Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

Show a place in the game that indicates mod lying.

"Bastard Game."

Bastard Mod, usually shortened to Bastard, can ambiguously refer to a type of role, a type of game, or a mod who runs bastard games and/or uses bastard roles.

The exact definition of "bastard" varies from person to person according to their likes and dislikes; however, the following traits are usually common.

  • The moderator lies to players, either in their Role PMs (as in False roles) or in their revealed information (as in Death Miller).
  • The game incorporates significant game-changing mechanics (Cult being a notorious example) that affects players who may not know about them.
  • The game incorporates roles that are inconvenient to play with, such as Voteless or Suicidal.
A common shorthand definition of a bastard mod game is that it is designed mostly for the moderator's amusement more than that of the players.

Bastard games are notoriously difficult to do well. Most moderators' bastard setups will be imbalanced or not fun for some other reason. This doesn't stop them many moderators from trying to run them, though.

Bastard Mod games should not be confused with bad games, which are self-explanatory. However, the line between the two tends to be dangerously thin. If players called your game "bastard" when you were not actively trying to make it one, you should consider getting your next setup looked over by better reviewers.

Bastard Mod - MafiaWiki

We are in a Bastard Game.
Btw, I was the first to say that this is a bastard game. I know what a bastard game is.

Apparently you forget that not every single bastard mechanic is used in any given game.
Show a place in this game that indicates mod lying.

Please reread the article.

Every conceivable aspect of this game.

Role PMs, abilities, you name it. For all I know, in spite of the PM Aye gave me, I'm really a Town Miller. In a bastard game you could be told there's a JoaT with two protects and two investigations, but not be told that you're also "psycho." That's also how "Amnesiac," and "Quack" work. The players are never told until the time is right, if at all!
Btw, I was the first to say that this is a bastard game. I know what a bastard game is.

Apparently you forget that not every single bastard mechanic is used in any given game.

But any one of those could be used without you knowing or being told.

That is the beauty of the Bastard games.
I can tell you one place the Mod has lied. In post 510, Aye stated that additional abilities were sent to EACH player. Bullshit. I didn't get an ability. I got a post restriction. So I agree the game is broken, but not in the way she states.
I can tell you one place the Mod has lied. In post 510, Aye stated that additional abilities were sent to EACH player. Bullshit. I didn't get an ability. I got a post restriction. So I agree the game is broken, but not in the way she states.

Then you did get an ability, but it's a negative one.
Unfortunately for you there's no evidence that mod lying has taken place.

Bastard games = mod lying possible.

In a Bastard game, if the mod is lying to you, as in telling you you're a this or a that, but you're really this other thing, you're certainly not going to be told. Mayhem happens in Bastard games because players are typically given roles and abilities that have invisible notes attached to them that the mod knows and you do not. It's called entertainment. :D I've seen Bastard games where a Doctor kept trying to protect people, but they kept dying, and he was going insane thinking there were two Scum teams and a Serial Killer and two of the three kept killing his target. He didn't know the mod had secretly attached the "Quack" modifier to his Role PM without him knowing it.

It's all there in the wiki at the main. You should read through the games to see what kinds of utter confusion can unfold with these hidden add-ons.
I can tell you one place the Mod has lied. In post 510, Aye stated that additional abilities were sent to EACH player. Bullshit. I didn't get an ability. I got a post restriction. So I agree the game is broken, but not in the way she states.


I told you!

It's a Bastard game! :p :D
Unfortunately for you there's no evidence that mod lying has taken place.

Bastard games = mod lying possible.

In a Bastard game, if the mod is lying to you, as in telling you you're a this or a that, but you're really this other thing, you're certainly not going to be told. Mayhem happens in Bastard games because players are typically given roles and abilities that have invisible notes attached to them that the mod knows and you do not. It's called entertainment. :D I've seen Bastard games where a Doctor kept trying to protect people, but they kept dying, and he was going insane thinking there were two Scum teams and a Serial Killer and two of the three kept killing his target. He didn't know the mod had secretly attached the "Quack" modifier to his Role PM without him knowing it.

It's all there in the wiki at the main. You should read through the games to see what kinds of utter confusion can unfold with these hidden add-ons.

Fluff post.
All USMB rules must be obeyed, along with the following.

Game Timeline
  • Day Phases last one week.
  • Night Phases last two days.

General Rules
  • Zone 1 USMB rules are in effect.
  • Don't quote PMs or hidden links. Paraphrasing's fine.
  • Don't PM players about the game. That's cheating.
  • No invisible text allowed.
  • Don't edit/delete posts.
  • No accusing players of cheating openly. PM the Mod instead.
  • Pretending to break a rule is considered rulebreaking.
  • Play to your win condition (play to win.)
  • Modkilled players' alignments change to Neutral; they don't win.
  • I reserve the right to change the rules at any time; notification will be given.
  • You get three chances to not break my rules. Burn them and get modkilled.
  • Scum win when their numbers equal or exceed that of the Town's.

  • 72 hours inactivity earns a prod (reminder PM). If two days go by, I'll seek replacement.
  • 3 prods and I'll also seek a replacement.
  • If a replacement isn't found within a week, that slot will be modkilled.
  • It's fine and encouraged to @ players.
  • Please be aware of PMs from the Mod.
  • You may go V/LA (Vacation/Limited Access). Reason isn't required.

Votes and Lynching
  • Votes must be in the format of VOTE: Player Name. I'll count it if it's obvious.
  • Unvotes are not necessary to change a vote.
  • Majority Vote = 1/2 all votes, +1.
  • Once I have posted your death scene, you may not post.
  • You may change your vote as many times as you wish.
  • All players can keep talking after the lynch until thread is locked.
  • Deadline passed without majority vote = no lynch that Day.
  • Players may choose not to lynch with VOTE: No Lynch.
  • Dead players are dead, and may not talk after death scene.

  • Personal attacks won't be tolerated. Focus on the game.
  • Don't mention or discuss family or pets in this game.
  • I can't "Like" any post in an ongoing game.
  • Avoid replacing out. Please speak with me first.
  • I will only respond to the breaking of rules if sent a PM. If you feel you are being personally attacked, and you want something done about it, please shoot me a PM.
  • This game is an Open Setup, and has a Night start. (This means everyone knows what's in our game.)
  • If you think you've figured out who has what role, think again.
Please read these rules one more time.

Here's another example of a lie. She states everyone knows what's in the game but all this other BS.

I can tell you one place the Mod has lied. In post 510, Aye stated that additional abilities were sent to EACH player. Bullshit. I didn't get an ability. I got a post restriction. So I agree the game is broken, but not in the way she states.

Then you did get an ability, but it's a negative one.

I disagree. A post restriction is not an ability.
Grandma, I'd like you to reflect on #1549, please.
I can tell you one place the Mod has lied. In post 510, Aye stated that additional abilities were sent to EACH player. Bullshit. I didn't get an ability. I got a post restriction. So I agree the game is broken, but not in the way she states.

Wait, didn't someone say they didn't receive any ability/restriction after the game started?
Since Grandma and Cafe are the two coordinating all this supposedly confirmed town/confirmed scum crap, it appears they are the scum team.
Unfortunately for you there's no evidence that mod lying has taken place.

Bastard games = mod lying possible.

In a Bastard game, if the mod is lying to you, as in telling you you're a this or a that, but you're really this other thing, you're certainly not going to be told. Mayhem happens in Bastard games because players are typically given roles and abilities that have invisible notes attached to them that the mod knows and you do not. It's called entertainment. :D I've seen Bastard games where a Doctor kept trying to protect people, but they kept dying, and he was going insane thinking there were two Scum teams and a Serial Killer and two of the three kept killing his target. He didn't know the mod had secretly attached the "Quack" modifier to his Role PM without him knowing it.

It's all there in the wiki at the main. You should read through the games to see what kinds of utter confusion can unfold with these hidden add-ons.

So are you saying that Aye could have decided to run a bastard game without telling anyone? If so, that's messed up.

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