Oh good, supremes ruled men can continue to abuse women via legal back alley abortions

I have my GI procedures done in a Doctor owned outpatient gastroenterology center and every single Doctor there has admitting privileges to a hospital of my choice. It just is rational to everyone except a brain dead libtard.

Except there is no such requirement for that in Texas.

I think its great that you do so- but everyone except a brain dead conservative can recognize the hypocrisy of Texas trying to ban abortions by regulation- by imposing regulations that Texas does not require for either colonoscopies- or for child birth.
I have my GI procedures done in a Doctor owned outpatient gastroenterology center and every single Doctor there has admitting privileges to a hospital of my choice. It just is rational to everyone except a brain dead libtard.

Except there is no such requirement for that in Texas.

I think its great that you do so- but everyone except a brain dead conservative can recognize the hypocrisy of Texas trying to ban abortions by regulation- by imposing regulations that Texas does not require for either colonoscopies- or for child birth.
Brain dead liberals believe it was a ban, I don't I think it was a measure to keep women safe. If you don't want women to be safe then that's on you.
Texas is going to tell them to screw themselves.
What..you haven't seceded yet? Leave already.

Texas still abides by the constitution. The people who want federally funded murder and who object to the constitution should be the ones who leave.

Or who are put away.

a woman's choice is not unconstitutional. Part of her life liberty and happiness.
a fetus is not a person till it is viable enough to survive outside the womb.

if a fetus had a right to life then even birth control, including the rhythm method, would be criminal.

many infants die within the first year from natural causes.

Many women miscarriage

Not for you to decide.

Only the woman can decide what is right for her.

worry about the millions of children that need good homes instead of trying to control a woman's freedom of choice
No need for regulations, no need for any sorts of restrictions, laws, basic oversight..and while we're at it, there's no need to let the women know what is being done to them in any detail, no need for education about the procedures, no need for any degree of professionalism that is required even in a VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE.

Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations

LOL- and by all of that- you mean the same level of regulation required for a colonoscopy? Or for child birth- both more dangerous than a legal abortion?

Why did Texas pass a law requiring far more stringent requirements for an abortion than for a colonoscopy- even though colonoscopies have 10 times the mortality rate of abortions?

Because this law was always about shutting down abortion clinics- and never was about women's health.

That's the point, moron. They didn't. They don't have the same level of oversight or regulations.

And your statement about the danger of colonscopy vs. abortion..a total lie.

Those who legally preform abortions in a clinic are licensed.
Only a few states permit PAs and trained midwifes to also perform abortions. Don't fret, texas is not one of them. They still have to be licensed.

Colonoscopy? any nicks or tears can mean death from peritonitis.

There are many ways to preform an abortion or induce a miscarriage. Even eating the wrong foods or certain teas will do the job in most women.

Any nicks and tears in abortions can mean death from peritonitis, too, sweetcheeks. And no, I'm afraid abortions are performed every day by people who aren't *licensed*. They certainly don't have admitting privileges at the hospitals, which should make everybody's blood run cold.

It won't, though. Cuz these are just desperate women. And filthy abbatoirs staffed by drug addicts and charlatans is *good enough* for them.

no it means a woman will have pain and heavy period and might need a D&C later on. A woman can go several months till it gets to be too painful.
It just shows you how much Liberals and Democrats regard life. Life is simply not important to the left, not the mother's, not that of teenage mother's, not of children, nor gays in an Orlando nightclub. Life means nothing.
It just shows you how much Liberals and Democrats regard life. Life is simply not important to the left, not the mother's, not that of teenage mother's, not of children, nor gays in an Orlando nightclub. Life means nothing.

Next to a nice shiny gun, no, it does not.
Well the left should be happy. Woman can now get abortions in the ally again without a doctor. Bravo.

Supreme Court strikes Texas abortion clinic regulations

Requiring abortion providers to obtain hospital admitting privileges and for abortion clinics to meet surgical facility standards have made it so hard for abortion providers to operate that such measures constitute what's known as an "undue burden" on getting an abortion, Breyer wrote.
Yep and if a woman all of a sudden has problems but will not be able to suddenly admit the woman to the hospital. Liberals say just die, like your baby just did.
Well the left should be happy. Woman can now get abortions in the ally again without a doctor. Bravo.

I'd kick you in the face, but I'm pretty sure that God has already struck you down for saying such an outrageous lie.
clinics have to be inspected a few times a year. these are licensed facilities for out patients.

They can preform vaginal exams, cancer test, biopsies and D&C but it must meet higher standards for an abortion?
C-sections can be done in birthing rooms and don't require a surgical theater.
Even a vasectomy does not require a surgical facility.

If there is a high risk a birth might be advised to a hospital. if there is a choice, the woman's life and needs comes first, always.
Yep and if a woman all of a sudden has problems but will not be able to suddenly admit the woman to the hospital. Liberals say just die, like your baby just did.

Please identify this hospital that will refuse to accept women experiencing emergency complications to doctor's office procedures.
clinics have to be inspected a few times a year. these are licensed facilities for out patients.

They can preform vaginal exams, cancer test, biopsies and D&C but it must meet higher standards for an abortion?
C-sections can be done in birthing rooms and don't require a surgical theater.
Even a vasectomy does not require a surgical facility.

If there is a high risk a birth might be advised to a hospital. if there is a choice, the woman's life and needs comes first, always.
You would have a c section in a birthing room? My god.
Yep and if a woman all of a sudden has problems but will not be able to suddenly admit the woman to the hospital. Liberals say just die, like your baby just did.

Please identify this hospital that will refuse to accept women experiencing emergency complications to doctor's office procedures.
Then why did the supreme court vote against the doctor having admitting privileges
Everything is upside down and ass backwards in the small minded world of liberals. They think they did a favor to women by making sure that abortion mills are no better maintained than veterinary clinics.
Well the left should be happy. Woman can now get abortions in the ally again without a doctor. Bravo.

Supreme Court strikes Texas abortion clinic regulations

Requiring abortion providers to obtain hospital admitting privileges and for abortion clinics to meet surgical facility standards have made it so hard for abortion providers to operate that such measures constitute what's known as an "undue burden" on getting an abortion, Breyer wrote.
Yep and if a woman all of a sudden has problems but will not be able to suddenly admit the woman to the hospital. Liberals say just die, like your baby just did.

Yeah, just die, I've head them say that oh I don't know how many times. Oh wait, it was zero. Zero times, yeah, zero.
It just shows you how much Liberals and Democrats regard life. Life is simply not important to the left, not the mother's, not that of teenage mother's, not of children, nor gays in an Orlando nightclub. Life means nothing.

That is why you cut the mothers food stamps, education for the child and want to do away with the aca that maybe the only ability the mother has for healthcare.
Yep and if a woman all of a sudden has problems but will not be able to suddenly admit the woman to the hospital. Liberals say just die, like your baby just did.

Please identify this hospital that will refuse to accept women experiencing emergency complications to doctor's office procedures.
Then why did the supreme court vote against the doctor having admitting privileges

I see. You can't identify any hospitals who would refuse to accept women who experience emergency complications. But you can't bring yourself to admit that. So instead, you derail on a tangent that doesn't even make any sense.

Everything is upside down and ass backwards in the small minded world of liberals. They think they did a favor to women by making sure that abortion mills are no better maintained than veterinary clinics.

By "liberals" you mean that ~73% of your felow citizens that don't buy into your fringer shit?
Well the left should be happy. Woman can now get abortions in the ally again without a doctor. Bravo.

Supreme Court strikes Texas abortion clinic regulations

Requiring abortion providers to obtain hospital admitting privileges and for abortion clinics to meet surgical facility standards have made it so hard for abortion providers to operate that such measures constitute what's known as an "undue burden" on getting an abortion, Breyer wrote.
Yep and if a woman all of a sudden has problems but will not be able to suddenly admit the woman to the hospital. Liberals say just die, like your baby just did.

Yeah, just die, I've head them say that oh I don't know how many times. Oh wait, it was zero. Zero times, yeah, zero.
Liberal judges on the supreme court said that today. Just think you support them.
Yep and if a woman all of a sudden has problems but will not be able to suddenly admit the woman to the hospital. Liberals say just die, like your baby just did.

Please identify this hospital that will refuse to accept women experiencing emergency complications to doctor's office procedures.
Then why did the supreme court vote against the doctor having admitting privileges

I see. You can't identify any hospitals who would refuse to accept women who experience emergency complications. But you can't bring yourself to admit that. So instead, you derail on a tangent that doesn't even make any sense.

A doctor doesn't have admitting privileges. So yes they won't be admitted as quickly if they did. Just ask joan river's daughter.

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