Oh My!: Was Hillary Wearing An Earpiece At The Presidential Forum? Sure Looks Like It

Snopes concludes the claim is made up, as other pictures that night showed no such thing in Clinton's ear.

Why does Drudge make so much shit up? He also was fact-checked on the claim that Obama wore an earpiece to a debate vs. Romney in 2012: Obama Earpiece

Those seeking to make fun of or embarrass the author of the "Hillary wore an earpiece" thread in this forum, posted by member "Ladygunslinger", here's the link: Hillary wore an earpiece at last night's forum

I hereby call on Ladygunslinger to apologize for attempting to make USmessageboard.com members dumber.
921 post in, and you already have zero credibility. LOL
From: Huma Abedin To: Hillary Clinton Date: 2009-09-23 06:05 Subject:

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05766167 Date: 07/31/2015 RELEASE IN FULL From: Abedin, Huma <AbedinH©state.goy> Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 1:05 PM To: H Did u take your earpiece or do I need to get it?

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

Do you even know what year it is?
I love how
Could be a maggot coming out for a little fresh air...:dunno:

Snopes is a joke, always has been

Snopes Fact Checker is Exposed as a Fraud
Funny thing is, we know how the Right hates facts being checked.

Go away, toad You're redundancy and BS have become unbearable. 85,000 posts of nothing but gibberish and trolling
Thank you for proving me right....to talk about facts and fact-checking makes RWrs such as yourself start foaming at the mouth.

Go pretend to be a veteran and cease bothering me ya old hag
You should tell us more about the Air Force/Navy guy at the forum. Never heard of the "Air Force/Navy" branch of the service. Share with us your expertise about this hitherto unknown branch.
From: Huma Abedin To: Hillary Clinton Date: 2009-09-23 06:05 Subject:

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05766167 Date: 07/31/2015 RELEASE IN FULL From: Abedin, Huma <AbedinH©state.goy> Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 1:05 PM To: H Did u take your earpiece or do I need to get it?

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

Do you even know what year it is?
Apparently, it's 2009 to her....another RWr living in the Past. :rofl:
Snopes concludes the claim is made up, as other pictures that night showed no such thing in Clinton's ear.

Why does Drudge make so much shit up? He also was fact-checked on the claim that Obama wore an earpiece to a debate vs. Romney in 2012: Obama Earpiece

Those seeking to make fun of or embarrass the author of the "Hillary wore an earpiece" thread in this forum, posted by member "Ladygunslinger", here's the link: Hillary wore an earpiece at last night's forum

I hereby call on Ladygunslinger to apologize for attempting to make USmessageboard.com members dumber.

She's wearing a fucking ear piece in the pictures!


You people are fucking scary!
Look at her hair. Plenty long enough to cover her ears if they needed to be covered.

They weren't covered.
I love how
Funny thing is, we know how the Right hates facts being checked.

Go away, toad You're redundancy and BS have become unbearable. 85,000 posts of nothing but gibberish and trolling
Thank you for proving me right....to talk about facts and fact-checking makes RWrs such as yourself start foaming at the mouth.

Go pretend to be a veteran and cease bothering me ya old hag
You should tell us more about the Air Force/Navy guy at the forum. Never heard of the "Air Force/Navy" branch of the service. Share with us your expertise about this hitherto unknown branch.

Their game is October 1st. In Colorado.
This was a test run for the real debates and she was busted.. the next one they make for her will look more like her own flesh... Helly is a LOSER

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