Official USMB Nov. 2022 Election Day Thread.

Hearing people gripe in Georgia about having to wait in line for an hour to vote and nobody gave them food or water or heat or a place to sit down. Back when EVERYBODY voted on election day I never once excepted to be provided anything other than that place in line. And I have waited more than two hours to vote and there were no complaints about voter suppression or anything else. For Pete's sake, if you need food or water bring it with you. Wear a coat. Bring one of those folding portable chairs in a sack. What wimps some of these people are!!!
My wife and I brought our own water! it is doable.
These people are doing everything in their power to keep republicans from voting. And they said we were disenfranchising voters... These democrat run SoS's pukes are blatantly doing just that...
providing all of the evidence of what happened in the same states in 2020 and prove beyond a doubt how it was done.
My wife and I brought our own water! it is doable.
If we thought we had to have water, one of us would have brought it or one of us would have left the line--with permission of the person behind us--and gone to get some. It's definitely doable. I have a small backpack purse that I wear when we're going to be out shopping or expect a long wait at the doctors' office or something. Usually pack some water bottles, cough drops, pen, paper, maybe a couple of protein bars or something, something to read, etc. It really isn't hard and I am definitely not a hardship case that requires somebody to bring me food or water in line, and maybe do a little electioneering or bribery in the process.
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To be fair we don't know that. It could be pure coincidence and will be rectified honestly.

But it's damn sure fair game to be watching and suspicious.
it wouldn't mean too much if it wasn't the same city that was under dispute in 2020 with the same attorney general. that's not coincidence.
If the exact same locations are having same or very similar problems as last time then the courts should not allow the votes
Nobody is being disenfranchised but nobody will be deceived again either.
it wouldn't mean too much if it wasn't the same city that was under dispute in 2020 with the same attorney general. that's not coincidence.
Maybe. Maybe not. But I like to be sure before I make a definitive statement re fraud.

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