Oh My!: Video Emerges That Ruins Hillary Clintons Chances For A 2016 Run

After 2014 when we have a Democratic President, House and Senate we will be laughing about how you folks won't be winning any elections any time soon.
You're delusional. You know damn well the democrats are in trouble, more so than the 2010 mid terms.

Naw..they are not.

We just had a mess of elections.

Christie was the only one that won.

And you folks hate his guts.

The Ultra-Right in here are like the little kid that does exactly what his parents tell him NOT to do. We clearly try to tell the GOP faithful that Christie has the best chance in 2016, and the GOP children run in the opposite direction.

Depending on who the Dems run, I can possibly see myself voting for the Big Man.
Christie/Huntsman will smash anyone the Dems trot out.

Or, for that matter, rub faces in the dirt of anyone the reactionaries of the far right run out.

Might want to check the latest polls. A Hillary vs Christie matchup would have Clinton with at least +10

Wait till everyone see's this video from 2007. They'll say 'damn, she was going to pull the same thing Obama did pertaining to health insurance'. She and Christie would make terrible presidents. We need a staunch conservative with good Christian family values that will return honor and integrity to the United States as well as it's military.

Good luck with that one :lol:

Play it all day.

Ted Cruz (R-Alberta) will be the GOP nominee, and he will be the most easily demonized GOPer of all time. Mitt, with his job-killing business history, sons who chose their exotic religion over military service , and chest-beating, oafish foreign policy, will look kind and compassionate in comparison.

Americans just don't want to bring back the days of the Dumbya polices, and conservatives need to get past that.
Might want to check the latest polls. A Hillary vs Christie matchup would have Clinton with at least +10

Wait till everyone see's this video from 2007. They'll say 'damn, she was going to pull the same thing Obama did pertaining to health insurance'. She and Christie would make terrible presidents. We need a staunch conservative with good Christian family values that will return honor and integrity to the United States as well as it's military.

The video was made before the law was even fully written, let alone passed. That's like finding a video of some candidate in 1999 saying "there will be no donut hole in part D of Medicare!!"

How is it even relevant? Seriously....you people need to use just a "little" brain power sometimes.

THREE YEARS before the law was passed...for real....THREE. YEARS!
Do you think she was talking about something different in 2007? Neither 0bama nor Hillary wrote any plan. There was one Dem plan in the works to take over the health care industry and the ACA is it.

Play it all day.

Ted Cruz (R-Alberta) will be the GOP nominee, and he will be the most easily demonized GOPer of all time. Mitt, with his job-killing business history, sons who chose their exotic religion over military service , and chest-beating, oafish foreign policy, will look kind and compassionate in comparison.

Americans just don't want to bring back the days of the Dumbya polices, and conservatives need to get past that.

Ted Cruz will not get my vote. He is not a Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen.

Play it all day.

Ted Cruz (R-Alberta) will be the GOP nominee, and he will be the most easily demonized GOPer of all time. Mitt, with his job-killing business history, sons who chose their exotic religion over military service , and chest-beating, oafish foreign policy, will look kind and compassionate in comparison.

Americans just don't want to bring back the days of the Dumbya polices, and conservatives need to get past that.

Ted Cruz will not get my vote. He is not a Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen.

Pfft. Spare me for not believing you. Although you are right about his eligibility for the Presidency. He's not America-born, like President Obama.
Wait till everyone see's this video from 2007. They'll say 'damn, she was going to pull the same thing Obama did pertaining to health insurance'. She and Christie would make terrible presidents. We need a staunch conservative with good Christian family values that will return honor and integrity to the United States as well as it's military.

The video was made before the law was even fully written, let alone passed. That's like finding a video of some candidate in 1999 saying "there will be no donut hole in part D of Medicare!!"

How is it even relevant? Seriously....you people need to use just a "little" brain power sometimes.

THREE YEARS before the law was passed...for real....THREE. YEARS!
Do you think she was talking about something different in 2007? Neither 0bama nor Hillary wrote any plan. There was one Dem plan in the works to take over the health care industry and the ACA is it.

Okay...dude, really. What kind of idiot would take a video from 2007....before the ACA was even fully written, let alone amended, let alone passed, let alone analyzed by the SCOTUS.....and show "anyone" talking about health care reform and state that it had any relevance to what's happening today. No one will buy your crap, sorry to tell you.

She was talking about "her vision" of health care reform....no one in the national government ever gets what "their vision" is, it's amended, changed, rewritten...no one in 2007 could ever say anything about ACA with total accuracy, GOP or Democrat.

Play it all day.

Ted Cruz (R-Alberta) will be the GOP nominee, and he will be the most easily demonized GOPer of all time. Mitt, with his job-killing business history, sons who chose their exotic religion over military service , and chest-beating, oafish foreign policy, will look kind and compassionate in comparison.

Americans just don't want to bring back the days of the Dumbya polices, and conservatives need to get past that.

Ted Cruz will not get my vote. He is not a Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen.

Pfft. Spare me for not believing you. Although you are right about his eligibility for the Presidency. He's not America-born, like President Obama.
We can't determine where Obama was born because a 22 month long investigation was done by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office and found his birth certificate to be a 100% forged document. Those findings were backed by a Hawaiian handwriting and computer-generated forensic document expert named Reed Hayes, who is court recognized. He submitted a 40 page report of all things wrong with the birth certificate released on April 27, 2011 to the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office. Those findings have been turned over to several congressmen who are planning a investigative committee with subpoena powers so they can get answers from Hawaii Dept of Heath officials as well as White House officials. Never the less, even if Obama was born in Hawaii, he was never a natural born Citizen due to his father being a British subject. Like his father, Obama's birth was governed by the British Act of 1948.
Ted Cruz will not get my vote. He is not a Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen.

Pfft. Spare me for not believing you. Although you are right about his eligibility for the Presidency. He's not America-born, like President Obama.
We can't determine where Obama was born because a 22 month long investigation was done by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office and found his birth certificate to be a 100% forged document. Those findings were backed by a Hawaiian handwriting and computer-generated forensic document expert named Reed Hayes, who is court recognized. He submitted a 40 page report of all things wrong with the birth certificate released on April 27, 2011 to the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office. Those findings have been turned over to several congressmen who are planning a investigative committee with subpoena powers so they can get answers from Hawaii Dept of Heath officials as well as White House officials. Never the less, even if Obama was born in Hawaii, he was never a natural born Citizen due to his father being a British subject. Like his father, Obama's birth was governed by the British Act of 1948.

The video was made before the law was even fully written, let alone passed. That's like finding a video of some candidate in 1999 saying "there will be no donut hole in part D of Medicare!!"

How is it even relevant? Seriously....you people need to use just a "little" brain power sometimes.

THREE YEARS before the law was passed...for real....THREE. YEARS!
Do you think she was talking about something different in 2007? Neither 0bama nor Hillary wrote any plan. There was one Dem plan in the works to take over the health care industry and the ACA is it.

She was talking about "her vision" of health care reform.
The video shows her vision was the same as Obama's. The video is 2016 Gold if she runs!
Do you think she was talking about something different in 2007? Neither 0bama nor Hillary wrote any plan. There was one Dem plan in the works to take over the health care industry and the ACA is it.

She was talking about "her vision" of health care reform.
The video shows her vision was the same as Obama's. The video is 2016 Gold if she runs!

Congress wrote the bill....not Obama. A video of Obama saying the same thing in 2007 would be equally worthless.
Christie/Huntsman will smash anyone the Dems trot out.

Or, for that matter, rub faces in the dirt of anyone the reactionaries of the far right run out.

Might want to check the latest polls. A Hillary vs Christie matchup would have Clinton with at least +10

Check ALL the polls. Knowing the both of them, I believe Christie would have no trouble beating Hillary by at least 7 points.
Christie/Huntsman will smash anyone the Dems trot out.

Or, for that matter, rub faces in the dirt of anyone the reactionaries of the far right run out.

Might want to check the latest polls. A Hillary vs Christie matchup would have Clinton with at least +10

Check ALL the polls. Knowing the both of them, I believe Christie would have no trouble beating Hillary by at least 7 points.

all we need are those 14 senators in very pissed off RED STATES! I cant wait to see PMS-NBC try to spin this one. maybe they will accuse those red states of being dominated by KKK racists.
Hillary Clinton's Bosnia sniper story exposed - Telegraph

Oh yeah she's our next president. AAAaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha

Better her than that idiot Palin.
Palin would make a fantastic president and she is far from a idiot. She would clean up the cronyism that plagues Washington.
She possesses a lot of common sense, and she respects the people...as her detractors to date do not. THAT is why she is loathed by the left.
This has just emerged and it is a presidential run killer for Hillary Clinton. Bring on Sarah Palin!. Never the less, all this just shows she is in the same boat as Obama. There is no way she can say "What difference does it make" when trying to spin this one. Drudge Report has just posted it on his front page so this will go viral immediately.

HIllary Clinton In 2007: If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep Your Plan - YouTube

I thought her performance as secretary of state did that.

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