Oh good, supremes ruled men can continue to abuse women via legal back alley abortions

The Gosnell case: Here’s what you need to know

The FBI and the Pennsylvania Department of Health raided Gosnell's clinic on Feb. 18, 2010. What they found inside was described by those on the raid as "filthy" and disgusting":

There was blood on the floor. A stench of urine filled the air. A flea-infested cat was wandering through the facility, and there were cat feces on the stairs. Semi-conscious women scheduled for abortions were moaning in the waiting room or the recovery room, where they sat on dirty recliners covered with blood-stained blankets.

This all sounds pleasant does it not?

And all that happened because Philadelphia had restrictive abortion laws. When it's legal, its cleaner and safer.
Not even close. Gosnell operated a perfectly legal abortion clinic. At some point he even passed a state inspection.

He was able to do what he did without complaint from his clients because of and only because of Philadelphia's ban on abortion after the 24th week. That's an unquestionable fact.
The Gosnell case: Here’s what you need to know

The FBI and the Pennsylvania Department of Health raided Gosnell's clinic on Feb. 18, 2010. What they found inside was described by those on the raid as "filthy" and disgusting":

There was blood on the floor. A stench of urine filled the air. A flea-infested cat was wandering through the facility, and there were cat feces on the stairs. Semi-conscious women scheduled for abortions were moaning in the waiting room or the recovery room, where they sat on dirty recliners covered with blood-stained blankets.

This all sounds pleasant does it not?

And all that happened because Philadelphia had restrictive abortion laws. When it's legal, its cleaner and safer.
Not even close. Gosnell operated a perfectly legal abortion clinic. At some point he even passed a state inspection.

He was able to do what he did without complaint from his clients because of and only because of Philadelphia's ban on abortion after the 24th week. That's an unquestionable fact.

Whatever the defect was, it's been cured. Kill those black babies!
it means that women don't have to seek back alley abortions but can go to safe clinics in their area.

Screw that miserable slut who got herself knocked up!

The only one with any rights here is the unborn.

Until they're born and then screw them too.
The safe clinic is someone's garage with an abortionist who learned by watching you tube.

It's what liberals want. As long as they are killing liberals and minorities, there's no harm.
The Gosnell case: Here’s what you need to know

The FBI and the Pennsylvania Department of Health raided Gosnell's clinic on Feb. 18, 2010. What they found inside was described by those on the raid as "filthy" and disgusting":

There was blood on the floor. A stench of urine filled the air. A flea-infested cat was wandering through the facility, and there were cat feces on the stairs. Semi-conscious women scheduled for abortions were moaning in the waiting room or the recovery room, where they sat on dirty recliners covered with blood-stained blankets.

This all sounds pleasant does it not?

And all that happened because Philadelphia had restrictive abortion laws. When it's legal, its cleaner and safer.
Not even close. Gosnell operated a perfectly legal abortion clinic. At some point he even passed a state inspection.

He hadn't been inspected for 15 years.
The safe clinic is someone's garage with an abortionist who learned by watching you tube.

It's what liberals want. As long as they are killing liberals and minorities, there's no harm.

Ah its cute watching Tipsy lie.

He lies as easily as he breathes.
The safe clinic is someone's garage with an abortionist who learned by watching you tube.

It's what liberals want. As long as they are killing liberals and minorities, there's no harm.

Ah its cute watching Tipsy lie.

He lies as easily as he breathes.

He jumps from hospital surgical standard to dirty garage and coat hangers

Office and clinic standards are a long way from a garage.

there are irrational over the top extremes and then there is rational common sense
There are no standards under this law. That's a good thing. More abortionists. More abortions. Fewer minorities and democrats.
No need for regulations, no need for any sorts of restrictions, laws, basic oversight..and while we're at it, there's no need to let the women know what is being done to them in any detail, no need for education about the procedures, no need for any degree of professionalism that is required even in a VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE.

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

Well, there is a dire shortage of real doctors who will kill babies for a living, and the baby killers would just as soon have them done in the back of a van, by somebody with a 6 month certification of completion from the local Jr. College; they just can''t kill enough babies as it is, and the sociopaths hate having to comply with rules of any kind.
No need for regulations, no need for any sorts of restrictions, laws, basic oversight..and while we're at it, there's no need to let the women know what is being done to them in any detail, no need for education about the procedures, no need for any degree of professionalism that is required even in a VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE.

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

Well, there is a dire shortage of real doctors who will kill babies for a living, and the baby killers would just as soon have them done in the back of a van, by somebody with a 6 month certification of completion from the local Jr. College; they just can''t kill enough babies as it is, and the sociopaths hate having to comply with rules of any kind.
Why complain? As long as it's democrats and minorities it's all to the good. If we could just convince Muslims to start killing off the next generation of jihadists!
No need for regulations, no need for any sorts of restrictions, laws, basic oversight..and while we're at it, there's no need to let the women know what is being done to them in any detail, no need for education about the procedures, no need for any degree of professionalism that is required even in a VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE.

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

Did they also release Dr. Gosnell?

No, but officials who knew what was going on did look the other way. For YEARS. And they were able to do this because the oversight of abortion clinics is non existent, to say the least.
No need for regulations, no need for any sorts of restrictions, laws, basic oversight..and while we're at it, there's no need to let the women know what is being done to them in any detail, no need for education about the procedures, no need for any degree of professionalism that is required even in a VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE.

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

Well, there is a dire shortage of real doctors who will kill babies for a living, and the baby killers would just as soon have them done in the back of a van, by somebody with a 6 month certification of completion from the local Jr. College; they just can''t kill enough babies as it is, and the sociopaths hate having to comply with rules of any kind.
They have their minions do the bulk of the abortions.

And the minions are a bunch of uneducated, drug addicted, insane and drooling psychopaths.

As are the *doctors*.
Texas is going to tell them to screw themselves.
Texas should secede and be done with it. Good riddance.

Texas, along with 10 others, tried that once because the federal government was doing then what it's doing now and acting beyond it's authority.

Texas took this case to the supreme court after is was dismiss by a lower court, so no the court was not acting beyond their authority.

A woman's privacy and her body is her own. She has a reasonable right to accessible health care for services she want and treatment she chooses.

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