Oh My!: Was Hillary Wearing An Earpiece At The Presidential Forum? Sure Looks Like It

Unlikely it was an earpiece.

huh? leftover cotton from the ear throat nose doctor working on cough? duh......not answers coming in thru speaker as my first guess. too bad.

Not sure what you’re talking about. But if you subscribe to the nutty theory that she is some sort of master criminal and has dodged the law for 30 years, nothing will convince you otherwise because you’re a nitwit.

But if you were to observe it logically you’d have to look at it like this right?

HRC is wearing an earpiece because she needs to…right?
Okay, so the best thing for her to do was wear her hair in such a way that her ear would be exposed to the cameras?

The old bat is sooo fucking foggy, she can't think for herself.. you desperate liberals ran an old haggard mental case who lies just to lie..

Lead Drudge story..

Was Hillary Wearing an Earpiece During Last Night’s Presidential Forum?

No that was malignant brain cancer that has spread into her ear canal and is now growing outside of it. Or it was because she didn't want to wear that microphone on her blouse, because someone would find out she has no boobs, and has stage 4 breast cancer and is going to die any day now.

I guess it's impossible that it could have been a hearing aid? She's deaf now. But we're supposed to believe that someone was on the other end of this piece of ear wax--directing her every word. She would get asked a question then pause for a couple of minutes--then repeat verbatim the answer--that's what we're to believe.

They have apparently never heard of blue tooth devices.

Here's the new Republican platform. So this new one is no surprise.

In fact, a list of what “Republicans” now stand for has nothing at all to do with policy or principle, but rather is filled with beliefs about very specific concepts. For instance, being a member of the current GOP pretty much requires you to pledge allegiance to most, if not all, of the following views:

  • That Hillary and Bill Clinton are at least an accessories to murder if not murderers, the DNC killed a member of its staff for leaking her emails, her use of which was the greatest national security breech in history, and Vince Foster killed himself because of Hillary nagging him (assuming he really wasn’t murdered).
  • Hillary Clinton is hiding a severe illness which makes her incapable of holding office and which will soon cause her death (well, at least we might not have to worry about her serving two full terms!).
  • President Obama is easily the worst president in history, a Muslim terrorist sympathizer, the founder of ISIS, and likely wasn’t really born in the United States.
  • The Republican “establishment” is a bunch of impotent losers because they lost two elections to a media darling and can’t override vetoes without a super majority, but a guy who has never been truly leading a candidate like Hillary in the polls is a sure winner.
  • Conservative writers at the National Review and Weekly Standard along with Charles Krauthammer, George Will and Brit Hume are all out-of-touch wimps who can’t be trusted to tell us the truth, but Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Matt Drudge and Alex Jones would never lie to us for profit (expect for maybe that whole Alex Jones “9/11 Truther” thing, which we’ll sort of pretend didn’t happen).
  • When in doubt, Trump is always right, no matter what he has said in the past, even when it has directly contradicted his previous statement, and even if that happens on the same day, or in the same interview.
  • Deporting illegal immigrants and building a huge wall on our Mexican border is the most important thing we must do, unless Trump changes his mind.
  • There is nothing more significant (especially now that we’ve forgotten about that whole illegal immigration thing) than making sure that the person who picks the next Supreme Court justice is the same guy who was recently favors eminent domain and curtailing the First Amendment, and who picked Arsenio Hall and Piers Morgan as the “Celebrity Apprentice.”
  • The news media has never been more biased than they are against Trump, which is why they gave him two billion dollars in free advertising in the primaries and why he just hired the head of a major conservative “news” outlet to head his campaign while using Sean Hannity and Roger Ailes as advisors.
  • The background of a potential First Lady and her ability to properly represent the country no longer matters (that’s so 2008!).
  • Experience in public office no longer matters (that’s so 2008!).
  • Using a Teleprompter is good, unless it is bad (that’s so 2008!).
  • Flip-flopping means nothing (so 2004!).
  • Releasing your tax returns (even when you entire campaign is based on your wealth) means nothing.
  • Words mean nothing.
  • Having class or decency means nothing.
  • Limited government means nothing.
  • Fiscal responsibility means nothing.
  • Cozying up to Vladimir Putin is numerous bizarre ways means nothing.
  • Campaigning as an amazing manager of people but running a campaign that is in constant chaos and disarray means nothing.
  • Lying is a total disqualifier for Hillary, but when Trump lies it is simply part of the “Art of the Deal.”
  • Polls are either wrong or part of a massive nonsensical conspiracy, unless Trump is winning.
    Facts mean nothing (unless they are sanctified by Matt Drudge, in which case they are then gospel).
  • Stories from “mainstream” media sources are inherently wrong, even if all they are doing is reporting Trump’s actual words.
  • Hillary is the worst person who has ever lived and would be such a dangerous president that we must do everything possible to defeat her, except actually bother to consider electability when it comes to picking our nominee.
So it is now all so clear to me. It’s not that Donald Trump isn’t a conservative or a Republican. It’s that I’m not.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

And whatever you do, do not look at all the crap in others ears when they're getting interviewed by the media--LOL

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Are you tards all on the same Facebook Retard feed or something?

It all comes from Drudge. It's the first thing the tards check every morning, then they spread it on Facebook so all their tard friends can spread it too. They're like the retard Borg.
Was it one of the new iPhone 7 buds? Apple has already lost about 34,000 of these themselves and are wondering where they went.

The iPhone 7 ear buds - Here's something much smaller than car keys, so don't lose them! Courage!
“NYPD sources involved with the NBC forum’s security detail confirm...

Didja ever notice these "sources" are always anonymous? There's the first clue this is manufactured bullshit.

..Clinton was wearing an ‘inductive earpiece,” the same technology employed by almost all lead Broadway actors to receive forgotten lines and stealth off-stage cues from directors.

An inductive coil earpiece requires the wearing of some clunky hardware around the neck, dipshit. Show me Clinton wearing the hardware.

Hillary has been barely walking (with help), now she's barely hearing. Just like Brezhnev in his last days. Pretty soon she'll be barely talking, like Brezhnev.

Americans were making fun of the USSR, now they are about to elect somebody like Brezhnev for their next president. :laugh:
“NYPD sources involved with the NBC forum’s security detail confirm...

Didja ever notice these "sources" are always anonymous? There's the first clue this is manufactured bullshit.

..Clinton was wearing an ‘inductive earpiece,” the same technology employed by almost all lead Broadway actors to receive forgotten lines and stealth off-stage cues from directors.

An inductive coil earpiece requires the wearing of some clunky hardware around the neck, dipshit. Show me Clinton wearing the hardware.

Yeah, cause you know more than experienced trained law enforcement security. Uh huh, a real 'expert' you are. God, you lie almost as much as Clinton does. :laugh:
Some folks believe she was.

She Cheated! Crooked Hillary Wore Ear Piece During Last Night’s Veteran’s Forum

‘Crooked’ Hillary Clinton wore an ear piece in last night’s Commander in Chief Forum hosted by NBC and MSNBC. This was the first event where both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were invited to attend together. Each candidate received a short period with host Matt Lauer. It was expected that both candidates would provide unaided answers to the questions asked but it appears Hillary did not.

Donald Trump tweeted after the event his disdain for candidate Clinton using the ear piece which provided her a boost in answering questions. Trump tweeted “We can’t let Hillary get away with wearing an ear piece during tonight’s Veteran Forum”...

She Cheated! Crooked Hillary Wore Ear Piece During Last Night's Veteran's Forum
She has to have answers fed to her.

We should trust her with nuclear codes, but she can't handle MATT LAUER on her own?

If she is the "MOST QUALIFIED CANDIDATE IN THE HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY", why does she need someone whispering the answers in her ear? maybe THAT person should be running for President instead of Hillary.
why not trust her with the codes. If her recent answers to questions about her breach of national security are actually true, we have nothing to worry about.
She is not going to remember or recall those codes.
lets just hope the button isn't shiny, retards like shiny things.

She might forget WHO to nuke. She might nuke Atlanta, Georgia instead of Tbilisi, Georgia.

What if she forgets that she took the oath of office, like she forgot about her security briefings?

The person talking in Hillary's earpiece should be the one running for President instead of Hillary.
Was Hillary Clinton wearing an earpiece during last night’s presidential forum? That’s the latest question swirling around the Internet after pictures appeared to show Hillary with some kind of flesh-colored device embedded inside her ear.


“NYPD sources involved with the NBC forum’s security detail confirm Clinton was wearing an ‘inductive earpiece,” the same technology employed by almost all lead Broadway actors to receive forgotten lines and stealth off-stage cues from directors. The flesh-colored earbud is easily concealed. There are no wires running directly to the ear like you see with the units employed by Secret Service protection detail personnel,” claimed the article.

The report goes on to provide technical details about the earpiece, asserting that it is “almost invisible to anyone” and is “normally issued to law enforcement or corporate security teams.”...

Was Hillary Wearing an Earpiece During Last Night’s Presidential Forum?
If she had something to hide, she would have combed her hair down over her ears. It's plenty long.
You know the Right thinks Hillary wiped the floor with Lying Donald as soon as they claimed she cheated!!!

Unlikely it was an earpiece.

huh? leftover cotton from the ear throat nose doctor working on cough? duh......not answers coming in thru speaker as my first guess. too bad.

Not sure what you’re talking about. But if you subscribe to the nutty theory that she is some sort of master criminal and has dodged the law for 30 years, nothing will convince you otherwise because you’re a nitwit.

But if you were to observe it logically you’d have to look at it like this right?

HRC is wearing an earpiece because she needs to…right?
Okay, so the best thing for her to do was wear her hair in such a way that her ear would be exposed to the cameras?

It isn't against the rules for her to have an earpiece and her hair isn't long enough to cover it in every position her empty head is in.

You are a nit wit.
The fact she has to be coached, whether it be in a "town hall" or in the Benghazi hearing, shows just how inept she really is. She and her campaign staff act like this is some sort of game, she doesn't need coaching, she needs to stand on her own two feet, (if she can)!

Dude, it's a fake story. It's bullshit.

You gotta think more critically. Not everything on the internet is true.
Please get the fuck off our board, you're a fucking disgrace


No, I don't think I will.

Feel free to go fuck yourself, clown shoes.

I didn't even move this thread to CP.

You suck. You just totally fucking suck. Your part of the new breed of suckass Mods bringing the Board down.

Please fucking leave


I've been here just as long as you have, shitbird - and you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

So how about you stick a dick in it, and stop whining like a little bitch? Seriously, it's time to man the fuck up.

I'm not going anywhere, and no one is forcing you to post here.
'Riding the cotton pony'?
Any 'MOD' I have ever encountered on any forum is frankly 'more mature' than you.
Some folks believe she was.

She Cheated! Crooked Hillary Wore Ear Piece During Last Night’s Veteran’s Forum

‘Crooked’ Hillary Clinton wore an ear piece in last night’s Commander in Chief Forum hosted by NBC and MSNBC. This was the first event where both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were invited to attend together. Each candidate received a short period with host Matt Lauer. It was expected that both candidates would provide unaided answers to the questions asked but it appears Hillary did not.

Donald Trump tweeted after the event his disdain for candidate Clinton using the ear piece which provided her a boost in answering questions. Trump tweeted “We can’t let Hillary get away with wearing an ear piece during tonight’s Veteran Forum”...

She Cheated! Crooked Hillary Wore Ear Piece During Last Night's Veteran's Forum

Trump is wrong about that. Unless it's against the rules, and I've seen no evidence that it is, it technically isn't cheating. What it is is showing that she is unable to think for herself and answer questions by herself.

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