Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Week of Jan 14th, 2019

Is the political game of chicken being played by BOTH parties worth the lives of a few diabetics?

  • Yes, never give in on this wall issue

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, both parties should compromise and get the workers back to work

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Trump should declare a national emergency and resolve the issue

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
Their salaries and benefits an envy of most Americans working in the private sector.

Can’t get fired for poor performance.

Retirement packages that are extinct in the private sector. Most Americans have to save to be able to retire, government workers do not.

Let the shutdown continue. They don’t like it, get a job in the private sector.
Your attack on Federal workers is based on the fact that private sector workers are underpaid and lack decent pensions?

pensions are nothing but a ponzi scheme. too fking funny. can't fund them, never have and never will. Much like SS. to fking funny again.

Pensions are the optimum retirement vehicle

Hopefully, you have a pension, retirement savings and a paid off house
You're adorable.

Are you a person or a remarkably-sophisticated spambot?
Why can't we make The Shutdown Permanent? Think of how much money it will save.

In 2014 Ron Paul came up with a great budget to cut back Federal spending a trillion a year without reducing defense, social security or medicare. He simply cut out many of the things we really don't need as a country.

This filthy ass government is bloated as hell and we are paying for it through high taxation and tremendous debt.

This is a common sense budget.
These people are owed their pay. That's the agreement the government made with them.
Republicans sure do like to avoid paying bills they run up.
Lay them off then.
Go ahead, and see how that works out.
they can be released after 22 working days or 30 days. and back pay for the work in between is what they get. you remain the confused fk in here.
What are you talking about?

These people aren't being paid, they deserve to be, and you and your fellow talk radio bunnies are all happy 'n stuff about it.

Good. Enjoy.
they will be paid. what didn't you understand? it's called back pay and it's guaranteed to them. Trump said so. So they will be paid. did you wake up without your brain today? just wondering cause that is what i already said and you didn't understand.
So you're unable to discern the distinction between not being paid now and never being paid.

Okie dokie.

This combination of arrogance and ignorance is fascinating to observe, but impossible to penetrate.
Not only did Trump not write the book, I am betting he has never read it.

Yeah Trump only graduated from an Ivy League school . He's obviously stupid.
Money buys you anything Like the doctor who saved his ass from the army One prof. said he was the dumbest student he ever had
how many do you believe he had? professors that is? come on now, cherry picker. me thinks you forgot your ladder.
Who knows ?? Anyone say how smart he was ??? Maybe they had a class in conning the public?? He'd get straight A's He sure has you conned
he's smarter than you. so all your bullying is noted on how you feel. you're just a stupid fk on an internet message board questioning others education. yeah that's ripe with something all right. And it does smell.
  • As a presidential candidate, Trump had repeatedly said his father gave him a “very small” $1 million loan, which he turned into an empire.
  • A sweeping new investigative report published by The New York Times on Tuesday, however, says Trump’s father actually lent his son at least $60.7 million.
  • The Times reports that the amount would be worth $140 million in today’s dollars and that much of it was never repaid.
Yeah Trump only graduated from an Ivy League school . He's obviously stupid.
Money buys you anything Like the doctor who saved his ass from the army One prof. said he was the dumbest student he ever had
how many do you believe he had? professors that is? come on now, cherry picker. me thinks you forgot your ladder.
Who knows ?? Anyone say how smart he was ??? Maybe they had a class in conning the public?? He'd get straight A's He sure has you conned
he's smarter than you. so all your bullying is noted on how you feel. you're just a stupid fk on an internet message board questioning others education. yeah that's ripe with something all right. And it does smell.
  • As a presidential candidate, Trump had repeatedly said his father gave him a “very small” $1 million loan, which he turned into an empire.
  • A sweeping new investigative report published by The New York Times on Tuesday, however, says Trump’s father actually lent his son at least $60.7 million.
  • The Times reports that the amount would be worth $140 million in today’s dollars and that much of it was never repaid.

Trump also leaves out that his company was given to him by his father, he never adds in that amount. Trump is nothing without his grandma's company. Nothing he has ever started on his own has ever succeeded.
Democrats can end the shutdown now. Fund the wall.
The GOP can end the shutdown now. Stop holding federal employees and the American people hostage, open the government and let legislation on the Wall pass or fail on it's own merits.

Democrats can end the shutdown now by funding the wall. isn't that true?

Interesting that you respond to my post in which I showed Tipsycatlover that both were responsible. Why didn't you ask Tipsy the same questions.

why are you avoiding making that statement?

I'm not. Both extreme wings (LWNJ and RWNJ) are responsible.

what is it you don't like, trump?

I think Trump was a huge mistake for the GOP and makes us look silly by association. I voted for Kasich in the primary and general.

so 300 million suffer from lack of security at the border so that an eleven year old girl in Texas can be raped by an illegal that has been deported three times? dude, you sure have class. fund the fking wall and end the shutdown.

We aren't talking about "Border Security" we are talking about Trump's "Mission Accomplished" wall. I don't have a problem with walls in high population/high traffic areas.

Open the government and stop holding federal employees hostage, end the shutdown and have border security - real border security - discussed and planned for. Not just so Trump can check a box with his base on campaigning.


Time to stop the political games and pissing contest between the President and Congress.

Step 1: Pass clean funding for those agencies which have no relation to border security and stop ■■■■■■■ around with peoples lives.

Step 2A: Fund DHS for six months, including 2 Billion for improved border security including repair/upgrade of existing walls, improved staffing for CBP and ICE, improved surveillance along for improved response times where needed, and improved technology at ports of entry to interdict the main source of drugs and human trafficking entering the country.

Step 2B: As part of the DHS funding bill, establish a bipartisan commission to examine border security and illegal aliens entering the country. The bipartisan commission would have executive members from the political realm, CBP/ICE, Technology & Security private entities (i.e. non-government entities), economists, and immigration law experts. The commission would have work-groups on specific topics. The work groups would report out findings in 120 days. The executive commission would report out in 150 days. Work groups would break out and concentrate on the following areas:
  1. Border Security at ports of entry to improve legal entry into the country and more effectively identify and interdict drugs entering the country through ports of entry (ports on entry is not limited to the southern border, this will examine technology, procedures, and process at commercial ports as well).
  2. Border Security in low population areas. The needs of low population areas being much different than those in high population areas. The needs of the border around San Diego are different then the middle of the desert.
  3. Tracking, locating, apprehending visa overstays.
  4. The Technology work group would examine E-verify system to include improvements such as technology integration with the IRS, Social Security Administration, and State Departments of Vital Records (births, deaths, etc). Making the use of E-verify a tool available to employers and then requiring its use. A negative response from E-verify will become justification for not hiring an individual, which is not currently the case. Employers will then be held responsible for using E-verify.
  5. The economic work-group would look at the establishment of a workable “guest worker” program so that low skill workers (mainly agricultural) can be brought into the country to work, but employers are held responsible and submit a bond to ensure workers return at the end of the specified period. (I can see a new business opportunity for companies to become Temp agencies for such business needs.).
The intent isn’t to answer the political question of building a wall (or not) across the southern border. The bipartisan, expert commission’s mission will be to come up with realistic and effective changes to the current situation on the physical security (illegal aliens, human trafficking, drug smuggling) and economic driving factors.
Pelosi just canceled the State of the Union Speech. She suggested Trump pick a day after the government is open for business for his little speech, or he could present his address in writing.

Just cancel it altogether, and not have one again. Just political BS, every year. Let’s spare the American people the political parties BS.

Nope. Not forever. Just until the shut down is over. He could do it in writing, or give his speech from somewhere else, but he won't do it in the House until he ends his tantrum.

"until he ends his tantrum" LOL

And how do you call what you lefties are doing since Trump got elected?
it is quite simple. I want it there. not the president, me the tax payer wants it in there. so you can fk yourself with any shameless post.

It's quite simple. I don't want it there. Not the President, me the tax payer doesn't want it in there.

I the taxpayer want the government open and comprehensive border security addressed on it's own merits without holding people as financial hostages.

See how that works. BTW - more people are against Trumps "Mission Accomplished" wall than are for it, while still supporting real border security.

Actions speak louder than words.

Trump: Wanted 25 Billion. now asking for 5.7 billion.

Liberals: Said they would not give him a dime. 3 weeks later, they say they won't give him a dime.

Trump invites liberals to the White House yesterday to talk. None showed up.

Who wants to negotiate and who doesn't?
And Democrats agreed to the $25 billion when Trump said no.

No, it was not for a wall. it was for generic "border protection" whatever the fuck that means.

If they offered him 25 billion why not give him 25 billion? Why not give him 5 billion? The truth is liberals won't negotiate at all yet are blaming Trump. Both sides have to give. Trump is down to a quarter of what he asked for. Liberals haven't budged at all.

This is no longer on Trump. It's all on the left. Liberals are acting like the whiney cry babies that they are. Either they get their way or they'll take their ball and go home. Sorry. It doesn't work that way.
It was for exactly what he wants to build now...

(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established in the Treasury of the United States a trust fund to be known as the Border Security Trust Fund (in this section referred to as the ‘‘Trust Fund’’), consisting of amounts appropriated to the Trust Fund under subsection (b) and any amounts that may be credited to the Trust Fund under subsection (c).
(b) APPROPRIATION.—There are appropriated to the Trust Fund $25,000,000,000, to remain available until expended.
(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of the Treasury shall invest such portion of the Trust Fund as is not required to meet cur- rent withdrawals in interest-bearing obligations of the United States or in obligations guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the United States.
(2) INTEREST AND PROCEEDS.—The interest on, and the proceeds from the sale or redemption of, any obligations held in the Trust Fund shall be credited to and form a part of the Trust Fund.
(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to paragraph (2), amounts in the Trust Fund shall be available to the Secretary of Homeland Security, without further appropriation, for—
(A) construction of not fewer than 700 miles of reinforced fencing, excluding vehicle barriers;
(B) installation of additional physical barriers;
(C) construction and maintenance of access and patrol roads;
(D) lighting;
(E) an interlocking surveillance camera system;
(F) remote sensors; and
(G) the purchase from the Secretary of Defense of surplus aircraft and unmanned air- craft systems.
(2) LIMITATION.—Not more than $5,000,000,000 of the amount in the Trust Fund may be obligated and expended in any fiscal year.

Fencing is not a border wall. AND it was over an unspecified period. Too broad and he knew it. It was also tied to DACA which is unconstitutional. I don't know if he is offering DACA now, but way back almost 2 years ago when that 25 billion was offered, he was against DACA thus refused the money. He refused dirty money, I can't blame him for that.

Trump wants something that will actually work. Wetbacks are flying over our "fence." He wants a functional metal slat wall.

And if they wanted to give it to him, why not end this and put 800K people back to work and give him 25billion?

You STILL haven't explained why if they offered it once. why not offer it again?
Fencing is what trump said he wants to build now. Can’t you keep up?

Yea he'll call it a hamburger if the dems will give him the money to build it.

He's playing the democrats game. Wall=bad. Fence=good. Ok then call the damn thing a fence. I've never seen a solid steel slat fence 30 feet high anywhere in our nation. But yea, it's a fence. A white picket fence. So give him the money for it.
Thanks to Deficit Donald doubling the federal deficit and exploding big government spending, our country and our GDP are much more dependent on government spending than before he took office.

The government is increasing its debt?

Wow, I did not see that coming.

Can't wait for the alternative Left wing snowflakes.

Free college and health care anyone?
Under Obama, the deficit was DECLINING.

Under Trump, the deficit has DOUBLED. It is ACCELERATING.

All caught up now?
Because none of them had border wall funding or highly inadequate border wall funding. THUS THE SENATE NEVER VOTED ON THEM. You must be pretty stupid because Trump never vetoed them, they never got to him. So don't blame Trump. Fucking moron.

The people elected Democratic Congressmen to represent them. A useless wall was not part of the package.

The votes for wall funding are not in the House or Senate

A presidential temper tantrum will not change it
So democrats are the only voice that counts? The votes are there if Pelosi and Chuckie want them.

Republicans controlled Congress for two years when Democratic votes did not count. They made no effort on border security

Actually, Schumer offered $25 billion in return for DACA last year
Trump refused

Because DACA is illegal and unconstitutional. I don't know if he still thinks that but he did last year. Well in 2017.
Not if Congress passes a law

Trump was offered $25 billion. But because of his hatred of Mexicans, he blew it
What an ignorant statement. Can't you be honest and use "illegal immigrant"?
The despicable Democrat filth will cave as soon as their welfare queens and Illegals start bitching they are not getting their food stamps.

Maybe we will have riots like they have in France.

States warn food stamp recipients to budget early benefit payments due to shutdown

States warn food stamp recipients to budget early benefit payments due to shutdown

State agencies are warning food stamp recipients to carefully budget their grocery purchases once they receive their February benefits weeks earlier than normal due to the partial government shutdown.

The Department of Agriculture's backup plan for paying out Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits amid the lapse in funding means it could be 40 days — or longer, in some cases — before additional money is added to recipients' benefit cards. There is also no guarantee about when nearly 39 million low-income Americans will next receive another payment to help them buy groceries.


Trump blames Democrats for shutdown, Americans blame Trump

The Dems dont have to do anything. They've given the Senate a funding bill.
Their salaries and benefits an envy of most Americans working in the private sector.

Can’t get fired for poor performance.

Retirement packages that are extinct in the private sector. Most Americans have to save to be able to retire, government workers do not.

Let the shutdown continue. They don’t like it, get a job in the private sector.

Trump can implement a Reduction in Force (everyone in the private sector knows what this is) after 30 calendar days of furlough. This is a fabulous opportunity to reduce the cost of government permanently.

Senior Trump official tells president in anonymous op-ed to shutter shutdown agencies forever | Daily Mail Online
I notice the GOP propaganda says call it a “party”

The Dems went there on a fact finding and fund raising effort for Hurricane Maria recovery. You know......Hurricane Maria, an actual crisis

The same crisis that Trump wants to pull construction funds away from to pay for his wall
Show me your source that states that Trump said he wants to use funds for Hurricane Maria for the wall.
Because that is where the military construction funds are

Trumps nuclear option of declaring an emergency does not create funding out of thin air. It will come out of money dedicated to military construction. Most of which is in Puerto Rico

If Trump has another source.......he hasn’t identified it
See, now you just got caught lying again. There are more funds in the Defense Department than just those used for Hurricane Maria.

Not construction funds
You're just a habitual liar. You really can't help yourself, can you.
The people elected Democratic Congressmen to represent them. A useless wall was not part of the package.

The votes for wall funding are not in the House or Senate

A presidential temper tantrum will not change it
So democrats are the only voice that counts? The votes are there if Pelosi and Chuckie want them.

Republicans controlled Congress for two years when Democratic votes did not count. They made no effort on border security

Actually, Schumer offered $25 billion in return for DACA last year
Trump refused

Because DACA is illegal and unconstitutional. I don't know if he still thinks that but he did last year. Well in 2017.
Not if Congress passes a law

Trump was offered $25 billion. But because of his hatred of Mexicans, he blew it
What an ignorant statement. Can't you be honest and use "illegal immigrant"?

Children......Americans overwhelmingly support them being allowed to stay
And Democrats agreed to the $25 billion when Trump said no.

No, it was not for a wall. it was for generic "border protection" whatever the fuck that means.

If they offered him 25 billion why not give him 25 billion? Why not give him 5 billion? The truth is liberals won't negotiate at all yet are blaming Trump. Both sides have to give. Trump is down to a quarter of what he asked for. Liberals haven't budged at all.

This is no longer on Trump. It's all on the left. Liberals are acting like the whiney cry babies that they are. Either they get their way or they'll take their ball and go home. Sorry. It doesn't work that way.
It was for exactly what he wants to build now...

(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established in the Treasury of the United States a trust fund to be known as the Border Security Trust Fund (in this section referred to as the ‘‘Trust Fund’’), consisting of amounts appropriated to the Trust Fund under subsection (b) and any amounts that may be credited to the Trust Fund under subsection (c).
(b) APPROPRIATION.—There are appropriated to the Trust Fund $25,000,000,000, to remain available until expended.
(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of the Treasury shall invest such portion of the Trust Fund as is not required to meet cur- rent withdrawals in interest-bearing obligations of the United States or in obligations guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the United States.
(2) INTEREST AND PROCEEDS.—The interest on, and the proceeds from the sale or redemption of, any obligations held in the Trust Fund shall be credited to and form a part of the Trust Fund.
(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to paragraph (2), amounts in the Trust Fund shall be available to the Secretary of Homeland Security, without further appropriation, for—
(A) construction of not fewer than 700 miles of reinforced fencing, excluding vehicle barriers;
(B) installation of additional physical barriers;
(C) construction and maintenance of access and patrol roads;
(D) lighting;
(E) an interlocking surveillance camera system;
(F) remote sensors; and
(G) the purchase from the Secretary of Defense of surplus aircraft and unmanned air- craft systems.
(2) LIMITATION.—Not more than $5,000,000,000 of the amount in the Trust Fund may be obligated and expended in any fiscal year.

Fencing is not a border wall. AND it was over an unspecified period. Too broad and he knew it. It was also tied to DACA which is unconstitutional. I don't know if he is offering DACA now, but way back almost 2 years ago when that 25 billion was offered, he was against DACA thus refused the money. He refused dirty money, I can't blame him for that.

Trump wants something that will actually work. Wetbacks are flying over our "fence." He wants a functional metal slat wall.

And if they wanted to give it to him, why not end this and put 800K people back to work and give him 25billion?

You STILL haven't explained why if they offered it once. why not offer it again?
Fencing is what trump said he wants to build now. Can’t you keep up?

Yea he'll call it a hamburger if the dems will give him the money to build it.

He's playing the democrats game. Wall=bad. Fence=good. Ok then call the damn thing a fence. I've never seen a solid steel slat fence 30 feet high anywhere in our nation. But yea, it's a fence. A white picket fence. So give him the money for it.
No, you imbecile, he didn’t just say he’s building a fence, he showed what it looks like.... it’s a fence.

You idiots have no fucking clue what you’re supporting. :cuckoo:
Their salaries and benefits an envy of most Americans working in the private sector.

Can’t get fired for poor performance.

Retirement packages that are extinct in the private sector. Most Americans have to save to be able to retire, government workers do not.

Let the shutdown continue. They don’t like it, get a job in the private sector.

Trump can implement a Reduction in Force (everyone in the private sector knows what this is) after 30 calendar days of furlough. This is a fabulous opportunity to reduce the cost of government permanently.

Senior Trump official tells president in anonymous op-ed to shutter shutdown agencies forever | Daily Mail Online

How many times are you sheep going to post this same lie?

According to all of you they are not in a non-pay status, they are in a pay-deferred status, thus they would not qualify for the RIF, which still takes about 50 steps and a long time.

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