Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

I really don't know. I just got it wrong in another game so my confidence in my reads isn't great right now.
Hi all,

Sorry I am here late. I am having a hard time with reads, but I feel/felt Avatar is conf town, then add FA’s post calling him confirm town. I’ve been waffling back and forth on grandma for town read now. She is my only other townish read ATM, and we don’t have a whole lot left to choose from. I don’t want to be wrong about who scum is, and I am treading lightly here given we can’t afford to screw up again, but I am leaning heavy on Wake, Moon, then Shai in third place- but she has had a lot of life stuff going on too, maybe this has altered her posting and time available.

When I saw FA was our Joat, at first I thought scum just plain screwed up as I felt FA probably would have left clues for us, and I too went back over FA’s posts like Grandma did, but could not find any more than Grandma did- and FA calling Avatar confirmed town in one post.

I also read where a plan seemed to made to lynch Wake during my absence the other morning ( before we voted SR) and Shai unvoted to hammer in case his claim is true, but I don’t recall Shai there when it was time to vote, then it seemed we changed direction to SR - so this made me wonder TBH. However, I was late to the vote, so I really can't point fingers given I screwed up hammering SR, and may have lost the game for us.

I don’t know what to think anymore, but I do have one thing I noted while re-reading my top scum reads- to me it seemed pretty damning, I am going to make another post as soon as I find the post again. Be back in a moment, let me know what you all think. We need to be 100% sure this vote.
I’ve been reading the posts of my strongest scum reads (Wake, Moon and Shai) and I think everyone knows I was highly suspicious of Moon and his voting for House Day 2 start- who scum killed Night 1, and then Moonglow did not even check to see if he was alive (Why? First thing we all do, yes?) and then he voted for one of our dead townies. Something I thought may have been to distance himself from scum and knowing who scum NKed. When pressed for an answer Moon never gave a reason except he could not find the death scene. No one else seemed to think it was weird though, except FA when he said Moon could have come up with a better excuse.

While reading I found this post below which further cemented my belief further Moon is scum.

Sounding pretty scummy, Avatar.

1) Everything we do to undermine scum helps town.
2) Preventing scum from recruiting another member undermines scum.
3) Lynching the vampire is more productive than mislynching a townie.
4) Much of day one is going to recruiting the sk and outing the vamp because scum hunting day one is almost always fruitless.
5) What happens today will yield a bounty of information to scum hunt with day 2, further increasing our odds.

Get on board or meet my scum list.

The arguments in this post cannot be broken
Can you lynch a vampire? I thought I read in the opening that they can't?

"Can you lynch a vampire? I thought I read in the opening that they can't?" ~Moonglow

Who is "they" Moon?

I think you made the same sort of mistake you did when you were scum first game, then you said “Your town”. This time you said “they” - "they" would be town and you have inadvertently distanced yourself from us again). I can’t believe I missed it the first go round. I even quoted that post at the time.

It also bothers me Moon you labeled Avatar as scum quite recently (1366) - the one person who is and has been basically confirmed town since we learned he can travel- someone who scum can’t kill because of Avatar’s ability.

I also noted many times your name came up you called yourself the 'easy lynch" or "easy bandwagon" or even "the first one lynched all the time" ( because of your being pinked). I am starting to wonder if you have just glided under our radar just because of that fact.

The only other thing which bothers me here is Wake is wondering why you are not lynched and I have him as possible scum, I thought about possible bussing going on, but I just don't know anymore, this game has been very hard to read.

Anyway, please give me your opinions everyone. I know most of you did not give my suspicions much weight before, but I am having difficulties getting past the "THEY" post above in conjunction with Moonglow's Day 2 vote to lynch House as well.
Or you shaitra

Eh, I don't know. I don't get the feeling Shaitra's scum in this game. With Shaitra it's difficult, because on at least one occasion I've seen players paranoid if her and thinking she's some sort of evil genius because of her very calm exterior. That can make her easy to mislynch when Town, so it'd be prudent if we keep that point in mind.

How are you reading Grandma, Moonglow, and the rest Avi?

I don't get why Moonglow is still alive, and Cafe's intense effort feels, at least to me, like she's putting up a fight to survive. I need to hear more from Grandma on where she stands. I know she has great instincts, but she may be capable of exrtreme craftiness if she's Scum, too, which causes my silky Yeti fur to stand on end. I want Moonglow to participate more. It just feels like he's coasting, like some menacing aligator in the background. I see you man. What're you doing? :p

Who here reckons the Vamp should step up and get lynched for the sake of Town? The last thing we want is to leave the Vamp alive and get pegged by Scum tonight. That'd be game over. Remember Vamp: You are TOWN right now. You are a Townie. If you are a member of Town you should try to remain Town even if it means dying, lest you get spirited away by Scum for the win. If you don't get lynched, but you get killed tonight, Town is in serious trouble.I think we need to discuss this if we're to have any hope of winning this game guys.
That's the problem Vampire can help us townies, but you want to rid the chance of a Town win should consider a wagon load of disapproval...

(Emphasis added)

Huh? If scum convert the vampire, we lose- the only way the vampire can help up is if he or she is NOT converted. If we manage to lynch scum today the vampire can still be converted to scum by scum and we get screwed.

I don't get there you are going here Moon? Care to explain?
The Vampire investigation result comes back innocent or not guilty or town, doesn't it?

Yes, according to Aye's post at game start:

Investigation results on the Vampire will always return Town.


When you passed out abilities on Halloween were they randomized to everyone in the game? To be clear I am not asking if everyone got an ability here. I am asking if everyone was put in a pool to get whatever abilities you passed out.

When you passed out abilities on Halloween were they randomized to everyone in the game? To be clear I am not asking if everyone got an ability here. I am asking if everyone was put in a pool to get whatever abilities you passed out.

Abilities were randomized and have nothing to do with alignment.
FA_Q2 tunneled Avi all of Day 1, then suddenly changed direction on Day 2, saying, "After going back through Avatars posts I think I was wrong about him on day one, Avatar is leaning town for now." (post 967) I think he investigated Avi.

He started Day 3 with "I am at a loss for scum reads going into day three." (post1229) Either he investigated someone and they came back innocent, or he roleblocked someone. I couldn't find any clues in his reads Day 3.

The two players that keep pinging everyone's radars are Moonglow and Wake.

I don't want to lynch Wake just yet. If he's Town, we lose 2 Townies and another gets NK'd. If he's Scum, we still lose a Townie plus the NK - that gives the surviving Scummie a 50% chance of getting the Vampire. Bad odds either way.

That said, since he pinged my scumdar when didn't know that House was dead,

vote: Moonglow
Actually, Cafe, I'm wondering about you.

In every game you've played you've needed someone to run with, a buddy, so to speak.
Why are you doing so well flying solo this game?
Where's your usual mass posting of WIFOM?
Did you really roll Town yet again?

I think not.

vote: Cafe
FA_Q2 tunneled Avi all of Day 1, then suddenly changed direction on Day 2, saying, "After going back through Avatars posts I think I was wrong about him on day one, Avatar is leaning town for now." (post 967) I think he investigated Avi.

He started Day 3 with "I am at a loss for scum reads going into day three." (post1229) Either he investigated someone and they came back innocent, or he roleblocked someone. I couldn't find any clues in his reads Day 3.

The two players that keep pinging everyone's radars are Moonglow and Wake.

I don't want to lynch Wake just yet. If he's Town, we lose 2 Townies and another gets NK'd. If he's Scum, we still lose a Townie plus the NK - that gives the surviving Scummie a 50% chance of getting the Vampire. Bad odds either way.

That said, since he pinged my scumdar when didn't know that House was dead,

vote: Moonglow

No, don't vote Grandma, I am afraid if I am wrong it will lead to catastrophe. I would like to hear what Shai and Avatar think as well. The "they" comment really go me too, along with the House vote.
Actually, Cafe, I'm wondering about you.

In every game you've played you've needed someone to run with, a buddy, so to speak.
Why are you doing so well flying solo this game?
Where's your usual mass posting of WIFOM?
Did you really roll Town yet again?

I think not.

vote: Cafe

(emphasis added)

You know, I have seen your write this in dead QT's as well, also that you see me as "weak". I have never gotten what you mean by it. I am not scum, and please do tell me who I ran with or had to have a buddy with in our last game, the resistance game, or game 6, or any other game for that matter? I don't understand why you say that to be honest or what you mean.
In the resistance game you posted so much WIFOM that I had to skip over much of what you typed.

I'm not reading through the 191 pages of the Fire & Ice game. You had 2 neighborhoods then, I was in one. You kinda buddied with me the first couple days, then you joined in with Mertex against me on Day 3.
And I don't see you as "weak," more like you need someone to bounce your ideas off of. Nothing wrong with that, unless you suddenly stop doing it.
I'm voting for you, Cafe.

Yes, I see that now. I am not scum or vampire. I have tried my best this game and games before, most times what I say is ignored- just like last game and this one. I tried to change the way I post in hopes my wifom would stop confusing people and I think I have gotten much better as time has gone on. I put up a case for Wake Day 2 start, because I thought his claim was BS and posts empty and the only person to sheep me was SR. No one really thought too much on my Moon argument either when I made it before, then I saw the "they" post a bit ago by Moon which got my scumdar going again on Moon. I will say I do think it strange though you read me as town (me and Avatar) a few posts back and now that I have zeroed in on Moon again, I am suddenly scum to you. I honestly don't get it. And I am not sure if I care anymore TBH.
And I don't see you as "weak," more like you need someone to bounce your ideas off of. Nothing wrong with that, unless you suddenly stop doing it.

Well, Grandma that is exactly what you have written in Dead QT's and it has hurt my feelings to be quite honest. "Café is weak" Those were your exact words in game 6 dead QT or was it Fire and Ice and another IIRC? It was when I had to pick a neighborhood and you thought FA was scum and said I was weak for picking him. You never realized I picked Avatar and Sam because I thought they were scum, exactly why my first warning in that neighborhood was to be careful because scum may be here. It really does not matter now. Just because I say or do something and you don't understand it does not mean I am weak. Anyway that is off my chest.
Yes, I see that now. I am not scum or vampire. I have tried my best this game and games before, most times what I say is ignored- just like last game and this one. I tried to change the way I post in hopes my wifom would stop confusing people and I think I have gotten much better as time has gone on. I put up a case for Wake Day 2 start, because I thought his claim was BS and posts empty and the only person to sheep me was SR. No one really thought too much on my Moon argument either when I made it before, then I saw the "they" post a bit ago by Moon which got my scumdar going again on Moon. I will say I do think it strange though you read me as town (me and Avatar) a few posts back and now that I have zeroed in on Moon again, I am suddenly scum to you. I honestly don't get it. And I am not sure if I care anymore TBH.

I didn't change my vote because you zeroed in on Moon.

The problem I'm having is that he's posting like he always does, which is scumlike, yes, but he could still be Town. you're posting unlike you always do.

I need to find out who to vote for, we all do. We have to get this right today.

Unvote for now.

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