OH SHIT! Epstein’s Lawyers Offer Plea Deal to Divulge Names in Exchange for 5 Year Sentence

Mostly Dems. Epstein helped Clinton set up the Clinton Foundation - he's a total Lib.

And he is a long time friend of Donald Trump.

Epstein being a dinner guest at Trump's home is not nearly the equivalent of Bubba flying on the Lolita Express to Pedo Island umpty-umpteen times.
And the party at Epstein's house with Trump and underage girls? Nothing to see right? :auiqs.jpg:

What party with underage girls? Let's see the link
Just “Him and Epstein” and “28 Girls”: Florida Man Drops a Dime on Trump Stop being stupid Trump fans. It's gross.

A Calendar Girl competition. BFD. So they watched models parade around in skimpy outfits, or less.
And he is a long time friend of Donald Trump.

Epstein being a dinner guest at Trump's home is not nearly the equivalent of Bubba flying on the Lolita Express to Pedo Island umpty-umpteen times.
And the party at Epstein's house with Trump and underage girls? Nothing to see right? :auiqs.jpg:

What party with underage girls? Let's see the link
Just “Him and Epstein” and “28 Girls”: Florida Man Drops a Dime on Trump Stop being stupid Trump fans. It's gross.

A Calendar Girl competition. BFD. So they watched models parade around in skimpy outfits, or less.

BWACK is a known lying hack. Puts under age in it and then posts a link and it says nothing about under age.
Mostly Dems. Epstein helped Clinton set up the Clinton Foundation - he's a total Lib.

And he is a long time friend of Donald Trump.

Epstein being a dinner guest at Trump's home is not nearly the equivalent of Bubba flying on the Lolita Express to Pedo Island umpty-umpteen times.
And the party at Epstein's house with Trump and underage girls? Nothing to see right? :auiqs.jpg:
No matter what you will always come up with another stupid GOP propaganda meme, brainwashed functional moron.
Vote! It's the only way to get out of this insanity. We are dealing with a very defined cult. That's why they are "brainwashed functional morons."
We have to bring back something like the fairness doctrine that sets up at least a few minutes an hour of debate on the GOP propaganda machine. Their prime time on Fox and the radio demagogues are absolutely nuts.
And he is a long time friend of Donald Trump.

Epstein being a dinner guest at Trump's home is not nearly the equivalent of Bubba flying on the Lolita Express to Pedo Island umpty-umpteen times.
And the party at Epstein's house with Trump and underage girls? Nothing to see right? :auiqs.jpg:
No matter what you will always come up with another stupid GOP propaganda meme, brainwashed functional moron.
Vote! It's the only way to get out of this insanity. We are dealing with a very defined cult. That's why they are "brainwashed functional morons."
We have to bring back something like the fairness doctrine that sets up at least a few minutes an hour of debate on the GOP propaganda machine. Their prime time on Fox and the radio demagogues are absolutely nuts.

Oh for pity's sake - how clueless.

ABC-CBS-NBS-CNN-MSNBC et al are Nothing-But-Prog-Propaganda.
Epstein being a dinner guest at Trump's home is not nearly the equivalent of Bubba flying on the Lolita Express to Pedo Island umpty-umpteen times.
And the party at Epstein's house with Trump and underage girls? Nothing to see right? :auiqs.jpg:

What party with underage girls? Let's see the link
Just “Him and Epstein” and “28 Girls”: Florida Man Drops a Dime on Trump Stop being stupid Trump fans. It's gross.

A Calendar Girl competition. BFD. So they watched models parade around in skimpy outfits, or less.

BWACK is a known lying hack. Puts under age in it and then posts a link and it says nothing about under age.
I am sick and tired of gossip as political discourse. 99% comes from the right, brainwashed functional moron. All Trump has to do is parrot the garbage and he is leading the GOP Fox Rush party of stupid idiots....all to save the greedy idiot Rich from paying their fair share.
Epstein being a dinner guest at Trump's home is not nearly the equivalent of Bubba flying on the Lolita Express to Pedo Island umpty-umpteen times.
And the party at Epstein's house with Trump and underage girls? Nothing to see right? :auiqs.jpg:
No matter what you will always come up with another stupid GOP propaganda meme, brainwashed functional moron.
Vote! It's the only way to get out of this insanity. We are dealing with a very defined cult. That's why they are "brainwashed functional morons."
We have to bring back something like the fairness doctrine that sets up at least a few minutes an hour of debate on the GOP propaganda machine. Their prime time on Fox and the radio demagogues are absolutely nuts.

Oh for pity's sake - how clueless.

ABC-CBS-NBS-CNN-MSNBC et al are Nothing-But-Prog-Propaganda.
Funny how all the respected media and law enforcement in the world agrees with them and nobody agrees with you and the fox rush garbage propaganda machine except ignoramus idiots like you.... Everyone not listening to Fox rush excetera in the entire world thinks you are brainwashed functional morons. None of your phony scandals about Democrats has made the real world and they never will. They are ridiculous.
Epstein being a dinner guest at Trump's home is not nearly the equivalent of Bubba flying on the Lolita Express to Pedo Island umpty-umpteen times.
And the party at Epstein's house with Trump and underage girls? Nothing to see right? :auiqs.jpg:
No matter what you will always come up with another stupid GOP propaganda meme, brainwashed functional moron.
Vote! It's the only way to get out of this insanity. We are dealing with a very defined cult. That's why they are "brainwashed functional morons."
We have to bring back something like the fairness doctrine that sets up at least a few minutes an hour of debate on the GOP propaganda machine. Their prime time on Fox and the radio demagogues are absolutely nuts.

Oh for pity's sake - how clueless.

ABC-CBS-NBS-CNN-MSNBC et al are Nothing-But-Prog-Propaganda.
It is called real journalism, check the BBC France 24 the hindustani times every respected newspaper and media in the world and law enforcement agrees too. Brainwashed functional moron. Breaking for ignoramus dupes. Also known as ugly Americans, thanks for ruining our reputation around the world jackass...
Epstein being a dinner guest at Trump's home is not nearly the equivalent of Bubba flying on the Lolita Express to Pedo Island umpty-umpteen times.
And the party at Epstein's house with Trump and underage girls? Nothing to see right? :auiqs.jpg:

What party with underage girls? Let's see the link
Just “Him and Epstein” and “28 Girls”: Florida Man Drops a Dime on Trump Stop being stupid Trump fans. It's gross.

A Calendar Girl competition. BFD. So they watched models parade around in skimpy outfits, or less.

BWACK is a known lying hack. Puts under age in it and then posts a link and it says nothing about under age.
If you are against him one can be sure he is intelligent and well-informed, brainwashed functional moron.
Epstein wasn't in a court room because the Obama Admin let him do a plea deal for a minor charge, for which he served minimal jail time. He was even allowed to go to work during his supposed sentence.
It was in Republican Florida stupid and the prosecutor is now trump's Secretary of labor, Brainwashed functional moron. Change the channel and get some reality.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^
Another thing, you morons think the left is violent because of a few young punk idiots called antifa who fight with Nazis every eight months, while the only actual spike in violence is Right wingers going ape shitt on Blacks Jews Muslims and gays.... And when screaming out their garbage propaganda LOL in public....

Yes, the left is violent. That's obvious, mini-dupester.

That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.

I think where you become confused is when that the behavior of leftists when single is not the same as when they are in groups. See, the average leftist is a melting snowflake when he/she is alone. That's when they are fearful of virtually everything in their world and easily triggered by the most innocuous of things, but quite harmless and even fun to observe. When they cluster together, however, they begin to feel that they have strength in numbers, and when they come upon what they perceive to be a weak target, they attack, as long as they feel they will not individually be harmed.

The snowflake is a good metaphor for them. Individually, quite harmless and quickly melted by even mild heat. When clustered in large numbers, however, quite dangerous and mindlessly destructive of whatever is in their path with no regard to anything beyond themselves.

Unfortunately, one of these days they will attack a target that is both able and willing to strike back, and blood will be shed.
Mostly Dems. Epstein helped Clinton set up the Clinton Foundation - he's a total Lib.

And he is a long time friend of Donald Trump.

Epstein being a dinner guest at Trump's home is not nearly the equivalent of Bubba flying on the Lolita Express to Pedo Island umpty-umpteen times.
4 times, stupid. And not to pedo island. Shoveyour phony scandals up your ass, brainwashed functional moron.
26 times and he ditched his security detail.
Pure garbage propaganda and stupid gossip, brainwashed functional moron.

Propaganda believer. Your source is a proven liar.
^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^
Another thing, you morons think the left is violent because of a few young punk idiots called antifa who fight with Nazis every eight months, while the only actual spike in violence is Right wingers going ape shitt on Blacks Jews Muslims and gays.... And when screaming out their garbage propaganda LOL in public....

Yes, the left is violent. That's obvious, mini-dupester.

That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.
Exactly , they cry like babies and lash out in hate
Too bad you have no evidence of that, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence is hate crimes against Jews
blacks gays and Muslims by right-wing ignoramus assholes.... Oops brainwashed functional assholes...

Hmmmm, what was that about calling someone stupid names means you lost the argument? I do believe you're doing the hole deeper with every post.
It was in Republican Florida stupid and the prosecutor is now trump's Secretary of labor, Brainwashed functional moron. Change the channel and get some reality.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^
Another thing, you morons think the left is violent because of a few young punk idiots called antifa who fight with Nazis every eight months, while the only actual spike in violence is Right wingers going ape shitt on Blacks Jews Muslims and gays.... And when screaming out their garbage propaganda LOL in public....

Yes, the left is violent. That's obvious, mini-dupester.

That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.

I think where you become confused is when that the behavior of leftists when single is not the same as when they are in groups. See, the average leftist is a melting snowflake when he/she is alone. That's when they are fearful of virtually everything in their world and easily triggered by the most innocuous of things, but quite harmless and even fun to observe. When they cluster together, however, they begin to feel that they have strength in numbers, and when they come upon what they perceive to be a weak target, they attack, as long as they feel they will not individually be harmed.

The snowflake is a good metaphor for them. Individually, quite harmless and quickly melted by even mild heat. When clustered in large numbers, however, quite dangerous and mindlessly destructive of whatever is in their path with no regard to anything beyond themselves.

Unfortunately, one of these days they will attack a target that is both able and willing to strike back, and blood will be shed.
funny how law enforcement and real journalists have never heard about any of this fear-mongered garbage, super dupe.
Another thing, you morons think the left is violent because of a few young punk idiots called antifa who fight with Nazis every eight months, while the only actual spike in violence is Right wingers going ape shitt on Blacks Jews Muslims and gays.... And when screaming out their garbage propaganda LOL in public....

Yes, the left is violent. That's obvious, mini-dupester.

That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.
Exactly , they cry like babies and lash out in hate
Too bad you have no evidence of that, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence is hate crimes against Jews
blacks gays and Muslims by right-wing ignoramus assholes.... Oops brainwashed functional assholes...

Hmmmm, what was that about calling someone stupid names means you lost the argument? I do believe you're doing the hole deeper with every post.
Political insults are different from personal insults, brainwashed functional moron. your propaganda machine and its imaginary planet you live on are the biggest story about politics of the last 30 years that there is. The GOP is a disgrace and so are its dupes who refuse to fact-check or change the channel or understand their idiocy....thanks for Wrecking the middle-class and working-class with your giveaway to the rich, the stupidest Wars ever and a corrupt World depression in 2008. Everything you know is wrong.nothing but phony scandals about Democrats and misinformation about who is paying taxes in the United States and why we are the only country in the modern world in this mess of inequality and crap upward Mobility... Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. Not to mention wrecking our alliances and pandering to dictators. Wake up and smell the coffee
Mostly Dems. Epstein helped Clinton set up the Clinton Foundation - he's a total Lib.

And he is a long time friend of Donald Trump.

Epstein being a dinner guest at Trump's home is not nearly the equivalent of Bubba flying on the Lolita Express to Pedo Island umpty-umpteen times.
And the party at Epstein's house with Trump and underage girls? Nothing to see right? :auiqs.jpg:

Linky? Going to a party doesn't mean Trump diddled underage girls. Just get ready. Vanity Faire has reported that compromising photos of Bill Clinton were found at Epstein's mansion. That's why the Progs are desperate to make this about Trump. It's the same as Russian Collusion (the real collusion being conducted by a Clinton)
cut the crap and try waiting until something gets to real journalists and law enforcement. Idiot

Translation: ignore every voice that doesn't agree with me.
Mostly Dems. Epstein helped Clinton set up the Clinton Foundation - he's a total Lib.

And he is a long time friend of Donald Trump.

Epstein being a dinner guest at Trump's home is not nearly the equivalent of Bubba flying on the Lolita Express to Pedo Island umpty-umpteen times.
4 times, stupid. And not to pedo island. Shoveyour phony scandals up your ass, brainwashed functional moron.
26 times and he ditched his security detail.
Pure garbage propaganda and stupid gossip, brainwashed functional moron.
I expect someone as stupid as yourself to remain uninformed.
And he is a long time friend of Donald Trump.

Epstein being a dinner guest at Trump's home is not nearly the equivalent of Bubba flying on the Lolita Express to Pedo Island umpty-umpteen times.
And the party at Epstein's house with Trump and underage girls? Nothing to see right? :auiqs.jpg:
No matter what you will always come up with another stupid GOP propaganda meme, brainwashed functional moron.
Vote! It's the only way to get out of this insanity. We are dealing with a very defined cult. That's why they are "brainwashed functional morons."
We have to bring back something like the fairness doctrine that sets up at least a few minutes an hour of debate on the GOP propaganda machine. Their prime time on Fox and the radio demagogues are absolutely nuts.

Translation: shut down every voice that doesn't agree with me.
^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^
Another thing, you morons think the left is violent because of a few young punk idiots called antifa who fight with Nazis every eight months, while the only actual spike in violence is Right wingers going ape shitt on Blacks Jews Muslims and gays.... And when screaming out their garbage propaganda LOL in public....

Yes, the left is violent. That's obvious, mini-dupester.

That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.

I think where you become confused is when that the behavior of leftists when single is not the same as when they are in groups. See, the average leftist is a melting snowflake when he/she is alone. That's when they are fearful of virtually everything in their world and easily triggered by the most innocuous of things, but quite harmless and even fun to observe. When they cluster together, however, they begin to feel that they have strength in numbers, and when they come upon what they perceive to be a weak target, they attack, as long as they feel they will not individually be harmed.

The snowflake is a good metaphor for them. Individually, quite harmless and quickly melted by even mild heat. When clustered in large numbers, however, quite dangerous and mindlessly destructive of whatever is in their path with no regard to anything beyond themselves.

Unfortunately, one of these days they will attack a target that is both able and willing to strike back, and blood will be shed.
funny how law enforcement and real journalists have never heard about any of this fear-mongered garbage, super dupe.

Translation: the voices I agree with haven't said anything about it, so I'll insist it didn't happen.
Epstein being a dinner guest at Trump's home is not nearly the equivalent of Bubba flying on the Lolita Express to Pedo Island umpty-umpteen times.
And the party at Epstein's house with Trump and underage girls? Nothing to see right? :auiqs.jpg:
No matter what you will always come up with another stupid GOP propaganda meme, brainwashed functional moron.
Vote! It's the only way to get out of this insanity. We are dealing with a very defined cult. That's why they are "brainwashed functional morons."
We have to bring back something like the fairness doctrine that sets up at least a few minutes an hour of debate on the GOP propaganda machine. Their prime time on Fox and the radio demagogues are absolutely nuts.

Translation: shut down every voice that doesn't agree with me.
Translation - you are out of your tiny mind. Your whole propaganda machine could not handle three minutes of debate an hour, nor could you.
Another thing, you morons think the left is violent because of a few young punk idiots called antifa who fight with Nazis every eight months, while the only actual spike in violence is Right wingers going ape shitt on Blacks Jews Muslims and gays.... And when screaming out their garbage propaganda LOL in public....

Yes, the left is violent. That's obvious, mini-dupester.

That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.

I think where you become confused is when that the behavior of leftists when single is not the same as when they are in groups. See, the average leftist is a melting snowflake when he/she is alone. That's when they are fearful of virtually everything in their world and easily triggered by the most innocuous of things, but quite harmless and even fun to observe. When they cluster together, however, they begin to feel that they have strength in numbers, and when they come upon what they perceive to be a weak target, they attack, as long as they feel they will not individually be harmed.

The snowflake is a good metaphor for them. Individually, quite harmless and quickly melted by even mild heat. When clustered in large numbers, however, quite dangerous and mindlessly destructive of whatever is in their path with no regard to anything beyond themselves.

Unfortunately, one of these days they will attack a target that is both able and willing to strike back, and blood will be shed.
funny how law enforcement and real journalists have never heard about any of this fear-mongered garbage, super dupe.

Translation: the voices I agree with haven't said anything about it, so I'll insist it didn't happen.
Every respected voice in the world said it was garbage propaganda. Sorry you missed it, brain washed functional moron.
Epstein being a dinner guest at Trump's home is not nearly the equivalent of Bubba flying on the Lolita Express to Pedo Island umpty-umpteen times.
And the party at Epstein's house with Trump and underage girls? Nothing to see right? :auiqs.jpg:
No matter what you will always come up with another stupid GOP propaganda meme, brainwashed functional moron.
Vote! It's the only way to get out of this insanity. We are dealing with a very defined cult. That's why they are "brainwashed functional morons."
We have to bring back something like the fairness doctrine that sets up at least a few minutes an hour of debate on the GOP propaganda machine. Their prime time on Fox and the radio demagogues are absolutely nuts.

Translation: shut down every voice that doesn't agree with me.

That's the Prog debate line: because Reasons, Feelz and Just Shut Up.

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