Oh My!: Was Hillary Wearing An Earpiece At The Presidential Forum? Sure Looks Like It

The real question is: is it a hearing aid, or a receiver for a staffer to feed her answers?

Lots of people have hearing aids, no big deal. But if its a cheating device, we should know, because it verifies that she does not have the mental capacity to operate on her own.

It's not a hearing aid, hearing aid go in both ears, she was only wearing the one

you may be right, but some people only have hearing loss in one ear. only being in one ear doesn't prove anything, but I think we are entitled to know the truth either way.

I've never seen anyone with a hearing aid wear them in both ears. Even my 97 year old aunt.

Hearing loss is usually asymmetrical and usually hits the left ear first and/or more deeply. I myself have severe SHL and tinnitus in one ear and perfect hearing in the other (and the bad one is the left).

"SHL" = ENT tech term for sudden hearing loss -- it's called ... wait for it... "sudden hearing loss".

Absolutely we're entitled to know, and given a debate or any other forum where somebody's supposed to be answering on their own that should be ensured, even if it takes electronic sensors to scan for such communication.

Trip down memory lane --- remember this?


"Lemme finish (say again Turdblossom - moderator was talking)"

Remember the explanation we got for that?
Me neither.

But then, the whole question of posting one's tax returns comes up --- guess who won't do it.
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invisible hearing device ... and the invisible man was doing the caching.

shit, she should have told 43 about invisible shit


he wouldn't have looked like a dope on a rope ...

That was the buckle to his bullet proof vest.


---- Because you just never know when a Bob Schieffer or a Megyn Kelly is going to suddenly jump up in mid-question with an AK-47 and start spraying lead. :lmao:

No, I don't think I will.

Feel free to go fuck yourself, clown shoes.

I didn't even move this thread to CP.

You suck. You just totally fucking suck. Your part of the new breed of suckass Mods bringing the Board down.

Please fucking leave


I've been here just as long as you have, shitbird - and you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

So how about you stick a dick in it, and stop whining like a little bitch? Seriously, it's time to man the fuck up.

I'm not going anywhere, and no one is forcing you to post here.

It's not a debate, Honey BooBoo. You're a Hillary Fluffer and you're ruining the Board

:lol: :lol:

You're right, this is not a "debate" - this is a whiny little pissant bitching and moaning about something he knows nothing about.

I think it's adorable how you've decided to blame me for all of your perceived problems with the board, but seriously, you're just embarrassing yourself.

You're just one of the problems. Your shilling for Hillary, in the guise of a Mod, is absolutely fucking pathetic

"B-but... but.. we've got a blurry picture and we WANT it to be true!!" :crybaby:
From the article:
“NYPD sources involved with the NBC forum’s security detail confirm Clinton was wearing an ‘inductive earpiece,” the same technology employed by almost all lead Broadway actors to receive forgotten lines and stealth off-stage cues from directors. The flesh-colored earbud is easily concealed. There are no wires running directly to the ear like you see with the units employed by Secret Service protection detail personnel,” claimed the article.

The report goes on to provide technical details about the earpiece, asserting that it is “almost invisible to anyone” and is “normally issued to law enforcement or corporate security teams.”

LMFAO What a joke.. You morons could have run Anthony Weiner and done better..
Trump's Sr Comm Advisor:

“Last night Hillary Clinton again failed the commander-in-chief test, where she was unable to answer for her terrible foreign policy judgment, mishandling of classified information and claims that the VA wait time scandal was overblown,” Trump’s senior communications adviser Jason Miller stated in a press release, responding to Clinton taking questions from reporters the morning after NBC’s Commander-in-Chief forum where both presidential candidates took questions from Matt Lauer.

With an earpiece and getting answers, she still fucked it all up with her lies and deceit.. Wow, walking clusterfuck

Trump Campaign: Clinton 'Failed Commander-in-Chief Test,' Held 'Desperate' Press Conference - Breitbart
As expected of someone too stupid and incompetent to handle classified information, after being trained to do so.
She has to have answers fed to her.

We should trust her with nuclear codes, but she can't handle MATT LAUER on her own?

If she is the "MOST QUALIFIED CANDIDATE IN THE HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY", why does she need someone whispering the answers in her ear? maybe THAT person should be running for President instead of Hillary.
Was Hillary Clinton wearing an earpiece during last night’s presidential forum? That’s the latest question swirling around the Internet after pictures appeared to show Hillary with some kind of flesh-colored device embedded inside her ear.


“NYPD sources involved with the NBC forum’s security detail confirm Clinton was wearing an ‘inductive earpiece,” the same technology employed by almost all lead Broadway actors to receive forgotten lines and stealth off-stage cues from directors. The flesh-colored earbud is easily concealed. There are no wires running directly to the ear like you see with the units employed by Secret Service protection detail personnel,” claimed the article.

The report goes on to provide technical details about the earpiece, asserting that it is “almost invisible to anyone” and is “normally issued to law enforcement or corporate security teams.”...

Was Hillary Wearing an Earpiece During Last Night’s Presidential Forum?
She has to have answers fed to her.

We should trust her with nuclear codes, but she can't handle MATT LAUER on her own?

If she is the "MOST QUALIFIED CANDIDATE IN THE HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY", why does she need someone whispering the answers in her ear? maybe THAT person should be running for President instead of Hillary.
why not trust her with the codes. If her recent answers to questions about her breach of national security are actually true, we have nothing to worry about.
She is not going to remember or recall those codes.
lets just hope the button isn't shiny, retards like shiny things.
Are you tards all on the same Facebook Retard feed or something?

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