Oh My!: Video Emerges That Ruins Hillary Clintons Chances For A 2016 Run

After 2014 when we have a Democratic President, House and Senate we will be laughing about how you folks won't be winning any elections any time soon.

I don't know, a bunch of them might leave the board like they did in 2012. Republicans are full of hate and yet very thin skinned.

Curious combination.
Hillary Clinton's Bosnia sniper story exposed - Telegraph

Oh yeah she's our next president. AAAaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha

Better her than that idiot Palin.
Palin would make a fantastic president and she is far from a idiot. She would clean up the cronyism that plagues Washington.


Palin's a bonafide idiot.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3g2a3Gbe3w]Sarah Palin FULL Interview NBC Today Show. Sarah Palin Matt Lauer Interview - YouTube[/ame]
Christie/Huntsman will smash anyone the Dems trot out.

Or, for that matter, rub faces in the dirt of anyone the reactionaries of the far right run out.

Might want to check the latest polls. A Hillary vs Christie matchup would have Clinton with at least +10

Check ALL the polls. Knowing the both of them, I believe Christie would have no trouble beating Hillary by at least 7 points.


And Hillary's been pretty well vetted.

Christie? Lot's o' Skels in the closet..including a possible affair.
Might want to check the latest polls. A Hillary vs Christie matchup would have Clinton with at least +10

Check ALL the polls. Knowing the both of them, I believe Christie would have no trouble beating Hillary by at least 7 points.


And Hillary's been pretty well vetted.

Christie? Lot's o' Skels in the closet..including a possible affair.

well at least bill Clinton never had one of them.
I am not sure why you would think this would sink Hillary. As proved with her adulterous husband truth does not matter to the country. That is the Clinton legacy. So we should be careful saying what should happen, a complete destruction of the democrat party next election, with what probably will happen, the country will let the lying scum stay in power. I am betting the American people are tired of democrats that is how the snowflake who implied he was black won over a black incumbent of 26 years. I have hope for America and it ain't by returning the same people back in office.
Christie/Huntsman will smash anyone the Dems trot out.

Or, for that matter, rub faces in the dirt of anyone the reactionaries of the far right run out.

Might want to check the latest polls. A Hillary vs Christie matchup would have Clinton with at least +10

Check ALL the polls. Knowing the both of them, I believe Christie would have no trouble beating Hillary by at least 7 points.

Christie would get TROUNCED, including losing his home state. You know, just like the last FOUR "moderates" that ran as GOP presidential candidates!

And Hillary's been pretty well vetted.

Christie? Lot's o' Skels in the closet..including a possible affair.

well at least bill Clinton never had one of them.
At least Bill could compromise...Obama has YET to learn the concept...(HE never will).

funny how when bill did have an affair, eh, it was no big deal. but when Christie might have had one, OMG! it should end his political career. thy hypocrisy of liberals never ceases to amaze me
i still want Chris Christie to secretly run as a Dem, then select a prominent conservative as a VP, leaving all Americans with a choice between Christie and Cruz. i will take either one!
well at least bill Clinton never had one of them.
At least Bill could compromise...Obama has YET to learn the concept...(HE never will).

funny how when bill did have an affair, eh, it was no big deal. but when Christie might have had one, OMG! it should end his political career. thy hypocrisy of liberals never ceases to amaze me
Their hypocrisy knows zero limit...and illustrates they're all phonies...but then they have the perpetually stupid voting for them.
Democrats have been trying to help Americans for a LOOOONG time. To bad they are always fighting Republicans who seem fine with "let him die".
Whether Christie ever had an affair or not won't matter to most voters in a general election. In the GOP primaries it will be a big deal. I disagree with Christie on many issues, but he proved himself to be very competant in an emergency situation. That counts for a lot in my book.

Hillary is also a known quantity. I would like to see a contest between them, and hear them both lay out what directions they want to move this nation in for the next decade, and what their policies would be to move the nation in those directions. The only other person the GOP has that has the brains to go one on one with Hillary is Huntsman. A good man with a good record. The rest of the field is clown car material.
At least Bill could compromise...Obama has YET to learn the concept...(HE never will).

funny how when bill did have an affair, eh, it was no big deal. but when Christie might have had one, OMG! it should end his political career. thy hypocrisy of liberals never ceases to amaze me
Their hypocrisy knows zero limit...and illustrates they're all phonies...but then they have the perpetually stupid voting for them.

The dumbing of America is not an accident, its a process. a sucker is born every day, and he tends to register democrat.
Whether Christie ever had an affair or not won't matter to most voters in a general election. In the GOP primaries it will be a big deal. I disagree with Christie on many issues, but he proved himself to be very competant in an emergency situation. That counts for a lot in my book.

Hillary is also a known quantity. I would like to see a contest between them, and hear them both lay out what directions they want to move this nation in for the next decade, and what their policies would be to move the nation in those directions. The only other person the GOP has that has the brains to go one on one with Hillary is Huntsman. A good man with a good record. The rest of the field is clown car material.

Hilary is a pretty easy read. ban guns, increase social spending, legalize illegals
Whether Christie ever had an affair or not won't matter to most voters in a general election. In the GOP primaries it will be a big deal. I disagree with Christie on many issues, but he proved himself to be very competant in an emergency situation. That counts for a lot in my book.

Hillary is also a known quantity. I would like to see a contest between them, and hear them both lay out what directions they want to move this nation in for the next decade, and what their policies would be to move the nation in those directions. The only other person the GOP has that has the brains to go one on one with Hillary is Huntsman. A good man with a good record. The rest of the field is clown car material.
ODD coming from YOU which makes me highly suspicious....and after he hugged Obama? Sorry. NO SALE.

He is a Democrat as Charlie Christ waiting to change...


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