Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

It's possible, but I doubt FA was redirected. Someone would have had to target him specifically and the odds are against that happening the first 2 nights.

Avatar4321 - Are you the Vampire? I will protect the Vampire tonight!
You already guessed the Vampire the first time.....see your post history.....
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I’ve been reading the posts of my strongest scum reads (Wake, Moon and Shai) and I think everyone knows I was highly suspicious of Moon and his voting for House Day 2 start- who scum killed Night 1, and then Moonglow did not even check to see if he was alive (Why? First thing we all do, yes?) and then he voted for one of our dead townies. Something I thought may have been to distance himself from scum and knowing who scum NKed. When pressed for an answer Moon never gave a reason except he could not find the death scene. No one else seemed to think it was weird though, except FA when he said Moon could have come up with a better excuse.

While reading I found this post below which further cemented my belief further Moon is scum.

Sounding pretty scummy, Avatar.

1) Everything we do to undermine scum helps town.
2) Preventing scum from recruiting another member undermines scum.
3) Lynching the vampire is more productive than mislynching a townie.
4) Much of day one is going to recruiting the sk and outing the vamp because scum hunting day one is almost always fruitless.
5) What happens today will yield a bounty of information to scum hunt with day 2, further increasing our odds.

Get on board or meet my scum list.

The arguments in this post cannot be broken
Can you lynch a vampire? I thought I read in the opening that they can't?

"Can you lynch a vampire? I thought I read in the opening that they can't?" ~Moonglow

Who is "they" Moon?

I think you made the same sort of mistake you did when you were scum first game, then you said “Your town”. This time you said “they” - "they" would be town and you have inadvertently distanced yourself from us again). I can’t believe I missed it the first go round. I even quoted that post at the time.

It also bothers me Moon you labeled Avatar as scum quite recently (1366) - the one person who is and has been basically confirmed town since we learned he can travel- someone who scum can’t kill because of Avatar’s ability.

I also noted many times your name came up you called yourself the 'easy lynch" or "easy bandwagon" or even "the first one lynched all the time" ( because of your being pinked). I am starting to wonder if you have just glided under our radar just because of that fact.

The only other thing which bothers me here is Wake is wondering why you are not lynched and I have him as possible scum, I thought about possible bussing going on, but I just don't know anymore, this game has been very hard to read.

Anyway, please give me your opinions everyone. I know most of you did not give my suspicions much weight before, but I am having difficulties getting past the "THEY" post above in conjunction with Moonglow's Day 2 vote to lynch House as well.
I did scan to see the NK but must have just missed it...
Actually, Cafe, I'm wondering about you.

In every game you've played you've needed someone to run with, a buddy, so to speak.
Why are you doing so well flying solo this game?
Where's your usual mass posting of WIFOM?
Did you really roll Town yet again?

I think not.

vote: Cafe
Most notably Cafe is trying to twist my post to fit the scenario created by Cafe, very scummy activity..My scum reads are on Wake as explained previously and Cafe for confounding my innocent mistake..Sharia, well,she has yet to play much and keeps going on leave..But as we have seen with SR that does not always merit scum activity..My only special ability is to......
First unvote I am not sure shai is scum - I think I may have put Shai at l-1 and I'm not sure she is scum. Please lay out a better case grandma. Moon claiming above makes me very nervous scum may get to him esp if you are roleblocked or are NKed by scum, or so,e other ability is out there- moon says above "my special ability is..." Can he do something to stop from being doctored or god knows what?
Actually, Cafe, I'm wondering about you.

In every game you've played you've needed someone to run with, a buddy, so to speak.
Why are you doing so well flying solo this game?
Where's your usual mass posting of WIFOM?
Did you really roll Town yet again?

I think not.

vote: Cafe
Most notably Cafe is trying to twist my post to fit the scenario created by Cafe, very scummy activity..My scum reads are on Wake as explained previously and Cafe for confounding my innocent mistake..Sharia, well,she has yet to play much and keeps going on leave..But as we have seen with SR that does not always merit scum activity..My only special ability is to......


I asked you about this sometime ago, and you ignored me repeatedly. ( but far later made mention of it to someone else) When someone ignores questions it comes off as suspicious. You could have said it was an "innocent" mistake sometime ago to me, instead you refused to address my post - and it seemed more suspicious. I tagged you a few times and you refused to answer. And I can't see how it's just an innocent mistake, not to know you are alive and to vote for a dead townie. But hey lets pretend it was. Fine.

The other issue I had was you edited your post at the same time when you jumped in that day to vote for House- ( i did not mention to aye who it was editing when I asked for the reminder not to edit -as I did not want to get you in trouble) which is against the rules. So this too came off as scummy to me- given your claimed innocent mistake and your edit. That is why I kept thinking something was hinky.

You just admitted to being Vampire in post above 1482.

This suggests to me you did not have to check to see who was dead because you would have gotten a pm to the scums chat from Aye if scum scum had killed you and would not have to check to see who was NKed and if you were alive. So, please don't say I am twisting things. Additionally, your "they" post i referenced and you just quoted 1483 also separates you from us and makes it sound like you are not a part of town- which tells me I was not far off and something was hinky- but now you say I'm twisting it to make it fit my argument? . If scum had managed to convert you since you did not want to claim day 1, we could have been in worse trouble with 3 scum and we still could be with your claim.

Lastly, you are once again editing posts- 1482 just above. It's Firmly against the rules and AyeCantSeeYou has warned against it repeatedly after I asked and in each vote count.

You have played the game for sometime now and you know editing is against the rules. Why do you keep editing posts moon? It does nothing but elicit suspicion from me and I'm sure others. / rant

Should we lynch scum or the vampire. Moonglow has admitted to or claimed to being vampire above. I am concerned about his possibly being converted, grandma possibly roleblocked in doctoring or maybe moon having some ability which won't allow doctoring if one exists ( he suggests an ability above) And lastly the chance grandma might be scum who got him to out himself ( please don't start to yell at me again Grandma, we all have to consider all possibilities). Yeah I know WiFOM. Please don't scream at me again.
First unvote I am not sure shai is scum - I think I may have put Shai at l-1 and I'm not sure she is scum. Please lay out a better case grandma. Moon claiming above makes me very nervous scum may get to him esp if you are roleblocked or are NKed by scum, or so,e other ability is out there- moon says above "my special ability is..." Can he do something to stop from being doctored or god knows what?
I get to investigate one person during a night action. SO far everyone I have Ispied had nothing done to them. Grandma was the last one...
Moonglow, is your ability only to see if someone visited the person you are watching, or are you able to see if they do something?
Actually, Cafe, I'm wondering about you.

In every game you've played you've needed someone to run with, a buddy, so to speak.
Why are you doing so well flying solo this game?
Where's your usual mass posting of WIFOM?
Did you really roll Town yet again?

I think not.

vote: Cafe
Most notably Cafe is trying to twist my post to fit the scenario created by Cafe, very scummy activity..My scum reads are on Wake as explained previously and Cafe for confounding my innocent mistake..Sharia, well,she has yet to play much and keeps going on leave..But as we have seen with SR that does not always merit scum activity..My only special ability is to......

We are entering the holiday season. I don't it's unreasonable for people to go on leave. :wink:
Actually, Cafe, I'm wondering about you.

In every game you've played you've needed someone to run with, a buddy, so to speak.
Why are you doing so well flying solo this game?
Where's your usual mass posting of WIFOM?
Did you really roll Town yet again?

I think not.

vote: Cafe
Most notably Cafe is trying to twist my post to fit the scenario created by Cafe, very scummy activity..My scum reads are on Wake as explained previously and Cafe for confounding my innocent mistake..Sharia, well,she has yet to play much and keeps going on leave..But as we have seen with SR that does not always merit scum activity..My only special ability is to......

We are entering the holiday season. I don't it's unreasonable for people to go on leave. :wink:
Wake (1): Shaitra
Shaitra (3): Wake, Grandma, CafeAuLait

Not Voting: Avatar4321, Moonglow

With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch!
Deadline is 11/29/14, @ 8PM central.

~ No talking about the game outside of this game thread.
~ No editing/deleting posts allowed.
~ Voting for yourself goes against your win condition.

“Thinking before taking actions is useful only if you are going to take action, otherwise you are wasting time and insulting your mind.”
Amit Kalantri

Vote Counts
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

3.1 3.2 3.3

As before, I will be the hammer on Wake if everyone goes along with lynching him.

I am wondering if we should not lynch the vampire first, then Wake tomorrow. Avatar said a few posts back we need to lynch the Vampire at some point. I am wondering if there is not a plan to turn the vampire or some odd ability still out there which is going to screw up the game. For now:

Vote: Moonglow


When we were discussing your ability you said you did not have FA's list when you declared me and Avatar town, then voted for Moon, me and Shai.

So you got FA's list about 30 some hours after Day 4 started according to you? I am wholly confused at this point about your claim. It is making me nervous TBH.
No one should have a problem with lynch the vampire IMO. Everyone seems torn on everyone else, who or what to believe at the point.

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