Oh No- Obama's Disapproval Ratings Climb-All time Highs

Nothing original in that response but classic in it's stupidity.
It's an honest question. What are you so worried about and what would you do? Personally, if I were that concerned, I'd drone Putin, but I'm not.

Saying anyone loves war is stupid to put nicely and since things like what is happening with Russia have tendency to expand and lead to worse things seems like a good reason to be concerned.
There are people who love war. It's where men prove themselves worthy. It's history. And you never said what you'd do besides be "concerned"? Exactly how would that have stopped Hitler, or stop Putin today? You see a problem but you have no solutions. Why then should anyone care?
My, my, my....a "high disapproval rating" while a prez is trying to clean up after the previous economically disastrous administration, end 2 wars started by the latter, implement significant changes to improve healthcare access and other citizen protections....All in a in a firestorm of endless ( and baseless ) attacks on his person and very American identity by the GOP...while the DEMs wimp out instead of supporting him and progressive change...
We can sure act like a nation of spoiled brats...But we're better than that...right?

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This is what the country gets when the political machines like
the Democrat party and the Liberal media fast track a person
who is all sizzle and no..... whatever.
If I say steak the Libs will get all uppity and scream racist.

This is what happens when the voters send a boy to do a man's job.

Yeah, there is the sizzle, but also there is the steak.

Big MISTEAK, that is.
It's an honest question. What are you so worried about and what would you do? Personally, if I were that concerned, I'd drone Putin, but I'm not.

Saying anyone loves war is stupid to put nicely and since things like what is happening with Russia have tendency to expand and lead to worse things seems like a good reason to be concerned.
There are people who love war. It's where men prove themselves worthy. It's history. And you never said what you'd do besides be "concerned"? Exactly how would that have stopped Hitler, or stop Putin today? You see a problem but you have no solutions. Why then should anyone care?

Oh goody goody gumdrops! Another moronic sheeple has joined the board.
My, my, my....a "high disapproval rating" while a prez is trying to clean up after the previous economically disastrous administration, end 2 wars started by the latter, implement significant changes to improve healthcare access and other citizen protections....All in a in a firestorm of endless ( and baseless ) attacks on his person and very American identity by the GOP...while the DEMs wimp out instead of supporting him and progressive change...
We can sure act like a nation of spoiled brats...But we're better than that...right?

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The Blaming Bush schtick passed its expiration date long ago, bub.

Obama owns the mess he has created...the worst recovery (I use the word loosely) ever. And why? His big government spending and regulatory overreach have squashed the private sector. We should have at least 10 million more employed by now. But thanks to Obama, job creation has been so anemic we're not even back up to pre-recession employment levels.
It's an honest question. What are you so worried about and what would you do? Personally, if I were that concerned, I'd drone Putin, but I'm not.

Saying anyone loves war is stupid to put nicely and since things like what is happening with Russia have tendency to expand and lead to worse things seems like a good reason to be concerned.
There are people who love war. It's where men prove themselves worthy. It's history. And you never said what you'd do besides be "concerned"? Exactly how would that have stopped Hitler, or stop Putin today? You see a problem but you have no solutions. Why then should anyone care?

Ok as far as stopping Putin you could move military assets into the region as counter to his build up of forces on the Ukraine border bring navy vessels into the area supply weapons to the Ukraine military would any of these have stopped Putin we will never know but we know what doing none of it did of course do any of these and you will call it war mongering by war lovers. When it gets right down to that's all you really all you want to do isn't it chastise someone for not having a solution or call them war lover for offering one you don't like?
My, my, my....a "high disapproval rating" while a prez is trying to clean up after the previous economically disastrous administration, end 2 wars started by the latter, implement significant changes to improve healthcare access and other citizen protections....All in a in a firestorm of endless ( and baseless ) attacks on his person and very American identity by the GOP...while the DEMs wimp out instead of supporting him and progressive change...
We can sure act like a nation of spoiled brats...But we're better than that...right?

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The Blaming Bush schtick passed its expiration date long ago, bub.

Obama owns the mess he has created...the worst recovery (I use the word loosely) ever. And why? His big government spending and regulatory overreach have squashed the private sector. We should have at least 10 million more employed by now. But thanks to Obama, job creation has been so anemic we're not even back up to pre-recession employment levels.

...Ooooh...and I suppose the geopolitical mess and economic disaster W left behind were self-cleaning? Just EXACTLY WHAT "mess" did Obama create? He gave the GOP the continuation of their ill-gotten W tax cuts...and to what end? The fat cats and Big Business are sitting on their bloated ASSets and not reinvesting their obscene profits in America by expanding industries and creating jobs...using excuses like "uncertainty" both before and after elections...
And fools like u buy their bullshit and blame Obama. Nice.

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Saying anyone loves war is stupid to put nicely and since things like what is happening with Russia have tendency to expand and lead to worse things seems like a good reason to be concerned.
There are people who love war. It's where men prove themselves worthy. It's history. And you never said what you'd do besides be "concerned"? Exactly how would that have stopped Hitler, or stop Putin today? You see a problem but you have no solutions. Why then should anyone care?

Ok as far as stopping Putin you could move military assets into the region as counter to his build up of forces on the Ukraine border bring navy vessels into the area supply weapons to the Ukraine military would any of these have stopped Putin we will never know but we know what doing none of it did of course do any of these and you will call it war mongering by war lovers. When it gets right down to that's all you really all you want to do isn't it chastise someone for not having a solution or call them war lover for offering one you don't like?
When you complain there's a problem and it needs to be fixed, you need to think on what the solutions might be. That's it.
Schmuck. It's spelled s-c-h-m-u-c-k.


Unless you are calling him the foreskin that is removed during circumcision...
My, my, my....a "high disapproval rating" while a prez is trying to clean up after the previous economically disastrous administration, end 2 wars started by the latter, implement significant changes to improve healthcare access and other citizen protections....All in a in a firestorm of endless ( and baseless ) attacks on his person and very American identity by the GOP...while the DEMs wimp out instead of supporting him and progressive change...
We can sure act like a nation of spoiled brats...But we're better than that...right?

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The Blaming Bush schtick passed its expiration date long ago, bub.

Obama owns the mess he has created...the worst recovery (I use the word loosely) ever. And why? His big government spending and regulatory overreach have squashed the private sector. We should have at least 10 million more employed by now. But thanks to Obama, job creation has been so anemic we're not even back up to pre-recession employment levels.
And it will take double the time he has been in office just to break even at current levels unless regulations are loosened, and the TAX CODE is busted...The jackboots of government MUST be gotten off the necks of the people, businesses.
Nothing original in that response but classic in it's stupidity.
It's an honest question. What are you so worried about and what would you do? Personally, if I were that concerned, I'd drone Putin, but I'm not.

Saying anyone loves war is stupid to put nicely and since things like what is happening with Russia have tendency to expand and lead to worse things seems like a good reason to be concerned.

Well...that was very well written. Very well written indeed. Nice job!
Saying anyone loves war is stupid to put nicely and since things like what is happening with Russia have tendency to expand and lead to worse things seems like a good reason to be concerned.
There are people who love war. It's where men prove themselves worthy. It's history. And you never said what you'd do besides be "concerned"? Exactly how would that have stopped Hitler, or stop Putin today? You see a problem but you have no solutions. Why then should anyone care?

Ok as far as stopping Putin you could move military assets into the region as counter to his build up of forces on the Ukraine border bring navy vessels into the area supply weapons to the Ukraine military would any of these have stopped Putin we will never know but we know what doing none of it did of course do any of these and you will call it war mongering by war lovers. When it gets right down to that's all you really all you want to do isn't it chastise someone for not having a solution or call them war lover for offering one you don't like?

Excellent. Your first parasentence was riveting. You wish to deploy US forces in Ukraine? Is that whT that garbled mess said?
It's a 50-50 country Chicken Little. He's a lame duck anyway so there's no reason for concern.

but it's not like they have anything real to talk about.

He's pretty damn active for a "lame duck"....has done more to help his nation than the last couple of GOP prez put together...and still going strong.
It's the visionaries that r criticized the most in their time...And time will tell.
I do not think history will look kindly at Obama detractors...and at least 50% of grandparents will be sheepishly trying to explain to their progeny ...why they disapproved so strongly of the prez that moved our country forward in so many ways...making sure that all had access to healthcare...and that our constitution spoke for all Americans ..gays, women, the underprivileged ...not just the advantaged from the get-go.

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Last week Raymond Cardinal Burke, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Vatican City State, caused quite a stir. He told a Polish magazine, "The president of the United States has become progressively more hostile toward Christian civilization. He appears to be a totally secularized man who aggressively promotes anti-life and anti-family policies."

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