Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Week of Jan 14th, 2019

Is the political game of chicken being played by BOTH parties worth the lives of a few diabetics?

  • Yes, never give in on this wall issue

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, both parties should compromise and get the workers back to work

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Trump should declare a national emergency and resolve the issue

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
All of whom will be paid in full when this is over...In the meantime, the military will feed and house every single one of them, and extend credit to those who live off base...SOP.

You may now secure your crying towel below decks.

and in the mind of the Trumpians that somehow makes all this dumb shit ok.
Boooooo-fucking-hooooooo...Fact remains that nobody is going to get stiffed.

Now you're sniveling just for the practice.
Their salaries and benefits an envy of most Americans working in the private sector.

Can’t get fired for poor performance.

Retirement packages that are extinct in the private sector. Most Americans have to save to be able to retire, government workers do not.

Let the shutdown continue. They don’t like it, get a job in the private sector.
Your attack on Federal workers is based on the fact that private sector workers are underpaid and lack decent pensions?

pensions are nothing but a ponzi scheme. too fking funny. can't fund them, never have and never will. Much like SS. to fking funny again.

Pensions are the optimum retirement vehicle

Hopefully, you have a pension, retirement savings and a paid off house
You're adorable.

Are you a person or a remarkably-sophisticated spambot?
Dems gain nothing by giving in

It only encourages Trump to shut down Government whenever he doesn’t get his way
Never give in to terrorists.

Your "terrorists" are "freedom fighters" to the other half of this country. And don't regurgitate the false statement that you're a "majority", because it's BS.

29% approve of the shutdown for border funding.
You're losing and don't even know it.
The despicable Democrat filth will cave as soon as their welfare queens and Illegals start bitching they are not getting their food stamps.

Maybe we will have riots like they have in France.

States warn food stamp recipients to budget early benefit payments due to shutdown

States warn food stamp recipients to budget early benefit payments due to shutdown

State agencies are warning food stamp recipients to carefully budget their grocery purchases once they receive their February benefits weeks earlier than normal due to the partial government shutdown.

The Department of Agriculture's backup plan for paying out Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits amid the lapse in funding means it could be 40 days — or longer, in some cases — before additional money is added to recipients' benefit cards. There is also no guarantee about when nearly 39 million low-income Americans will next receive another payment to help them buy groceries.

The biggest recipients are red states...why would the Dems worry?

They won't be, once the welfare class has been purged.
You’ll lose your base.

Doesn't matter. This isn't about politics and Donald Trump is not a politician. By the time he's through, this country will be irreversibly changed in to something barely the eyes of the left. Sometimes you just have to do what's best for the Republic, no matter what the consequences are.

I am predicting right here and now: Trump's voting base will actually increase, as people start to realize the ramifications of everything he's done.
I am predicting right here and now: Trump's voting base will actually increase, as people start to realize the ramifications of everything he's done.

Utterly clueless.

Trump's support from white non-college Americans slips during shutdown - CNNPolitics
I worked 33 years in the federal government

Most of that time, we were anything but the envy of the private sector

When I started working in the late 70s, pay was 20 percent below the private sector. Fellow engineers ran to job offers at RCA, Kodak, Bell Labs, IBM. They mocked me for accepting a government job

In the 90s, we were begging for qualified workers. The private sector paid journeymen engineers $90,000 plus while our managers made $75,000. Those I interviewed laughed at the salary I offered

By 2008, companies were laying off in droves and cutting pay and benefits. Companies like RCA, Kodak and Bell Labs we’re gone. Qualified workers started to realize that steady pay and job security were valuable

I don’t feel sorry for the private sector

If one has nothing but a High school diploma, that Govt pays above average. For those with a bachelors it is about average and with an advanced degree it is less
Trump can't give in or he will doom himself and his party.

Sorry Libs. Trumps on the right side on this one. He campaigned and won on building the wall. He's compromised, you haven't. He wants to protect America, you want to protect gang members and illegals. You've passed wall legislation in the past, yet won't now because you hate this president. That won't fly well.

The longer this goes on the more it solidifies Trump in 2020 and a red wave as well. So keep it up. I'm loving every minute.
Trump can't give in or he will doom himself and his party

That ship has sailed, fool.
Boooooo-fucking-hooooooo...Fact remains that nobody is going to get stiffed.

Now you're sniveling just for the practice.

Contractors don't get backpay.

"Contractors like Kelly — who make up 40 percent of the federal workforce, and an estimated 500,000 workers in the agencies affected by the shutdown — are among those hit the hardest by the shutdown since unlike government employees the gaps in their pay won’t see any reimbursement. Contractors are paid directly by companies that can’t bill the government for services when it’s shut down. "

Driving Uber, freelancing, babysitting: shutdown workers scramble for cash

What are you talking about?

These people aren't being paid, they deserve to be, and you and your fellow talk radio bunnies are all happy 'n stuff about it.

Good. Enjoy.
They'll all be paid in full when this is ironed out....They'll be far better off than those who lost their asses in the '08 crash.

Many employees that work or government contractor's won't get back pay.
All of whom will be paid in full when this is over...In the meantime, the military will feed and house every single one of them, and extend credit to those who live off base...SOP.

You may now secure your crying towel below decks.

and in the mind of the Trumpians that somehow makes all this dumb shit ok.
Boooooo-fucking-hooooooo...Fact remains that nobody is going to get stiffed.

Now you're sniveling just for the practice.
Tell that to the people that can't make the rent and mortgage payments due NOW
Contractors don't get backpay.

"Contractors like Kelly — who make up 40 percent of the federal workforce, and an estimated 500,000 workers in the agencies affected by the shutdown — are among those hit the hardest by the shutdown since unlike government employees the gaps in their pay won’t see any reimbursement. Contractors are paid directly by companies that can’t bill the government for services when it’s shut down. "

Driving Uber, freelancing, babysitting: shutdown workers scramble for cash

Tough shit...I'm a contractor and save for down times....I also have a high-700s credit score...It's the nature of what we do.
Nor do the business around federal buildings or national parks or the airlines (one of which has lost 25 million in revenue already)
There go them goalposts again!

Not to mention 30 democrats having a party at the resort while 800000 people don't get a paycheck because they refuse to negotiate with our president.

Now is NOT a good time to be a democrat.

I notice the GOP propaganda says call it a “party”

The Dems went there on a fact finding and fund raising effort for Hurricane Maria recovery. You know......Hurricane Maria, an actual crisis

The same crisis that Trump wants to pull construction funds away from to pay for his wall
Show me your source that states that Trump said he wants to use funds for Hurricane Maria for the wall.
Show me your source that states that Trump said he wants to use funds for Hurricane Maria for the wall.

You dopes are so easy.

Border wall funds could be diverted from a pool meant for Puerto Rico, Texas and other areas hit by disasters - CNNPolitics
I worked 33 years in the federal government

Most of that time, we were anything but the envy of the private sector

When I started working in the late 70s, pay was 20 percent below the private sector. Fellow engineers ran to job offers at RCA, Kodak, Bell Labs, IBM. They mocked me for accepting a government job

In the 90s, we were begging for qualified workers. The private sector paid journeymen engineers $90,000 plus while our managers made $75,000. Those I interviewed laughed at the salary I offered

By 2008, companies were laying off in droves and cutting pay and benefits. Companies like RCA, Kodak and Bell Labs we’re gone. Qualified workers started to realize that steady pay and job security were valuable

I don’t feel sorry for the private sector

Well that's good because no one feels sorry for the Federal employees.

I doubt anyone who gets furloughed in the private sector gets back pay. Our tax dollars at work.

They could all quit and go get a job in the private sector. Jobs are all over the place.

Oh wait. I forgot. They love those cushy well paid Govt. jobs where the don't get fired. Never mind.
Well if the FreeShitArmy knew anything about managing a budget, they wouldn't be on food stamps and welfare, right? As far as I'm concerned, they can all starve. And I don't care about their little crotch fruit, either. If ya can't feed 'em, don't breed 'em.

There's also talk that Section 8 payments won't go out. That will be a hoot.


Did Ben Carson fix that stuff where blacks who didn't have a pot to piss in got the government to subsidize them million dollar homes or no? If not, that's a problem.

Taxpayers don't need to be paying for section 8 when it's million dollar houses n stuff.

Section 8 is supposed to be for bare minimum stuff.
The average recipient receives the equivalent of $35,000 a year in cash and benefits.

Now imagine 21 Million illegals getting each at least $35,000 a year in your tax dollars the second they cross the border.
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