OFFICIAL USMB State of the Union 2018 Thread.....

Probably went to the bathroom, Mexicans have high rates of diarrhea
He says the state of the union is strong because "our people are strong." Really? I think you'll find that Apple gets things done overseas because they work harder, for less money. How does this make Americans strong?

He says that "together we are building a safe, strong, proud America."


11 school shootings this month alone.

The Las Vegas massacre on top of this. Murders increased in the first half of 2017.

Safe? I don't think so, the least safe First World country.

He's taking credit for creating jobs. "2.4 million new jobs", yet the economy has been growing at such a rate for ages. He's trying to take credit where credit is not due.

He says the US is "finally seeing rising wages"

United States Wages and Salaries Growth | 1960-2018 | Data | Chart

Well, he says there were years of stagnation. Obama saw, at times, much higher rises in wages than Trump has seen, it's an up and down ride. Certainly the trajectory since 2012 has been a slightly downhill one and Trump's figures don't change that.

The stock market is one of the few places he's not bullshit completely. Problem is he's not focusing on the consequences of this in the future.

But he can't claim most of the credit for this anyway, it has been rising for 8 years and more.

Basically his speech is full of crap. He's taking credit for things when it wasn't 'im that done it. He's making stuff up to take credit for it. Lying doesn't matter any more. He's lied so many times and he's still there, he doesn't care.

How the fuck did he get elected then libtard?

He won 33 states and 85% of all Counties in All States in The US.

Trump was magnificent, exceeded expectations. Personal testimonies utterly compelling
Then Kennedy is rebutting by stating it is the obligation of the USA to be a refuge for the world

I'm sure Trump-0 met all his supporters expectations. Too bad for him that's only about 33% of the country.

Electoral college fluke, Russian Trump lies/support on the internet, Comey's unprecedented statement about investigating Hillary and not mentioning his investigation of Trump-0 just days before the election, and more crazies than anyone ever expected.

Sorry. This is your last response from me until you learn where to put your remarks. I won;t search to see where you did it this time.
How the fuck did he get elected then libtard?

He won 33 states and 85% of all Counties in All States in The US.

Trump was magnificent, exceeded expectations. Personal testimonies utterly compelling
Then Kennedy is rebutting by stating it is the obligation of the USA to be a refuge for the world

I'm sure Trump-0 met all his supporters expectations. Too bad for him that's only about 33% of the country.
mostly because he was running against Hillary - one of the worst candidates out there.
Lazy Liberal.

LMFAO and a Blues Brothers clip about how it wasn’t his fault was all you get.

Run away loser!


How the fuck did he get elected then libtard?

He won 33 states and 85% of all Counties in All States in The US.

Trump was magnificent, exceeded expectations. Personal testimonies utterly compelling
Then Kennedy is rebutting by stating it is the obligation of the USA to be a refuge for the world

I'm sure Trump-0 met all his supporters expectations. Too bad for him that's only about 33% of the country.

Electoral college fluke, Russian Trump lies/support on the internet, Comey's unprecedented statement about investigating Hillary and not mentioning his investigation of Trump-0 just days before the election, and more crazies than anyone ever expected.

Sorry. This is your last response from me until you learn where to put your remarks. I won;t search to see where you did it this time.
My thoughts of the democratic response.

1 Holy shit they got someone more orange than Trump.
2. Democrats must be desperate, they just whipped out a Kennedy,lets hope he doesn't get shot.
3. Why is Kennedy drooling?
4. Why is Kennedy almost crying?
5. Why is there a car with it's hood up behind Kennedy?Did his car break down?
6.Why do Democrats not understand that the USA has immigration laws?
7. Why is he speaking Spanish? Dreamers are supposed to come to America to be Americans not have American's speak like they live in Mexico.
8. This boy is shoveling shit but at least he finally got the democrats to stand. His speech was nothing but the pandering of hot button topics surrounded by the usual democratic feel good BS,I'm for the LGBT,women and minority's, and illegal's are Americans too... o_O Fluff but no substance.

Oh, goody! Trump has managed to lower taxes, when we are already around 10 trillion dollars in debt, with the tax cut adding another $1 1/2 trillion! Now, he wants to double down with ANOTHER $1/1/2 trillion on infrastructure spending. This reminds me of the time I saw Siegfried and Roy in Vegas performing the impossible! The smoke and mirrors are amazing!

This is the place to discuss the speech and immediate aftermath. I will post a separate Official thread for all of the 183 Dem rebuttals.... PLEASE USE these threads and do not create new ones.. I will unlock 10minutes ahead of the scheduled events..

Mods: Please bump and delete the bump threads. Thanks.

I NOW UNDERSTAND WHY THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY STINKS and is doomed to eventual collapse (if it isn't there already). On just those things I COULD SEE when the camera was on them:

1). The State Of The Union is now greater for all Americans. Nope. The Dems not happy at all about that.
2). Trump urges we come together, unity for both parties. Nah. Democrats not the least interested in a functioning government.
3). The nation is getting stronger! Democrat's eyes were just glazing over!
4). Millions of new jobs have been created! Democrats looked like a field of wax figures.
5). Wages are rising! Better paying jobs! No Democrat could care less. Their pay is good.
6). Black unemployment lower than ever! Not even the Dem Black Caucus turned a smile or a clap. They're fat bellies have eaten well.
7). Biggest tax cuts in history! Thousands back in the pockets for Middle Class Families! Practically puts the Dems to sleep.
8). ACA Individual Mandate eliminated! Only comatose stares from the Left.
9). Regulations cut make businesses more competitive abroad! Not a squeak from the Dems.
10). Just Apple alone putting 250 Billion more invested in USA, 20,000 new hires planned. Just a Democratic mass-yawn.
11). Religious rights and freedoms strengthened. I saw Nancy filing her nails.
12). Many new judge hires will uphold our Constitution as meant. Not a care on the Democratic side.
13). Vets now have more choices in healthcare! Many bad VA people fired. Only a blank gaze from the Left.
14). Eliminating many burdensome regulations on economy and elsewhere! Not a care from the Democrats.
15). Took away burdens on coal industry! Not a clap at all from the Left.
16). Helping Detroit and our auto industry spring back to life! All the Dems were slouched low in their seats.
17). Vastly more medical devices approved! Of no concern if you're a democrat.
18). Making trade agreements fair and reciprocal! All Dem hands were in their pockets.
19). Removing barriers to infrastructure construction. Not any interest to the Left.
20). Lifting people from welfare to work/better programs! Nope, not even that got a rise out of the Democrats.
21). Combating MS-13. I didn't see a single hand in approval from the Left.
22). Curbing gang violence. Still, Democrats just sat there mute.
23). Repairing immigration with a good plan for both the nation AND those wishing to enter! Na Ah---- grim silence from the Left.
24). Getting the wall built to end the cycle of cost, crime and drugs upon our society. NADA. Dems don't go there.
25). Putting America First! THIS WAS MOST TELLING: I didn't see one democrat applaud at that.
26). Keeping Gitmo open and no more releasing terrorists! Nope. Can't get a Democrat interested.
27). NO LONGER TELLING OUR ENEMIES OUR PLANS! What would my WWII Vet father say to seeing his Democrats all sit there stone quiet?
28). Embassy to Jerusalem/official capital. I must have blinked when the Democrats applauded.
29). Keeping our foreign aid just to our friends! You could have heard a pin drop on the Democratic side.
30). Review the Iran Deal. Just scowls from the Left.
31). Tough new sanctions on Cuba and Venezuela. You were thinking maybe the Democrats were for that?
32). Whole room exploded in "USA! USA! USA! No patriotism or national pride at all from the Democratic side.
33). The PEOPLE are what makes America great and are making America great again! The Democrats just walked out.

If the Democrats are not for any of these things, just WHY ARE THEY EVEN THERE? And why the hell would anyone ever want to vote for them? Honestly. Obviously, a question that will be brought home to them next November.

And to back up one more thing you've said

Democrat congressman Luis Gutierrez was filmed leaving President Trump’s State of the Union Speech Tuesday as the crowd began chanting, “USA! USA!”

Video: Democrat Flees Trump State of the Union Speech Amid ‘USA!’ Chants
# 5 The Kennedys donated Ted Kennedy’s Car to the school after hauling it out of some river!

My thoughts of the democratic response.

1 Holy shit they got someone more orange than Trump.
2. Democrats must be desperate, they just whipped out a Kennedy,lets hope he doesn't get shot.
3. Why is Kennedy drooling?
4. Why is Kennedy almost crying?
5. Why is there a car with it's hood up behind Kennedy?Did his car break down?
6.Why do Democrats not understand that the USA has immigration laws?
7. Why is he speaking Spanish? Dreamers are supposed to come to America to be Americans not have American's speak like they live in Mexico.
8. This boy is shoveling shit but at least he finally got the democrats to stand. His speech was nothing but the pandering of hot button topics surrounded by the usual democratic feel good BS,I'm for the LGBT,women and minority's, and illegal's are Americans too... o_O Fluff but no substance.

He should have his citizenship revoked and then be deported!

Oh, goody! Trump has managed to lower taxes, when we are already around 10 trillion dollars in debt, with the tax cut adding another $1 1/2 trillion! Now, he wants to double down with ANOTHER $1/1/2 trillion on infrastructure spending. This reminds me of the time I saw Siegfried and Roy in Vegas performing the impossible! The smoke and mirrors are amazing!

This is the place to discuss the speech and immediate aftermath. I will post a separate Official thread for all of the 183 Dem rebuttals.... PLEASE USE these threads and do not create new ones.. I will unlock 10minutes ahead of the scheduled events..

Mods: Please bump and delete the bump threads. Thanks.

I NOW UNDERSTAND WHY THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY STINKS and is doomed to eventual collapse (if it isn't there already). On just those things I COULD SEE when the camera was on them:

1). The State Of The Union is now greater for all Americans. Nope. The Dems not happy at all about that.
2). Trump urges we come together, unity for both parties. Nah. Democrats not the least interested in a functioning government.
3). The nation is getting stronger! Democrat's eyes were just glazing over!
4). Millions of new jobs have been created! Democrats looked like a field of wax figures.
5). Wages are rising! Better paying jobs! No Democrat could care less. Their pay is good.
6). Black unemployment lower than ever! Not even the Dem Black Caucus turned a smile or a clap. They're fat bellies have eaten well.
7). Biggest tax cuts in history! Thousands back in the pockets for Middle Class Families! Practically puts the Dems to sleep.
8). ACA Individual Mandate eliminated! Only comatose stares from the Left.
9). Regulations cut make businesses more competitive abroad! Not a squeak from the Dems.
10). Just Apple alone putting 250 Billion more invested in USA, 20,000 new hires planned. Just a Democratic mass-yawn.
11). Religious rights and freedoms strengthened. I saw Nancy filing her nails.
12). Many new judge hires will uphold our Constitution as meant. Not a care on the Democratic side.
13). Vets now have more choices in healthcare! Many bad VA people fired. Only a blank gaze from the Left.
14). Eliminating many burdensome regulations on economy and elsewhere! Not a care from the Democrats.
15). Took away burdens on coal industry! Not a clap at all from the Left.
16). Helping Detroit and our auto industry spring back to life! All the Dems were slouched low in their seats.
17). Vastly more medical devices approved! Of no concern if you're a democrat.
18). Making trade agreements fair and reciprocal! All Dem hands were in their pockets.
19). Removing barriers to infrastructure construction. Not any interest to the Left.
20). Lifting people from welfare to work/better programs! Nope, not even that got a rise out of the Democrats.
21). Combating MS-13. I didn't see a single hand in approval from the Left.
22). Curbing gang violence. Still, Democrats just sat there mute.
23). Repairing immigration with a good plan for both the nation AND those wishing to enter! Na Ah---- grim silence from the Left.
24). Getting the wall built to end the cycle of cost, crime and drugs upon our society. NADA. Dems don't go there.
25). Putting America First! THIS WAS MOST TELLING: I didn't see one democrat applaud at that.
26). Keeping Gitmo open and no more releasing terrorists! Nope. Can't get a Democrat interested.
27). NO LONGER TELLING OUR ENEMIES OUR PLANS! What would my WWII Vet father say to seeing his Democrats all sit there stone quiet?
28). Embassy to Jerusalem/official capital. I must have blinked when the Democrats applauded.
29). Keeping our foreign aid just to our friends! You could have heard a pin drop on the Democratic side.
30). Review the Iran Deal. Just scowls from the Left.
31). Tough new sanctions on Cuba and Venezuela. You were thinking maybe the Democrats were for that?
32). Whole room exploded in "USA! USA! USA! No patriotism or national pride at all from the Democratic side.
33). The PEOPLE are what makes America great and are making America great again! The Democrats just walked out.

If the Democrats are not for any of these things, just WHY ARE THEY EVEN THERE? And why the hell would anyone ever want to vote for them? Honestly. Obviously, a question that will be brought home to them next November.

And to back up one more thing you've said

Democrat congressman Luis Gutierrez was filmed leaving President Trump’s State of the Union Speech Tuesday as the crowd began chanting, “USA! USA!”
View attachment 174171

Video: Democrat Flees Trump State of the Union Speech Amid ‘USA!’ Chants
1. I can not begin to fathom the pain of the two families that lost loved ones to illegal aliens.

2. Democrats sat on their hands to the point of extreme partisanship.

A good uplifting speech that spent a bit too much time on immigration.

Also of note, Trump can go fuck himself with the amnesty bullshit for 1.8 million ILLEGAL ALIENS.
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aztlan racist_8089.JPG

"Democrat congressman Luis Gutierrez was filmed leaving President Trump’s State of the Union Speech Tuesday as the crowd began chanting, “USA! USA!”"

Millions of the Democrat Voters are despicable racist cretins such as Luis Gutierrez.
They do not accept that America is a sovereign country with borders and immigration laws.
They want to change America into a Latino country just like the Muslim fanatics want to change our country into an islamic country.
You can see the huge statistical decline that California has suffered from with mass illegal immigration.
We have a 100% right to protect our borders and control our immigration.
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From liberal Anti-American/Anti-White Joy Reid:


Joy Reid
Joy Reid
Church ... family ... police ... military ... the national anthem ... Trump trying to call on all the tropes of 1950s-era nationalism. The goal of this speech appears to be to force the normalization of Trump on the terms of the bygone era his supporters are nostalgic for. #SOTU
8:32 PM · Jan 30, 2018
Trump called on Congress to give him unprecedented and unquestionably antidemocratic powers: “Tonight,” he said, “I call on the congress to empower every Cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers—and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.”

Under Trump’s proposal, any Cabinet secretary could decide that, say, a law enforcement official investigating the president had “undermined the public trust” or “failed the American people”—and fire him on the spot. In other words, Trump is calling for an end to any semblance of independence for the IRS, the FBI, the Department of Justice, or any other federal agency.

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