Oh My: Revealed That Hawaiian Governor Albercromie Has Hidden Past


May 29, 2010
Well well well. It looks like Obama's governor friend Neil Albercromie who vowed last week to end Obama's birth certificate controversy has a hidden past himself. This goes to show that he is a liar and a socialist just as his usurper friend, Barack Obama. Albercromies past is now being exposed since he has come out along with fellow liberal Chris Matthews confirming that the internet COLB of the president is not the real deal and wants to do what he can to release the original that is on file in Hawaii. It is very disturbing but not suprising about this mans past that he tried to cover up. It's also ashame that Hawaii has this man as a governor. This is a great New Years Day for America to know that this information has come out today.

Revealed: Hawaii governor's own hidden past

Exerpts from the article:

There is no evidence to suggest Abercrombie was present at Obama's birth. He has acknowledged that he didn't see Obama's parents with their newborn son at any hospital, although he said he remembers seeing Obama as a child with his parents at social events.


Abercrombie is tied to the Marxist-oriented Democratic Socialists of America.


Abercrombie's campaign site did not explain why the politician was listed as a Democratic Socialists of America member in the organization's official literature, nor did the site respond to his close ties to the organization.


Meanwhile, it has emerged Abercrombie is listed in the DSA's official September/October 1992 newsletter as delivering an "extemporaneous, impassioned speech" to a Democratic Socialists of America-organized "Socialist Caucus" during that year's Democratic Party convention.

The listing follows other organization literature identifying Abercrombie as an outright member of the socialist group.

As WND reported, the November-December 1990 issue of the Democratic Socialists' official magazine, the Democratic Left, lists Abercrombie as a member of the socialist party.

The magazine states the group's political-action committee endorsed two congressional candidates, "DSAer Democrat Neil Abercrombie seeking to regain the House seat representing Honolulu and Vermont independent candidate Bernie Sanders."

In that same 1990 article then–congressional candidate Sanders, who has not been a card-carrying Democratic Socialists member, was called an "independent socialist," while Abercrombie is named as a "DSAer Democrat."
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Another Marxist that is a Liberal Democrat, go figure.
Yes and that shows what kind of mentality Obama's vulgar, immoral, perverted, interracial fornicating mother and father had. This is the disease that America must be purged of. Michael Savage came to the conclusion the liberalism was a disease. Albercromie is living proof. His lies about Obama as a child are nothing but shameful.
Well well well. It looks like Obama's governor friend Neil Albercromie who vowed last week to end Obama's birth certificate controversy has a hidden past himself. This goes to show that he is a liar and a socialist just as his usurper friend, Barack Obama. Albercromies past is now being exposed since he has come out along with fellow liberal Chris Matthews confirming that the internet COLB of the president is not the real deal and wants to do what he can to release the original that is on file in Hawaii. It is very disturbing but not suprising about this mans past that he tried to cover up. It's also ashame that Hawaii has this man as a governor. This is a great New Years Day for America to know that this information has come out today.

Revealed: Hawaii governor's own hidden past

Exerpts from the article:

There is no evidence to suggest Abercrombie was present at Obama's birth. He has acknowledged that he didn't see Obama's parents with their newborn son at any hospital, although he said he remembers seeing Obama as a child with his parents at social events.


Abercrombie is tied to the Marxist-oriented Democratic Socialists of America.


Abercrombie's campaign site did not explain why the politician was listed as a Democratic Socialists of America member in the organization's official literature, nor did the site respond to his close ties to the organization.


Meanwhile, it has emerged Abercrombie is listed in the DSA's official September/October 1992 newsletter as delivering an "extemporaneous, impassioned speech" to a Democratic Socialists of America-organized "Socialist Caucus" during that year's Democratic Party convention.

The listing follows other organization literature identifying Abercrombie as an outright member of the socialist group.

As WND reported, the November-December 1990 issue of the Democratic Socialists' official magazine, the Democratic Left, lists Abercrombie as a member of the socialist party.

The magazine states the group's political-action committee endorsed two congressional candidates, "DSAer Democrat Neil Abercrombie seeking to regain the House seat representing Honolulu and Vermont independent candidate Bernie Sanders."

In that same 1990 article then–congressional candidate Sanders, who has not been a card-carrying Democratic Socialists member, was called an "independent socialist," while Abercrombie is named as a "DSAer Democrat."




Such viscous, foul, hateful and loathsome demonizing of anyone wanting to see something of which they've never seen, and those doing the demonizing have never seen either. It's truly bizarre.
Not this shit again. :eusa_doh:

USAR, I have a request. Could you switch to Weekly World News for your breaking news reports? It's just as accurate, more well written and more entertaining.
Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie has a radical history that ties him to a U.S.-based socialist organization with deep connections to President Obama and to a "Marxist-socialist" bloc in Congress.

And Obama took a trip that cost 200 million dollars a day.

Gawd, these right wingers. If they can't destroy the country one way, they move jobs to China. I wish they would carry out their promise and secede. The IQ of what's left over would suddenly double.

Right wingers FINALLY put up a link, and look what they link too.
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Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie has a radical history that ties him to a U.S.-based socialist organization with deep connections to President Obama and to a "Marxist-socialist" bloc in Congress.

And Obama took a trip that cost 200 million dollars a day.

Gawd, these right wingers. If they can't destroy the country one way, they move jobs to China. I wish they would carry out their promise and secede. The IQ of what's left over would suddenly double.

Right wingers FINALLY put up a link, and look what they link too.

So why would the Democrat Socialists of America have him as a member?
Another Marxist that is a Liberal Democrat, go figure.
Yes and that shows what kind of mentality Obama's vulgar, immoral, perverted, interracial fornicating mother and father had. This is the disease that America must be purged of. Michael Savage came to the conclusion the liberalism was a disease. Albercromie is living proof. His lies about Obama as a child are nothing but shameful.

"Interracial fornicating"?

You mean, kinda like this:

Another Marxist that is a Liberal Democrat, go figure.
Yes and that shows what kind of mentality Obama's vulgar, immoral, perverted, interracial fornicating mother and father had. This is the disease that America must be purged of. Michael Savage came to the conclusion the liberalism was a disease. Albercromie is living proof. His lies about Obama as a child are nothing but shameful.

"Interracial fornicating"?

You mean, kinda like this:


I am black and you are white
You're as blind as a bat
And I have sight
Side by side my twin ego
My amigo
Let's not fight!
Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie has a radical history that ties him to a U.S.-based socialist organization with deep connections to President Obama and to a "Marxist-socialist" bloc in Congress.

And Obama took a trip that cost 200 million dollars a day.

Gawd, these right wingers. If they can't destroy the country one way, they move jobs to China. I wish they would carry out their promise and secede. The IQ of what's left over would suddenly double.

Right wingers FINALLY put up a link, and look what they link too.

So why would the Democrat Socialists of America have him as a member?

the real Dean and his Bizzaro replica meet.....this should be worth coming back to check out....

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