Oh good, supremes ruled men can continue to abuse women via legal back alley abortions

Texas is going to tell them to screw themselves.

I am going on record now that there will be an act of clinic violence as a result of the Supreme Court's ruling in as little as two weeks. I have read the tea leaves (predicted) things like that before when other rulings were handed down and I wasn't the least bit surprised when they came true.

then they will be criminals and should go to jail.
You can thank the liberal men in the liberal media for dismissing Dr. Kermet Gosnell's house of horrors because the true beneficiaries of abortion are (surprise) not women but liberal men. When are women in general going to come to grips with the fact that men who intimidate and otherwise force a woman to hire someone to commit murder on the life inside them are not doing them a favor by making back ally abortion clinics more accessible?

you are aware two women in the clinic cut the necks of the fetus during the labor in the bathroom not the doctor. It was a case of late term abortions not for medical reason. It was not about normal abortions.
You can thank the liberal men in the liberal media for dismissing Dr. Kermet Gosnell's house of horrors because the true beneficiaries of abortion are (surprise) not women but liberal men. When are women in general going to come to grips with the fact that men who intimidate and otherwise force a woman to hire someone to commit murder on the life inside them are not doing them a favor by making back ally abortion clinics more accessible?

you are aware two women in the clinic cut the necks of the fetus during the labor in the bathroom not the doctor. It was a case of late term abortions not for medical reason. It was not about normal abortions.
I bet you would have loved to see that! How many times did the baby jerk?
Texas is going to tell them to screw themselves.
What..you haven't seceded yet? Leave already.

Texas still abides by the constitution. The people who want federally funded murder and who object to the constitution should be the ones who leave.

Or who are put away.

a woman's choice is not unconstitutional. Part of her life liberty and happiness.
a fetus is not a person till it is viable enough to survive outside the womb.

if a fetus had a right to life then even birth control, including the rhythm method, would be criminal.

many infants die within the first year from natural causes.

Many women miscarriage

Not for you to decide.

Only the woman can decide what is right for her.

worry about the millions of children that need good homes instead of trying to control a woman's freedom of choice

If a human fetus is not a person, why then doesn't the SCOTUS use that fact(sic) to overturn the Federal and (now more than 35) States "Fetal Homicide" laws which make it a crime of "murder" to kill a "child in the womb" in "ANY stage of development" during a criminal act?

Murder, by definition, is the criminal killing of one PERSON by another. Isn't it?

fetal homicide only applies to the last trimester when the fetus might be able to live outside the womb.

it also does not apply to abortions.

>>by violent acts against pregnant women.<<

even when it was used against a woman for reckless behavior, the case was dismissed.

a few states tried to extend to include at any state but it is not used except where the pregnancy is know and in a violent attack on the woman with intent.

if the pregnancy is not visible or know, it cannot be used till the last trimester other wise. That still limits it to the fifth or six month range.

neither the doctor nor the woman can be charged for an abortion in the first trimester.

It's clear that you have NOT read or been able to comprehend the laws which clearly says "in ANY stage of development."
Abortion is used by libtards as birth control. Heinous practice.

it should not be a first choice and no women gets an abortion lightly.

If in the first seven weeks, pills should be give. In the third month a clinical abortion might be necessary.

Considering the cost, abortions are not a choice of the poor. Some doctors can charge $3250 for an abortion though most charge $500 at clinics.

in a few places chemical/pill abortions are available at no cost like florida

>>The abortion pill method is extremely effective with a success rate of nearly 95%. Only 2-3% of patients require any further follow-up.<<

Pills usually are taken over a period of two days in the privacy of your home. Can even order them online and sent to you by mail overnight.
What..you haven't seceded yet? Leave already.

Texas still abides by the constitution. The people who want federally funded murder and who object to the constitution should be the ones who leave.

Or who are put away.

a woman's choice is not unconstitutional. Part of her life liberty and happiness.
a fetus is not a person till it is viable enough to survive outside the womb.

if a fetus had a right to life then even birth control, including the rhythm method, would be criminal.

many infants die within the first year from natural causes.

Many women miscarriage

Not for you to decide.

Only the woman can decide what is right for her.

worry about the millions of children that need good homes instead of trying to control a woman's freedom of choice

If a human fetus is not a person, why then doesn't the SCOTUS use that fact(sic) to overturn the Federal and (now more than 35) States "Fetal Homicide" laws which make it a crime of "murder" to kill a "child in the womb" in "ANY stage of development" during a criminal act?

Murder, by definition, is the criminal killing of one PERSON by another. Isn't it?

fetal homicide only applies to the last trimester when the fetus might be able to live outside the womb.

it also does not apply to abortions.

>>by violent acts against pregnant women.<<

even when it was used against a woman for reckless behavior, the case was dismissed.

a few states tried to extend to include at any state but it is not used except where the pregnancy is know and in a violent attack on the woman with intent.

if the pregnancy is not visible or know, it cannot be used till the last trimester other wise. That still limits it to the fifth or six month range.

neither the doctor nor the woman can be charged for an abortion in the first trimester.

It's clear that you have NOT read or been able to comprehend the laws which clearly says "in ANY stage of development."

and cases were thrown out of court

it must be an act against the mother that results in the loose

every state has variations on the law, but legal abortion is not part of the "any stage"

>>The only thing that matters is the will of the mother.<<
Texas still abides by the constitution. The people who want federally funded murder and who object to the constitution should be the ones who leave.

Or who are put away.

a woman's choice is not unconstitutional. Part of her life liberty and happiness.
a fetus is not a person till it is viable enough to survive outside the womb.

if a fetus had a right to life then even birth control, including the rhythm method, would be criminal.

many infants die within the first year from natural causes.

Many women miscarriage

Not for you to decide.

Only the woman can decide what is right for her.

worry about the millions of children that need good homes instead of trying to control a woman's freedom of choice

If a human fetus is not a person, why then doesn't the SCOTUS use that fact(sic) to overturn the Federal and (now more than 35) States "Fetal Homicide" laws which make it a crime of "murder" to kill a "child in the womb" in "ANY stage of development" during a criminal act?

Murder, by definition, is the criminal killing of one PERSON by another. Isn't it?

fetal homicide only applies to the last trimester when the fetus might be able to live outside the womb.

it also does not apply to abortions.

>>by violent acts against pregnant women.<<

even when it was used against a woman for reckless behavior, the case was dismissed.

a few states tried to extend to include at any state but it is not used except where the pregnancy is know and in a violent attack on the woman with intent.

if the pregnancy is not visible or know, it cannot be used till the last trimester other wise. That still limits it to the fifth or six month range.

neither the doctor nor the woman can be charged for an abortion in the first trimester.

It's clear that you have NOT read or been able to comprehend the laws which clearly says "in ANY stage of development."

and cases were thrown out of court

it must be an act against the mother that results in the loose

every state has variations on the law, but legal abortion is not part of the "any stage"

>>The only thing that matters is the will of the mother.<<

You are not only full of shit but your are embarrassingly so.

Constitutional Challenges to Unborn Victims (Fetal Homicide) Laws
(All challenges were unsuccessful. All challenges were based at least in part on Roe v. Wade and/or denial of equal protection, unless otherwise noted.)
Abortion is used by libtards as birth control. Heinous practice.

it should not be a first choice and no women gets an abortion lightly.

If in the first seven weeks, pills should be give. In the third month a clinical abortion might be necessary.

Considering the cost, abortions are not a choice of the poor. Some doctors can charge $3250 for an abortion though most charge $500 at clinics.

in a few places chemical/pill abortions are available at no cost like florida

>>The abortion pill method is extremely effective with a success rate of nearly 95%. Only 2-3% of patients require any further follow-up.<<

Pills usually are taken over a period of two days in the privacy of your home. Can even order them online and sent to you by mail overnight.
How much does a condom cost?
Liberals every where cheer mean while the death toll continues to rise. Minority women constitute only about 13% of the female population (age 15-44) in the United States, but they underwent approximately 36% of the abortions.
The Gosnell case: Here’s what you need to know

The FBI and the Pennsylvania Department of Health raided Gosnell's clinic on Feb. 18, 2010. What they found inside was described by those on the raid as "filthy" and disgusting":

There was blood on the floor. A stench of urine filled the air. A flea-infested cat was wandering through the facility, and there were cat feces on the stairs. Semi-conscious women scheduled for abortions were moaning in the waiting room or the recovery room, where they sat on dirty recliners covered with blood-stained blankets.

This all sounds pleasant does it not?
You can thank the liberal men in the liberal media for dismissing Dr. Kermet Gosnell's house of horrors because the true beneficiaries of abortion are (surprise) not women but liberal men. When are women in general going to come to grips with the fact that men who intimidate and otherwise force a woman to hire someone to commit murder on the life inside them are not doing them a favor by making back ally abortion clinics more accessible?

you are aware two women in the clinic cut the necks of the fetus during the labor in the bathroom not the doctor. It was a case of late term abortions not for medical reason. It was not about normal abortions.
I bet you would have loved to see that! How many times did the baby jerk?

I want what is best for the woman
I've seen too much violence and abuse. What can and has been done to women, even pregnant women is sickening. My concern is to help the women, empower them.

When women can be killed because they are raped, abortion is a life saver.

Too many women die in child birth. In other part of the world, it can be very dangerous.

I don't want abortion, but I would not deny a woman to choose if that is best for her. Difference between pro-choice and pro-abortion

I would suggest natural or pill abortions first. Better yet, education on natural birth control. Most kitchens have a number of items that can be used for birth control.

Spermicides, diaphragms, IUDs, even morning after at the finger tips of any person for pennies or free. What is taught in schools is useless IMO

Even OB/GYN and nurses are not well versed in none pharmaceutical methods or even what to stay away from to prevent miscarriages.

Crocodile dung is not easily available but fortunately most grocery stores have plenty of things that work as well if not better.
What..you haven't seceded yet? Leave already.

Texas still abides by the constitution. The people who want federally funded murder and who object to the constitution should be the ones who leave.

Or who are put away.

a woman's choice is not unconstitutional. Part of her life liberty and happiness.
a fetus is not a person till it is viable enough to survive outside the womb.

if a fetus had a right to life then even birth control, including the rhythm method, would be criminal.

many infants die within the first year from natural causes.

Many women miscarriage

Not for you to decide.

Only the woman can decide what is right for her.

worry about the millions of children that need good homes instead of trying to control a woman's freedom of choice

If a human fetus is not a person, why then doesn't the SCOTUS use that fact(sic) to overturn the Federal and (now more than 35) States "Fetal Homicide" laws which make it a crime of "murder" to kill a "child in the womb" in "ANY stage of development" during a criminal act?

Murder, by definition, is the criminal killing of one PERSON by another. Isn't it?

fetal homicide only applies to the last trimester when the fetus might be able to live outside the womb.

it also does not apply to abortions.

>>by violent acts against pregnant women.<<

even when it was used against a woman for reckless behavior, the case was dismissed.

a few states tried to extend to include at any state but it is not used except where the pregnancy is know and in a violent attack on the woman with intent.

if the pregnancy is not visible or know, it cannot be used till the last trimester other wise. That still limits it to the fifth or six month range.

neither the doctor nor the woman can be charged for an abortion in the first trimester.

It's clear that you have NOT read or been able to comprehend the laws which clearly says "in ANY stage of development."

state by state, I've read them and cases that have been thrown out.
The Gosnell case: Here’s what you need to know

The FBI and the Pennsylvania Department of Health raided Gosnell's clinic on Feb. 18, 2010. What they found inside was described by those on the raid as "filthy" and disgusting":

There was blood on the floor. A stench of urine filled the air. A flea-infested cat was wandering through the facility, and there were cat feces on the stairs. Semi-conscious women scheduled for abortions were moaning in the waiting room or the recovery room, where they sat on dirty recliners covered with blood-stained blankets.

This all sounds pleasant does it not?

And all that happened because Philadelphia had restrictive abortion laws. When it's legal, its cleaner and safer.
You can thank the liberal men in the liberal media for dismissing Dr. Kermet Gosnell's house of horrors because the true beneficiaries of abortion are (surprise) not women but liberal men. When are women in general going to come to grips with the fact that men who intimidate and otherwise force a woman to hire someone to commit murder on the life inside them are not doing them a favor by making back ally abortion clinics more accessible?

you are aware two women in the clinic cut the necks of the fetus during the labor in the bathroom not the doctor. It was a case of late term abortions not for medical reason. It was not about normal abortions.
I bet you would have loved to see that! How many times did the baby jerk?

I want what is best for the woman
I've seen too much violence and abuse. What can and has been done to women, even pregnant women is sickening. My concern is to help the women, empower them.

When women can be killed because they are raped, abortion is a life saver.

Too many women die in child birth. In other part of the world, it can be very dangerous.

I don't want abortion, but I would not deny a woman to choose if that is best for her. Difference between pro-choice and pro-abortion

I would suggest natural or pill abortions first. Better yet, education on natural birth control. Most kitchens have a number of items that can be used for birth control.

Spermicides, diaphragms, IUDs, even morning after at the finger tips of any person for pennies or free. What is taught in schools is useless IMO

Even OB/GYN and nurses are not well versed in none pharmaceutical methods or even what to stay away from to prevent miscarriages.

Crocodile dung is not easily available but fortunately most grocery stores have plenty of things that work as well if not better.
Free? Haven't we established by now that nothing is free?
Abortion is used by libtards as birth control. Heinous practice.

it should not be a first choice and no women gets an abortion lightly.

If in the first seven weeks, pills should be give. In the third month a clinical abortion might be necessary.

Considering the cost, abortions are not a choice of the poor. Some doctors can charge $3250 for an abortion though most charge $500 at clinics.

in a few places chemical/pill abortions are available at no cost like florida

>>The abortion pill method is extremely effective with a success rate of nearly 95%. Only 2-3% of patients require any further follow-up.<<

Pills usually are taken over a period of two days in the privacy of your home. Can even order them online and sent to you by mail overnight.
How much does a condom cost?

50 cents to $2.50 a piece unless you go for the exotic specialty ones.
Texas still abides by the constitution. The people who want federally funded murder and who object to the constitution should be the ones who leave.

Or who are put away.

a woman's choice is not unconstitutional. Part of her life liberty and happiness.
a fetus is not a person till it is viable enough to survive outside the womb.

if a fetus had a right to life then even birth control, including the rhythm method, would be criminal.

many infants die within the first year from natural causes.

Many women miscarriage

Not for you to decide.

Only the woman can decide what is right for her.

worry about the millions of children that need good homes instead of trying to control a woman's freedom of choice

If a human fetus is not a person, why then doesn't the SCOTUS use that fact(sic) to overturn the Federal and (now more than 35) States "Fetal Homicide" laws which make it a crime of "murder" to kill a "child in the womb" in "ANY stage of development" during a criminal act?

Murder, by definition, is the criminal killing of one PERSON by another. Isn't it?

fetal homicide only applies to the last trimester when the fetus might be able to live outside the womb.

it also does not apply to abortions.

>>by violent acts against pregnant women.<<

even when it was used against a woman for reckless behavior, the case was dismissed.

a few states tried to extend to include at any state but it is not used except where the pregnancy is know and in a violent attack on the woman with intent.

if the pregnancy is not visible or know, it cannot be used till the last trimester other wise. That still limits it to the fifth or six month range.

neither the doctor nor the woman can be charged for an abortion in the first trimester.

It's clear that you have NOT read or been able to comprehend the laws which clearly says "in ANY stage of development."

state by state, I've read them and cases that have been thrown out.

Cases that have all ready been thrown out would not be appealed to the Supreme Court. Dumb ass
It just shows you how much Liberals and Democrats regard life. Life is simply not important to the left, not the mother's, not that of teenage mother's, not of children, nor gays in an Orlando nightclub. Life means nothing.

So says the pro-UNBORN-life crowd.

Once born, republicans don't give a shit about the lives of others.

Born or unborn the liberal left like yourself really don't give a shyt. Hater.

Speak for yourself instead of lying about others and you won't catch so much flack......bitch.
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Okay you keep thinking that, but there is a reason it should done.

Which, in your ignorance, you cannot articulate with any greater specifics than "Uh.....cuz."
Okay, I go with your reasoning. If there is a complication. There is no reason to do more. Then maybe you can save a life. Just let them die, so abortions will be super easy to get. Got it, dumbass.

Is there a large record of cases of complication that couldn't be dealt with in places that don't have the requirements that Texas attempted to impose?

Texas was trying to unduly burden the exercise of a constitutional right and, oops, they got caught at it and spanked.

When did the liberal left abort common decency?

Fact #11: Abortion is more dangerous than childbirth.

Fact #11: Abortion is more dangerous than childbirth.
Not only does every abortion kill an innocent human being in the womb; but abortion is also more dangerous to the mother than if she were to give birth to the child. The evidence overwhelmingly proves that the morbidity and mortality rates of legal abortion are several times higher than that for carrying a pregnancy to term.

Abortion is not safer than full-term pregnancy and childbirth. Less than one in ten thousand pregnancies results in the mother's death. [1] Government statistics indicate that the chances of death by abortion are even less. But while deaths from childbirth are accurately reported, many deaths by legal abortion are not. This completely skews the statistics. Furthermore, “abortion actually increases the chance of maternal death in later pregnancies.” [2] This means that some maternal deaths in full-term pregnancies are actually caused by earlier abortions, which creates a double inaccuracy.

But even if abortion did result in fewer maternal deaths, that wouldn't make it safer. The nonfatal but significant complications of abortion are much more frequent and serious than those of full-term pregnancy. One researcher states: [3]

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