Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

What are everyone's reads at this point?

I'm still working on mine.

What are yours?
As I said in the beginning I don't have a lot to go on.

I am not convinced that Moonglow is scum. The case against him is quite weak.

I believe avatar is town.

I an null on you and wake.

Cafe is not really playing herself this game and that has me wondering if she is scum. She is acting like she is getting worked up, something that I have not seen from Cafe before even when she was being called nasty things by other players. Considering I think cafe is normally the strongest town player here I am reading her as scum this game so far.

SR has been absent. This was known though and she was gone from the other game as well. Not much of anything on SR sa of yet. I'll have to go back through her posts later when I have time though. I will say that the sad attempt to cover house was townish but may have been a ploy.

Shai - never can read shai. She does not say enough for a good read.

I guess that leaves Cafe as my top read currently. Its not a very strong one though. I would like to make a better case but I just don't see it at the moment.

(emphasis added)

Yeah, I can see how it may come off that way FA, however there was no "acting" involved. I have never played 2 games prior, and honestly have no clue how everyone does not have their scum reads bleed together when playing more than one game, unless playing with completely different people. I have done it for this game and I think the other game is still skewing how I look at this one. I have been having issues with getting irritated in this game, when my irritation belonged in the other as well.

I will never play two games again. The other game which is now closed, irritated me terribly. Life issues also upset me, and I took things to heart, even some things not directed at me.

However, I latched onto the post I believe you are referring to for a few reasons- other than me being upset Wolf being told she sucked, a few times in a row. We already had House threaten to quit and replace out, due to his irritation level- something totally unlike him and then Wolf was getting more upset. I did not want to see the game ruined due to meltdowns - to include my possible own.

There is another reason I quoted that post I think you are referring to as well, I suppose it does not matter now since Wolf is dead. I thought Grandma was crumbing Wolf was the vampire, Grandma kept saying “You Suck” to Wolf. So, I thought maybe Grandma was trying to say something without saying it, I thought she maybe she got some detecting ability, but obviously I am wrong- since Wolf was plain town and not the vampire. My other suspicion was Grandma may have been crumbing Vampire to scum as well, by saying suck several times to Wolf. I haven’t the slightest clue anymore. No one seems to be playing much, seems many are playing other games which are keeping them from this one- or have real life going on as well.

Other than that, I don’t have much- aside from believing scum must have had a part in pushing Wolf. I also believe one scum is probably on her wagon- or pushed her on purpose. So, it confused me when Avatar seemed to be egging her on, ( Which he explained after I asked him) I had a pretty much town read on Avatar because of what I picked up Day 1 (still do). Basically, null on you. I have nothing on SR at all, the only thing I saw was a sheep vote for Wolf from her- But she was V/LA. Unless people play more it will be impossible IMO. I am having issues participating too, so I can’t point fingers at anyone.
I'm fairly behind in this game. Embroiled in others.

If memory serves, we're at seven players, correct?

The game's been pretty neat so far. I'm liking the subtle abilities. :)
Cafe - I wasn't crumbing. I was blatantly telling Wolf that her game sucked. I'll be more specific so that what I said won't be mistaken for snark.
Wolf is an alpha player. She likes to take a leadership position, which is not a bad idea, especially when players are in multiple games on multiple boards and others are V/LA.
The problem is that while she was a leader, she was guessing terribly. A case of the blind leading the blind, as it were. Nothing personal and no crumbing. Just pointing out a problem.

Oh, Cafe, I may have figured something else out - late. The joat to most correction. Wolf had a shot at picking up on one ability, so instead of being a Jack Of All Trades, she was a Master At One Trade. Potentially.
Cafe - I wasn't crumbing. I was blatantly telling Wolf that her game sucked. I'll be more specific so that what I said won't be mistaken for snark.
Wolf is an alpha player. She likes to take a leadership position, which is not a bad idea, especially when players are in multiple games on multiple boards and others are V/LA.
The problem is that while she was a leader, she was guessing terribly. A case of the blind leading the blind, as it were. Nothing personal and no crumbing. Just pointing out a problem.

Oh, Cafe, I may have figured something else out - late. The joat to most correction. Wolf had a shot at picking up on one ability, so instead of being a Jack Of All Trades, she was a Master At One Trade. Potentially.


I thought for sure that is what you meant, that was one reason I quoted that post, thinking others may pick up on it too without scum seeing it. Aside from my sheer irritation at the moment ( relating to elsewhere) and hoping things were not spiraling out of control -where more people may possible ask to replace our or quit, and having a possible meltdown myself TBH.

That correction still bugs me, I don't know why she did not just say, like you said, she was not claiming a cop . Maybe it's nothing. You were probably right. BUT Her claim really confused me, I though she was claiming she took House's JOAT ability - if Wolf had not lynched herself- scum may have targeted her next- BUT she could have been setting a trap too ( like House did IMO) - so if we have a watcher- they can watch the potential target and catch scum, however I did not understand what she was saying until I came back to the game ( after she hammered herself) and saw her explanation.

She said she could grab someone's ability each night though, if scum killed someone she targeted, so she could have ended up being a very powerful asset for us or a very dangerous one to scum ( if she could use more than one ability per night or if she just kept grabbing abilities scum thought they were killing off) OR if scum targeted her -we would have lost every ability we have with one NK, if she had picked up more than one through the course of the game.
I'm fairly behind in this game. Embroiled in others.

If memory serves, we're at seven players, correct?

The game's been pretty neat so far. I'm liking the subtle abilities. :)

Why did you think Avatar was possibly scummy Wake, Day 3 start? I saw you questioning him before Wolf self-lynched, but I don't think you gave any reasons, I may have missed something though. What do you think about Wolf's wagon? Also, I see you too are dealing with r/l issues and other games, but I think if someone signs up for a game they need to at least try to play or keep up with the games they signed up for- that is not just directed at you BTW. I know there are several others playing other games too.
There is another reason I quoted that post I think you are referring to as well, I suppose it does not matter now since Wolf is dead. I thought Grandma was crumbing Wolf was the vampire, Grandma kept saying “You Suck” to Wolf. So, I thought maybe Grandma was trying to say something without saying it, I thought she maybe she got some detecting ability, but obviously I am wrong- since Wolf was plain town and not the vampire. My other suspicion was Grandma may have been crumbing Vampire to scum as well, by saying suck several times to Wolf. I haven’t the slightest clue anymore. No one seems to be playing much, seems many are playing other games which are keeping them from this one- or have real life going on as well.
Honestly, I took this as a scum indicator. Grandma really seemed to be focusing on getting wolf to create more drama.

I am still null on her though because this is not terribly out of character for her.
There is another reason I quoted that post I think you are referring to as well, I suppose it does not matter now since Wolf is dead. I thought Grandma was crumbing Wolf was the vampire, Grandma kept saying “You Suck” to Wolf. So, I thought maybe Grandma was trying to say something without saying it, I thought she maybe she got some detecting ability, but obviously I am wrong- since Wolf was plain town and not the vampire. My other suspicion was Grandma may have been crumbing Vampire to scum as well, by saying suck several times to Wolf. I haven’t the slightest clue anymore. No one seems to be playing much, seems many are playing other games which are keeping them from this one- or have real life going on as well.
Honestly, I took this as a scum indicator. Grandma really seemed to be focusing on getting wolf to create more drama.

I am still null on her though because this is not terribly out of character for her.
I agree she is a rather abrasive person she is probably nice at times when it counts...
It's quiet in here today.

Where is everyone?

Sick, working, almost wiped out three times on the way from work. Apparently, Nature thought it fun to start with a freak snowstorm, and my snow tires need to be replaced. Nothing gets your blood pumping like a semi coming at you at 50 mph.

:ack-1: You might want to take the back roads for a day or two.
I do just to avoid the cops....

State boys prowl the 4-lanes. County cops sit on the 2-lane highways. Township cops are everywhere.

But somehow I get the feeling that Wake doesn't have any outstanding warrants.
Then he needs to work on that issue....
It's quiet in here today.

Where is everyone?

Sick, working, almost wiped out three times on the way from work. Apparently, Nature thought it fun to start with a freak snowstorm, and my snow tires need to be replaced. Nothing gets your blood pumping like a semi coming at you at 50 mph.

:ack-1: You might want to take the back roads for a day or two.
I do just to avoid the cops....

I don't know if you are joking or scum telling here. It's comments like this that convinced us to correctly lynch you game one.

jack if you haven't investigated moonglow or used your investigations up I recommend investigating him
Why waist a an investigation when it is players other than myself that need read. It will just read Townie...
Unofficial vote count:

Wake (1) - Avatar

Not voting: everyone else.

Deadline: Thursday evening.

This is the slowest Day ever.
My brain is frazzled.

Just worked my first 12hr hospital shift caring for patients with severe brain damage. Part madhouse, part intensive medical work. Friggin' exhausted. Only allowed to sit for 24 minutes. 36 blisters on feet. Ravenous, and eating 20 chicken nuggets and considering buying a large meal (never been this hungry before ever). Beat up, stiff, almost fell walking into restaurant because so beaten up and tired.

Moved an 800lb client today in hoyer lift with 6 other staff. The smell was beyond horrible.
Actually, as you say it's very high. I've smelt three smells today that I've never smelt before, and they were all horrible.

Accidentally spilt milk on a client while feeding her, so had to replace her clothes, all the linens, yada-yada. Felt bad about that, but she wasn't pissed with me over it. Not all of the clients in the hospital wings are not all otgether in their minds. It's those clients who bloody themselves horrifically by scratching and scratching and scratching until open skin and blood is everywhere, and those who are so incontinent of urine/feces that their skin is virtually flayed off, which means they're in excruciating, hellish pain every day they are cleaned. Writing this, I'm trying not to tear up, because I saw some miserable s*** today. People take their lives for granted, and so many people live in abject Hell in some of these hospitals, with few knowing it.

My nerves are still shot and tingling looking at the patches of ripped-open raw skin, and shrieking. Still hearing it, like it's seared into my memory. Their suffering was so palpable it's gripping me like a deathly shroud at the moment. I was told to get used to it, because it never stops, and rarely gets better. I think I'll go home, give my Mom a hug, spoil her with a surprise breakfast tomorrow, and never take her for granted again.
Unofficial vote count:

Wake (1) - Avatar

Not voting: everyone else.

Deadline: Thursday evening.

This is the slowest Day ever.

Very slow, but I am finding there is nothing to comment on, is everyone involved in games elsewhere?

It seems we might need a prod for ScarletRage too AyeCantSeeYou. Her last post was Nov. 9th, I thought her V/LA ended on the 10th? It's now the 17th.

Shaitra congrats on your house!
It's quiet in here today.

Where is everyone?

Sick, working, almost wiped out three times on the way from work. Apparently, Nature thought it fun to start with a freak snowstorm, and my snow tires need to be replaced. Nothing gets your blood pumping like a semi coming at you at 50 mph.

:ack-1: You might want to take the back roads for a day or two.
I do just to avoid the cops....

I don't know if you are joking or scum telling here. It's comments like this that convinced us to correctly lynch you game one.

jack if you haven't investigated moonglow or used your investigations up I recommend investigating him
Why waist a an investigation when it is players other than myself that need read. It will just read Townie...

Who do you suggest for investigation Moon?
My brain is frazzled.

Just worked my first 12hr hospital shift caring for patients with severe brain damage. Part madhouse, part intensive medical work. Friggin' exhausted. Only allowed to sit for 24 minutes. 36 blisters on feet. Ravenous, and eating 20 chicken nuggets and considering buying a large meal (never been this hungry before ever). Beat up, stiff, almost fell walking into restaurant because so beaten up and tired.

Moved an 800lb client today in hoyer lift with 6 other staff. The smell was beyond horrible.

I hope you feel better soon.
There is another reason I quoted that post I think you are referring to as well, I suppose it does not matter now since Wolf is dead. I thought Grandma was crumbing Wolf was the vampire, Grandma kept saying “You Suck” to Wolf. So, I thought maybe Grandma was trying to say something without saying it, I thought she maybe she got some detecting ability, but obviously I am wrong- since Wolf was plain town and not the vampire. My other suspicion was Grandma may have been crumbing Vampire to scum as well, by saying suck several times to Wolf. I haven’t the slightest clue anymore. No one seems to be playing much, seems many are playing other games which are keeping them from this one- or have real life going on as well.
Honestly, I took this as a scum indicator. Grandma really seemed to be focusing on getting wolf to create more drama.

I am still null on her though because this is not terribly out of character for her.

I thought about that too, but also thought scum would not be that blatant, I don't think so anyway, but I kept reverting back to some detecting ability due to the "you suck" thing. I do know Grandma likes to poke sometimes, to include chrome bumpers in the eye as well. :D ( I think I got it right that time, if I did not, apologies Grandma)

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