Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

Welcome back Cafe and I hope you are feeling better.

So why would Moonglow vote House if he was scum and knew that House was dead?

I agree about the editing.
Welcome back Cafe and I hope you are feeling better.

So why would Moonglow vote House if he was scum and knew that House was dead?

I agree about the editing.

IMO it could be to possibly distance himself as scum by pretending he did not know House was dead- what a great way to pretend you are not scum- vote for the guy you just killed and act like you didn't know he was dead. If he had said "hey it was a joke" when you corrected him, I probably wouldn't have given it a second glance. He did not.

I suppose it could be read as someone who just does not care to keep up with the game and just coast along as well.

I just would like an answer from Moon as to why he voted House and gave a reason which made no sense to me.


16's null. I will say 57 feels rather opportunistic, because for some time Moonglow's been exceptional death-bait. That in itself is innocuous, as well as her 113, 115, 118, and 121. Cafe's 129 I like, because it's thoughtful. 130 isn't doing much. I like 134, but since it's like one morsel of breaded shrimp, it leaves me unsatiated. Looks like in 135 Cafe was responding to the effects of Arden's post restriction. In itself, that's null. Her 191 and 192 are fine. I do want answers for 193. The same goes for 194.

Cafe's 195 tells me she's playing and has an interest in finding out who the Scum are. I would like to see how her reads have evolved since then. That latest post feels Townish to me, if only a little. I'm reading 200 as Newb-Town. 234 feels a bit confusing, as if she's a bit confused about how the 3rd-party SK fits into this game. There's the possibility that the SK could out itself and be "leashed," making it sort of like a temporary Town Vigilante (238). I'm sort of reading her 244 as Town; the SK being alive would be dangerous for both Town and Mafia.

260 is banal; does not move me either way. Her 264 does feel as if there's Townish intent behind it. Nothing suspicious really turned up in 266, though I do wonder a little why she feels the need to be quiet. It's not necessarily a bad thing to overthink. I do it all the time as a consequence of my ADD. I do agree with Cafe in 314 that having the SK claim and be healed and protected would be worth it, in that it would reduce us to having to deal with only one NK per Night. If that was not optimal play—and it would seem the Serial Killer disagreed—I am open to hear the logic on why, please.


Paranoia and a desire for answers in 315 looks good to me. Same with 318: I see nothing wrong with it at all. At this point I still haven't found anything that screams being suspicious which, in itself, feels suspicious to me. Usually Scum attempt to make less mistakes than Townies because they have far more reason to strive towards self-preservation. 328 is informative yet null. I like 353. On first glance I didn't like 396, because it utilizes the same wifom that she noted with Wolfie. Should I read that as hypocrisy and/or inconsistency? Cafe, please explain.

On the main site I've received conflicting opinions on whether or not it's best for Town to crumb or not. One prominent member said that, as Town, you shouldn't crumb (405). Personally I disagree if and only if you are a Cop with at least 2 or 3 results. That's a whole debate and frankly I don't know for certain what the optimal play there is. Then again, if the SK or Vamp did crumb, Scum could find the crumbs and utilize them to their advantage. 407 feels Townish. On an unrelated note, Avatar feels rather pensive this game. The paranoia in 421 is certainly Townish. 426 is both helpful and good content. 447 sounds good. Maybe too good. Hrm...

To be clear, you were saying Moonglow was scumreading Wolfie and Arden (449)? I see Cafe working with people in 450. ScarletRage , Grandma , Wolfsister77 , everyone, should I be worried about Cafe so far? So far I'm reading her as Town, and so far I haven't noted much if anything that's suspicious. I don't want my paranoia to make me mess up: I need your honest input here, please. 529, 530, 532, 533, 538 aren't putting an itch in my britches. You do not want me to descend upon you with all the wrath of one thousand demons Hi, please don't do that. It's only helping Scum, Cafe. 539 promises a return to the game, I hope. 543: Eh. Regarding 545 that bit between 529 and 538 did not help. However, it's not that big of a deal. Some fluff is fine, else' the game would be boring as Hell, amirite?

Since the Serial Killer is dead, I too would like to know where the SK crumb was, according to Wolfie (549). I only got one M&M for Halloween (550). My sugar tooth was disheartened. :p With 553, House seemingly flipped Town. With that in mind, where do you stand now in regards to that post?

So far I'm reading Cafe as Town, but not Solid Town. Much of what she's said up to 553 has been Townish, besides the fluff, and I haven't found anything really suspicious about her posts up to that point. If you, however, have, please point it out for the rest of us.


Welp, two hours just flew by. I am tired, and laptop feels like it's on fire. Please don't make me feel unappreciated, guys. :p

If anyone takes issue with this read or has a varying read on Cafe please speak up. I want to compare notes with the rest of the Town.

Wake I promised you this reply Thursday and I am finally getting to it, I am slowly catching up with 2 games.

My 193: I unvoted House, it was a RVS vote, and a silly one at that.
My 194: I thought Moon’s post 190 was strange because I did not see any advice offered (except his quoting Wolf saying “everyone can kiss her ass if they have a problem with her” and he said:

Thanks for the advice maybe I can use it next time I am scummy in a game...”Post 190 by Moon

Why would he kiss her ass "next time" he was scummy in a game? – That was how I read it. His post seemed to come out of the blue, so I questioned him on it, the way "next time" was worded caught my eye.

BUT before Moon could reply Wolf quoted my post to Moonglow in her post 197, saying she thought Moon was replying to her post 189 where she said:

If you read the Dead PT link, Jingle has some great scum advice in there for newbies. Might be fun to check out”. (Wolf 197)

The posts stood out for me until Wolf pointed me to the post he may have been replying to, when I first questioned Moon, I wondered if Wolf may be warning Moon his posts were coming off as scummy and I also thought she might have been laying a trip up for him too if she thought he was scummy.

I am not sure what you want from me concerning any other posts in your first paragraph or your second. if I have missed something let me know.

My; 396, Wolf had an idea in her post 352 asking if we should all state we are not the vampire and or the SK. In my post 353 I replied to her stating I felt this was a bad idea because scum will have a list narrowed down to target/turn the vampire/ target SK, etc. I felt the better idea was our shrink should be paying attention instead of us possibly doing scums work for them. Then- ensuing posts past my post 353 it seems as if some were still doing it, either insisting Avatar was the vampire or they were not the vampire.

I don’t think it is “WIFOMY”, I agree I get WIFOMY at times (or maybe a lot sometimes) but I disagree with you suggesting it was possible hypocrisy and/or inconsistency. (??) In fact, just the opposite. Avatar declared in post 394 he was not the Vamp, others had as well- to include myself and I realized we may have been being lead down a path to claim such so scum would have a smaller target list, or just being stupid in doing so. So I thought it best everyone just stop speaking on about it.

Not sure what else you want Wake, I believe I have hit on every question you asked and I believe 99.999 percent of my posts are self-explanatory.

Will catch up with everything else tomorrow that I have missed -hopefully.

I thought I had posted this on Thursday. Obviously I did not. I am losing my mind... I think.

Can you please put up a reminder about editing posts. I feel any reminder is wholly unneeded given we all have been playing this game long enough to know the rules and editing is against the rules. Especially when they are edited nearly 7-10 minutes later or more. It always makes me think someone is combing over their posts to ensure they have not possibly outed themselves with a scum slip.

If I was not clear, this has happened in this game. If you have addressed it and I have yet to get to that post I apologize.
good argument on moonglow cafe. I'll have to think about it.

wolf I repeatedly pointed out that house was a town read for me. If anyone was doing the tormenting it was house.

Can you prod Shaitra please? She hasn't posted anything since Friday.

Thank You

Will do. PM being sent to her.
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good argument on moonglow cafe. I'll have to think about it.

wolf I repeatedly pointed out that house was a town read for me. If anyone was doing the tormenting it was house.

Did you forget your comment to him, when he was already upset, that he needs to have a sit down with the psyche after they cure the SK? I can go pull it if you want. I even asked you to stop at the time. Considering House is confirmed town now, and had you as his biggest suspect, I find that odd.

I am torn about Moonglow. He is difficult for me to read. I really am having trouble reading a lot of people in this game due to lack of posting and content and the fact that very few seem willing to have discussions in this game that can be productive to scumhunting.

Yesterday I hit a wall regarding my frustration level and today I'm pretty numb to whatever happens. I will just check in and see where you guys are at. I have major RL issues to deal with today.
Moonglow (2): Grandma, CafeAuLait
Wolfsister77 (3): Avatar4321, ScarletRage, FA_Q2
Avatar4321 (2): Moonglow, Wolfsister77

Not Voting: Shaitra, Wake

V/NA (No access) - Shaitra - 11/13 thru 11/15

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch!
Deadline is 11/11/14, @ 8PM central.

~ No talking about the game outside of this game thread.
~ No editing/deleting posts allowed.

"It's amazing where the paranoid mind can take you."
Bill Ayers

Vote Counts
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

2.1 2.2
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Here's the post I was talking about Avi. I believe you were pushing the House meltdown.


Also, Avatar is scum.


Where did this come from? I'm genuinely confused about why you are so angry....................

sounds like he needs to lie down and share his feelings with someone. Maybe after the psychiatrist cures the sk he can have a sit down with house
OK, a couple of things. I don't understand why Wolf claimed with only a couple of votes on her. That doesn't make sense to me because from the games I've played in on Mafia Scum, it's frowned upon to claim before L-1.

Wake's play here is definitely different from his play on MS. But I do understand his comment about trying to create and maintain a player base here.

I'm not sure what to make of FA_Q2's post. In some ways it looks like an attempt to spin Wolf up. I need to review his posts to see if that's what's going on.
I have a habit of claiming under stress. Just because it's frowned upon, it does not mean it doesn't happen and frequently too.

A lot of what FA said in his vote and post to me was completely un-necessary and rude. He could of made the vote for other reasons and left the personal stuff out. I never said anything to him at all and wasn't even online when he made that post. If you remember game 6, he did the same thing and spent that whole game trying to get rid of me. The fact that he said he wants me dead even if I am town and hasn't been back to the thread since is very telling. The post he used of mine to respond to wasn't even that big of a deal either for the kind of reaction he gave. I sincerely hope he is scum trying to get rid of me again. If he's town, then he's too intolerant of other personality types and I likely will avoid playing with him in the future.

Anyway, deadline is a little over 24 hours away and no one's really playing or posting and because of that, I'm waiting to see who jumps on me now and then I'm going to self-hammer because maybe then, town will wake up and go after who the scum really are and they'll see with my flip, that it isn't me and never was and they'll see who was trying to get rid of me and why.
I agree, I don't like that claim at all.

And here you are waiting in the wings just looking for an excuse.

Claiming to be a mindreader isn't becoming.

Anyway, deadline is a little over 24 hours away and no one's really playing or posting and because of that, I'm waiting to see who jumps on me now and then I'm going to self-hammer because maybe then, town will wake up and go after who the scum really are and they'll see with my flip, that it isn't me and never was and they'll see who was trying to get rid of me and why.

Moonglow (2)
: Grandma, CafeAuLait
Wolfsister77 (3): Avatar4321, ScarletRage, FA_Q2
Avatar4321 (2): Moonglow, Wolfsister77

Unless everyone goes for Moonglow instead.

And I'm hating the Avatar wagon.
That vote count quote didn't come out right. It was supposed to look like this:

Moonglow (2): Grandma, CafeAuLait
Wolfsister77 (3): Avatar4321, ScarletRage, FA_Q2
Avatar4321 (2): Moonglow, Wolfsister77

USMB's been weirdly glitchy today.
Explain to me why Avi is a bad vote and why Moonglow is a good one Grandma. I'd love to have a conversation with someone in this game about who is actually scum. It would be great.
Moonglow is leaning scum for me.

Your vote is pure OMGUS. You've been scumreading far too many players and townreading too few.

Not that everyone's supposed to have a perfect reads list at this point in the game, but you trust pretty much no one. No one. Well, maybe Cafe, now that she's V/LA. And House since he flipped. But no one else.

So I hate the Avi wagon.
Moonglow is leaning scum for me.

Your vote is pure OMGUS. You've been scumreading far too many players and townreading too few.

Not that everyone's supposed to have a perfect reads list at this point in the game, but you trust pretty much no one. No one. Well, maybe Cafe, now that she's V/LA. And House since he flipped. But no one else.

So I hate the Avi wagon.

Right so I ask you why Moonglow is scum and why Avi is a bad vote and you lie about me and majorly misrep me instead.

I explained my Avi vote in great detail and have been giving detailed reads lists and analysis this game. I am not going to spend my time doing nothing but defending myself when most are not posting or playing this game.

Thanks for not answering my questions.

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