Offshore Wind Farms pose Oil Spill dangers

Uh, you're right... right NOW we don't have a good enough alternative. Fortunately, there are people working on changing that and hydrocarbons will be less and less necessary as time goes on. Probably never useless, but definitely less necessary. :thup:
People changing what is not broken, what does not need fixing? Thus far your idea is to use more and more and more and more Coal and Oil to produce the worlds biggest Wind Mill.

The technology you speak of is simply to take something Old, and make it Big, and to make a lot more of them.
Uh, you're right... right NOW we don't have a good enough alternative. Fortunately, there are people working on changing that and hydrocarbons will be less and less necessary as time goes on. Probably never useless, but definitely less necessary. :thup:
People changing what is not broken, what does not need fixing? Thus far your idea is to use more and more and more and more Coal and Oil to produce the worlds biggest Wind Mill.

The technology you speak of is simply to take something Old, and make it Big, and to make a lot more of them.
Now you are starting to sound deranged :cuckoo:
Still completely missing the point. SMH
The point being that your imagination believes that you can build millions and millions of Wind Turbines without Coal, Without Steel, Without Cement?

How will you smelt the steel, even your scientists admit they can not do that without Coal.

How will you make the concrete base? That takes a temperature of 3,000 degrees?

And when all is said and done, they produce so little energy that you must make millions of them, forever, constantly using hydrocarbons.

but go ahead and imagine the solution to a problem that does not exist.
As expected, the ill placed and rapid pace of building Wind Turbines increase the risk of Oil Spills as well as injury when Ships collide with these obstacles in the Ocean.

It is amazing at the risk created by those who are short-sighted.

View attachment 63871

You know there is a simple answer to the problem you presented right? Dont hit wind turbines. Problem solved
Still completely missing the point. SMH
The point being that your imagination believes that you can build millions and millions of Wind Turbines without Coal, Without Steel, Without Cement?

How will you smelt the steel, even your scientists admit they can not do that without Coal.

How will you make the concrete base? That takes a temperature of 3,000 degrees?

And when all is said and done, they produce so little energy that you must make millions of them, forever, constantly using hydrocarbons.

but go ahead and imagine the solution to a problem that does not exist.
What is your obsession with wind turbines? I haven't mentioned them once, and you're having a conniption over them.
As expected, the ill placed and rapid pace of building Wind Turbines increase the risk of Oil Spills as well as injury when Ships collide with these obstacles in the Ocean.

It is amazing at the risk created by those who are short-sighted.

View attachment 63871

You know there is a simple answer to the problem you presented right? Dont hit wind turbines. Problem solved
Yet the plan is too install millions, and it is already a problem with the few.
What is your obsession with wind turbines? I haven't mentioned them once, and you're having a conniption over them.
The thread you are posting in, is about Wind Turbines!

As usual, the Alternative Energy Nuts miss the Elephant in the room.
No the thread is about giant ships hauling oil crashing into things and causing natural disasters. So then I pointed out how luckily in the future we won't need as many of those ships.
As expected, the ill placed and rapid pace of building Wind Turbines increase the risk of Oil Spills as well as injury when Ships collide with these obstacles in the Ocean.

It is amazing at the risk created by those who are short-sighted.

View attachment 63871

You know there is a simple answer to the problem you presented right? Dont hit wind turbines. Problem solved
Yet the plan is too install millions, and it is already a problem with the few.

Yeah, just dont hit them. Whenever someone hits a light pole I dont blame the light pole
No the thread is about giant ships hauling oil crashing into things and causing natural disasters. So then I pointed out how luckily in the future we won't need as many of those ships.
You dictate to me what my thread is about!?

Did you even read the title!!!

"Offshore Wind Farms pose Oil Spill dangers"
No the thread is about giant ships hauling oil crashing into things and causing natural disasters. So then I pointed out how luckily in the future we won't need as many of those ships.
You dictate to me what my thread is about!?

Did you even read the title!!!

"Offshore Wind Farms pose Oil Spill dangers"
Yeah... And I pointed out that in the future as oil is phased out there will be a lesser chance of an oil spill happening. And then you lost your mind and went apeshit.
Well luckily as alternative energies continue to be developed oil will eventually be considered obsolete and the risks of a ship contaminating an ecosystem with poison will become almost nonexistent :thup:
what year will that be?
Not sure. It depends on how much hostility scientists and engineers face from the people who want to keep us hooked on oil. And from the people who, for some reason, want to keep the nutters in the middle east wealthy and relevant.

Could be 10 years, could be 50.
dude, I'm all about securing the future, but why do you all take it so far that you want to change the present when you don't know the future. See that's the problem and what drives me in these forums. you got shit to replace coal and oil. Shit. you act like you got shit, but shit is all you got. There currently isn't one viable reliable renewable to take over from coal and oil. There just isn't and that somehow bugs the fk out of you. Why? Why can't you just accept that is today and push on for tomorrow? Why do you cut down all current grid related energy today? I'm sorry you're promoting hate rather than promoting the future. Please stop!!!
Yes, the danger is, with Millions of Wind Turbines offshore, Ships will no longer be able to navigate safely. It has already became a problem.
Ships won't be able to navigate safely? Maybe if it's crew is drunk or terrible. Not because of windmills.
Wow, you run from one rant to the next, one excuse to another. I have presented something that went right over your head, and most likely others. It is my bedtime, I shall let you go for now, my next response you will not like in the least. It may come in the form of another thread, but do not worry, I will call you out in that thread, my next thread will be for the folks who got baited in this one.

You think my thread is as simple as the opening? I guess you have not read much of what I post or create.
Well luckily as alternative energies continue to be developed oil will eventually be considered obsolete and the risks of a ship contaminating an ecosystem with poison will become almost nonexistent :thup:
what year will that be?
Not sure. It depends on how much hostility scientists and engineers face from the people who want to keep us hooked on oil. And from the people who, for some reason, want to keep the nutters in the middle east wealthy and relevant.

Could be 10 years, could be 50.
Scientists can save you? How many 10,000? A 100,000? In 10 years the scientists can save us? How, by spending 76 trillion dollars using Coal and Oil to build millions and millions and millions of Old Fashion Windmills?

More sail boats like you suggested in your first post?
Still completely missing the point. SMH
no, it's you missing the point. The point is you have no renewable energy to replace coal and oil for the dominance of electricity and fuel for cars. And that somehow is our fault. you're one whacked out lib.

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