Oh good, supremes ruled men can continue to abuse women via legal back alley abortions

No need for regulations, no need for any sorts of restrictions, laws, basic oversight..and while we're at it, there's no need to let the women know what is being done to them in any detail, no need for education about the procedures, no need for any degree of professionalism that is required even in a VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE.

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations
This is the decision of the radical liberal court. There is no other conclusion. The SCOTUS says back alley abortions with coat hangers is scantioned by the Constitution of the United States. If that is law, then why do we need to have abortions made legal in law. Anybody can perform abortions, I'm thinking about hanging up a shingle and compete with PP for the abortions market. Not much overhead. A coat hanger and a bottle of alchohol. Maybe.
No need for regulations, no need for any sorts of restrictions, laws, basic oversight..and while we're at it, there's no need to let the women know what is being done to them in any detail, no need for education about the procedures, no need for any degree of professionalism that is required even in a VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE.

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

LOL- and by all of that- you mean the same level of regulation required for a colonoscopy? Or for child birth- both more dangerous than a legal abortion?

Why did Texas pass a law requiring far more stringent requirements for an abortion than for a colonoscopy- even though colonoscopies have 10 times the mortality rate of abortions?

Because this law was always about shutting down abortion clinics- and never was about women's health.
Liar. The Texas law was clear. Liberals want coat hanger abortions.
Texas is going to tell them to screw themselves.

I am going on record now that there will be an act of clinic violence as a result of the Supreme Court's ruling in as little as two weeks. I have read the tea leaves (predicted) things like that before when other rulings were handed down and I wasn't the least bit surprised when they came true.
A doctor doesn't have admitting privileges. So yes they won't be admitted as quickly if they did. Just ask joan river's daughter.

Don't expect you to answer, but I'll ask anyway:

Are you really this fuckin' stupid or are you just saying this to troll?
I'm not as stupid to think making abortion clinics safer is a bad thing.

You are stupid enough to believe what Texas is telling you.
I would believe Texas before I would believe Obama or Hillary.

Of course you would believe anything Texas tells you.
Yep, and Gruber proved your dumb enough to believe everything Obama tells you.
Okay you keep thinking that, but there is a reason it should done.

Which, in your ignorance, you cannot articulate with any greater specifics than "Uh.....cuz."
Okay, I go with your reasoning. If there is a complication. There is no reason to do more. Then maybe you can save a life. Just let them die, so abortions will be super easy to get. Got it, dumbass.

Is there a large record of cases of complication that couldn't be dealt with in places that don't have the requirements that Texas attempted to impose?

Texas was trying to unduly burden the exercise of a constitutional right and, oops, they got caught at it and spanked.
But if those regulations saved just one life. It would be worth it, right?
No need for regulations, no need for any sorts of restrictions, laws, basic oversight..and while we're at it, there's no need to let the women know what is being done to them in any detail, no need for education about the procedures, no need for any degree of professionalism that is required even in a VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE.

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

LOL- and by all of that- you mean the same level of regulation required for a colonoscopy? Or for child birth- both more dangerous than a legal abortion?

Why did Texas pass a law requiring far more stringent requirements for an abortion than for a colonoscopy- even though colonoscopies have 10 times the mortality rate of abortions?

Because this law was always about shutting down abortion clinics- and never was about women's health.
Liar. The Texas law was clear. Liberals want coat hanger abortions.

The Texas law was clear- it was always about shutting down abortion clinics.

And if that had happened- poor women would have been enjoying your coat hanger abortions.
it means that women don't have to seek back alley abortions but can go to safe clinics in their area.
My back alley abortion business will undercut your PP clinics.

You do seem to be excited about the possibility of doing back alley abortions.

No wonder you are upset that Texas women will be able to get safe legal abortions in Texas.
Texas is going to tell them to screw themselves.
What..you haven't seceded yet? Leave already.

Texas still abides by the constitution. The people who want federally funded murder and who object to the constitution should be the ones who leave.

Or who are put away.

a woman's choice is not unconstitutional. Part of her life liberty and happiness.
a fetus is not a person till it is viable enough to survive outside the womb.

if a fetus had a right to life then even birth control, including the rhythm method, would be criminal.

many infants die within the first year from natural causes.

Many women miscarriage

Not for you to decide.

Only the woman can decide what is right for her.

worry about the millions of children that need good homes instead of trying to control a woman's freedom of choice

If a human fetus is not a person, why then doesn't the SCOTUS use that fact(sic) to overturn the Federal and (now more than 35) States "Fetal Homicide" laws which make it a crime of "murder" to kill a "child in the womb" in "ANY stage of development" during a criminal act?

Murder, by definition, is the criminal killing of one PERSON by another. Isn't it?
Libtards ignore this point 100% of the time.
No need for regulations, no need for any sorts of restrictions, laws, basic oversight..and while we're at it, there's no need to let the women know what is being done to them in any detail, no need for education about the procedures, no need for any degree of professionalism that is required even in a VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE.

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations
This is the decision of the radical liberal court. There is no other conclusion. The SCOTUS says back alley abortions with coat hangers is scantioned by the Constitution of the United States. If that is law, then why do we need to have abortions made legal in law. Anybody can perform abortions, I'm thinking about hanging up a shingle and compete with PP for the abortions market. Not much overhead. A coat hanger and a bottle of alchohol. Maybe.

You do seem to be pretty excited by the possibility.

Since you don't have the reading comprehension to understand what the Court ruled, it may be your only employment option.
Texas is going to tell them to screw themselves.
What..you haven't seceded yet? Leave already.

Texas still abides by the constitution. The people who want federally funded murder and who object to the constitution should be the ones who leave.

Or who are put away.

a woman's choice is not unconstitutional. Part of her life liberty and happiness.
a fetus is not a person till it is viable enough to survive outside the womb.

if a fetus had a right to life then even birth control, including the rhythm method, would be criminal.

many infants die within the first year from natural causes.

Many women miscarriage

Not for you to decide.

Only the woman can decide what is right for her.

worry about the millions of children that need good homes instead of trying to control a woman's freedom of choice

If a human fetus is not a person, why then doesn't the SCOTUS use that fact(sic) to overturn the Federal and (now more than 35) States "Fetal Homicide" laws which make it a crime of "murder" to kill a "child in the womb" in "ANY stage of development" during a criminal act?

Murder, by definition, is the criminal killing of one PERSON by another. Isn't it?

fetal homicide only applies to the last trimester when the fetus might be able to live outside the womb.

it also does not apply to abortions.

>>by violent acts against pregnant women.<<

even when it was used against a woman for reckless behavior, the case was dismissed.

a few states tried to extend to include at any state but it is not used except where the pregnancy is know and in a violent attack on the woman with intent.

if the pregnancy is not visible or know, it cannot be used till the last trimester other wise. That still limits it to the fifth or six month range.

neither the doctor nor the woman can be charged for an abortion in the first trimester.
No need for regulations, no need for any sorts of restrictions, laws, basic oversight..and while we're at it, there's no need to let the women know what is being done to them in any detail, no need for education about the procedures, no need for any degree of professionalism that is required even in a VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE.

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

Yes, that exactly what they said isn't it.


"Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said the law "was an effort to improve minimum safety standards and ensure capable care for Texas women. It's exceedingly unfortunate that the court has taken the ability to protect women's health out of the hands of Texas citizens and their duly elected representatives."

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

Ken Paxton is full of shit. There was only one purpose for these regulations.

Yes, to protect women.

Bullshit, and that's why the SC shut you fucks down. Deal widdit.
Just try to sue a back alley abortionist. You'll have no standing.

What dumb fucks you liberals are.
You can thank the liberal men in the liberal media for dismissing Dr. Kermet Gosnell's house of horrors because the true beneficiaries of abortion are (surprise) not women but liberal men. When are women in general going to come to grips with the fact that men who intimidate and otherwise force a woman to hire someone to commit murder on the life inside them are not doing them a favor by making back ally abortion clinics more accessible?
clinics have to be inspected a few times a year. these are licensed facilities for out patients.

They can preform vaginal exams, cancer test, biopsies and D&C but it must meet higher standards for an abortion?
C-sections can be done in birthing rooms and don't require a surgical theater.
Even a vasectomy does not require a surgical facility.

If there is a high risk a birth might be advised to a hospital. if there is a choice, the woman's life and needs comes first, always.
You would have a c section in a birthing room? My god.

Many birthing rooms now do so. Many maturity wards also have pools and birthing chairs for childbirth as well. Midwives that do home births are able to do c-sections if paramedics can not respond in time. Not that major a procedure. Don't even need to be sedated. It is not brain surgery, you can be talked through it by 911 if need be.
Why are you concerned with birthing rooms. There won't be a birth, there will be an abortion.

the merits of over regulation for put patient procedures.

Surgical theaters are not necessary for all things.
Especially abortion where 1/2 of the parties ends up dead and the other half is happy and in love with substandard care! I got it. Liberals are weird.

Legal induced abortion is markedly safer than childbirth. The risk of death associated with childbirth is approximately 14 times higher than that with abortion. Similarly, the overall morbidity associated with childbirth exceeds that with abortion.<<

"illegal" abortions..... a woman, some where in the world, dies every 7 minutes
There shouldn't even be a complaint. This is for liberals and minorities. The fewer of them the better. Abortion should be encouraged.

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