Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

Or you shaitra

Eh, I don't know. I don't get the feeling Shaitra's scum in this game. With Shaitra it's difficult, because on at least one occasion I've seen players paranoid if her and thinking she's some sort of evil genius because of her very calm exterior. That can make her easy to mislynch when Town, so it'd be prudent if we keep that point in mind.

How are you reading Grandma, Moonglow, and the rest Avi?

I don't get why Moonglow is still alive, and Cafe's intense effort feels, at least to me, like she's putting up a fight to survive. I need to hear more from Grandma on where she stands. I know she has great instincts, but she may be capable of exrtreme craftiness if she's Scum, too, which causes my silky Yeti fur to stand on end. I want Moonglow to participate more. It just feels like he's coasting, like some menacing aligator in the background. I see you man. What're you doing? :p

Who here reckons the Vamp should step up and get lynched for the sake of Town? The last thing we want is to leave the Vamp alive and get pegged by Scum tonight. That'd be game over. Remember Vamp: You are TOWN right now. You are a Townie. If you are a member of Town you should try to remain Town even if it means dying, lest you get spirited away by Scum for the win. If you don't get lynched, but you get killed tonight, Town is in serious trouble.I think we need to discuss this if we're to have any hope of winning this game guys.
Scarlet was sure that Wake is scum. And he's defending Shaitra.

I think they're our Scum team.
He could be. Or not. I'm going to look through JOAT FA's posts to see if he left any clues. Be back later...
The Vampire investigation result comes back innocent or not guilty or town, doesn't it?
FA's reads Day1:
Wake is really making me think he is scum.
House is leaning town for the time being.
Wolf is a little scummy...
Post 359:
(At Avi)
The ONLY thing that even makes me hesitate in calling you out as scum is that you are too obvious. I don't think you have ever been so obvious other than the fire/ice game where you outright claimed you were scummy.

I get town from wolf and house. Leaning town on Cafe. Don't know about Arden.
Basically, there really isn't enough there to read grandma yet. Null ftm.

Vote: Avatar

(At Arden)
Lurking that bad makes you look awfully scummy.

Day 1 ends with FA tunneling Avi

(At Wolf)
You and Wake are my strongest scum reads atm.
House is more scummy than you are atm though so...

Vote: Wake

After going back through Avatars posts I think I was wrong about him on day one, Avatar is leaning town for now.


I think you are wrong on Grandma Wolf - this is pretty standard for Grandma. I doubt that she is scum.

(at Wake)
No, that might not have been scummy but many of your other vapid posts have been.


(at Shaitra)
AFAIK, no one actually got abilities as well... Me, Cafe and SR were all cursed. That is not the equivalent of doling out abilities... That is what seems so damn fishy to me as well as the fact that claiming that particular ability is not helpful to town.

Avatar leans town for me atm.

(At Wolf)
At the very least, your flip gives us information. Scum - Wake is likely your partner. Town, then Wake is also likely town (confirms the town powers) and I would be highly suspect of grandma and SR.

Moon's case is centered around small instances in his language that I really don't see as making a very strong case against him

(On Moonglow claiming that he didn't know House was dead)
You could have come up with a better cover than that moonglow.

Day 2 ends with FA voting for Wolf.

I am at a loss for scum reads going into day three.

(at Wake)
... You claimed that your ability reveal was a town action. Now you are here stating the opposite because Avatar revealed commuter. Given that Aye's post points extreemly heavy at not only a commuter but that same commuter was also targeted I find it odd that you would scum read Avatar out of the gate.

And now it is confirmed. Avatar is town unless there is a counter claim.

(at Grandma)
I am not convinced that Moonglow is scum. The case against him is quite weak.
I believe avatar is town.
I an null on you and wake.
Cafe is not really playing herself this game and that has me wondering if she is scum.
SR has been absent.
Shai - never can read shai.
I guess that leaves Cafe as my top read currently.

Grandma really seemed to be focusing on getting wolf to create more drama. I am still null on her though because this is not terribly out of character for her.

(at Shaitra re: her case on Wake)
This case is rather suspicious for the reasons that wake stated as well as the timing - nothing on this until a vote appears on you.

SR is a viable candidate as well. Very hostile to wake and then nothing well past the v la date. Not much from her the entire game.

For the most part I am not willing to lynch Avi, Moon or Cafe today.

(at Wake)
My reason that i think it is bogus is because it is perfect claim for scum. It takes you out of the lynch pool as people do not want to hammer and then be killed. Further, the power in that role is in not telling and killing the scum that hammers you. ... IOW, every single thing about your claim was anti town. If you really were protecting PR's you should have waited on the claim and crumed.

we did need a lynch canidate and SR really was better than wake imho.
There are 6 players left:

2 are Scum and 1's a Vampire.

Strategically, if the Vampire votes with Town, Town will likely win. If the Vampire votes with Scum, then Scum will win.

I think everyone's best bet would be to sheep Avi.
I still feel Wake is one half of the scum team. I understand being busy but instead of scum hunting, he's just saying he doesn't have time.
He hasn't done much towards scumhunting, that's for sure.

Any guesses on his partner?

I'm lost, I'll have to re-read the whole thread to try and figure things out.
Sheeping me is not a good plan. I really have no clue who is scum at this point. I could easily vote for the wrong person.
Or you shaitra

Eh, I don't know. I don't get the feeling Shaitra's scum in this game. With Shaitra it's difficult, because on at least one occasion I've seen players paranoid if her and thinking she's some sort of evil genius because of her very calm exterior. That can make her easy to mislynch when Town, so it'd be prudent if we keep that point in mind.

How are you reading Grandma, Moonglow, and the rest Avi?

I don't get why Moonglow is still alive, and Cafe's intense effort feels, at least to me, like she's putting up a fight to survive. I need to hear more from Grandma on where she stands. I know she has great instincts, but she may be capable of exrtreme craftiness if she's Scum, too, which causes my silky Yeti fur to stand on end. I want Moonglow to participate more. It just feels like he's coasting, like some menacing aligator in the background. I see you man. What're you doing? :p

Who here reckons the Vamp should step up and get lynched for the sake of Town? The last thing we want is to leave the Vamp alive and get pegged by Scum tonight. That'd be game over. Remember Vamp: You are TOWN right now. You are a Townie. If you are a member of Town you should try to remain Town even if it means dying, lest you get spirited away by Scum for the win. If you don't get lynched, but you get killed tonight, Town is in serious trouble.I think we need to discuss this if we're to have any hope of winning this game guys.
That's the problem Vampire can help us townies, but you want to rid the chance of a Town win should consider a wagon load of disapproval...
So AVI is confirmed Town, Cafe is not. None of us are.
He claimed to be a townie with his traveler? and escaped from the NK......Wake is still being contradictory and not to the point,,, he is trying to get everyone else to to him...Considering his expertise...
I'm guessing Wake isn't the vampire since he wants the vamp to step up and out themselves. But on the off chance you are Wake, feel free to let us know. :)

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