Officials: Biden Campaign Event Canceled In Texas After President trump Supporters Surround Bus

When you see Biden people, treat them like Maxine waters tells Democrats to treat republicans. Tell those pedophile defenders what you think of them and their pedophile support. Get in their face, at the gas station, and grocery stores...
The trump people are now following and harassing the Biden campaign.

The trump car with armed trump followers has been following the Biden bus around the nation. They surrounded and rammed the bus in Texas and blocked the road. Apparently eric trump has been on facebook inciting this violence.

Some events in Texas have had to be canceled because it's not safe due to trump followers harassing Biden people.

This is getting way out of hand.

What is with the trump people? Why do you people believe it's ok to do such things to people? Why is violence always your first reaction to everything?

Gawd I love my birth state of Texas----------

Whiney dems and foreign trolls lying about the facts again, but there is a VIDEO of what really happened.

Off I 35 right outside of austin, where my mother has a small farm. And yes pumpkins-------------------all you see in her area is one Trump sign after another all over the place (the dems claim they are gonna win texas bwahahahah.)

I gotta call and make sure she and my other kin weren't part of the KIND Trump CONVOY that surrounded the Biden bus escorting it out of the area.

Trump supporters did not attack the bus, about 30 texas size pickups with Trump and American Flags drove SAFELY DOWN the HIGHWAY surrounding the Biden bus,

which is fricking hillarious. Well strike that---Trump Train New Braunfels is saying 600 Trump vehicles were involved.

They make me so proud.

And I have to wonder given what actually transpired---------why the dems didn't make their next stop unless they had a bunch of illegal ballots or voters on their bus.

As I said before numberous times, I have seen the dems bus around voters to multi-vote in SC.

For those who actually want to see the video of MY bad-ass home boys-----(It isn't what huff and puff and the other dems are saying---what a bunch of dumbazzes). Real Texans are bit quirky but not evil as the dems imply.

What a bunch of pussies on that Biden bus....Couple of Trump flags and they get all scared....
Tell us all about it...dumbass.
The difference is that the thugs are applauded and encouraged by Trump.

STFU, dumbass.

Stand down and stand by....oh wait, that was Trump to a bunch of violent thugs.

Great, be a drama queen.

Reading this thread, the Drama is on you. Or maybe Trump and QAnon has so infested your brains that you no longer relate to common decency and civil society.

When you have a corrupt bully for a president, encouraging bully tactics, it’s no surprise. Hell, the closer we get to the election the more cries for shooting the opposition, intimidating voters, and armed revolution if your candidate loses.

Drama? Nutters. Fanaticism. UNAMERICAN behavior.

Soooo - You think this behavior is cute?
Apparently anything and everything is ok if a Trumper does it.

Would you like to trade videos of leftists doing worse compared to this?
Oh. It’s a competition now? Seriously? You can’t just say something is wrong?

What were they doing wrong? From the videos I saw it looked like they were driving down the highway....
Tell us all about it...dumbass.
The difference is that the thugs are applauded and encouraged by Trump.

STFU, dumbass.

Stand down and stand by....oh wait, that was Trump to a bunch of violent thugs.

Great, be a drama queen.

Reading this thread, the Drama is on you. Or maybe Trump and QAnon has so infested your brains that you no longer relate to common decency and civil society.

When you have a corrupt bully for a president, encouraging bully tactics, it’s no surprise. Hell, the closer we get to the election the more cries for shooting the opposition, intimidating voters, and armed revolution if your candidate loses.

Drama? Nutters. Fanaticism. UNAMERICAN behavior.

We are going to see Deplorables and their badass guns at polling places in droves on Tuesday. I fear the worst.
This MAGA-hatter THUG behavior is getting dangerous. LOCK "EM UP!! :mad:


Poor thing, Maxine Waters set the tone on how to greet the opposition, didn't see you crying then. So STFU and enjoy.

The trump people are now following and harassing the Biden campaign.

The trump car with armed trump followers has been following the Biden bus around the nation. They surrounded and rammed the bus in Texas and blocked the road. Apparently eric trump has been on facebook inciting this violence.

Some events in Texas have had to be canceled because it's not safe due to trump followers harassing Biden people.

This is getting way out of hand.

What is with the trump people? Why do you people believe it's ok to do such things to people? Why is violence always your first reaction to everything?

Good job Trump Supporters!!! Unlike Democrats, No looting. No rioting. No violence. No one hurt. Just using your 1st Amendment rights. Nice job.

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