Oh good, supremes ruled men can continue to abuse women via legal back alley abortions

No need for regulations, no need for any sorts of restrictions, laws, basic oversight..and while we're at it, there's no need to let the women know what is being done to them in any detail, no need for education about the procedures, no need for any degree of professionalism that is required even in a VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE.

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

Yes, that exactly what they said isn't it.


"Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said the law "was an effort to improve minimum safety standards and ensure capable care for Texas women. It's exceedingly unfortunate that the court has taken the ability to protect women's health out of the hands of Texas citizens and their duly elected representatives."

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

Ken Paxton is full of shit. There was only one purpose for these regulations.

Yes, to protect women.

Bullshit, and that's why the SC shut you fucks down. Deal widdit.
No need for regulations, no need for any sorts of restrictions, laws, basic oversight..and while we're at it, there's no need to let the women know what is being done to them in any detail, no need for education about the procedures, no need for any degree of professionalism that is required even in a VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE.

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

Yes, that exactly what they said isn't it.


"Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said the law "was an effort to improve minimum safety standards and ensure capable care for Texas women. It's exceedingly unfortunate that the court has taken the ability to protect women's health out of the hands of Texas citizens and their duly elected representatives."

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

Ken Paxton is full of shit. There was only one purpose for these regulations.

Yes, to protect women.

Then why doesn't Texas want to protect Texans from colonoscopies?

Or home births?
No need for regulations, no need for any sorts of restrictions, laws, basic oversight..and while we're at it, there's no need to let the women know what is being done to them in any detail, no need for education about the procedures, no need for any degree of professionalism that is required even in a VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE.

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

LOL- and by all of that- you mean the same level of regulation required for a colonoscopy? Or for child birth- both more dangerous than a legal abortion?

Why did Texas pass a law requiring far more stringent requirements for an abortion than for a colonoscopy- even though colonoscopies have 10 times the mortality rate of abortions?

Because this law was always about shutting down abortion clinics- and never was about women's health.

That's the point, moron. They didn't. They don't have the same level of oversight or regulations.

And your statement about the danger of colonscopy vs. abortion..a total lie.


Texas tried to end abortions in Texas by effectively outlawing abortion clinics- and the court recognized that

Texas required among other things:
One of them required all abortion clinics in the state to meet the standards for “ambulatory surgical centers,” including regulations concerning buildings, equipment and staffing. The other required doctors performing abortions to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital

Neither of which is required for colonoscopies- which can be performed in a doctors office- and colonoscopies are 10 times more dangerous.

You don't even have to be a doctor to perform abortions. You certainly aren't required to be in good standing with any hospital.

And colonoscopies can be performed in CERTAIN doctors' offices, under CERTAIN regulations and restrictions...which abortionists are not obliged to operate under.
No need for regulations, no need for any sorts of restrictions, laws, basic oversight..and while we're at it, there's no need to let the women know what is being done to them in any detail, no need for education about the procedures, no need for any degree of professionalism that is required even in a VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE.

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

Yes, that exactly what they said isn't it.


"Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said the law "was an effort to improve minimum safety standards and ensure capable care for Texas women. It's exceedingly unfortunate that the court has taken the ability to protect women's health out of the hands of Texas citizens and their duly elected representatives."

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

Ken Paxton is full of shit. There was only one purpose for these regulations.

Yes, to protect women.

Then why doesn't Texas want to protect Texans from colonoscopies?

Or home births?

They do.

The requirements for doctors who want to do colonoscopies are quite well defined and restrictive.

Which is my point. Why is it more important to provide a safe setting for middle aged men who want their asses poked, than it is to provide women who are desperate?
Yes, that exactly what they said isn't it.


"Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said the law "was an effort to improve minimum safety standards and ensure capable care for Texas women. It's exceedingly unfortunate that the court has taken the ability to protect women's health out of the hands of Texas citizens and their duly elected representatives."

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

Ken Paxton is full of shit. There was only one purpose for these regulations.

Yes, to protect women.

Then why doesn't Texas want to protect Texans from colonoscopies?

Or home births?

They do.

The requirements for doctors who want to do colonoscopies are quite well defined and restrictive.

Which is my point. Why is it more important to provide a safe setting for middle aged men who want their asses poked, than it is to provide women who are desperate?

Colonoscopies: can be performed in a doctor's office.
Abortions : cannot be perofrmed in a doctor's office.

As this Texas Doctor- pointed out:
A doctor’s answer to Texas’ abortion law
I am not aware of any law or rule requiring common procedures such as vasectomy, cystoscopy, colposcopy, IUD placement, subcutaneous implant placement (such as the contraceptive rod), colonoscopy with or without polypectomy, sigmoidoscopy, hemorrhoid banding, skin biopsy, abscess incision and drainage, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, laryngoscopy, dental extraction, wisdom tooth extraction, lipoma removal, joint injection, arthrocentesis, eye surgery including LASIK, breast cyst aspiration, fine needle aspiration of lymph nodes or thyroid nodules, or ANY OTHER MEDICAL OR SURGICAL PROCEDURE, to be performed in an ambulatory surgical center, rather than a clinic. Forgive me if I am mistaken, but I do not see any such requirement in Title 25, Chapter 135. Thus, your statement that “Texas allows no other procedure to opt out of the accepted standard of care” is false.

Medical groups note that other outpatient procedures with higher complication and mortality rates, like colonoscopy and liposuction, are not legislatively mandated to be performed at ambulatory surgical centers by physicians with hospital privileges
WTF ever happened to birth control pills or morning after pills? If women would use them they wouldn't get knocked up during a drunken romp in the hay.
Not all women can take the pill. Morning after pills require a prescription from a physician--so it requires a clinic if that is where you receive your obg care.
it means that women don't have to seek back alley abortions but can go to safe clinics in their area.
It means that women can have an abortion in someone's garage performed by a person that learned how by watching you tube.

Not at all

"widely replicated regulation of abortion clinics"
"regulations are medically unnecessary and unconstitutionally limit a woman's right to an abortion."
Breyer wrote that "the surgical-center requirement, like the admitting privileges requirement, provides few, if any, health benefits for women, poses a substantial obstacle to women seeking abortions and constitutes an 'undue burden' on their constitutional right to do so."
Ginsburg wrote a short opinion noting that laws like Texas' "that do little or nothing for health, but rather strew impediments to abortion, cannot survive judicial inspection" under the court's earlier abortion-rights decisions. She pointed specifically to Roe v. Wade in 1973 and Planned Parenthood v. Casey in 1992.
When then-Gov. Rick Perry signed the law in 2013, there were about 40 clinics throughout the state. That number dropped to under 20 and would have been cut in half again if the law had taken full effect, the clinics said.

ten clinics for the whole state of texas???

it is one thing to want admitting privileges but not to require the same surgical standards of a hospital for out patient services.

these clinicns are not unlicensened back street garages

They don't require the same of plastic surgery, emergency clinics, pediatry surgery, or other outpatient offices.
This was not about safety but stoping abortions altogether in the state.

state lost in federal court already and tried to keep pushing. This ruling will effect ten other states as well.

There is a big difference between safety and over burdening restrictions
it means that women don't have to seek back alley abortions but can go to safe clinics in their area.
No, it means the feds will continue to fund back alley abortions, and abortionists don't have to provide the same degree of care and the state isn't allowed to require the same degree of basic safety oversight as, say, a dentist's office. Or an optometrist. Or a veterinarian. Or a dairy farmer.

Because the primary objective isn't to protect women. It's to fund Planned Parenthood. Women and their babies are expendable.

Planned parenthood is there for birth control, education, fertility testing, prenatal, cancer screening and more. Government does not fund abortions and has not for decades, hyde amendment.

Obviously you are relying on disinformation instead of the facts.
WTF ever happened to birth control pills or morning after pills? If women would use them they wouldn't get knocked up during a drunken romp in the hay.
Not all women can take the pill. Morning after pills require a prescription from a physician--so it requires a clinic if that is where you receive your obg care.

no morning after pills are now over the counter. They can be used up to 10 weeks. There is too little information available about them. Women, even teens, should use that option first. Abortions should be a last resort or if day after might contain something the person is allergic to or counter acts with medicines she is taking.

There are many health reason a woman might be told she should not get pregnant or carry a fetus to term. Access to abortions is far more than just oops, too late birth control.

Men should be required to be on the pill. It is safer and more effective than a woman's. Some women can't use IUDs, implants or the pill. The pill can be ineffective if the women is fighting a cold or an infection of any sort. Even those who have been on the pill for years can find it fails when the body is fighting some other ailment or taking certain meds, even over the counter meds.
No need for regulations, no need for any sorts of restrictions, laws, basic oversight..and while we're at it, there's no need to let the women know what is being done to them in any detail, no need for education about the procedures, no need for any degree of professionalism that is required even in a VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE.

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

LOL- and by all of that- you mean the same level of regulation required for a colonoscopy? Or for child birth- both more dangerous than a legal abortion?

Why did Texas pass a law requiring far more stringent requirements for an abortion than for a colonoscopy- even though colonoscopies have 10 times the mortality rate of abortions?

Because this law was always about shutting down abortion clinics- and never was about women's health.

That's the point, moron. They didn't. They don't have the same level of oversight or regulations.

And your statement about the danger of colonscopy vs. abortion..a total lie.


Texas tried to end abortions in Texas by effectively outlawing abortion clinics- and the court recognized that

Texas required among other things:
One of them required all abortion clinics in the state to meet the standards for “ambulatory surgical centers,” including regulations concerning buildings, equipment and staffing. The other required doctors performing abortions to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital

Neither of which is required for colonoscopies- which can be performed in a doctors office- and colonoscopies are 10 times more dangerous.

You don't even have to be a doctor to perform abortions. You certainly aren't required to be in good standing with any hospital.

And colonoscopies can be performed in CERTAIN doctors' offices, under CERTAIN regulations and restrictions...which abortionists are not obliged to operate under.

abortions are don't by gynecologists or nurse practitioners, both licensed
I have my GI procedures done in a Doctor owned outpatient gastroenterology center and every single Doctor there has admitting privileges to a hospital of my choice. It just is rational to everyone except a brain dead libtard.
No need for regulations, no need for any sorts of restrictions, laws, basic oversight..and while we're at it, there's no need to let the women know what is being done to them in any detail, no need for education about the procedures, no need for any degree of professionalism that is required even in a VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE.

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

LOL- and by all of that- you mean the same level of regulation required for a colonoscopy? Or for child birth- both more dangerous than a legal abortion?

Why did Texas pass a law requiring far more stringent requirements for an abortion than for a colonoscopy- even though colonoscopies have 10 times the mortality rate of abortions?

Because this law was always about shutting down abortion clinics- and never was about women's health.

That's the point, moron. They didn't. They don't have the same level of oversight or regulations.

And your statement about the danger of colonscopy vs. abortion..a total lie.

Those who legally preform abortions in a clinic are licensed.
Only a few states permit PAs and trained midwifes to also perform abortions. Don't fret, texas is not one of them. They still have to be licensed.

Colonoscopy? any nicks or tears can mean death from peritonitis.

There are many ways to preform an abortion or induce a miscarriage. Even eating the wrong foods or certain teas will do the job in most women.
Well the left should be happy. Woman can now get abortions in the ally again without a doctor. Bravo.

Supreme Court strikes Texas abortion clinic regulations

Requiring abortion providers to obtain hospital admitting privileges and for abortion clinics to meet surgical facility standards have made it so hard for abortion providers to operate that such measures constitute what's known as an "undue burden" on getting an abortion, Breyer wrote.
No need for regulations, no need for any sorts of restrictions, laws, basic oversight..and while we're at it, there's no need to let the women know what is being done to them in any detail, no need for education about the procedures, no need for any degree of professionalism that is required even in a VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE.

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

LOL- and by all of that- you mean the same level of regulation required for a colonoscopy? Or for child birth- both more dangerous than a legal abortion?

Why did Texas pass a law requiring far more stringent requirements for an abortion than for a colonoscopy- even though colonoscopies have 10 times the mortality rate of abortions?

Because this law was always about shutting down abortion clinics- and never was about women's health.

That's the point, moron. They didn't. They don't have the same level of oversight or regulations.

And your statement about the danger of colonscopy vs. abortion..a total lie.

Those who legally preform abortions in a clinic are licensed.
Only a few states permit PAs and trained midwifes to also perform abortions. Don't fret, texas is not one of them. They still have to be licensed.

Colonoscopy? any nicks or tears can mean death from peritonitis.

There are many ways to preform an abortion or induce a miscarriage. Even eating the wrong foods or certain teas will do the job in most women.

Any nicks and tears in abortions can mean death from peritonitis, too, sweetcheeks. And no, I'm afraid abortions are performed every day by people who aren't *licensed*. They certainly don't have admitting privileges at the hospitals, which should make everybody's blood run cold.

It won't, though. Cuz these are just desperate women. And filthy abbatoirs staffed by drug addicts and charlatans is *good enough* for them.
No need for regulations, no need for any sorts of restrictions, laws, basic oversight..and while we're at it, there's no need to let the women know what is being done to them in any detail, no need for education about the procedures, no need for any degree of professionalism that is required even in a VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE.

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

LOL- and by all of that- you mean the same level of regulation required for a colonoscopy? Or for child birth- both more dangerous than a legal abortion?

Why did Texas pass a law requiring far more stringent requirements for an abortion than for a colonoscopy- even though colonoscopies have 10 times the mortality rate of abortions?

Because this law was always about shutting down abortion clinics- and never was about women's health.

That's the point, moron. They didn't. They don't have the same level of oversight or regulations.

And your statement about the danger of colonscopy vs. abortion..a total lie.

Those who legally preform abortions in a clinic are licensed.
Only a few states permit PAs and trained midwifes to also perform abortions. Don't fret, texas is not one of them. They still have to be licensed.

Colonoscopy? any nicks or tears can mean death from peritonitis.

There are many ways to preform an abortion or induce a miscarriage. Even eating the wrong foods or certain teas will do the job in most women.

Any nicks and tears in abortions can mean death from peritonitis, too, sweetcheeks. And no, I'm afraid abortions are performed every day by people who aren't *licensed*. They certainly don't have admitting privileges at the hospitals, which should make everybody's blood run cold..

Any nicks and tears in a colonoscopy can mean even more certain death- tear the colon and infectious materials can invade the body.

Why wasn't the Texas Legislature trying to protect the thousands of Texans getting colonoscopies every year?
No dumb ass. The Texas law was making legal abortions so hard to get till back alley abortions with a coat hanger were more likely.

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