OFFICIAL USMB State of the Union 2018 Thread.....

Trump is just such a sack of garbage that all of his speeches are terrible for multiple reasons.

That’s the difference.

Lol, listen to yourself. Don't try to sound objective, because you aren't.

You have prejudged Trump to the point anything and everything he does is bad, anything and everything he says is terrible. You approach the Republicans the same way, you label them as a "cult". And I, as someone who voted for Trump, might as well be a sack of garbage for voting for a sack of garbage.

Spare me.
Of course the GOP is a cult and many republican voters are pieces of shit. I’ve never said, however, that any republican is a piece of shit. There are a few exceptions and even with the ones I dislike save Trump, I can think of positive things to say about them.
I don’t even have to read through this thread. I already know the Trumpsters will pretend it is his best ever because they can’t think for themselves.
And the Dem partisans will mock and attack it no matter what because they can't think for themselves.

Like clockwork, predictable as hell, both ends.

Aren't you partisans a hoot?
I think Bush has given a few good speeches. I don’t knee jerk assume a republican speech will be bad. Trump is just such a sack of garbage that all of his speeches are terrible for multiple reasons.

That’s the difference.
I'm always amazed at how thoughtful and magnanimous partisans are for people from the other side when they're no longer in power and out of the picture.

The two sides are opposite mirror images of each other for the most part.
Oh gee what a convenient answer this is to what I said. Just because Bush is out of office, it doesn’t mean I can’t remember things he said or did and how I felt about them at the time. You of course already understand this to be true.

I don’t see how this is so hard for you to understand. Trump isn’t the typical rightwinger. I can think of positive traits about most of the 2016 republican candidates. Trump on the other hand is a dumb sack of shit with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
I'm not talking about Trump or Bush or Clinton or Obama or Mickey Mouse.

I'm talking about the always-amusing similarities in behavior that we constantly see from both ends of the spectrum.

I don't see how this is so hard for you to understand.
From what I have already read from various online news sources, I didn't miss a thing not watching it. Good thing politics doesn't rule my life.
I don't see how this is so hard for you to understand.
Partisanship makes you (him) blind. I know, because I've been down that road, and it's very disturbing to look back on how blind one can be when toeing the partisan line. He doesn't understand, not that he's incapable of it, but because he refuses to.
I maintain, and I'm more sure of this than ever, that it is an affliction that literally distorts perceptions and thought processes. I came to the conclusion that it is an affliction because it clearly infects people who are otherwise perfectly intelligent.

And if I'm right, then the afflicted are actually being perfectly honest and sincere in what they say. Those are the thoughts that are going through their minds, it's not an act.

Like an old woman at a revival meeting or a crazed teenager on the streets of Damascus, they're not thinking rationally, but they are perfectly sincere. Hence the passion. Makes it tougher.
I don't like to watch dog and pony shows having to participate in them in early life.. So I miss the whole show and may pick up a transcript to read it but it really doesn't concern me...
Pelosi was distracting, I think she had a baby bone stuck in her teeth.
From what I have already read from various online news sources, I didn't miss a thing not watching it. Good thing politics doesn't rule my life.
Same here.

Stopped by a couple of websites, saw the regular crap, no big news, as usual.

Republicans loved it, Dems hated it, the world continues to spin, life goes on.
Have you expressed what YOOOOOOU thought of it? You are not in agreement with clown face Pelosi that $1000 is crumbs are you?

What did YOOOOOOU think of it. We all get it. You don't like partisan politics. Old story with you. Now, tell us what YOOOOOU thought of it.
From what I have already read from various online news sources, I didn't miss a thing not watching it. Good thing politics doesn't rule my life.
Same here.

Stopped by a couple of websites, saw the regular crap, no big news, as usual.

Republicans loved it, Dems hated it, the world continues to spin, life goes on.
Have you expressed what YOOOOOOU thought of it? You are not in agreement with clown face Pelosi that $1000 is crumbs are you?

What did YOOOOOOU think of it. We all get it. You don't like partisan politics. Old story with you. Now, tell us what YOOOOOU thought of it.
I'd think it would be clear, based on my post, that I didn't watch it.

I didn't watch it.
Trump’s speech (someone else’s words read from a teleprompter):

Brown people bad; nuclear weapons good; I want to be able to fire people that I currently can’t; let’s be bipartisan (even though I have insulted everyone in this room and refuse to work with Democrats).
From what I have already read from various online news sources, I didn't miss a thing not watching it. Good thing politics doesn't rule my life.
Same here.

Stopped by a couple of websites, saw the regular crap, no big news, as usual.

Republicans loved it, Dems hated it, the world continues to spin, life goes on.
Have you expressed what YOOOOOOU thought of it? You are not in agreement with clown face Pelosi that $1000 is crumbs are you?

What did YOOOOOOU think of it. We all get it. You don't like partisan politics. Old story with you. Now, tell us what YOOOOOU thought of it.
I'd think it would be clear, based on my post, that I didn't watch it.

I didn't watch it.
Well written speech, mediocre delivery, speechifying from a teleprompter isn't Trumps strong suit. IMHO it would behoove him to carry on the positive tone he set forth in the State of the Union and refrain from all the pettiness, name calling and controversy he's so often engaged in over the past year. At the end of the day, actions are what counts so if he can execute well on his stated goals then his administration will do well.

All in all, a solid B+ effort.
Melania Trump arrived at State of the Union separately from the President - CNNPolitics

I think they have been apart since early January. I guess the Comrade's tumble with the slut has really dampen their relationship. Not to worry, he will find someone else soon...


Yep. He was impeached for that blowjob. The religious nuts don't care who Trump screws.
Liar! He was impeached for lying.

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