIM. Who cares, right? If you are town, allow us to play the game, keep playing the game!. EVERYONE here needs to weigh each claim to see if we are reading people right- to see if it makes sense. Just because one does,- does not mean it is personal, its the game and not directed at you. I also get you are frustrated from lack of posts, I am guilty of this and am catching up, but slowly, and I know the feeling as if you are the only one playing. Take a deep breath and walk away for a few. With your last few posts I am reading frustrated town- for now. But I have/am waffling back and forth on your read ( due to what I mentioned above) , but please don't give up.

I am not claiming JOAT. My ability is called a Disguiser: I choose one person to visit at night and if they are NK'd by scum, I take over their role. I would only take over as JOAT if they were NK'd and I visited them. It's why I visited House N1 and one of the reasons I was frustrated that he pulled the gambit he did. I already said I claimed under stress which is a bad habit of mine. PR's stress me out when I start being run up and wagoned. I consider my ability a potential PR. I never called House scum. I said I would hammer Wake if it looked like he was scum and was going down so that I'd die if he was hammered. I no longer think he is scum. Just a little FYI. I don't think you are either Cafe. I am townreading you both.

If anyone has anything else they'd like to ask me or want to know before deadline, I'd be happy to discuss things with town before I hammer myself. If I don't hear anything in two hours, I'll go ahead.
My 194: I thought Moon’s post 190 was strange because I did not see any advice offered (except his quoting Wolf saying “everyone can kiss her ass if they have a problem with her” and he said:

Thanks for the advice maybe I can use it next time I am scummy in a game...”Post 190 by Moon

Why would he kiss her ass "next time" he was scummy in a game? – That was how I read it. His post seemed to come out of the blue, so I questioned him on it, the way "next time" was worded caught my eye.

BUT before Moon could reply Wolf quoted my post to Moonglow in her post 197, saying she thought Moon was replying to her post 189 where she said:

If you read the Dead PT link, Jingle has some great scum advice in there for newbies. Might be fun to check out”. (Wolf 197)

The posts stood out for me until Wolf pointed me to the post he may have been replying to, when I first questioned Moon, I wondered if Wolf may be warning Moon his posts were coming off as scummy and I also thought she might have been laying a trip up for him too if she thought he was scummy.

I am not sure what you want from me concerning any other posts in your first paragraph or your second. if I have missed something let me know.

So are you saying here that you thought Moonglow was scummy but then decided he was not after Wolf explained things? I'm not sure I'm following you here.

No, not at all. These posts were from day
My 194: I thought Moon’s post 190 was strange because I did not see any advice offered (except his quoting Wolf saying “everyone can kiss her ass if they have a problem with her” and he said:

Thanks for the advice maybe I can use it next time I am scummy in a game...”Post 190 by Moon

Why would he kiss her ass "next time" he was scummy in a game? – That was how I read it. His post seemed to come out of the blue, so I questioned him on it, the way "next time" was worded caught my eye.

BUT before Moon could reply Wolf quoted my post to Moonglow in her post 197, saying she thought Moon was replying to her post 189 where she said:

If you read the Dead PT link, Jingle has some great scum advice in there for newbies. Might be fun to check out”. (Wolf 197)

The posts stood out for me until Wolf pointed me to the post he may have been replying to, when I first questioned Moon, I wondered if Wolf may be warning Moon his posts were coming off as scummy and I also thought she might have been laying a trip up for him too if she thought he was scummy.

I am not sure what you want from me concerning any other posts in your first paragraph or your second. if I have missed something let me know.

So are you saying here that you thought Moonglow was scummy but then decided he was not after Wolf explained things? I'm not sure I'm following you here.

No, that was not what I was saying at all. Wolf and Moon were having a conversation, and I may have jumped to conclusions- given Wolf pointed to a post I did not see prior to Moonglows response.
"post were from Day 1"- Shai- is what it should read. Damn I hate this forum software. I start to type something up, it disappears and when I hit post, it's there along with my new post I started since the 1st disappeared and then I have the same quote twice. Gerrrr.
Cafe-I don't know if Moon is scum or not. I an explain that convo for you if it would help though. I posted a link to a game and I said to check the Dead PT at the end of it because Jingle put some really good advice in there for newbscum to be able to use and it might be interesting for us all to read. Moonglow thanked me for that and said he's use it next time he was scummy in a game. I think his word choice this game has been too careful. His post where he said he is as town as he wanted to be is a good example of that. I don't know if he's scum or typical Moonglow. The kiss my ass joke he made was in regards to me giving some cases in response to House saying I wasn't playing my town game at the beginning of the game and saying if anyone wants more out of me after doing that-directed at House-they can kiss my ass. So then Moonglow made a joke asking me for something. It was humor and not meant to be serious.

I'm not trying to protect or make excuses for Moonglow. I'm just trying to explain my role in these conversations to help you figure out if you are reading him right or not.
OK, a couple of things. I don't understand why Wolf claimed with only a couple of votes on her. That doesn't make sense to me because from the games I've played in on Mafia Scum, it's frowned upon to claim before L-1.

Wake's play here is definitely different from his play on MS. But I do understand his comment about trying to create and maintain a player base here.

I'm not sure what to make of FA_Q2's post. In some ways it looks like an attempt to spin Wolf up. I need to review his posts to see if that's what's going on.

wait she claimed? How did I miss that?
OK, a couple of things. I don't understand why Wolf claimed with only a couple of votes on her. That doesn't make sense to me because from the games I've played in on Mafia Scum, it's frowned upon to claim before L-1.

Wake's play here is definitely different from his play on MS. But I do understand his comment about trying to create and maintain a player base here.

I'm not sure what to make of FA_Q2's post. In some ways it looks like an attempt to spin Wolf up. I need to review his posts to see if that's what's going on.

wait she claimed? How did I miss that?

You have got to be fucking kidding me.
no. Why would I kid about that?

and other than joat and psych what could you claim?
Deadline is 11/11/14, @ 8PM central.

So, let me sum up. Several of you are not paying attention to the thread. Two of you have not voted at all D2. Several of you have barely posted content. Several of you can't be bothered to come back to the thread before deadline despite posting elsewhere. No one is interested in playing or having any discussion this game. No one is explaining or discussing their votes. No one has given reads.

I am going to have to hammer myself to avoid a NL situation. I am town and did not lie about my ability. But it really doesn't matter as it seems some of you didn't even know I had it.

Vote: Wolfsister77
Moonglow (1): CafeAuLait
LYNCH!!! Wolfsister77 (5): Avatar4321, ScarletRage, FA_Q2, Grandma, Wolfsister77
Avatar4321 (1): Moonglow

Not Voting: Shaitra, Wake

V/NA (No access) - Shaitra - 11/13 thru 11/15

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch!
Deadline is 11/11/14, @ 8PM central.

~ No talking about the game outside of this game thread.
~ No editing/deleting posts allowed.
~ Voting for yourself goes against your win condition.

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
Albert Einstein

Vote Counts
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

2.1 2.2 2.3

All dressed up in her favorite hat for the witching hour, Wolfsister had one more hour before she had to be back home. The potion she drank that turned her into a black cat for the evening was her reward for doing favors for her keeper. "Who knew the life of a Goblin could be so hard and thankless?" she said to herself.

The evil witch she worked for would certainly be happy with the surprise she had left before she went out for the evening, or would she? Finding the perfect specimens for mysterious potions and spells wasn't all it was cracked up to be, especially when the evil witch and her friends got together at times.


Thinking her life would be better if she were to remain a black cat forever, Wolfsister decided to wait until the witch and her cronies were belligerent and half passed out before making a final run for freedom.


Tossing her favorite hat aside for one left hanging on the top of a broom, Wolfsister hopped on and took off by the light of the moon.​
It is now Night 2.

Night Actions Deadline is 11/13/14, @ 8PM central.
Once upon a time, 2 Ghouls had a wicked dream of carrying out a Night Kill against a poor, unsuspecting soul.
With visions of blood and gore running rampant in their heads, the evil duo set out to accomplish their goal.


To their horror, a monstrous ice storm soon hit, covering their tracks and leaving everything around frozen for miles and miles.


Upon hearing of the incoming ice storm, one lucky individual decided to commute to warmer ground long before the Ghouls had even started on their arduous trek, but not before setting up security cameras in case someone tried to break in.

This is the picture those cameras caught:


It is now Day 3.

With 8 players, it takes 5 to lynch.

Not Voting (8)
Moonglow ♂
Avatar4321 ♂
ScarletRage ♀
Grandma ♀
Wake ♂
CafeAuLait ♀
Shaitra ♀
FA_Q2 ♂

Deadline is 11/20/14, @ 8PM central.
Good job on your game so far. I'm liking it a lot! :)

I can't believe nobody died. Take that, Scum! :D

So, where should we take it from here guys?

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