Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

Okay. Here's the case. Please read it this time, people.

FA was the JOAT. He investigated Avatar on Night 1. The result was Town. FA investigated Moon on Night 2. The result was Town. AVATAR AND MOON ARE TOWN. On Night 3 he protected Avi, but was NK'd himself.


Before I got the PM I thought Moon was Scum so I voted for him. Then I read the PM and unvoted.

I know that Avi and Moon are Town. I know that I am Town. Therefore Scum is among Cafe, Shaitra, and Wake.

I shot a vote at Cafe to check her reaction. Then I did the same to Shaitra. I like Cafe's reaction better. I believe that she is Town.

Shaitra and Wake are Scum. Cafe confirms that Wake is Scum.

Here are the possible scenarios:

1. Lynch Moon: He dies, I waste my last protect on someone, the other or myself gets NK'd. That leaves TWO TOWNIES alive AGAINST TWO SCUM. Do the fukkin' math.

2. Lynch Wake: Only Avi or Cafe (or Shaitra) can hammer. This being a bastard game we can't risk Moon getting shot - once the lynch occurs it's technically night, so Wake's venge shot might count as a Night Kill and convert Moon. I protect Moon, the other Townie or myself gets NK'd by Shaitra. Whichever of us survives plus Moon vote off Shaitra the next Day. Messy.

3. Lynch Shaitra. I protect Moon during the Night. Myself, Avi, or Cafe will be NK'd. Moon and the other 2 surviving Townies lynch Wake. Game over, win for Town.
I'll be back in a minute, I am looking back at Wake's wagon again and how it stopped and who suggested what. And it never even crossed my mind Moon could be turned if he hammered Wake.

Cafe, you are convinced Wake is scum, right? Would you be willing to hammer him?

Grandma, same question.

I just read the Wake vote and it was not you Grandma who stopped it, it was Shai’s unvoting which broke Wake's wagon up, then FA putting SR up for lynch. I thought it was you.

Avatar voted Wake first

You ( Grandma) came in and reminded everyone deadline was fast approaching

You ( Grandma) vote's Shai

Shai pops in and votes Wake with a very weak case according to FA and something he pointed out as suspicious due to timing and reasons and you voting for her

FA says SR is a viable candidate ( I bold this cause it is important IMO)

Moonglow votes SR

You ( Grandma) repeat you think we need to vote Shai and then Wake

You (Grandma) ask for an extension since it is close to deadline

Extension denied

Moon unvotes SR and Votes Wake which puts Wake at L-2

Shai arrives almost immediately and unvotes Wake and says she will be hammer (puts wake to 2 votes total now)

This is where the wagon starts to fall apart as I am reading it now^

You (Grandma) vote SR off of FA’s suggestion

Then you (grandma) change your vote to Wake

FA votes SR

Shai has never returned

Wake Votes SR

Avatar votes SR believing there is not enough for a Wake wagon

Avatar tags several people and says to vote SR to include; Shai, me, moon and Grandma

Shai still has not returned for vote

I come in late try to catch up

Grandma Votes SR

I hammer SR.

It was not Grandma who stopped the Wake lynch.
Cafe, you are convinced Wake is scum, right? Would you be willing to hammer him?

Grandma, same question.

Yes, I am convinced he is scum Shai. I KNOW he is scum, unless my results are skewed somehow- (which I doubt), he is scum. I find it of interest you used the same question I asked you and you ask it of two claiming PR's. But whatever, its a very fair question. Yes, Ill hammer Wake. We will lose a cop shot ( even if weak) or a protect for the vampire ( if Wake is being truthful) and if Grandma is telling the truth. You, on the other hand claim VT.
I asked the question to see your reactions. Cafe you read town to me. Grandma is screaming scum. I will flip town if you lynch me. If it's not too late after that, I suggest that town lynches Grandma and Wake.

Cafe, I had to unvote Wake or I couldn't be the hammer. I went out to dinner that night with some friends and I didn't get back until after deadline. But you guys had lynched SR so it didn't really matter.
Shaitra, it's too late. You and Wake have been identified as the Scum team.

I'm a fair decent bullshitter, but do you really think I could come up with such an elaborate hoax?
I'm not Scum, and I feel like there must be some other random ability responsible for Cafe's claim on me. If a Townie was given anything called a Framer/Miller, or an offshoot of it, and you used it on me, now is the time to speak up before your move costs Town the win.

Everyone here needs to be honest and state what abilities they were given after Daystart, IF they were given any.
The game has been broken. The Scum team and Vampire have been identified.
The 2 lynches are merely a formality at this point.
The game has been broken. The Scum team and Vampire have been identified.
The 2 lynches are merely a formality at this point.

You seem unnervingly certain, Grandma.

I need feedback from others on this, please.
I think Cafe's either lying or is under the effect of another ability.

You had better not be gambitting, like faking a guilty, Cafe. I did that once as Town and it was NOT pretty.
Wake, you and Shaitra have been laying low and fluff posting the whole game. It's too late now.


I've actually been very busy working a strenuous job.

That doesn't make me Scum!

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