Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

And where's your WIFOM?

Go to the resistance game Grandma, you, Wake and Wolf made a set a what I perceived to be to be snarky remarks about my Wifom, I am trying to (and have been since I started playing) to cut back on wifom- all of you said you could not read through it and it hurt the game. I thought I had been doing a petty good job of cutting down greatly each progressing game either way...
I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings.

Thanks I do appreciate that. Also if I am honest I don't think my heart has been in this game since the other one irritated me so much. my reads coming from that one to this one, and other issues.
Go to the resistance game Grandma, you, Wake and Wolf made a set a what I perceived to be to be snarky remarks about my Wifom, I am trying to (and have been since I started playing) to cut back on wifom- all of you said you could not read through it and it hurt the game. I thought I had been doing a petty good job of cutting down greatly each progressing game either way...

You've definitely cut down, for sure.

The Scum are narrowed down to you, Wake, and Shaitra.

Your arguments are better than theirs.
Well, maybe Cafe too, actually.

@CaféAuLait - what are your reads on Shaitra and Wake?

Wake - What are your reads on Shaitra and Cafe?

Shaitra - What are your reads on Wake and Cafe?

Moonglow Avatar4321 - what are your reads on Shaitra, Wake, and Cafe?

I thought I was pretty clear in my first post today ( r/l today) a few hours ago,

Sorry I am here late. I am having a hard time with reads, but I feel/felt Avatar is conf town, then add FA’s post calling him confirm town. I’ve been waffling back and forth on grandma for town read now. She is my only other townish read ATM, and we don’t have a whole lot left to choose from. I don’t want to be wrong about who scum is, and I am treading lightly here given we can’t afford to screw up again, but I am leaning heavy on Wake, Moon, then Shai in third place- but she has had a lot of life stuff going on too, maybe this has altered her posting and time available.

Rest of post here:

Official USMB Mafia Game 8 Gremlins Goblins and Ghouls Oh my Page 47 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I've been reading Wake as scum all game. I've provided my reasons on him in several places.

Right now I am looking at others. Moonglow is hard to get a read on because he hasn't posted much. I'm still sorting through Cafe's posts.

Grandma, why are you reading me as scum?
Because I'm the backup JOAT. It was my Halloween ability.

FA investigated Avi on Night 1 and Moon on Night 2. Both are Town. I'm Town. That narrows things down to you, Cafe, and Wake.

I'll wait until others weigh in before I make my final decision.

I will be online tomorrow.

Then, I will answer every single question, attack, and insinuation as I can.

Please be patient with me. Work is hurting me physically.
Because I'm the backup JOAT. It was my Halloween ability.

FA investigated Avi on Night 1 and Moon on Night 2. Both are Town. I'm Town. That narrows things down to you, Cafe, and Wake.

I'll wait until others weigh in before I make my final decision.



Do you have doctoring abilities left?
Because I'm the backup JOAT. It was my Halloween ability.

FA investigated Avi on Night 1 and Moon on Night 2. Both are Town. I'm Town. That narrows things down to you, Cafe, and Wake.

I'll wait until others weigh in before I make my final decision.


I understand drawing the conclusion that Avi is town from FA's switch from thinking Avi was scum day 1 to claiming him town day 2. But I didn't see where he cleared Moon.

Avi, what's your read on Grandma?
I understand drawing the conclusion that Avi is town from FA's switch from thinking Avi was scum day 1 to claiming him town day 2. But I didn't see where he cleared Moon.

I don't know why he didn't say it more clearly. It's tough being the cop, I think.

Anyway, when this Day started I was given FA's information. Avi and Moon are definitely Town.
I have 1 protect left.

I got the “The Flying Pumpkin That Shoots Laser Beams Out Of Its Ass” for Halloween.

It came with 4 abilities, with a caveat though- one which I did not fully grasp at first. I got 4 shots (2 cop, 2 doc), and I thought they worked like regular shots. However, I misunderstood at first that the shots I got, only had a 25 percent chance of working- there was also the option of combining all four shots to make a one time 100 percent Jailor. Before, I understood that fully, I chose the 4 shots, I thought I had four full shots, and when my ability did not work on House, I PMed Aye.

Aye explained to me I misunderstood- each of my abilities only have a 25 percent chance of working each time I use them- and it did not work on House due to the 25% chance. I also used one on Avatar and when I saw he was alive the next day- I was confused when he said he was the traveler and someone must have tied to kill him and I thought I doctored him and it worked and could not figure why he claimed- but my doc shot did not work - again. I thought he was town since he was IMO crumbing Psych from Day 1, I thought scum may pick up on the fact others may too and realize he was town and scum may go after him.

Finally one of my shots worked last night, my cop shot worked: Wake is scum. I was trying to say it without saying it though since I started to post today in real life- so scum would not know I have this ability, I did not want to vote him out of the gate and have them suspicious.

But I am now

Vote: Wake

I have one cop shot left Grandma, I don’t know if it will or won’t work though. If you can doctor me, since the last scum may go after me or the vampire, but I am unsure what they will do though. I am also a bit worried about his claim and I also wondered if they may have gotten role blocking abilities. I swear Moon is scum- it is gut and his posts period, he has scum slipped far too much IMO. Like I said I only have a 25 percent chance and if you someone else has a better ability I suppose you should protect them.
Moon is confirmed Town. FA investigated him Night 2.

Vote for Shaitra today and we - whichever 3 don't get NK'd will take out Wake tomorrow. Remember, Wake can kill whoever hammers him, plus Shaitra can do the Night Kill, so...


Whoever the Vampire is MUST claim. I will protect the Vampire.

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