Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

Wait, wake is confirmed scum according to cafe and yet you are wanting to lynch shaitra? How does that make any sense.

I understand that scum sometimes bus their ally but shaitra was on wake a bit yesterday. And she said she was willing to hammer. While we never got to see whether she would I find it unlikely they were bussing each other for two days when they could have pushed alternatives.

if wake is scum I don't think shaitra is. And if he is the one that is confirmed why go after shaitra?

If wake is scum I find it likely that the partner is grandma or moonglow.

that is of course if cafe is telling the truth. I'm not sure if she is because If I knew wake was scum id be on him all day trying to get him lynched. Not going after shaitra

but my instinct is saying wake is likely scum.

I am not the vampire btw.

I'll be holding onto my vote so we can discuss more.

we have good chance of hitting the scum or the vampire today. Lets not blow it
I wanted to go after Wake but grandma convinced me that we only have to go after shai and then scum get only one more night kill only- then with one lynch left and with wakes supposed ability we needed to lynch him tomorrow- while she said she was sure Shai was scum - we could win if we did it in that order.

I'm not operating on all cylinders here and I believed her,( like an idiot ) and thought we could win and outed my ability and thought with both of our knowledge combined-bam town wins! Then I have been thinking about it and her seeming as if she wants to possibly draw the NK, so I went back to read her posts. They confuse me given her claims of getting backup JOAT abilities.

I just found big flaws in what grandma claimed, in the last several hours grandma has contradicted herself

Post 1388 she says cafe and avatar are conftown
2 post later in
Post 1390 she says only you are avatar
Then she votes a few post later for moon;
Post 1408 she voted for Moonglow
Then me
Post 1410 she votes for me

Then she says moon and avatar are only conftown all the while claiming she got backup JOAT and had FAs list of who he targeted for investigations since this day start. But she confirms me, and you as town But she voted moon and is now saying he or you should claim vampire. And now voting shai?

If that is the case why all the changes if she KNEW from start of day that FA supposedly targeted moon and you avatar for investigations- and FA cleared the both of you. But claims others are conftown? This makes no sense to me. Seems to me she may have put that together by going over FAs reads and then made that claim. Cause her voting and statements don't back the supposed knowledge she supposedly got with FAs ability.

Care to explain Grandma?
I did vote Wake, until Grandma said we need to lynch Shai first to win cause of Wakes "ability" and I have no clue if it is or not, but given he is scum, and he is scum - he is probably lying about it- but don't hold me to that cause I don't know if that's a lie or not but he is lying about being scum.

I admit I i do get messed up on numbers though and trip up how many lunches we have left - if I don't work it out on paper. It's always been an issue, for me. I got caught up in the moment and thought we could win to be honest and I know adding the vampire in the mix will change the balance of power and believed grandmas argument- until I just went back and read her posts- which contradict her claim.

I think she is trying to draw the NK by claiming JOAT backup protecting vampire and is vampire or scum, but leaning vampire and still scum for moon.

Wake is scum.
And my last post is if her numbers are right and we can lose by lynching wake cause of his claim then maybe we need to hear her out. Until then;

vote: Wake

But if I will screw up the win like grandma said we need to lynch someone else first ( just in case wake is being truthful about his claim) and she can explain her strange votes and confirm town reads then unconfirmed town reads with supposedly having FAs list of who he investigated, I will change it to ensure we can win.

From Cafe:
I just found big flaws in what grandma claimed, in the last several hours grandma has contradicted herself

Post 1388 she says cafe and avatar are conftown
2 post later in
Post 1390 she says only you are avatar
Then she votes a few post later for moon;
Post 1408 she voted for Moonglow
Then me
Post 1410 she votes for me

Then she says moon and avatar are only conftown all the while claiming she got backup JOAT and had FAs list of who he targeted for investigations since this day start. But she confirms me, and you as town But she voted moon and is now saying he or you should claim vampire. And now voting shai?

Post 1338 I didn't have the information PM yet, I was going by what I could get out of FA's posts. At one point he was sure Cafe was Town, then he turned around and said she wasn't.
I thought Moonglow was scum - I mean look at how he's been acting. This too was before I got the info PM from Aye.
The reason I voted for you, Cafe was that I finally got the PM. It said that FA investigated Avi Night 1 and Moon Night 2, both results were Town. Avi and Moon are confirmed Town.
Confirming Town does NOT mean they are not the Vampire. The Vampire is Town until converted.

I am voting Shai because she's the easier of the 2 Scum to kill. Wake can take a Townie with him - and Shai can do the Night Kill. Better to lynch Shai first and endgame Wake.

I needed to get the reactions from Cafe, Shaitra, and Wake to figure out which of the 3 was the Townie.

Had I not done that, Cafe, would you have said anything about the Ass Pumpkin? Had I not done that, you'd lynch Wake, and then Moonglow, and Scum Shaitra would endgame and win.
I think she is trying to draw the NK by claiming JOAT backup protecting vampire and is vampire or scum, but leaning vampire and still scum for moon.

Wake is scum.

I really am the backup JOAT. I am not the fucking Vampire, fucking Moonglow is the fucking Vampire.

My green god, why the hell do you pick now to dive into the fucking WIFOM?
Wait, wake is confirmed scum according to cafe and yet you are wanting to lynch shaitra? How does that make any sense.

I understand that scum sometimes bus their ally but shaitra was on wake a bit yesterday. And she said she was willing to hammer. While we never got to see whether she would I find it unlikely they were bussing each other for two days when they could have pushed alternatives.

if wake is scum I don't think shaitra is. And if he is the one that is confirmed why go after shaitra?

If wake is scum I find it likely that the partner is grandma or moonglow.

that is of course if cafe is telling the truth. I'm not sure if she is because If I knew wake was scum id be on him all day trying to get him lynched. Not going after shaitra

but my instinct is saying wake is likely scum.

I am not the vampire btw.

I'll be holding onto my vote so we can discuss more.

we have good chance of hitting the scum or the vampire today. Lets not blow it

How many fucking Scum are there? One? NO, THERE ARE TWO. Wake is one. You are not Scum, Moon is not Scum, I am not Scum, Cafe is not Scum, now who the hell does that leave??????
From Cafe:
I just found big flaws in what grandma claimed, in the last several hours grandma has contradicted herself

Post 1388 she says cafe and avatar are conftown
2 post later in
Post 1390 she says only you are avatar
Then she votes a few post later for moon;
Post 1408 she voted for Moonglow
Then me
Post 1410 she votes for me

Then she says moon and avatar are only conftown all the while claiming she got backup JOAT and had FAs list of who he targeted for investigations since this day start. But she confirms me, and you as town But she voted moon and is now saying he or you should claim vampire. And now voting shai?

Post 1338 I didn't have the information PM yet, I was going by what I could get out of FA's posts. At one point he was sure Cafe was Town, then he turned around and said she wasn't.
I thought Moonglow was scum - I mean look at how he's been acting. This too was before I got the info PM from Aye.
The reason I voted for you, Cafe was that I finally got the PM. It said that FA investigated Avi Night 1 and Moon Night 2, both results were Town. Avi and Moon are confirmed Town.
Confirming Town does NOT mean they are not the Vampire. The Vampire is Town until converted.

I am voting Shai because she's the easier of the 2 Scum to kill. Wake can take a Townie with him - and Shai can do the Night Kill. Better to lynch Shai first and endgame Wake.

I needed to get the reactions from Cafe, Shaitra, and Wake to figure out which of the 3 was the Townie.

Had I not done that, Cafe, would you have said anything about the Ass Pumpkin? Had I not done that, you'd lynch Wake, and then Moonglow, and Scum Shaitra would endgame and win.

In one of his last posts FA said, he did not want to lynch me, moon and avatar. But he did not have 3 cop shots, so I don't know why he had those numbers though 3 of us instead of 2.

And did you mean post 1388 not 1338. Cause I was speaking about 1388-

And no, I would not have outed my ability BUT would have tried to get people to lynch wake without doing so -if no one listened I would have said so at some point no one listened (except sr) when I only suspected wake before and I did not have proof and put up a case. His claim is what stopped us all for sometime i think. I got to the point where I thought none of my shots would work it was really irritating me. Anyway Given only 1 worked out of 3, I doubt I have much of a shot with the last one working TBH, so this probably all we got- and yes, I would have still gone after moon still given the strange posts.

I hope you know who the vampire is Grandma.

Please explain your numbers and plan to avatar.
I think she is trying to draw the NK by claiming JOAT backup protecting vampire and is vampire or scum, but leaning vampire and still scum for moon.

Wake is scum.

I really am the backup JOAT. I am not the fucking Vampire, fucking Moonglow is the fucking Vampire.

My green god, why the hell do you pick now to dive into the fucking WIFOM?

Calm down grandma. Please. I don't want to lose this anymore than you do
I'm not voting yet for a reason. It's to let us think things out..

if wake is scum let shaitra hammer like she said yesterday. I still think it's highly probably wake is bluffing about his ability.

I'm leaning town on cafe now. I didn't really have a read on her before. I'm not seeing the case on shaitra. She may be scum she may not.

tell me something grandma, we had a good wagon going on wake yesterday. Shaitra said she would hammer. Why did you vote for scarlet instead? You weren't at risk. And had wake not been bluffing and you were right about shaitra we would have won last round

I read your posts and it just looks like you are trying to protect wake. Meanwhile shaitra and wake are going at each other. So they are either bussing each other this game or they aren't partners.

and if moonglow is the vampire we need to lynch him at some point.
OK, for one last time, I'm not scum. Grandma has been hitting my scum radar though and her little meltdown pretty much confirms it for me. Also, she was the one that got Wolfie all spun up to the point that Wolf self-hammered. The scum team is Wake and Grandma.

For now I'm voting Wake because more people agree he is scum. Again, I am willing to hammer him just in case he is truly SS. He has fake claimed before on the other site for those who aren't playing there.

vote: Wake
I'll be V/LA starting tomorrow through Saturday afternoon. I will have to borrow my brother's computer to be able to get on the net.

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