Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

The attempted kill post hinted strongly there is a commuter.

You claimed that your ability reveal was a town action. Now you are here stating the opposite because Avatar revealed commuter. Given that Aye's post points extreemly heavy at not only a commuter but that same commuter was also targeted I find it odd that you would scum read Avatar out of the gate.

Now that I have clarification from Avatar, I now understand that he's Town. I'm currently in 3 other games, and haven't been able to put much focus on this one.

Since AVi's basically confTown now, what do you think Avi?
interesting. I commute over night missing being night killed and you are suddenly scum reading me.

I get your suspicion, the only question I have is if scum's failed NK truly means commuter , if it could be anything else, you may have outed your ability for no reason, giving scum an advantage.

I also have a few observations here.

You threw a naked vote up for Wolf and others follow suit, she claimed- when she had 2 votes, and you say to Shaitra pages later, “Wait she claimed” (1206) Wolf says “yes”, and then you say to Wolf “and other than joat and psych what could you claim?”, (1208) kinda implying she is lying and there are no other abilities- when you have one or are claiming one? Not to mention Wolf’s claim is restated in post 1202 and you asked Shai in post 1206 if Wolf claimed? A mere 4 posts later?

IMO You kinda egged Wolf on (unintentionally or not) by implying she was lying about her claim and implied there were no other abilities ( even though Aye was quite clear she passed out abilities) all the while YOU KNEW there were abilities out there- given you are claiming one.

Wolf is getting more and more upset as we can see by her posts (1209) and instead of reading to see what she claimed- you act as if she is lying further, by saying, “what else could you have claimed aside from Joat or psych?” Even though she had been stating what she was for pages and just posts 4 above your initial question to Shai. SR also said she has never seen Wolf's ability given to town (obviously she was wrong).

Why didn’t you read back and pull your vote before she hammered herself? I was suspicious of Wolf, but I finally got she was frustrated as all get out and playing as she does when town while she was contemplating self-hammering over pure frustration with us for not following along with the game.

I agree with Wolf, (1211) I don’t get this not reading the game. Some not knowing who is claiming what. Of course, we also have people not even knowing who scum NKed, and thinking they can play the game without that information or even knowing if they are alive (Moonglow) and voting for dead players- Something I still find highly suspicious.

Avatar, I had you pretty much as town, but am confused as all get out given the Wolf situation. It seems we rip ourselves to shreds, while scum are probably wringing their hands and laughing at us- all the while we are doing their job for them. I get life and I hope this is not coming off as a condemnation of you- I know you were sick, as was I. But, I think we all owe it to one other to try and catch up if we are out for a few pages- to see what has transpired before we may unintentionally push someone over the edge.
I need to find time to get into this game. I feel like more than a couple players are escaping my radar, and coasting in the background, and it's making me paranoid.
the ability of the commuter ability is I can be out of town for nk so there was little risk of me exposing myself.

especially if it draws out the scum.
as for wolf, she didnt have to self vote. now did she have to openly sheep people or act scummy.

there were no other wagons we could have changed our votes to. We could have gone into the nk with no lynch. Not ideal. But it would have been a better play for wolf.

as for missing her claim, I've been playing 4 different games. and I wasn't thinking claiming abilities is the same as a role claim.
It's quiet in here today.

Where is everyone?

Sick, working, almost wiped out three times on the way from work. Apparently, Nature thought it fun to start with a freak snowstorm, and my snow tires need to be replaced. Nothing gets your blood pumping like a semi coming at you at 50 mph.
It's quiet in here today.

Where is everyone?

Sick, working, almost wiped out three times on the way from work. Apparently, Nature thought it fun to start with a freak snowstorm, and my snow tires need to be replaced. Nothing gets your blood pumping like a semi coming at you at 50 mph.

:ack-1: You might want to take the back roads for a day or two.
It's quiet in here today.

Where is everyone?

Sick, working, almost wiped out three times on the way from work. Apparently, Nature thought it fun to start with a freak snowstorm, and my snow tires need to be replaced. Nothing gets your blood pumping like a semi coming at you at 50 mph.

:ack-1: You might want to take the back roads for a day or two.
I do just to avoid the cops....
It's quiet in here today.

Where is everyone?

Sick, working, almost wiped out three times on the way from work. Apparently, Nature thought it fun to start with a freak snowstorm, and my snow tires need to be replaced. Nothing gets your blood pumping like a semi coming at you at 50 mph.

:ack-1: You might want to take the back roads for a day or two.
I do just to avoid the cops....

State boys prowl the 4-lanes. County cops sit on the 2-lane highways. Township cops are everywhere.

But somehow I get the feeling that Wake doesn't have any outstanding warrants.
I was on a county road.

The snow was fluffy and accumulating.

It was so bad I had to go 10-15 mph just to avoid fishtailing/wiping out. I'd brake just a bit and my car would violently slide left and right. And in my panic I'd turn right when sliding left, which isn't what the DMV book recommends. It was white-knuckle driving, and took me 25 additional minutes just to get home.
Well, I hope we can get the game swinging some today - I am leaving tomorrow and will have very spotty attendance here. I should be able to read the thread at least once a day but I will have to respond on my phone. That is never very fun.

What are everyone's reads at this point?
What are everyone's reads at this point?

I'm still working on mine.

What are yours?
As I said in the beginning I don't have a lot to go on.

I am not convinced that Moonglow is scum. The case against him is quite weak.

I believe avatar is town.

I an null on you and wake.

Cafe is not really playing herself this game and that has me wondering if she is scum. She is acting like she is getting worked up, something that I have not seen from Cafe before even when she was being called nasty things by other players. Considering I think cafe is normally the strongest town player here I am reading her as scum this game so far.

SR has been absent. This was known though and she was gone from the other game as well. Not much of anything on SR sa of yet. I'll have to go back through her posts later when I have time though. I will say that the sad attempt to cover house was townish but may have been a ploy.

Shai - never can read shai. She does not say enough for a good read.

I guess that leaves Cafe as my top read currently. Its not a very strong one though. I would like to make a better case but I just don't see it at the moment.
It's quiet in here today.

Where is everyone?

Sick, working, almost wiped out three times on the way from work. Apparently, Nature thought it fun to start with a freak snowstorm, and my snow tires need to be replaced. Nothing gets your blood pumping like a semi coming at you at 50 mph.

:ack-1: You might want to take the back roads for a day or two.
I do just to avoid the cops....

I don't know if you are joking or scum telling here. It's comments like this that convinced us to correctly lynch you game one.

jack if you haven't investigated moonglow or used your investigations up I recommend investigating him

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