Oh OH- I guess Palin's Political career isn't OVER after all.

With all of this fund raising, conferences, reality shows, FOX appearances, tea party supporting and the 4 dozen other things Sarah Palin is involved in:
When would she have had ANY time to be Governor of Alaska?
Only a complete naive and gullible DUMBASS believes that she quit on the people of Alaska because of "frivolous liberal lawsuits".
The masses be they liberal or right wing wannabe "conservatives" ARE DUMBASSES.

All of the things you mention she is doing were started AFTER she resigned.

Your the DUMBASS, if you didnt know that.

Guess it was OK that she was a VP candidate while she was governor.... kind of like Obama running a 2 year campaign to be President while he was a sitting Senator who, BTW did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING as a Senator.

You hypocrite!
palin ran a city first, then a state.
what did the obama ever run? beside his CAMPAGINE for President, and we all know he didn't run that either, his Comrades in Arms did.

The Experience Argument....obviously a winning argument. Ask John McCain. Or Al Gore. Or George H.W. Bush. Or Jimmy Carter. Or Ross Perot.....

huh? I was responding to this from a post.
.....Not-to-mention her economic-expertise.
Not sure where you are coming from, sorry.
Lightweights don't stumble out of fear of perception after the fact. That is childish reasoning for her gaffes and overall lack of depth in the political arena.
Never said a word about her honesty or ethics, just her seat at the table of actual national debate.
Refused to attack him? the Media refused or just not ENOUGH of the media decided to do so? He has been attacked for everything down to his country of birth and those meatheads still hold onto that belief as some do in thinking Elvis is still alive in Kalamazoo.
I am also not saying Palin is the only lightweight stating their views in the media - just the most recognized, the most visibal and thereby the biggest example of absurdity based on her resume.
.....Not-to-mention her economic-expertise.​

‘Hard-Core Fiscal Conservative’ Sarah Palin Left Wasilla $20 Million In Debt


palin ran a city first, then a state.
what did the obama ever run? beside his CAMPAGINE for President, and we all know he didn't run that either, his Comrades in Arms did.

So we fire one clown because he is a bad leader and then hire another clown because she is just like or a little better than the first clown.
Not a strong argument ever.
So we fire one clown because he is a bad leader and then hire another clown because she is just like or a little better than the first clown.
Not a strong argument ever.

Obama does'nt hold a candle to Palin.

He is a joke of a president!
If that were the case you libturdz wouldnt be sooooo sceeeered of her :lol:

By all means, continue to feel that way, if it helps you sleep better at night.

Hey dumbass... Im not sure if ya noticed, but Im not the one out there starting Palin hate thread all day. That would be YOU idiots.

You babies are scared shitless of her and ya know it!

Such as the Palin Hater who started this thread?
palin ran a city first, then a state.
what did the obama ever run? beside his CAMPAGINE for President, and we all know he didn't run that either, his Comrades in Arms did.

The Experience Argument....obviously a winning argument. Ask John McCain. Or Al Gore. Or George H.W. Bush. Or Jimmy Carter. Or Ross Perot.....

or Abe Lincoln for that matter

All much more qualified than Hockey Mom Palin
Palin quit because she could not handle the pressure.

Huntsman has resigned to run for President.
Palin quit because she could not handle the pressure.

Huntsman has resigned to run for President.

I'm to lazy to research whether or not Huntsman is a member of the Huntsman family, industrialists (plastics and chemicals) and philanthropists (cancer centers).

If so He'd probably make a great candidate
palin ran a city first, then a state.
what did the obama ever run? beside his CAMPAGINE for President, and we all know he didn't run that either, his Comrades in Arms did.

The Experience Argument....obviously a winning argument. Ask John McCain. Or Al Gore. Or George H.W. Bush. Or Jimmy Carter. Or Ross Perot.....

or Abe Lincoln for that matter

All much more qualified than Hockey Mom Palin

My experience in my life time, and in reading up, is that once you're forced to start making the "Experience For President" argument for a job you do not yet have, you've lost. The experience argument works for incumbents, and that's about it.

The folks that win the election for POTUS do so based on a vision or plan for the future. Or because the other guys just really really sucked.
Palin quit because she could not handle the pressure.

Huntsman has resigned to run for President.

The line I put in bold....

How do you know?

She said otherwise.

So I assume she is a liar too?

Palin gave a lot of convoluted reasons for quitting
Kind of like Bush's reasons for invading Iraq

Keep throwing them against the wall until somethingsticks
A liar? Maybe. Deceived? Perhaps. We can only judge her on her behavior.

And exactly what makes you think she quit due to the pressure?

Seems as a governor she had plenty of pressure but didnt quit until the lawsuyits and allegations started to take more time away from her responsibilities.

She certainly had a lot of pressure as a candidate yet she didnt quit.

SO why would you not believe her when she says otherwise as the reason she quit?
Palin quit because she could not handle the pressure.

Huntsman has resigned to run for President.

The line I put in bold....

How do you know?

She said otherwise.

So I assume she is a liar too?

Palin gave a lot of convoluted reasons for quitting
Kind of like Bush's reasons for invading Iraq

Keep throwing them against the wall until somethingsticks

You made that up. She gave one valid logical reason as to why she felt the need to resign.

Please do not interrupt a conversation if you are going to spew crap that you made up. It is childish.
Palin was not able to stick it out when matters became tough.

She will not be able to do it, I believe, in a major campaign. I do not want my party's candidate quitting in the middle of a campaign because she can't hack it. The GOP deserves far better than her.

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