Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Week of Jan 14th, 2019

Is the political game of chicken being played by BOTH parties worth the lives of a few diabetics?

  • Yes, never give in on this wall issue

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, both parties should compromise and get the workers back to work

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Trump should declare a national emergency and resolve the issue

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
No, they have not. That's the partisan hack answer. Their obligation, as is the Senate's obligation, as is the president's obligation, is to work together to reach a compromise and end the impasse. The president wants $5 billion for a wall; the Democrats want nothing. Nobody is willing to budge. Mature adults would meet halfway, but that's not what we have in D.C. I don't support a wall either, but to cause all of this drama over pure partisan politics is irresponsible on everybody's part.

The president and the Senate are not obliged to shut the govt down over funding requests, dope.
the president is allowed to have input into the budget. no matter how much you wish to not have it so. too fking funny. where were all you creeps when obammy was in office?

Great. So it's his shutdown. Thanks.
Trump doesn't care and his supporters don't care who you blame. We're engaged in a cold civil war. Someone is going to blink and it's not going to be Trump. He doesn't care about being re-elected.
He doesn't care about being re-elected.

Or nearly a million federal workers.
That's a million too many. The Federal government needs to be reduced.
the president is allowed to have input into the budget. no matter how much you wish to not have it so. too fking funny. where were all you creeps when obammy was in office?

Great. So it's his shutdown. Thanks.
well no, he can't sign what he doesn't have. so until something touches his desk, he is not at fault. BTW, they know what he wants, why don't they negotiate? isn't that customary in negotiations? just saying.

Except of course the fact that he decides what he will sign and McConnell will only hold a vote for what he'll sign.'s still Trump's shutdown.

It's the hostage taker that makes demands.
dude, I don't care, nor does he who you blame, the issue is that the dems won't come to the table. dude point that finger all fking day isn't going to make the dems get to the table. why do you behave so stupidly?

The Dems don't need to come to the table, dope. They have made no demands. They have done their job.
No, they haven't done their job if they won't negotiate.
the president is allowed to have input into the budget. no matter how much you wish to not have it so. too fking funny. where were all you creeps when obammy was in office?

Great. So it's his shutdown. Thanks.
well no, he can't sign what he doesn't have. so until something touches his desk, he is not at fault. BTW, they know what he wants, why don't they negotiate? isn't that customary in negotiations? just saying.

Except of course the fact that he decides what he will sign and McConnell will only hold a vote for what he'll sign.'s still Trump's shutdown.

It's the hostage taker that makes demands.
dude, I don't care, nor does he who you blame, the issue is that the dems won't come to the table. dude point that finger all fking day isn't going to make the dems get to the table. why do you behave so stupidly?

The Dems don't need to come to the table, dope. They have made no demands. They have done their job.
then where's the budget?
GDP Growth is going to explode once Trump permanently lays off a large portion of the non-essential furloughed workers. What a great opportunity to reduce government spending in one fell swoop. After 30 days of furlough, he can RIF them.

Has President Trump suckered Democrats and the Deep State into a trap that will enable a radical downsizing of the federal bureaucracy? In only five more days of the already "longest government shutdown in history" (25 days and counting, as of today), a heretofore obscure threshold will be reached, enabling permanent layoffs of bureaucrats furloughed 30 days or more.

Don't believe me that federal bureaucrats can be laid off? Well, in bureaucratese, a layoff is called a RIF – a Reduction in Force – and of course, it comes with a slew of civil service protections. But, if the guidelines are followed, bureaucrats can be laid off – as in no more job.

GDP Growth is going to explode once Trump permanently lays off a large portion of the non-essential furloughed workers.

^What a retard. Yikes!

Govt spending is 20% of GDP, dope.
Great. So it's his shutdown. Thanks.
well no, he can't sign what he doesn't have. so until something touches his desk, he is not at fault. BTW, they know what he wants, why don't they negotiate? isn't that customary in negotiations? just saying.

Except of course the fact that he decides what he will sign and McConnell will only hold a vote for what he'll sign.'s still Trump's shutdown.

It's the hostage taker that makes demands.
dude, I don't care, nor does he who you blame, the issue is that the dems won't come to the table. dude point that finger all fking day isn't going to make the dems get to the table. why do you behave so stupidly?

The Dems don't need to come to the table, dope. They have made no demands. They have done their job.
then where's the budget?

Waiting for McConnell to find his balls.
GDP Growth is going to explode once Trump permanently lays off a large portion of the non-essential furloughed workers. What a great opportunity to reduce government spending in one fell swoop. After 30 days of furlough, he can RIF them.

Has President Trump suckered Democrats and the Deep State into a trap that will enable a radical downsizing of the federal bureaucracy? In only five more days of the already "longest government shutdown in history" (25 days and counting, as of today), a heretofore obscure threshold will be reached, enabling permanent layoffs of bureaucrats furloughed 30 days or more.

Don't believe me that federal bureaucrats can be laid off? Well, in bureaucratese, a layoff is called a RIF – a Reduction in Force – and of course, it comes with a slew of civil service protections. But, if the guidelines are followed, bureaucrats can be laid off – as in no more job.

GDP Growth is going to explode once Trump permanently lays off a large portion of the non-essential furloughed workers.

^What a retard. Yikes!

Govt spending is 20% of GDP, dope.

Government spending consumes 20% of GDP, bub.

I suggest you read Bastiat's parable of the broken window and get back to us.
the one thing, and for me the only thing, both Pelosi and crying chuck were ok with a wall in 2014. The mere fact that they won't fund it today is pure partisan and Trump knows it. that my friend is really the shameful piece.

The Dems aren't asking for anything. They've made no demands. They've met their obligation to fund the govt.

It's the hostage takers that make demands.
so the school teachers unions hold school kids hostage when they go on strike right? let's hear from you? It's happening today in California. so correct?

I think that's fair. Completely unrelated but fair.
You think it's fair to hold kids hostage?
sure, he just said so.

Your comparison was fair, dope.
GDP Growth is going to explode once Trump permanently lays off a large portion of the non-essential furloughed workers. What a great opportunity to reduce government spending in one fell swoop. After 30 days of furlough, he can RIF them.

Has President Trump suckered Democrats and the Deep State into a trap that will enable a radical downsizing of the federal bureaucracy? In only five more days of the already "longest government shutdown in history" (25 days and counting, as of today), a heretofore obscure threshold will be reached, enabling permanent layoffs of bureaucrats furloughed 30 days or more.

Don't believe me that federal bureaucrats can be laid off? Well, in bureaucratese, a layoff is called a RIF – a Reduction in Force – and of course, it comes with a slew of civil service protections. But, if the guidelines are followed, bureaucrats can be laid off – as in no more job.

GDP Growth is going to explode once Trump permanently lays off a large portion of the non-essential furloughed workers.

^What a retard. Yikes!

Govt spending is 20% of GDP, dope.
explain how spending less is bad.
well no, he can't sign what he doesn't have. so until something touches his desk, he is not at fault. BTW, they know what he wants, why don't they negotiate? isn't that customary in negotiations? just saying.

Except of course the fact that he decides what he will sign and McConnell will only hold a vote for what he'll sign.'s still Trump's shutdown.

It's the hostage taker that makes demands.
dude, I don't care, nor does he who you blame, the issue is that the dems won't come to the table. dude point that finger all fking day isn't going to make the dems get to the table. why do you behave so stupidly?

The Dems don't need to come to the table, dope. They have made no demands. They have done their job.
then where's the budget?

Waiting for McConnell to find his balls.
They got snipped quite a while ago. Thus the constant look on his face.
GDP Growth is going to explode once Trump permanently lays off a large portion of the non-essential furloughed workers. What a great opportunity to reduce government spending in one fell swoop. After 30 days of furlough, he can RIF them.

Has President Trump suckered Democrats and the Deep State into a trap that will enable a radical downsizing of the federal bureaucracy? In only five more days of the already "longest government shutdown in history" (25 days and counting, as of today), a heretofore obscure threshold will be reached, enabling permanent layoffs of bureaucrats furloughed 30 days or more.

Don't believe me that federal bureaucrats can be laid off? Well, in bureaucratese, a layoff is called a RIF – a Reduction in Force – and of course, it comes with a slew of civil service protections. But, if the guidelines are followed, bureaucrats can be laid off – as in no more job.

GDP Growth is going to explode once Trump permanently lays off a large portion of the non-essential furloughed workers.

^What a retard. Yikes!

Govt spending is 20% of GDP, dope.
explain how spending less is bad.

He should explain how less spending which requires less debt to fund it is bad.
The Dems aren't asking for anything. They've made no demands. They've met their obligation to fund the govt.

It's the hostage takers that make demands.
so the school teachers unions hold school kids hostage when they go on strike right? let's hear from you? It's happening today in California. so correct?

I think that's fair. Completely unrelated but fair.
You think it's fair to hold kids hostage?

I think their cause is righteous. They're doing it for the kids.
how so? giving them a holiday when they should be learning, taking away summer days off? exactly how does their strike benefit the kids. wow, I never thought I'd see that one. you fkers really do have screws missing.
exactly how does their strike benefit the kids.

Obviously with the concessions they win, dope.
The Dems aren't asking for anything. They've made no demands. They've met their obligation to fund the govt.

It's the hostage takers that make demands.
so the school teachers unions hold school kids hostage when they go on strike right? let's hear from you? It's happening today in California. so correct?

I think that's fair. Completely unrelated but fair.
You think it's fair to hold kids hostage?
sure, he just said so.

Your comparison was fair, dope.
The President invited Democrats to a lunch to discuss border Security and Democrats refused. We know who isn't doing their job. Looking bad for Democrats.
well no, he can't sign what he doesn't have. so until something touches his desk, he is not at fault. BTW, they know what he wants, why don't they negotiate? isn't that customary in negotiations? just saying.

Except of course the fact that he decides what he will sign and McConnell will only hold a vote for what he'll sign.'s still Trump's shutdown.

It's the hostage taker that makes demands.
dude, I don't care, nor does he who you blame, the issue is that the dems won't come to the table. dude point that finger all fking day isn't going to make the dems get to the table. why do you behave so stupidly?

The Dems don't need to come to the table, dope. They have made no demands. They have done their job.
then where's the budget?

Waiting for McConnell to find his balls.
Not going to happen. At least until public opinion provides a majority of gop senators willing to embrace the Trump wrath. And I'm not really sure McConnell isn't finding Trump's declining popularity a positive.

He's protected the SC corporate welfare republican wing for a decade. And passed another supply side tax cut dropping another half billion or so in debt on our kids each year. Mission accomplished.
well no, he can't sign what he doesn't have. so until something touches his desk, he is not at fault. BTW, they know what he wants, why don't they negotiate? isn't that customary in negotiations? just saying.

Except of course the fact that he decides what he will sign and McConnell will only hold a vote for what he'll sign.'s still Trump's shutdown.

It's the hostage taker that makes demands.
dude, I don't care, nor does he who you blame, the issue is that the dems won't come to the table. dude point that finger all fking day isn't going to make the dems get to the table. why do you behave so stupidly?

The Dems don't need to come to the table, dope. They have made no demands. They have done their job.
then where's the budget?

Waiting for McConnell to find his balls.
the dems aren't demanding shit on his balls.
so the school teachers unions hold school kids hostage when they go on strike right? let's hear from you? It's happening today in California. so correct?

I think that's fair. Completely unrelated but fair.
You think it's fair to hold kids hostage?
sure, he just said so.

Your comparison was fair, dope.
The President invited Democrats to a lunch to discuss border Security and Democrats refused. We know who isn't doing their job. Looking bad for Democrats.
It's horrible for the dems. The Public clearly misunderstands the cause of the shutdown. I blame the media. How bout you. (sarcasm)
McConnell is sitting on a bill he just passed in December.

Deficit Donald was all set to sign it. But then Mr. Coulter and Addict Rush pitched a fit about the wall funding not being high enough.

So now McConnell is sitting on the very same bill he was all for just a month ago.
I guess you missed the part where he said he would sign it when there was a Republic can majority because to start a fight in his own party during an election year would have been political suicide. Since the bill did not make it to his desk before the election he is under no obligation to keep the democrats in power.
The estimate was not intended to become public. It was just leaked.
Their previous estimate was 0.1% every two weeks.

"The Trump administration now estimates that the cost of the government shutdown will be twice as steep as originally forecast.
The original estimate that the partial shutdown would subtract 0.1 percentage point from growth every two weeks has now been doubled to a 0.1 percentage point subtraction every week, according to an official who asked not to be named."‬
Conservatives are conflicted. One commented that it has to be a lie because the official is anonymous, and the other said it just doesn’t matter.
why not fund the wall and call it a day? you didn't care when billions went to other countries for support. why now? oh yeah TDS. keep it shutdown until the 5.7B makes it on a budget. we're cool with the government staying shutdown. are you? at some point someone will need to blink and it won't be trump.

BTW, the dems know what it will take to reopen the government and are doing nothing. and you don't care. it seems you don't care others are not getting paid.

Yeah and they don't care about the billions the illegals cost we tax payers every year either.

Tell that to small businesses in heavy military and civil service employee's. They are beginning to suffer.
nope, they haven't negotiated a budget. why not? they know the president isn't going to sign unless 5.7B is in there. what else are they gonna do? Just tell the citizens fk you we ain't giving that man money so fk you all? how mature.

They're obliged to fund the govt. They've passed spending bills that do just that.

They are not obliged to give a president what they want.
trump hasn't seen one of them. all the dems need to do is add 5.7B into the house bill, and 7 dems vote for it and send it back to the house for another vote. as long as the pres hasn't seen a bill, it isn't on him.
McConnell said he won’t introduce any bill that Trump isn’t willing to sign.
why are the dems holding the country hostage then? why don't they agree to the 5.7B and get the government open? It was what he was elected to do get done. why do pelosi and crying chuck wishing to go against the will of the people and making other people suffer?
McConnell and Trump are the ones holding the country hostage.

The ball is in their court, and McConnell is hiding the ball up his ass.

See post 23.

That's not all he's hiding up his ass.
I think that's fair. Completely unrelated but fair.
You think it's fair to hold kids hostage?
sure, he just said so.

Your comparison was fair, dope.
The President invited Democrats to a lunch to discuss border Security and Democrats refused. We know who isn't doing their job. Looking bad for Democrats.
It's horrible for the dems. The Public clearly misunderstands the cause of the shutdown. I blame the media. How bout you. (sarcasm)
it's a shame the dems enemy is the president of the US. yeah, that's a good one.
The estimate was not intended to become public. It was just leaked.
Their previous estimate was 0.1% every two weeks.

"The Trump administration now estimates that the cost of the government shutdown will be twice as steep as originally forecast.
The original estimate that the partial shutdown would subtract 0.1 percentage point from growth every two weeks has now been doubled to a 0.1 percentage point subtraction every week, according to an official who asked not to be named."‬
Conservatives are conflicted. One commented that it has to be a lie because the official is anonymous, and the other said it just doesn’t matter.
why not fund the wall and call it a day? you didn't care when billions went to other countries for support. why now? oh yeah TDS. keep it shutdown until the 5.7B makes it on a budget. we're cool with the government staying shutdown. are you? at some point someone will need to blink and it won't be trump.

BTW, the dems know what it will take to reopen the government and are doing nothing. and you don't care. it seems you don't care others are not getting paid.

Yeah and they don't care about the billions the illegals cost we tax payers every year either.

Tell that to small businesses in heavy military and civil service employee's. They are beginning to suffer.
well it doesn't take much to add 5.7 to the budget for the security of our nation. why do you hate your fellow americans so much? The border agents said they need a wall.

or are you saying we are no longer a country?

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