Oh Gawd! The Humanity!

Alt-right shit. Put this one in the dumper. This isn't Politics worthy.
But I have to continue to marvel with you right winger's obsession with Hollywood personalities.
But, feel free to continue with the faux outrage.

No obsession, but merely the freedom to point out the assholes in society. That's how we evolve.
Oh boo hoo for Deniro. Dude is just a bitter angry old man that nobody wants to pay any more.

Whatever the judge awards, Robert should pay double as a token of his understanding about the struggles of African Americans. If he doesn't do so, he should be Cancelled.
Alt-right shit. Put this one in the dumper. This isn't Politics worthy.
But I have to continue to marvel with you right winger's obsession with Hollywood personalities.
But, feel free to continue with the faux outrage.

No obsession, but merely the freedom to point out the assholes in society. That's how we evolve.

No. We evolve by advocating for policy that helps and assists the common working person. And ignoring the faux outrage and jealousy over
celebrities and pundits who are idolized but have no idea what it's like to hold down a regular living.
Alt-right shit. Put this one in the dumper. This isn't Politics worthy.
But I have to continue to marvel with you right winger's obsession with Hollywood personalities.
But, feel free to continue with the faux outrage.

No obsession, but merely the freedom to point out the assholes in society. That's how we evolve.

No. We evolve by advocating for policy that helps and assists the common working person.

You people are not doing that, ergo ...
Alt-right shit. Put this one in the dumper. This isn't Politics worthy.
But I have to continue to marvel with you right winger's obsession with Hollywood personalities.
But, feel free to continue with the faux outrage.

No obsession, but merely the freedom to point out the assholes in society. That's how we evolve.

No. We evolve by advocating for policy that helps and assists the common working person.

You people are not doing that, ergo ...

Sure. Whatever. Democrats have been advocating for the little guy since the 1960's. About the time Republicans abandoned them.
But feel free to continue to drink that Kool-Aid...BTW, let me know quickly if it tastes funny. :)
Alt-right shit. Put this one in the dumper. This isn't Politics worthy.
But I have to continue to marvel with you right winger's obsession with Hollywood personalities.
But, feel free to continue with the faux outrage.

You seem Triggered, JackOfTards. :p
Alt-right shit. Put this one in the dumper. This isn't Politics worthy.
But I have to continue to marvel with you right winger's obsession with Hollywood personalities.
But, feel free to continue with the faux outrage.

You seem Triggered, JackOfTards. :p

Come up with something of substance. Trump wasn't responsible for the virus but he is responsible for the abysmal failure of a response.
You're jacking on a celebrity that has been critical of Trump. Why does he matter? Just a deflection for you from the fact that your savior
is a complete fuck up?
Alt-right shit. Put this one in the dumper. This isn't Politics worthy.
But I have to continue to marvel with you right winger's obsession with Hollywood personalities.
But, feel free to continue with the faux outrage.

No obsession, but merely the freedom to point out the assholes in society. That's how we evolve.

No. We evolve by advocating for policy that helps and assists the common working person.

You people are not doing that, ergo ...

Sure. Whatever. Democrats have been advocating for the little guy since the 1960's. About the time Republicans abandoned them.
But feel free to continue to drink that Kool-Aid...BTW, let me know quickly if it tastes funny. :)
Democrats have been advocating for the little guy since the 1960's.

Yep, every 4 years to get you Crayon Munchers to vote for them...............then they ignore you Single Digit IQ asses until the next election.
Wake the fuck up, Window Licker.
Alt-right shit. Put this one in the dumper. This isn't Politics worthy.
But I have to continue to marvel with you right winger's obsession with Hollywood personalities.
But, feel free to continue with the faux outrage.

Deniro said he wanted to punch Trump due to his political differences.

Yay...And...how many times has Trump advocated violence against people he disagreed with? Both before and after he was inaugurated.?
Yeah..no legs to stand on here.
Alt-right shit. Put this one in the dumper. This isn't Politics worthy.
But I have to continue to marvel with you right winger's obsession with Hollywood personalities.
But, feel free to continue with the faux outrage.

No obsession, but merely the freedom to point out the assholes in society. That's how we evolve.

No. We evolve by advocating for policy that helps and assists the common working person.

You people are not doing that, ergo ...

Sure. Whatever. Democrats have been advocating for the little guy since the 1960's. About the time Republicans abandoned them.
But feel free to continue to drink that Kool-Aid...BTW, let me know quickly if it tastes funny. :)
Democrats have been advocating for the little guy since the 1960's.

Yep, every 4 years to get you Crayon Munchers to vote for them...............then they ignore you Single Digit IQ asses until the next election.
Wake the fuck up, Window Licker.

Wow. Woefully inadequate. Something you must hear on a regular basis.
C'mon, you can do better. Why does what a celebrity thinks hold so much interest for you?
You lonely? Bored? Jealous? You're not giving me much to work with here.
He's not discriminating against black women, he's trying to cut down on the amount of money he has to pay his ex wife. And, to tell you the truth, there are lots of guys who have ex's that would like to cut down on the amount of money they give them.
He's not discriminating against black women, he's trying to cut down on the amount of money he has to pay his ex wife. And, to tell you the truth, there are lots of guys who have ex's that would like to cut down on the amount of money they give them.

He should pay up or go into self isolation, never to be seen on the Big Screen again. Let him practice what he preaches, the POS. "You lookin' at me"? Your'e damn right Snowflake, pay the woman she works hard for her money!
Well looky there ....

Robert DeNiro once again chooses the wrong pizzle to service.

Will these pedophile loving Leftist Hollywood types ever learn .....
He's not discriminating against black women, he's trying to cut down on the amount of money he has to pay his ex wife. And, to tell you the truth, there are lots of guys who have ex's that would like to cut down on the amount of money they give them.

He should pay up or go into self isolation, never to be seen on the Big Screen again. Let him practice hat he preached the POS. "You lookin' at me"? Your'e damn right Snowflake, pay the woman she works hard for her money!

Hey, there are lots of cases where guys have taken a financial hit and were able to renegotiate what they had to pay the ex for alimony and support. Why should this case be different? Just because DeNiro spoke out against your chump in chief?
He's not discriminating against black women, he's trying to cut down on the amount of money he has to pay his ex wife. And, to tell you the truth, there are lots of guys who have ex's that would like to cut down on the amount of money they give them.

He should pay up or go into self isolation, never to be seen on the Big Screen again. Let him practice hat he preached the POS. "You lookin' at me"? Your'e damn right Snowflake, pay the woman she works hard for her money!

Hey, there are lots of cases where guys have taken a financial hit and were able to renegotiate what they had to pay the ex for alimony and support. Why should this case be different? Just because DeNiro spoke out against your chump in chief?

No, I don't wish ill will on anyone, but he expressed himself as in the tank for those who were against Trump when he didn't need to be. Apparently, his ex-wife was a Trump fan. She probably did so on purpose to set Robert off.

I agree, too many women milk the system, it's a burden on the economy and well being of former husbands far too often. Unfair in many cases.

That said, he put himself out there for the backlash, so, he will not get sympathy from so many who dislike hearing negativity towards America First. Maybe so many of the loyal Hollywood heroes will give him a hand, or are they not, loving, people of Faith who want to help a man out when he's down?

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