Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

Wait, is Cafe an investigative role too, or is she BS'ing???

Oh Please. I have been crumbing my ability since I got it. I said "ass" so much it wasn't funny- hoping someone like SR would pick up on it or someone who played the game a lot. Not to mention I basically told House by crumbing to him when he claimed Joat I hoped "someone got a powerful doctoring ability". ( at the time I thought it was a full shot not 25 percent though) so I screwed up there.

Scum Wake. Care to tell us who your partner is?
Moon is confirmed Town. FA investigated him Night 2.

Vote for Shaitra today and we - whichever 3 don't get NK'd will take out Wake tomorrow. Remember, Wake can kill whoever hammers him, plus Shaitra can do the Night Kill, so...


Whoever the Vampire is MUST claim. I will protect the Vampire.

I have a question, what about a redirector or deflector role? Isn't that what got us so screwed up in Game 3? Like I was tracker and got results for other people. Is that possible Grandma?
It's possible, but I doubt FA was redirected. Someone would have had to target him specifically and the odds are against that happening the first 2 nights.

Avatar4321 - Are you the Vampire? I will protect the Vampire tonight!
Moon is confirmed Town. FA investigated him Night 2.

Vote for Shaitra today and we - whichever 3 don't get NK'd will take out Wake tomorrow. Remember, Wake can kill whoever hammers him, plus Shaitra can do the Night Kill, so...


Whoever the Vampire is MUST claim. I will protect the Vampire.


Vote: Shai
But I do want to wait for Avi's reply.

Well, I just thought about it after I said you need to be doctored if there are any doc shots from Halloween and I honestly have to wonder if you are not trying to draw the night kill with your claim and you might be the vampire? And then we might possibly mislynch Shai and scum win? They will have three then.

I don't think the vampire is going to claim after all this time. In fact, I highly doubt it. Grandma are you the vampire? I have to ask and wonder here. I even have to wonder if you are not scum as well.
Even if a passing thought- about you being scum or vamp, I have to think about this. Sorry Grandma, we can't screw up and we need to think of all possibilities.
I am not the Vampire.

It doesn't matter if I'm NK'd tonight - the Vampire will live to help lynch Wake Tomorrow.

So, if scum target you, doctoring abilities still work, they don't die with the doctor? And then we can lynch the vampire after wake? Or he suicides when scum are dead.
No matter who I protect, Scum only have 1 NK. So if they kill me, it's cool. They won't get the Vampire either way.

From the role thing, page 1:
"If not targeted for a Night Kill, your alignment and win condition is Town - You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated."

No matter who I protect, Scum only have 1 NK. So if they kill me, it's cool. They won't get the Vampire either way.

From the role thing, page 1:
"If not targeted for a Night Kill, your alignment and win condition is Town - You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated."


Okay! Got it then I still don't understand all the ins and outs of this game all the time, but I understood that. Game over scum!

Vote: Shaitra

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