Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

Wake (1): Moonglow
LYNCH!!! ScarletRage (5): FA_Q2, Wake, Avatar4321, Grandma, CafeAuLait

Not Voting: ScarletRage, Shaitra

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch!
Deadline is 11/20/14, @ 8PM central.

~ No talking about the game outside of this game thread.
~ No editing/deleting posts allowed.
~ Voting for yourself goes against your win condition.

“Thinking before taking actions is useful only if you are going to take action, otherwise you are wasting time and insulting your mind.”
Amit Kalantri

Vote Counts
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

3.1 3.2

Scarlet is a L-1.

Moon, Cafe, Shaitra, who wants to hammer?

I guess I will, I hope she is scum/vampire and not town. I wish she had not disappeared and at least asked to be replaced out instead of putting us in a bind. I feel as if it is inconsiderate to say the least. She could have said something.

Vote: ScarletRage.
So do i but we did need a lynch canidate and SR really was better than wake imho. There really wasn't anyone else.
Scarlet is a L-1.

Moon, Cafe, Shaitra, who wants to hammer?

I guess I will, I hope she is scum/vampire and not town. I wish she had not disappeared and at least asked to be replaced out instead of putting us in a bind. I feel as if it is inconsiderate to say the least. She could have said something.

Vote: ScarletRage.
So do i but we did need a lynch canidate and SR really was better than wake imho. There really wasn't anyone else.

Yeah, but if I made a mistake, it could cost us greatly. I was starting to think a no-lynch may be better- so we don't lose two in one day if we lynch town by accident- then scum get a shot.
All ScarletRage heard from the townsfolk growing up was the same generic line: Don't go into the park after dark. One night while driving home alone, her Goblin curiosity got the better of her and to the park she went. Driving down the dirt road, she noticed fog settling in and thought the street lights in the distance gave an ominous glow.


After walking around for a bit, Scarlet came upon a shady looking man that appeared to be lost. She asked him if he needed help, but all he said was, "Follow me."


Before she knew it, Scarlet was noticing all sorts of strange looking plants and flowers all over the place. Instead of just admiring them from a distance, she went up close to one and knelt down beside it, leaning in until her face was nearly in the center pod.


Too busy staring at the odd plant and forgetting all about the man she was following, Scarlet didn't notice that the mysterious stranger was behind her. With a hard push, he shoved her head first into the carnivorous plant she was so entranced by.

To this day, the townsfolk just assumed Scarlet had moved away to some big city far away from their small town. Every once in a while though, rumors start flying around about a strange animal seen running through the fog in the park at night. Could it be the fabled Body Snatchers actually got ahold of her and turned her into a creature the town calls ika? Noone will ever know!

It is now Night 3.

Night Actions Deadline is 11/22/14, @ 8PM central.

"Who's afraid of the Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper
Who's afraid of the Grim Reaper
Tra la la la la"
was all anyone passing near FA_Q2 heard one dark, cold night.

Nevermind that it was Halloween and the neighborhood block part was in full swing. Something about the town JOAT dressed as a Grim Reaper doesn't sit well with people, no matter how simple or elaborate the getup is. Even the pumpkins seemed to frown at the site of FA that night.


Not about to give up on having fun, our Grim Reaper decided to take a stab at karaoke.
Turning the sound up as loud as he could, FA started to sing a favorite song of his.....
"Hells Bells"

Not to be outdone by the Grim Reaper, a couple of Ghouls that had been hanging around the party all evening decided to take a turn belting out a song they seemed to really love.....
"Ghouls Just Want to Have Fun"


Unfortunately for FA, the Ghouls had plans for more fun that included him after their performance. Pretending they were too scared to walk home alone in the dark, they convinced FA to go along with them.

FA was never heard from again. The Ghouls, on the other hand, can still be heard singing their favorite song.
It is now Day 4.

With 6 players, it takes 4 to lynch.

Not Voting (6)
Moonglow ♂
Avatar4321 ♂
Grandma ♀
Wake ♂
CafeAuLait ♀
Shaitra ♀

Deadline is 11/29/14, @ 8PM central.
So minus the fluff and convolution, what are the things we know for sure right now? I need some objective details to get me caught up. I'm not reading up on 1,000 posts. Only the absolute-pertinent stuff that we need to know will do, please.
So minus the fluff and convolution, what are the things we know for sure right now? I need some objective details to get me caught up. I'm not reading up on 1,000 posts. Only the absolute-pertinent stuff that we need to know will do, please.
You may out yourself as the vampire or scum.......hmmm?
Day 2 was Wolf Sister's lynch. That wagon was Avatar, Scarlet Rage, FA, Grandma, and Wolf Sister.

Day 3 was Scarlet Rage. That wagon was FA, Wake, Avatar, Grandma, and Cafe.
We know FA, SR, and WS were all town. So that leaves Avatar, Grandma, Wake, and Cafe as possible scum on the wagons. Moonglow as possible scum not on the wagons.

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