Oh good, supremes ruled men can continue to abuse women via legal back alley abortions

Yep and if a woman all of a sudden has problems but will not be able to suddenly admit the woman to the hospital. Liberals say just die, like your baby just did.

Please identify this hospital that will refuse to accept women experiencing emergency complications to doctor's office procedures.
Then why did the supreme court vote against the doctor having admitting privileges

I see. You can't identify any hospitals who would refuse to accept women who experience emergency complications. But you can't bring yourself to admit that. So instead, you derail on a tangent that doesn't even make any sense.

The women will be treated like everyone else, they will have to be admitted first. Instead of the doctor having immediate access.
Yep and if a woman all of a sudden has problems but will not be able to suddenly admit the woman to the hospital. Liberals say just die, like your baby just did.

Please identify this hospital that will refuse to accept women experiencing emergency complications to doctor's office procedures.
One of the issues that the left fought against was abortion clinics being within a certain distance of hospitals to ensure that a woman was able to get immediate attention.

I am more concerned that clinics want to train non-physicians to perform the abortions. It is surgery and should only be performed by doctors.

There are also standards regarding sterile technique that need to be adhered to. A past study showed that most clinics hadn't even been inspected in a ten year period and many were in violation of standard practices.

The left also fought against ultrasounds prior to abortions. It is routine for doctors to either do x-rays, ultrasounds or MRIs prior to procedures to ensure there won't be additional risks with any procedure. Ultrasounds are necessary to detect potential problems.

We can't pretend that an abortion is no more dangerous than a manicure. We do need standards and they must be met.

Abortion clinics should have the exact same regulations that any medical clinic follow. It's that simple.
A doctor doesn't have admitting privileges. So yes they won't be admitted as quickly if they did. Just ask joan river's daughter.

When someone goes into an ER, they are triaged based on the severity of their condition. Whether the doctor has admitting privileges or not will not alter the speed with which their emergency is attended to.
Well the left should be happy. Woman can now get abortions in the ally again without a doctor. Bravo.

Supreme Court strikes Texas abortion clinic regulations

Requiring abortion providers to obtain hospital admitting privileges and for abortion clinics to meet surgical facility standards have made it so hard for abortion providers to operate that such measures constitute what's known as an "undue burden" on getting an abortion, Breyer wrote.

The taxpayer should be made responsible for the cost of restoring planned parenthood back to the same level they were at before they passed all those bullshit laws
A doctor doesn't have admitting privileges. So yes they won't be admitted as quickly if they did. Just ask joan river's daughter.

When someone goes into an ER, they are triaged based on the severity of their condition. Whether the doctor has admitting privileges or not will not alter the speed with which their emergency is attended to.
Okay you keep thinking that, but there is a reason it should done.
Women who have complications from an abortion usually don't manifest those complications until after they have left the abortionist.

And then they turn up at an ER.
I am more concerned that clinics want to train non-physicians to perform the abortions. It is surgery and should only be performed by doctors.

Technically, a shot of penicillin is a surgical procedure. Not every procedure requires a doctor. Many procedures can be handled by trained technicians. Nurses push morphine for god's sake.

There are also standards regarding sterile technique that need to be adhered to. A past study showed that most clinics hadn't even been inspected in a ten year period and many were in violation of standard practices.

So then you should be outraged that dermatologists aren't required to have admitting privileges before they slice off mole off.

The left also fought against ultrasounds prior to abortions. It is routine for doctors to either do x-rays, ultrasounds or MRIs prior to procedures to ensure there won't be additional risks with any procedure. Ultrasounds are necessary to detect potential problems.

That's a matter of the doctor's office, not the legislature.

We can't pretend that an abortion is no more dangerous than a manicure. We do need standards and they must be met.

Abortion clinics should have the exact same regulations that any medical clinic follow. It's that simple.

Then you'll be relieved to know that with the striking down of the Texas law, the standards for abortion clinics are now on par with any other medical clinic.
I have my GI procedures done in a Doctor owned outpatient gastroenterology center and every single Doctor there has admitting privileges to a hospital of my choice. It just is rational to everyone except a brain dead libtard.

Except there is no such requirement for that in Texas.

I think its great that you do so- but everyone except a brain dead conservative can recognize the hypocrisy of Texas trying to ban abortions by regulation- by imposing regulations that Texas does not require for either colonoscopies- or for child birth.
Brain dead liberals believe it was a ban, I don't I think it was a measure to keep women safe. If you don't want women to be safe then that's on you.

I think its great that you do so- but everyone except a brain dead conservative can recognize the hypocrisy of Texas trying to ban abortions by regulation- by imposing regulations that Texas does not require for either colonoscopies- or for child birth
Didn't anyone learn anything from Dr. Kermit Gosnell's house of horrors? It didn't happen in Bill Clinton's Podunk Ark backyard or in Texas or in the deep South that the left loves to hate. It happened in Philadelphia where the abortion industry was so politically powerful that small clinics weren't subject to the same cleanliness standards as pizza parlors until finally a woman died on Gosnell's filthy table and they couldn't cover it up. Now lefties are actually celebrating the fact that the Court made it legal for small abortion clinics to operate under less medical scrutiny than a freaking veterinary clinics. It's part of the democrat party's plantation mentality that they would make sure the trailer trash and blacks and Hispanics have access to sub-standard clinics so they won't clog up the clinics with proper medical care that the elites use.
Yep and if a woman all of a sudden has problems but will not be able to suddenly admit the woman to the hospital. Liberals say just die, like your baby just did.

Please identify this hospital that will refuse to accept women experiencing emergency complications to doctor's office procedures.
Then why did the supreme court vote against the doctor having admitting privileges

I see. You can't identify any hospitals who would refuse to accept women who experience emergency complications. But you can't bring yourself to admit that. So instead, you derail on a tangent that doesn't even make any sense.

A doctor doesn't have admitting privileges. So yes they won't be admitted as quickly if they did. Just ask joan river's daughter.

Don't expect you to answer, but I'll ask anyway:

Are you really this fuckin' stupid or are you just saying this to troll?
Yep and if a woman all of a sudden has problems but will not be able to suddenly admit the woman to the hospital. Liberals say just die, like your baby just did.

Please identify this hospital that will refuse to accept women experiencing emergency complications to doctor's office procedures.
Then why did the supreme court vote against the doctor having admitting privileges

I see. You can't identify any hospitals who would refuse to accept women who experience emergency complications. But you can't bring yourself to admit that. So instead, you derail on a tangent that doesn't even make any sense.

A doctor doesn't have admitting privileges. So yes they won't be admitted as quickly if they did. Just ask joan river's daughter.

Don't expect you to answer, but I'll ask anyway:

Are you really this fuckin' stupid or are you just saying this to troll?
I'm not as stupid to think making abortion clinics safer is a bad thing.
It just shows you how much Liberals and Democrats regard life. Life is simply not important to the left, not the mother's, not that of teenage mother's, not of children, nor gays in an Orlando nightclub. Life means nothing.

That is why you cut the mothers food stamps, education for the child and want to do away with the aca that maybe the only ability the mother has for healthcare.
Liar! You turn corn into ethanol, literally starving people across the globe, they are fighting in the streets right now in Venezuela, can we send them millions of tons of corn, or is corn being used for ethanol. You have advocated an energy policy that makes food more expensive starving children across the globe. You advocate for liberals that send jobs overseas leaving families without money for food or healthcare. You call increasing spending on food stamps a cut? How so, under the new budget Food stamps grows by 3.5% a year, 3.5% growth is a cut because you propose 5% growth in food stamps?

Education for the child? YOU HAVE DESTROYED education in the USA!!!! Under Common Core nobody learns, they are indoctrinated, John Adams is no longer taught as being a founder, Abigail Adams is taught, as a founder, and a leader of Woman's rights? Why, because she wrote a letter to her husband that was not read or found or published until 150 years after she died!

Matthew, you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, you are unqualified to comment on anything that happens in this World.
Everything is upside down and ass backwards in the small minded world of liberals. They think they did a favor to women by making sure that abortion mills are no better maintained than veterinary clinics.

Everything is upside down and ass backwards in the small minded world of conservatives.

They claim they are protecting women by denying them access to safe legal abortions- while not requiring the same restrictions on more dangerous procedures including colonoscopies and child birth.
Please identify this hospital that will refuse to accept women experiencing emergency complications to doctor's office procedures.
Then why did the supreme court vote against the doctor having admitting privileges

I see. You can't identify any hospitals who would refuse to accept women who experience emergency complications. But you can't bring yourself to admit that. So instead, you derail on a tangent that doesn't even make any sense.

A doctor doesn't have admitting privileges. So yes they won't be admitted as quickly if they did. Just ask joan river's daughter.

Don't expect you to answer, but I'll ask anyway:

Are you really this fuckin' stupid or are you just saying this to troll?
I'm not as stupid to think making abortion clinics safer is a bad thing.

You are stupid enough to believe what Texas is telling you.

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