Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

Anyway, here's my reads list:

Avatar4321 - Null, leaning Town.

CafeAuLait - Town

FA_Q2 - Town

Grandma - Town

Moonglow - Scum, or at least Anti-Town

ScarletRage - Null

Shaitra - Null leaning hard to Scum

Wake - Null, leaning Scum.

So I'm looking at Moonglow, ScarletRage, Shaitra, and Wake. If Scarlet is Scum, then Wake is not, and vice versa.

vote: Shaitra
I am here and re-reading. Been busy the last couple of days taking care of hubby. He's heading up to the cottage and house for deer hunting season and to work on the house. So I've not had a bunch of time to re-read. But he leaves later this morning which frees up lots of time.

Grandma, why do you feel that of Scarlet and Wake, only one of them is scum?
Vote: Wake

In my re-read, Wake is not providing reads on anyone. He told House D1 that he would provide a read on House but never did it. And he made that promise when there was still plenty of time D1 to do the read. I also find the Super Saint claim suspicious. He claimed to not remember the game he played with SR even though he agreed it was an "epic" game. I can go back and get specific posts if you all need them. I just didn't bother to write them down while I was reading.
Just a reminder to all players:

Posting in the game is not voluntary; it is mandatory!

ScarletRage has been sent a PM to remind her of the game.
My brain is frazzled.

Just worked my first 12hr hospital shift caring for patients with severe brain damage. Part madhouse, part intensive medical work. Friggin' exhausted. Only allowed to sit for 24 minutes. 36 blisters on feet. Ravenous, and eating 20 chicken nuggets and considering buying a large meal (never been this hungry before ever). Beat up, stiff, almost fell walking into restaurant because so beaten up and tired.

Moved an 800lb client today in hoyer lift with 6 other staff. The smell was beyond horrible.
Now you know what a mason goes through every day..
Alright. I'm online. Still tired, but willing to answer questions. Not interested in hunting through pages, though, so if you have a ton of questions please ask them in list form to help me out, please. My energy bottomed out last night, and I'm still recovering (feet are still numb/blistered/tingling).

I'll read through and see if I can get back into the game.
Vote: Wake

In my re-read, Wake is not providing reads on anyone. He told House D1 that he would provide a read on House but never did it. And he made that promise when there was still plenty of time D1 to do the read. I also find the Super Saint claim suspicious. He claimed to not remember the game he played with SR even though he agreed it was an "epic" game. I can go back and get specific posts if you all need them. I just didn't bother to write them down while I was reading.

Actually, I did provide some reads earlier in the game, but with work and life making it impossible at times, it isn't going to happen. I'd like to see the post where I said I'd read House but didn't. As life is at the moment I'm, well, busy. It's not uncommon for me to forget or make general mistakes in a complicated game (or four at a time) when preoccupied. Usually during Day 1 I rarely provide reads on every single player because for me it requires a lot of energy. As for me being a Super Saint, we were all given random abilities. Wolfie had the Disguiser ability, and Avatar is a 1-Shot Commuter, I think (haven't had time to read the last 10 pages).

GundamSEED was an epic Mafia game for multiple reasons, but it happened many months ago, and some things, like the thing Scarlet was talking about, I did not remember. It's not practical. As time wears on the memory of it fades, and only the most outrageous and interesting aspects of the game are retained.

So at this point I'm not really sure what your intent is, Shaitra. I don't think you'd try to capitalize on my lack of presence this game as Scum in order to obtain my mislynch. It'd probably be wise to check up on your meta when you were Scum in, I think, USMB #1? My inability to provide reads due to being busy and spread thin isn't indicative of alignment and, if you're pushing it in spite of that logic, it'd just bother me as to why you're doing it. Sort of like how it's scummy to use hyperbole. Personally I feel this is a poorly-obstructed case against me which can be easily be shattered with the flick of a finger. What I want from you now is a thorough explanation for why you are pushing this angle, Shaitra. I would also appreciate it if other players would weigh in, too.
Vote: Wake

In my re-read, Wake is not providing reads on anyone. He told House D1 that he would provide a read on House but never did it. And he made that promise when there was still plenty of time D1 to do the read. I also find the Super Saint claim suspicious. He claimed to not remember the game he played with SR even though he agreed it was an "epic" game. I can go back and get specific posts if you all need them. I just didn't bother to write them down while I was reading.
This case is rather suspicious for the reasons that wake stated as well as the timing - nothing on this until a vote appears on you. I would like some specifics as well. Can't really recap the thread myself until tomorrow because I am on my phone. I do agree that the claim by wake is still suspicious.

IF wake were the lynchee who would be willing to hammer? Wake claims they will die with him.

The problem really is that we are all lurkers this game die to life events. This make most votes based on little.

SR is a viable candidate as well. Very hostile to wake and then nothing well past the v la date. Not much from her the entire game.

For the most part I am not willing to lynch Avi, Moon or Cafe today.
Vote: Wake

In my re-read, Wake is not providing reads on anyone. He told House D1 that he would provide a read on House but never did it. And he made that promise when there was still plenty of time D1 to do the read. I also find the Super Saint claim suspicious. He claimed to not remember the game he played with SR even though he agreed it was an "epic" game. I can go back and get specific posts if you all need them. I just didn't bother to write them down while I was reading.

While I agree Wake’s claim is dubious, I have few questions Shai, since you keep coming back to Wake’s ability claim, it’s coming off as tunneling IMO. I made a different argument about Wake Day 2 start, when I voted Wake, you did not cast a vote for Wake at the time. SR did and I think she was the only one who voted after I made my argument, then she shifted her vote to Wolfsister (confirmed dead town). (There must be a least one scum on her wagon and yet another or the same one pushing her into meltdown mode IMO).

Scum then miss a NK and Grandma suggests there is a traveler, and Avatar claims traveler right after Grandma suggests it. What do you think about a claim of one of us being immune from a NK Shai? Seems just a powerful as Wake’s supposed claim, yes? Scum are screwed and we can will win since they can’t NK Avatar. Due to my town read on Avatar I believe him, (irritated at his Wolf vote and his seemingly not reading her claim), but believe him for now- but, I note you keep coming back to Wake’s claimed ability and it’s bothersome to me.

I don’t recall you being so vocal about Wolfsister’s claim of gaining every one of our abilities if she targeted one of us the same time as scum did for a NK. Wakes claim presents a double edge sword IMO. If we don’t believe him and mislynch- we lose someone to the hammer, him, and someone to NK. Wake argues voting early for him may be a scum tell. Convenient argument or true or just helpful to Wake? So, I don’t know what to make of it. Except, it made sense when he did say it- and confuses me even more so.

His claim almost presents a Schrödinger's cat paradox- IMO- Scum dead?- we dead to kill him,- scum lives- we dead as well- Maybe.- just like the damn cat. However, you keep arguing his claim is too far unbalanced for the game, but give no mention or hardly note our other powerful abilities claimed, e.g., Wolf and Avatar.

Tell me what you think of Avatar’s claim and Wolfsister’s claim please. They both are powerful abilities, wouldn’t you agree? You seem to be arguing a lot against Wake supposedly having this powerful ability, but when other powerful abilities are claimed, you kinda ignore them and it seems as if you are tunneling on Wake’s ability, but ignore the rest of the claimed powerful abilities. So I keep wondering if Wake is town and telling the truth, would scum push to lynch Wake to take out 3 of us in one day/night- putting us in a lylo situation if I am counting right?

Would you be willing to hammer Wake if you think his claim is bunk?

Lynching Wake scenarios:

So let’s say Wake's claim is true.

We lynch wake, we lose 1 there, and then one of us will hammer, we lose a second townie there. Thirdly, we will lose another one of us for the NK. 3 of us dead. Bringing total numbers to only 5 – with 2 scum left and 3 of us, (with one possibly being the vampire townie)- one more wrong lynch, we lose given scum’s NK- they win if I am counting correctly. LYLO, yes?

There is another part to this as well. we lynch Wake and his claim is true , after one of us hammers - this leaves 6 total left. 2 scum 4 of us- before the NK -BUT if scum manages to turn the vampire that night - it will be 3 scum and 3 town- BAM scum WINS- unless we manage to take out a scum, we will still be at lylo until the game finishes. Am I counting right here?

Let’s say Wakes claim is true and - and scum don’t believe him. Of course this is a boon, they hammer and BOOM! 1 Scum is dead and they only have one scum left, 1 of them 4 of us, unless they convert the vampire its 2 scum 3 town.

Please correct me someone if my numbers are off.
The only scum read I can come up with is the weakest link, and that would be the lurkers..


Moonglow: 64 posts
ScarletRage: 69 posts,

Okay, but even with lurking and not posting for a week she still has more posts then you though. I hope we all can put a little more effort in if life allows such. Not cracking on you here Moon, just hoping we all can devote a little more time.

Tell me Moon, why do you no longer suspect Avatar given your vote parking Day 2? Just wondering here, and why you saw him as scum to begin with? And I’ll ask again, please, who do you think is a good candidate to be investigated?

With that said, Moon your post had me searching and while checking post content, (which matters more than numbers IMO) I am reminded SR, helped to get Wolf lynched and said a townie would not have Wolf’s claimed ability or said she never saw a townie with that ability. SR sheeped Avatar’s vote on Wolfsister ( after Avatar said Wolf was a wolf in sheep's clothing) AND the SR said it was a “plan” (??) which had come together to trap Wolf: post 1112

And then SR asked “House” to join the resistance ( which I read as voting for Wolf) but House is dead- scum had already killed House. Perhaps she meant Wake?

Wake then questions SR's vote for Wolfsister, post 1113. And SR comes back saying Wake is scum and tells Wolf she is not lining up people for lynches as Wolfsister alleges. (1140)- Wolf says such given SR said she wanted to see Grandma and Wake lynched, but was voting for Wolf.


What was this "plan"?

An aside:

Can anyone tell me what 'derping" means?
Wake (2): Avatar4321, Shaitra
Shaitra (1): Grandma
ScarletRage (1): Moonglow

Not Voting: Wake, ScarletRage, FA_Q2, CafeAuLait

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch!
Deadline is 11/20/14, @ 8PM central.

~ No talking about the game outside of this game thread.
~ No editing/deleting posts allowed.
~ Voting for yourself goes against your win condition.

The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't. ~Henry Ward Beecher

Vote Counts
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
I'm not sure what I think about wakes claim. It seems unlikely to me. In fact it seems likely to draw the night kill. if he isn't scum could he be the vampire?

I'm going to think of this. If it makes anyone feel better I'm willing to hammer wake if it comes to it.
I'm a bit lost in this game, and will attempt to get a footing in it when I can.

If anyone can reason why the claim is bogus, which it isn't, please do so.

As players know we were all given random abilities. Some are stronger than others. The reason I outed mine is because if I didn't, and a Town PR hammers, that Town PR is going to die. If I were Scum the last thing I would do is out this ability and bring all of this attention and scrutiny upon myself.
I'm not sure what I think about wakes claim. It seems unlikely to me. In fact it seems likely to draw the night kill. if he isn't scum could he be the vampire?

I'm going to think of this. If it makes anyone feel better I'm willing to hammer wake if it comes to it.

I wondered the same about the NK. Why didn't scum take him out then? BUT also thought that if his ability is real- it is a boon to scum, it gets one more of us killed for a double lynch ( for the lack of better words) if they don't hammer- all the while we think he is full of it and want to lynch him- then, they get a NK and get 3 of us in one day. All they have to do is be early on his wagon or keep pushing for his lynch. I also thought of another possibility last night as well, aside from him being possible scum fake claiming-What if he is scum and he does have that ability? WTF?

I honestly don't know what to think anymore and I am surprised you are willing to hammer given you are claiming an ability which could win the game for us. So you just confused me more. I'm thinking of too many possibilities and getting caught up in a ton of WIFOM. I have not read Wake as vampire yet- if he is and his ability is real we are screwed even further IMO.

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