Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

There will not be an extension for the day phase. If there aren't enough votes for a lynch, it goes down as a No Lynch.

I will PM ScarletRage one more time. If no answer by 8pm tonight, I'll seek a replacement.
Vote: Wake

In my re-read, Wake is not providing reads on anyone. He told House D1 that he would provide a read on House but never did it. And he made that promise when there was still plenty of time D1 to do the read. I also find the Super Saint claim suspicious. He claimed to not remember the game he played with SR even though he agreed it was an "epic" game. I can go back and get specific posts if you all need them. I just didn't bother to write them down while I was reading.
This case is rather suspicious for the reasons that wake stated as well as the timing - nothing on this until a vote appears on you. I would like some specifics as well. Can't really recap the thread myself until tomorrow because I am on my phone. I do agree that the claim by wake is still suspicious.

IF wake were the lynchee who would be willing to hammer? Wake claims they will die with him.

The problem really is that we are all lurkers this game die to life events. This make most votes based on little.

SR is a viable candidate as well. Very hostile to wake and then nothing well past the v la date. Not much from her the entire game.

For the most part I am not willing to lynch Avi, Moon or Cafe today.

I'd be willing to hammer Wake. The claim seems fake to me because it assures that no one will be willing to lynch him. What better way for scum to stay alive?

Vote: Wake

In my re-read, Wake is not providing reads on anyone. He told House D1 that he would provide a read on House but never did it. And he made that promise when there was still plenty of time D1 to do the read. I also find the Super Saint claim suspicious. He claimed to not remember the game he played with SR even though he agreed it was an "epic" game. I can go back and get specific posts if you all need them. I just didn't bother to write them down while I was reading.

While I agree Wakeā€™s claim is dubious, I have few questions Shai, since you keep coming back to Wakeā€™s ability claim, itā€™s coming off as tunneling IMO. I made a different argument about Wake Day 2 start, when I voted Wake, you did not cast a vote for Wake at the time. SR did and I think she was the only one who voted after I made my argument, then she shifted her vote to Wolfsister (confirmed dead town). (There must be a least one scum on her wagon and yet another or the same one pushing her into meltdown mode IMO).

Scum then miss a NK and Grandma suggests there is a traveler, and Avatar claims traveler right after Grandma suggests it. What do you think about a claim of one of us being immune from a NK Shai? Seems just a powerful as Wakeā€™s supposed claim, yes? Scum are screwed and we can will win since they canā€™t NK Avatar. Due to my town read on Avatar I believe him, (irritated at his Wolf vote and his seemingly not reading her claim), but believe him for now- but, I note you keep coming back to Wakeā€™s claimed ability and itā€™s bothersome to me.

I donā€™t recall you being so vocal about Wolfsisterā€™s claim of gaining every one of our abilities if she targeted one of us the same time as scum did for a NK. Wakes claim presents a double edge sword IMO. If we donā€™t believe him and mislynch- we lose someone to the hammer, him, and someone to NK. Wake argues voting early for him may be a scum tell. Convenient argument or true or just helpful to Wake? So, I donā€™t know what to make of it. Except, it made sense when he did say it- and confuses me even more so.

His claim almost presents a Schrƶdinger's cat paradox- IMO- Scum dead?- we dead to kill him,- scum lives- we dead as well- Maybe.- just like the damn cat. However, you keep arguing his claim is too far unbalanced for the game, but give no mention or hardly note our other powerful abilities claimed, e.g., Wolf and Avatar.

Tell me what you think of Avatarā€™s claim and Wolfsisterā€™s claim please. They both are powerful abilities, wouldnā€™t you agree? You seem to be arguing a lot against Wake supposedly having this powerful ability, but when other powerful abilities are claimed, you kinda ignore them and it seems as if you are tunneling on Wakeā€™s ability, but ignore the rest of the claimed powerful abilities. So I keep wondering if Wake is town and telling the truth, would scum push to lynch Wake to take out 3 of us in one day/night- putting us in a lylo situation if I am counting right?

Would you be willing to hammer Wake if you think his claim is bunk?

Lynching Wake scenarios:

So letā€™s say Wake's claim is true.

We lynch wake, we lose 1 there, and then one of us will hammer, we lose a second townie there. Thirdly, we will lose another one of us for the NK. 3 of us dead. Bringing total numbers to only 5 ā€“ with 2 scum left and 3 of us, (with one possibly being the vampire townie)- one more wrong lynch, we lose given scumā€™s NK- they win if I am counting correctly. LYLO, yes?

There is another part to this as well. we lynch Wake and his claim is true , after one of us hammers - this leaves 6 total left. 2 scum 4 of us- before the NK -BUT if scum manages to turn the vampire that night - it will be 3 scum and 3 town- BAM scum WINS- unless we manage to take out a scum, we will still be at lylo until the game finishes. Am I counting right here?

Letā€™s say Wakes claim is true and - and scum donā€™t believe him. Of course this is a boon, they hammer and BOOM! 1 Scum is dead and they only have one scum left, 1 of them 4 of us, unless they convert the vampire its 2 scum 3 town.

Please correct me someone if my numbers are off.
I disagree I am tunneling. I'm not posting anywhere near enough to tunnel. :lol: Anyway, someone said that everyone got abilities from Aye. That would be totally incorrect. I got nothing but a post restriction. So yes, I feel the super saint claim is way out of wack when some of us are still just plain vanilla town. Also, look at your numbers claim. Since Wake's ability is potentially so harmful to town it is unbalanced in this game. Scum already has the opportunity to turn a townie (the vamp) into another scum. How does Wake's ability do anything to help town?

For FA and Cafe, one thing I know about myself and mafia games is I have a hard time getting reads early in the game. I do better the longer the game goes on. I honestly don't remember what argument you made against Wake Cafe. Could you give me the post number so I can review it? What has changed since that read?

I'm a bit lost in this game, and will attempt to get a footing in it when I can.

If anyone can reason why the claim is bogus, which it isn't, please do so.

As players know we were all given random abilities. Some are stronger than others. The reason I outed mine is because if I didn't, and a Town PR hammers, that Town PR is going to die. If I were Scum the last thing I would do is out this ability and bring all of this attention and scrutiny upon myself.

As I stated earlier, not everyone gained an ability. I've even re-read my pm from Aye two or three times now to make sure I didn't miss something.

You keep claiming you are trying to help town, but haven't you also ensured no one wants to lynch you since your claim makes you a poison pill. I think that would be a great place to be as scum.
Who do you think should be scrutinized?

Tell me and I'll comb through their posts and provide a read on them.

I keep forgetting that Moonglow and FA_Q2 are in the game.

Read me, please.

This should be entertaining.


I'll look through your posts soon.

Wake, here is your post where you said you would read House. I don't remember you doing that read.
I'm a bit lost in this game, and will attempt to get a footing in it when I can.

If anyone can reason why the claim is bogus, which it isn't, please do so.

As players know we were all given random abilities. Some are stronger than others. The reason I outed mine is because if I didn't, and a Town PR hammers, that Town PR is going to die. If I were Scum the last thing I would do is out this ability and bring all of this attention and scrutiny upon myself.
My reason that i think it is bogus is because it is perfect claim for scum. It takes you out of the lynch pool as people do not want to hammer and then be killed. Further, the power in that role is in not telling and killing the scum that hammers you. Now that they know, it is useless. Lastly, you claimed at the worst moment when there was no real wagon on you basically telling scum that they needed to jump on right away if they were going for your lynch as they could not be the hammer.

IOW, every single thing about your claim was anti town. If you really were protecting PR's you should have waited on the claim and crumed.

I am not really comfortable lynching you at the moment though. Avatar is the only confirmed town right now as well so DO NOT HAMMER wake avatar. Being confirmed town is worth more than that. Of course i think you are on the wagon anyway so you cant atm.

The extension would be nice as we are passed the deadline. Dont know if aye is game cor it though. We really need it.
I agree with what FA has said here about Wake's claim. At the very best it is anti-town. I'll state again that I am willing to hammer Wake.
1) I don't have much time for this game. Ergo, I haven't been able to provide reads.

2) As said before the claim isn't anti-Town. I have the ability. If I didn't speak up and a Town PR mislynched me then that role would be killed. I don't understand how that's not being understood. It's the same if you're a Miller. You should claim it, or else that's anti-Town.

3) I don't get why I'm being voted. Feels like I'm being railroaded because Scum know I'm having a lot of difficulty finding time playing this game, and what other opportunity would they have to try and get rid of a player who can pose an immense threat to them?

4) Shaitra, again, I have been busy. I didn't get around to providing a read on House. Not having the time to get around to doing that doesn't mean I'm Scum, so I'm starting to think you're Scummy for weaving this lie, as if I'm somehow Scum for not having time.

5) To be clear, if I were Scum, the last thing I would do is reveal my ability. If I were Scum I'd wait for a PR/strong Town player to come and hammer me, taking him or her out in the process. I understand the meta here is different, but maybe you guys should take a look at what the Wiki mentions about the Super Saint usage.

6) I don't have the time but I'll try anyways to provide some good reads. It is annoying been pushed to provide reads when I'm not really able to. If I'm going to be mislynched by Scum then I should try to do everything I can to share my views before that mistake happens.
So we've got seven players alive.


How many of them are hanging out in the background and not really contributing but being opportunistic without doing much?

Is there a way to use an ISO function without having to go through someone's general post count? I need to be able to search solely through a player's posts in this game thread. Otherwise it's tough trying to keep up.
I need to be able to ISO players to provide high-quality reads. Otherwise I have to hunt through 67 pages, and that's not possible.
So about your only defense is you don't have time and I'm lying? I call them like I see them. My issue with your claim is I don't think you really have that ability. How is that lying? I could use the same kind of defense on you. You are lying by calling me scum when I know I am town. Are you convinced yet? No? It's OK, I'm not convinced about your ability either.

And again for the record since I haven't seen anyone address it yet, not everyone got abilities. I sure didn't anyway. I restate that is another reason I feel Wake's claimed PR is overpowering for this game.
Wake, go to the top of the page and click on search. Put the player's name in that you want to ISO. Then click the checkbox for "this thread only". That will give you only that players posts from this game.
Wake, go to the top of the page and click on search. Put the player's name in that you want to ISO. Then click the checkbox for "this thread only". That will give you only that players posts from this game.

OK, that's awesome. Thanks! :D
So about your only defense is you don't have time and I'm lying? I call them like I see them. My issue with your claim is I don't think you really have that ability. How is that lying? I could use the same kind of defense on you. You are lying by calling me scum when I know I am town. Are you convinced yet? No? It's OK, I'm not convinced about your ability either.

And again for the record since I haven't seen anyone address it yet, not everyone got abilities. I sure didn't anyway. I restate that is another reason I feel Wake's claimed PR is overpowering for this game.

My defense is that I haven't had time and I find it weird that you're poking me for not providing a read on House when you know full well that I was busy and unable to. It doesn't seem genuine. I call them like I see them.

Basically your fragile case on me is that you don't think I could have been given such a strong ability. Wolfie had the Disguiser ability, Avatar had the Commuter ability, and others had abilities that activated during Day 1. From where I stand I do believe more players other than myself have abilities, but in the same vein urge them not to reveal them.

"Wake is Scummy because I can't believe it" =/= logical case. It's not grounded in any sort of logical basis, so I'd like to understand where exactly these emotions are coming from so we can better understand them. Your position makes no logical sense. Nada. None. It's not a valid reason if you're trying to play this game using logic (which you should).

From my standpoint, I do have the ability, and I'm not convinced by your own display of denial and I dismiss it outright, because your paranoia over the existence of my ability isn't good enough reason to call me scummy. Commuter and Disguiser, SK and JoaT, not to mention the Vampire... are all very strong roles. I guess I'd like to understand why you'd think the Super Saint ability can't be included as well. Is there some sort of code that says it cannot be used in any game with a 1-Shot Commuter and a modified JoaT?
All this defending your clam ensures you are going to be lynched wake. What you need to do is give us an alternative. We have half a day here and we need a viable canadate.

Does anyone have a second choice?
I'm low on time, but if I can catch my breath I can contribute. I'm feeling like I'm getting railroaded here.

Moonglow and Scarlet are better options. Scarlet hasn't posted in over a week. I can, but I'm dealing with a lot of work. I should just go V/LA.
Wake (2): Avatar4321, Moonglow
Shaitra (1): Grandma

Not Voting: Wake, ScarletRage, FA_Q2, CafeAuLait, Shaitra

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch!
Deadline is 11/20/14, @ 8PM central.

~ No talking about the game outside of this game thread.
~ No editing/deleting posts allowed.
~ Voting for yourself goes against your win condition.

ā€œThinking before taking actions is useful only if you are going to take action, otherwise you are wasting time and insulting your mind.ā€
ā€• Amit Kalantri

Vote Counts
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4


We have about an hour before the deadline. Why are you so hesitant about lynching wake when hr is really the only person who has a wagon grandma?

scarlet would be voting for wake if she was here. Having people absent is not helping us.
I was wrong. We have half an hour before the deadline. I don't understand how so many people aren't voting. Not agreeing yes. But not voting whatsoever?

I don't know how many people are going to post or vote before the deadline. But we are quickly going to a no lynch. There isn't any more I can do

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