Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

I'm a bit lost in this game, and will attempt to get a footing in it when I can.

If anyone can reason why the claim is bogus, which it isn't, please do so.

As players know we were all given random abilities. Some are stronger than others. The reason I outed mine is because if I didn't, and a Town PR hammers, that Town PR is going to die. If I were Scum the last thing I would do is out this ability and bring all of this attention and scrutiny upon myself.

I think it would help us immensely to gage your claim and your alliance if you were posting a bit more, not asking for volumes here, I get life-, really I do. I also think the timing of your claim has us wondering as well. However, others have claimed at weird times too- so that may be a moot point now. I get your points above though.
There is another part to this as well. we lynch Wake and his claim is true , after one of us hammers - this leaves 6 total left. 2 scum 4 of us- before the NK -BUT if scum manages to turn the vampire that night - it will be 3 scum and 3 town- BAM scum WINS- unless we manage to take out a scum, we will still be at lylo until the game finishes. Am I counting right here?[/quote]


I think we should vote off Shaitra today. Save Wake for last.
There is another part to this as well. we lynch Wake and his claim is true , after one of us hammers - this leaves 6 total left. 2 scum 4 of us- before the NK -BUT if scum manages to turn the vampire that night - it will be 3 scum and 3 town- BAM scum WINS- unless we manage to take out a scum, we will still be at lylo until the game finishes. Am I counting right here?


I think we should vote off Shaitra today. Save Wake for last.
There is another part to this as well. we lynch Wake and his claim is true , after one of us hammers - this leaves 6 total left. 2 scum 4 of us- before the NK -BUT if scum manages to turn the vampire that night - it will be 3 scum and 3 town- BAM scum WINS- unless we manage to take out a scum, we will still be at lylo until the game finishes. Am I counting right here?


I think we should vote off Shaitra today. Save Wake for last.

What is your case on Shai? Just lack of participation? Or have I missed something aside from FA pointing out her timing on the Wake lynch? Unfortunately, we have far too many who are not participating here- we could P/L ourselves into an easy win for scum - and lose IMO.
I believe so, yes. The ball is Aye's court, I think.

The lack of participation here in this game for 9 days straight since her V/LA ended, and her posting on the Main Site yesterday, and in other threads here on this site since her last post in this game (the 14th)- is bothering me more than Shai's posts right now. Shai had a personal issue which may have affected her posting IMO, yes I see the fluff though and little content in some posts. Scum is probably thriving off of our non-participation and sitting back and smiling. We are going to lose if it continues, while scum may not be participating, or offering very little input -hoping we go at each others throats.
Scarlet usually participates even as Scum, so I don't know what's going on with her.

She voted against Wake, so if he's Scum, she probably isn't, and vice versa. Or maybe she did that knowing nobody wanted to hammer him and they're actually both Scum. I've been WIFOMing over that all day.
I'm a bit lost in this game, and will attempt to get a footing in it when I can.

If anyone can reason why the claim is bogus, which it isn't, please do so.

As players know we were all given random abilities. Some are stronger than others. The reason I outed mine is because if I didn't, and a Town PR hammers, that Town PR is going to die. If I were Scum the last thing I would do is out this ability and bring all of this attention and scrutiny upon myself.
My reason that i think it is bogus is because it is perfect claim for scum. It takes you out of the lynch pool as people do not want to hammer and then be killed. Further, the power in that role is in not telling and killing the scum that hammers you. Now that they know, it is useless. Lastly, you claimed at the worst moment when there was no real wagon on you basically telling scum that they needed to jump on right away if they were going for your lynch as they could not be the hammer.

IOW, every single thing about your claim was anti town. If you really were protecting PR's you should have waited on the claim and crumed.

I am not really comfortable lynching you at the moment though. Avatar is the only confirmed town right now as well so DO NOT HAMMER wake avatar. Being confirmed town is worth more than that. Of course i think you are on the wagon anyway so you cant atm.

The extension would be nice as we are passed the deadline. Dont know if aye is game cor it though. We really need it.
I believe so, yes. The ball is Aye's court, I think.

The lack of participation here in this game for 9 days straight since her V/LA ended, and her posting on the Main Site yesterday, and in other threads here on this site since her last post in this game (the 14th)- is bothering me more than Shai's posts right now. Shai had a personal issue which may have affected her posting IMO, yes I see the fluff though and little content in some posts. Scum is probably thriving off of our non-participation and sitting back and smiling. We are going to lose if it continues, while scum may not be participating, or offering very little input -hoping we go at each others throats.
That does not read scum to me though as scum would not want to be so silent. It brings suspicion. Scarlett cant keep up and i think she has simply jettisoned this game.

Not really a good argument for not hanging her though.
I am having the hardest time reading people this game. I think we need to kill wake though. I think he is either scum or the vampire. It just seems highly likely that he is trying to draw the night kill with his claim.
Well I can see what you are saying Avatar so I'll revote and Grandma can come along, but still need one more to vote...

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