Oh No the economy is growing, hurry cons make a mess of something to stop it

August 1, 2011
U.S. Political Ideology Stable With Conservatives Leading
If this pattern continues, 2011 will be the third straight year that conservatives significantly outnumber moderates -- the next largest ideological bloc. Liberalism has been holding steady for the past six years, averaging either 21% or 22%, although notably higher than the 17% average seen in Gallup polling during the early to middle '90s.
Longer term, the Gallup ideology trend, dating from 1992, documents increased political polarization in the country. The percentage of moderates has fallen to the mid-30s from the low 40s, while the combined percentage either liberal or conservative is now 62%, up from 53%.
The 2011 half-year results are based on more than 10,000 U.S. national adults interviewed across 10 Gallup and USA Today/Gallup surveys conducted from January through June.

Truth is hard for the Left

57% moderate to liberal you are the far right and the far right owns the republican party.

which means moderates will vote for the dems

Like they did 1 year ago this month LiesMatters? :lol:

Why can't you radical left-wing nut jobs just accept that your Communist/Marxist/Socialist ideology has been completely rejected by the American people? After only 2 years of the Marxist Barack Hussein insanity, the American people rushed to the polls and kicked out all liberal incumbents in record numbers at all levels of government - from Congress right down to local Auditor. How big of a tool does one have to be to even attempt to convince themselves and others that "moderates will vote for Dems" after the earth shattering ass-kicking the left took this past November?

Denial - it's not just a river in Egypt anymore, is it LiesMatters?
U.S. Economy Growing at Fastest Pace of the Year - Bloomberg

The U.S. economy may end 2011 growing at its fastest clip in 18 months as analysts increase their forecasts for the fourth quarter just a few months after a slowdown raised concern among investors.

Economists at JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) in New York now see gross domestic product rising 3 percent in the final quarter, up from a previous prediction of 2.5 percent. Macroeconomic Advisers in St. Louis increased its forecast to 3.2 percent from 2.9 percent at the start of November, while New York-based Morgan Stanley & Co. boosted its outlook to 3.5 percent from 3 percent.

“The incoming data on consumption, business spending and residential investment all point to GDP growth in the fourth quarter tracking 3.3 percent,” said John Herrmann, senior fixed-income strategist at State Street Global Markets in Boston.

You guys actually get worse at your propaganda! You'd think with all of the lying and spin you guys do, you would get better at it at some point - but nope!

Fact: Barack Hussein has added more to the US debt (about $6 trillion) in less than 3 years than all other US presidents combined in their first 3 years.

Fact: In doing so (spending like an idiot), he "promised" unemployment would never hit 8%. It's been above 9% for almost his entire term.

Fact: Healthcare costs have actually risen sharply since Barack Hussein forced his unconstitutional healthcare bill down the throats of the American people, despite his "promise" that it would lower costs.

Fact: The economy has been a complete disaster ever since this unqualified Marxist Community Organizer took office.

Fact: Like his debt, Barack Hussein hit another record with his poll numbers - now the lowest for any president in US history - including the previous record holder, Jimmy Carter. :lol:

This is epic failure, the likes of which the US has never seen before. And even devout liberals have recognized this Marxist failure for what he is. Only the hard core nut-job Communists/Marxists/Socialists like LiesMatters here still defend this failure of a community organizer.

Such silliness....

Wall Street destroyed the economy with their $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 7 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 19 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.

Wall Street destroyed the economy with their $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme.

Zero sum bets can't be considered equivalent to a Ponzi scheme, unless you're ignorant of markets and economics. Oh, it's you, never mind. :lol:
U.S. Economy Growing at Fastest Pace of the Year - Bloomberg

The U.S. economy may end 2011 growing at its fastest clip in 18 months as analysts increase their forecasts for the fourth quarter just a few months after a slowdown raised concern among investors.

Economists at JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) in New York now see gross domestic product rising 3 percent in the final quarter, up from a previous prediction of 2.5 percent. Macroeconomic Advisers in St. Louis increased its forecast to 3.2 percent from 2.9 percent at the start of November, while New York-based Morgan Stanley & Co. boosted its outlook to 3.5 percent from 3 percent.

“The incoming data on consumption, business spending and residential investment all point to GDP growth in the fourth quarter tracking 3.3 percent,” said John Herrmann, senior fixed-income strategist at State Street Global Markets in Boston.

You guys actually get worse at your propaganda! You'd think with all of the lying and spin you guys do, you would get better at it at some point - but nope!

Fact: Barack Hussein has added more to the US debt (about $6 trillion) in less than 3 years than all other US presidents combined in their first 3 years.

Fact: In doing so (spending like an idiot), he "promised" unemployment would never hit 8%. It's been above 9% for almost his entire term.

Fact: Healthcare costs have actually risen sharply since Barack Hussein forced his unconstitutional healthcare bill down the throats of the American people, despite his "promise" that it would lower costs.

Fact: The economy has been a complete disaster ever since this unqualified Marxist Community Organizer took office.

Fact: Like his debt, Barack Hussein hit another record with his poll numbers - now the lowest for any president in US history - including the previous record holder, Jimmy Carter. :lol:

This is epic failure, the likes of which the US has never seen before. And even devout liberals have recognized this Marxist failure for what he is. Only the hard core nut-job Communists/Marxists/Socialists like LiesMatters here still defend this failure of a community organizer.

Such silliness....

Wall Street destroyed the economy with their $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 7 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 19 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.

"Obama saved the country from another Great Depression" - nobody is interested in radical left-wing nut job opinions Chris. Lets talk facts. This absurd statement is as "silly" (as you like to say) as claiming that "George W. Bush saved the country from a take over of aliens the likes of which would have rivaled War of the Worlds" and then hail him as a savior for doing so. The fact is, Barack Hussein has created the next Great Depression with the $15 trillion debt he gave us - debt that can and will collapse this nation.

Rebuilt GM? Rebuilt GM? Did you seriously just say "Rebuilt GM"? :lol:

Again, your sad opinion. We should hail George W. Bush for saving Wall Street with his bail out then! George W. Bush stopped another great depression! Even if that were true - it's not the government's job to rebuild GM! But why would an anti-American Communist who has never read the Constitution know that?

Reformed Wall Street? Um, no - he killed the economy and jobs for American's with his anti-Capitalist bill that punishes business for doing what they are supposed to do - make money. Again, wouldn't expect a Marxist like you or Barack Hussein to understand. You should really read a bill like the Frank-Dodd Finance Reform bill before you comment on it, because it makes you look like a complete fool. Allow me to enlighten you son:

• First and foremost, it does nothing to address the problems with Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac. Those two helped create the housing mess and then needed a $125
billion bailout, which they haven't even scratched the surface on a payback. (So much for "reform" uh? Too bad you don't know what's going on before you comment).

• It creates a special protected class of "too big to fail" firms. In section 113, a
"Financial Stability Oversight Council" is established, which will choose the firms
deemed too big to fail. Hmm, can you think of any other massive financial
institutions that don't care if they fail because they know they will be bailed out by
the government? Fannie and Freddie. So not only is this bill not doing anything to
stop Fannie and Freddie, as they continue to lose hundreds of billions of taxpayer
dollars, this bill will create more of them.

• Provides for seizure of private property without meaningful judicial review. The
secretary of the treasury can order the seizure of any financial firm that he finds
"in danger of default." Again, a bureaucrat arbitrarily getting to make the
distinction to just take over a financial firm whenever they feel like it. And, once
the decision is approved, it's nearly impossible to reverse.

• This Financial Stability Oversight Council, they've got nine regulatory authorities
out there and this expands the reach outside of just financial firms. They can
declare if a non-bank financial firm (insurance, finance companies, hedge funds)
are "in trouble." And guess what? They can turn it over to the treasury for
regulation. Again, this distinction is completely arbitrary and comes from

• Opens a line of credit to the treasury for additional government funding. Guess
who's irrelevant? You are, Congress! No more begging those pesky politicians for
billions of dollars, like with TARP. No, we'll just skip that and tap the ATM.

• Regulators can guarantee the debt of solvent banks as well. If there is a 'liquidity
crisis' ...

• The bill creates a new "Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection." They just want
to "protect" consumers. Uh-huh. This bureau will have broad powers to limit what
financial products and services can be offered to consumers.
(This is so weird, as I was reading that sentence I couldn't help but think of
Congressman Anthony Weiner trying to "protect consumers" from Goldline. You
can go to weinerfacts.com for more on that.) It's supposed to help, but it will only
reduce choices and likely make credit more expensive and harder to get. It also allows them to track all of your financial transactions, just to "protect you."

• Non-financial firms would be subject to financial regulations. Listen to how broad
this is: Section 102 defines a "non-bank financial company" as a company
"substantially engaged in activities... that are financial in nature." Aren't all
companies financial in nature? Sure, bakeries are making cupcakes and bread, but
isn't that financial in nature?
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700,000 jobs is still 700,000 jobs which means the stim worked you fool.

Underemployment Rate 2011

Nov. 28, 2011 18.40%
Nov. 15, 2011 18.20%
Nov. 1, 2011 17.80%
Oct. 30, 2011 17.80%
Oct. 15, 2011 17.50%
Oct. 1, 2011 18.30%
Sept. 30, 2011 18.30%
Sept. 15, 2011 18.50%
Sept. 1, 2011 18.50%
Aug. 15, 2011 18.20%
Aug. 1, 2011 18.00%
July 31, 2011 18.00%
July 15, 2011 18.30%
July 1, 2011 18.30%
June 30, 2011 18.30%
June 15, 2011 18.60%
June 1, 2011 19.20%
May 31, 2011 19.20%
May 15, 2011 19.10%
May 1, 2011 19.30%
April 30, 2011 19.30%
April 15, 2011 19.20%
April 1, 2011 19.00%
March 31, 2011 19.10%
March 15, 2011 19.90%
March 1, 2011 19.80%
Feb. 28, 2011 19.90%
Feb. 15, 2011 19.60%
Feb. 1, 2011 19.00%
Jan. 31, 2011 18.90%
Jan. 15, 2011 18.60%
Jan. 2, 2011 19.00%
Dec. 29, 2010 19.00%
Dec. 15, 2010 18.50%
Dec. 1, 2010 17.10%
Nov. 29, 2010 17.20%
Nov. 28, 2010 17.20%


Now WHERE exactly is this proof the stimulus worked? Shall I go into the 2010 numbers next? Job Numbers don't mean a thing if families aren't earning what they used to, and have to pick up a second job to make up the difference. Who are you kidding? Are you serious? You want to gloat about job numbers?
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So willow is just going to deny the facts becasue she is a poltical hack.

I ask again WHAT will you do if recovery is good enough to sink your partys chances?

Do YOU have any idea how many jobs this economy has to create per month--for MANY months to get this economy back on track? 2 to 3% growth in our economy is considered STAGNANT. Yes it's better than negative growth but it's not GOOD.

Economists state we need 500K new private sector jobs per MONTH--(month after month) to even begin to make a comeback.

We have 15 million unemployed in this country--with another 25% of this country working part time or in temporary jobs.

While we cheer on any new jobs--we have witnessed that one month we get our hopes up because we had a little growth only to lose hope the following month--(just like the great depression.) And that's the way it has been for the last 3 years.
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Yes, it's becoming more obvious 0bama is a one term president. Things are looking up.


I think this pic says a 1000 words about our economy--along with democrat--CEO Steve Wynn's comments:

"I'm saying it bluntly, that this administration is the greatest wet blanket to business, progress and job creation in my lifetime. A lot of people don't want to say that. They'll say, 'Oh God, don't be attacking Obama.' Well, this is Obama's deal, and it's Obama that's responsible for this fear in America."

"The guy [Obama] keeps making speeches about redistribution, and maybe 'we ought to do something to businesses that don't invest or hold too much money.' We haven't heard that kind of talk except from pure socialists."

"Business is being hammered. The business community in this country is frightened to death of the weird political philosophy of the president of the United States. Until he's gone, everybody's going to be sitting on their thumbs."

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The pace of US employment growth accelerated in November, with private-sector companies adding a better than expected 206,000 jobs while the number of planned lay-offs stabilised.

Meanwhile, low interest rates and falling home prices lured more buyers into the housing market, sending pending sales of existing homes up the most in nearly a year.

US private jobs growth quickens - FT.com
NEW YORK (AP) — Retail sales for the four-day holiday weekend, starting with Thanksgiving Day, rose 8.7 percent from a year earlier, a key data service said Thursday.

The figures from MasterCard Advisors' SpendingPulse show the holiday shopping season got off to a robust start with help from midnight openings Thanksgiving evening and deep discounting.

Retailers count on the holiday shopping season, which includes November and December, for as much as 40 percent of their annual sales.

The Associated Press: Data shows robust start for holiday retail sales
The stock market ended November with a no-holds-barred rally, as the Dow posted its largest point and percentage gain since March 2009. The index ended 490 points higher at 12,045.7. The S&P 500 rose 51.8 points to 1247.

The stunning rally was spurred by a series of big headlines that came out in different parts of the world: China lowered its reserve requirements for banks, six central banks including the Fed announced a plan to reduce the cost of dollar swaps for European banks, and a report on U.S. private-sector jobs showed substantial growth.

Market Screams Ahead: Dow Rises Nearly 500 Points - Stocks To Watch Today - Barrons.com
The pace of US employment growth accelerated in November, with private-sector companies adding a better than expected 206,000 jobs while the number of planned lay-offs stabilised.

Meanwhile, low interest rates and falling home prices lured more buyers into the housing market, sending pending sales of existing homes up the most in nearly a year.

US private jobs growth quickens - FT.com

The ADP is not that reliable. The main issue is that the universe for their sample is solely their clients. While that can be useful for the overall direction of change, it's never been a reliable source of amount of change.
The economy added 206,000 jobs last month.

Retail sales are up 8.7%.

The stock market went up 490 points yesterday.

Home sales are also up.

Looks like the train is leaving the station.
The pace of US employment growth accelerated in November, with private-sector companies adding a better than expected 206,000 jobs while the number of planned lay-offs stabilised.

Meanwhile, low interest rates and falling home prices lured more buyers into the housing market, sending pending sales of existing homes up the most in nearly a year.

US private jobs growth quickens - FT.com

No - it hasn't "accelerated" at all. In fact, we continue to lose jobs. Unfortunately, you and the rest of the left-wing nut jobs will believe what ever propaganda MSNBC and this Administration feeds you. Obama once counted all of his 3-month temporary jobs for the Census as "job creation". Sorry, but government created temporary jobs are not "job creation" - they are tax payer burdens that only hurt the economy.

Here are facts about the economy instead of propaganda: reports last week by a New Orleans-based group found that the Obama administration is approving just 35% of the oil drilling plans for the Gulf of Mexico so far this year. It is also taking an average of 115 days — nearly four months — to secure approval from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement. Those numbers are a sharp drop from previous years, well below the historical average 73.4 percent approval rate and 61 days it takes to approve plans. And for plans that require drilling activity, the numbers are even worse with an average approval time of 222 days.

But slowing down oil drilling in the Gulf isn’t the only way the President is blocking jobs. Earlier this month, the Obama Administration announced it would delay the construction of the $7 billion Keystone XL pipeline that would bring in more than 700,000 barrels of oil per day from Alberta, Canada, to the Texas Gulf coast–and could have produced upwards of 20,000 jobs.

As if that weren’t enough, the White House made another decision blocking energy-related jobs in the United States. In mid-November, the Obama Administration delayed a mineral lease sale in Ohio’s Wayne National Forest for oil and gas drilling. Apart for providing Americans access to affordable energy, the project could have had a tremendous impact in the state, including the creation of an estimated 200,000 jobs, an overall wage and personal-income boost of $12 billion by 2015, and a billion-dollar boon to Ohio landowners, schools, businesses, and communities.

You can stick your head in the propaganda sand all you want - the American people are well aware of how Barack Hussein has destroyed our economy, and that is why he hit the lowest approval rating in the history of American Presidents at this point in a presidency. The people sitting at home without jobs are not fooled by the false "job growth" :)lol:) bullshit you and Barack Hussein are peddling, and they are damn pissed about their situation. Bye-bye in 2013 Mr. Marxist, bye-bye...
It must suck to be an American who has to hope for our economic failure so your party can win.

Heres an idea , put country over party for a change
what will you do when the consumer confidence numbers keep going up and people keep spending?

Another debt ceiling stunt will KILL your party outright.

It was very unAmerican and one more stunt like that and your party will NEVER be forgiven by the American people.

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