OH SHIT! Epstein’s Lawyers Offer Plea Deal to Divulge Names in Exchange for 5 Year Sentence

This is absolute hogwash. Several polling stations in my area of Oakland were consolidated into one location - at a recreation center with a huge free parking lot. It was more efficient from a staffing and voting tallying perspective.

What he is saying is that leftists can’t figure out GPS

Don't their ObabblePhones have Google Maps?

They don’t know how to use it, just like they can’t figure out how to get IDs

Listen to the white people at Berkeley, and then the black people in Harlem:

Get a clue;
This is absolute hogwash. Several polling stations in my area of Oakland were consolidated into one location - at a recreation center with a huge free parking lot. It was more efficient from a staffing and voting tallying perspective.
What he is saying is that leftists can’t figure out GPS

Don't their ObabblePhones have Google Maps?
They don’t know how to use it, just like they can’t figure out how to get IDs

Listen to the white people at Berkeley, and then the black people in Harlem:

Get a clue;

I have a clue. It's that you are a moron.
What he is saying is that leftists can’t figure out GPS

Don't their ObabblePhones have Google Maps?
They don’t know how to use it, just like they can’t figure out how to get IDs

Listen to the white people at Berkeley, and then the black people in Harlem:

Get a clue;

I have a clue. It's that you are a moron.

That argument just stomped your ass for the second time today. The truth is a bitch ain't it? What a loser. This is where all your voter suppression comes from; Paul Weyrich - Wikipedia Lol! See how easy it was to bury your cheating ass.
Last edited:
Don't their ObabblePhones have Google Maps?
They don’t know how to use it, just like they can’t figure out how to get IDs

Listen to the white people at Berkeley, and then the black people in Harlem:

Get a clue;

I have a clue. It's that you are a moron.

That argument just stomped your ass for the second time today. The truth is a bitch ain't it? What a loser.

It must be such a great comfort to you to have such a fervent fantasy life as compensation for your lack of an actual life.
They don’t know how to use it, just like they can’t figure out how to get IDs

Listen to the white people at Berkeley, and then the black people in Harlem:

Get a clue;

I have a clue. It's that you are a moron.

That argument just stomped your ass for the second time today. The truth is a bitch ain't it? What a loser.

It must be such a great comfort to you to have such a fervent fantasy life as compensation for your lack of an actual life.

For the moment, to step on your cheating, lying ,ass, by kicking it with an argument you can't do anything with, is all the comfort I need.
Don't their ObabblePhones have Google Maps?
They don’t know how to use it, just like they can’t figure out how to get IDs

Listen to the white people at Berkeley, and then the black people in Harlem:

Thanks! You solidified my argument that I made.

I don't think you watched the entire piece, bub. If you did, you certainly did not GROK it.

He's a leftist, they're dumb.

Speaking of dumb, who aren't even in this conversation, what have you got hot shot to work with? Are you able to hang with someone who can kick your ass with this argument, or are you going to go back into your miserable hole where you belong? Let's see what you've got;

And if you can't lock horns here, then shut the hell up.
They don’t know how to use it, just like they can’t figure out how to get IDs

Listen to the white people at Berkeley, and then the black people in Harlem:

Thanks! You solidified my argument that I made.

I don't think you watched the entire piece, bub. If you did, you certainly did not GROK it.

He's a leftist, they're dumb.

Speaking of dumb, who aren't even in this conversation, what have you got hot shot to work with? Are you able to hang with someone who can kick your ass with this argument, or are you going to go back into your miserable hole where you belong? Let's see what you've got;

And if you can't lock horns here, then shut the hell up.

You're a moron. You make up shit. You lose. You have no credibility.
That's right, put a funny face on it and run like the coward you are. You can't argue shit loser.
Listen to the white people at Berkeley, and then the black people in Harlem:

Thanks! You solidified my argument that I made.

I don't think you watched the entire piece, bub. If you did, you certainly did not GROK it.

He's a leftist, they're dumb.

Speaking of dumb, who aren't even in this conversation, what have you got hot shot to work with? Are you able to hang with someone who can kick your ass with this argument, or are you going to go back into your miserable hole where you belong? Let's see what you've got;

And if you can't lock horns here, then shut the hell up.

You're a moron. You make up shit. You lose. You have no credibility.

And you proved to be a dope who can't back up shit. Get the hell out of here coward. You suck.
That's right, put a funny face on it and run like the coward you are. You can't argue shit loser.
dohhhwnload (7).jpeg
Your assignment, obviously, is to wade into every and any scandal that touches a democrat and scream "Propaganda!", "Lies!", "Moron!", etc. And that's when you're sober. It goes downhill from there.

Classic diversionary tactics.
Rupert Murdoch and his ridiculous GOP propaganda machine along with Rush etc etc is the story of the last 30 years, along with the GOP being a lying total disgrace along with its dupes like you. And no there is no conspiracy against you. You are just ignorant masses misinformed, all to save the rich from paying their fair share, which you don't know about either LOL. Stupidest voters in the modern world....

Actually, the story of the last 30 years is the rise of the internet and how it is reshaping the world, but I wouldn't expect a propaganda believing political mini-dupe to know that, and you're not disappointing. Are you still sober? I ask because you're getting less coherent.
And how the right wing around the world uses it to spread misinformation and hate, Super Dupe. Sort of a repetition of the 30s chaos and militarism and fascism after THAT GOP corrupt World economic meltdown. always a catastrophe. Too bad you know nothing about anything except total garbage.

Oh, so you have heard of the internet there in the fever swamps.
Do you ever have any real arguments or brain cells evident? Right-wing crap is starting to overwhelm Google....
Uh-oh, you're losing it. Now, can you cut through the fog of your incessant bleating about propaganda long enough to acknowledge that Bubba has some questions to answer and that he destroyed his credibility long ago?
Zip on Fox and Rush that is, brainwashed functional moron conspiracy Nut Job.
The word is consistent, you should look it up
2016 Democratic National Committee email leak


Start date: June 2016


Web results
How Russian hackers stole information from Democrats, in 3 simple diagrams

Jul 16, 2018 · After Trump complained about Clinton's servers, rather than admonish Russia's role in the hack, Putin ...

Washington Post
How the Russians hacked the DNC and passed its emails to WikiLeaks

Jul 13, 2018 · The remarkable timing of the Russian attempt on Clinton's servers is just one of the new details revealed in ...
Washington Post
Analysis | Timeline: How Russian agents allegedly hacked the DNC and ...

Jul 13, 2018 · Timeline: How Russian agents allegedly hacked the DNC and Clinton's campaign ... that the hackers tried to access Clinton's personal server on July 27, ...
WUSA9.com › article › news
Russians Hack the DNC's Server: A Timeline | wusa9.com

Apr 18, 2019 · Special Counsel Robert Mueller's redacted report into Russian interference in the 2016 election chronicled the full picture of how a foreign entity infiltrated and puppeteered our electoral process. ... April 18, 2016 – GRU gains access to the Democratic National Committee (DNC ...

Mueller report sheds new light on how the Russians hacked the DNC and the Clinton campaign

Apr 18, 2019 · The Mueller report contains new information about how the Russian government hacked documents and emails from Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee . ... The GRU hackers also gained access to the email account of John Podesta, Clinton’s ...

What Mueller Knows About the DNC Hack—And Trump Doesn't

Jul 17, 2018 · The president's bizarre obsession with “the DNC server” defies logic or even a ... officers while revealing stunning details of Russia's hacking tradecraft.

CNN.com › 2016/12/26 › 2016-pre...
2016 Election Hacking Fast Facts - CNN - CNN.com

May 2, 2019 · (CNN) Here's a look at hacking incidents during the 2016 presidential campaign and Russian meddling in the election.

Wikipedia › wiki › 2016_Democrati...
2016 Democratic National Committee email leak - Wikipedia

The 2016 Democratic National Committee email leak is a collection of ..... 17); That the hacking of the DNC servers was performed by Romanian hackers ultimately controlled by Putin ...
Democratic National Committee cyber attacks - Wikipedia

The Democratic National Committee cyber attacks took place in 2015 and 2016, in which computer hackers infiltrated the Democratic National Committee (DNC) ... These ...
The Guardian
Russians tried to hack Clinton server on day Trump urged email search

Jul 13, 2018 · US indicts 12 Russians for hacking DNC emails during the 2016 election. Read more. An indictment filed by ...
That's too much info for the impaired.
You realized that eh? Explain how they transmitted the contents on a 10 g service? Do you know about throughput and data rates? Nope, if you did you’d know better than to think that actually happened! Hahaha hahaha
There you go with that audience of one crazy talk I mentioned. "Russians "TRIED". Does that ring a bell for you?
Tried what? How did they help if they didn’t get anything? Explain
it's a conspiracy of every respected law enforcement and journalist in the world!! LOL

Your assignment, obviously, is to wade into every and any scandal that touches a democrat and scream "Propaganda!", "Lies!", "Moron!", etc. And that's when you're sober. It goes downhill from there.

Classic diversionary tactics.
But Russia Russia happened with absolutely zero evidence! Ohhhh the irony of the leftists
Every Democrat and Republican in our intelligence committees and community have said that it was Russia and Russia wanted Trump to win. They hacked the DNC server and gave all those emails that fox noise Rush etcetera etc blew out of all proportion, super duper. Change the channel and get some actual news.

Wrong yet again. You forget to mention that once the investigation started, that "ever intelligence agency" became 10, then 5, then 3, then it was revealed that it was ONLY little Jimmy Clapper who thought that. No, Russia did NOT hack the DNC server. Proven by experts. The time frame given and the amount of information taken showed it HAD to be an inside job. No outside source had the speed capabilities needed. Asante has stated multiple times Russia had ZERO to do with the e-mails. That was idiot Podesta giving up his password WILLINGLY in a phishing scam. You really need to stop listening to CNN and MS13NBC and watch some adult news.
Proof the DNC server wasn't hacked or you are a liar? What was the "information taken" and where did it come from? How did you prove Podesta gave up his password willingly for a "phishing scam?"

That all was widely published when it happened. Do try to keep up before you look stupid. Oh wait, too late for that.......
Wrong yet again. You forget to mention that once the investigation started, that "ever intelligence agency" became 10, then 5, then 3, then it was revealed that it was ONLY little Jimmy Clapper who thought that. No, Russia did NOT hack the DNC server. Proven by experts. The time frame given and the amount of information taken showed it HAD to be an inside job. No outside source had the speed capabilities needed. Asante has stated multiple times Russia had ZERO to do with the e-mails. That was idiot Podesta giving up his password WILLINGLY in a phishing scam. You really need to stop listening to CNN and MS13NBC and watch some adult news.
and whatever you do don't listen to AP Reuters the BBC France 24 the hindustani * any newspaper not published by Rupert Murdoch. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
Why do you want to protect pedos? You’re a sick fk
I've got this thing about the truth following evidence and allowing law enforcement to do their job lol. All you have is garbage propaganda that has never gone anywhere in the real world, brainwashed functional moron. Trump and Clinton are innocent until proven guilty-at this point there isn't even any evidence against them LOL. Unlike the way you idiots and the GOP propaganda machine do things...

Truth and evidence huh? Yet you spout the TOTALLY debunked Russia BS constantly. Take your hypocrisy and shove it.
This information of yours does not exist, except in your own imagination the fairies in your head told you exists.

Denial. One of the stages of grief. Don't you get tired of all your BS getting debunked on a daily basis?
Your assignment, obviously, is to wade into every and any scandal that touches a democrat and scream "Propaganda!", "Lies!", "Moron!", etc. And that's when you're sober. It goes downhill from there.

Classic diversionary tactics.
But Russia Russia happened with absolutely zero evidence! Ohhhh the irony of the leftists
Every Democrat and Republican in our intelligence committees and community have said that it was Russia and Russia wanted Trump to win. They hacked the DNC server and gave all those emails that fox noise Rush etcetera etc blew out of all proportion, super duper. Change the channel and get some actual news.

Wrong yet again. You forget to mention that once the investigation started, that "ever intelligence agency" became 10, then 5, then 3, then it was revealed that it was ONLY little Jimmy Clapper who thought that. No, Russia did NOT hack the DNC server. Proven by experts. The time frame given and the amount of information taken showed it HAD to be an inside job. No outside source had the speed capabilities needed. Asante has stated multiple times Russia had ZERO to do with the e-mails. That was idiot Podesta giving up his password WILLINGLY in a phishing scam. You really need to stop listening to CNN and MS13NBC and watch some adult news.
Proof the DNC server wasn't hacked or you are a liar? What was the "information taken" and where did it come from? How did you prove Podesta gave up his password willingly for a "phishing scam?"

That all was widely published when it happened. Do try to keep up before you look stupid. Oh wait, too late for that.......
So you turned out to be a liar once again without proof. These Cloned Trump voters are so boring. They never debate anything and they never back up anything. You people are so pitiful.
This is absolute hogwash. Several polling stations in my area of Oakland were consolidated into one location - at a recreation center with a huge free parking lot. It was more efficient from a staffing and voting tallying perspective.
What he is saying is that leftists can’t figure out GPS

Don't their ObabblePhones have Google Maps?
They don’t know how to use it, just like they can’t figure out how to get IDs

Listen to the white people at Berkeley, and then the black people in Harlem:

Thanks! You solidified my argument that I made. It was never about ID. It's about suppression, not ID. That interview by the way was not in the south. There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act

The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

Did the interviewer ask them who Kris Kobach is? Do they know what Crosscheck is?

You are a coward as we already knew, that explains your inability to address the real impediments and illegal maneuvers by the GOP in this last election. No where did anyone ask about Crosscheck, or about the 868 polls that were closed in the south in minority areas. See what they say when you ask black voters in the south about that hot shot. Got any you-tube videos on that?

Well moron, those polling places that were closed in Georgia were closed by DEMOCRAT leaders due to extremely low usage and the costs of running them being not worth it. So you're saying Dems are too stupid to carpool to the new polling place that isn't very far away? You're too dumb to find your voting area but we're stupid?
Blow Job looking for a place to not be extradited from?...ROTFLMFAO!!!!!

The Epoch Times ^ | July 9, 2019 Updated: July 9, 2019 | By Bowen Xiao

Alleged child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein will agree to give up names of individuals who took part in the trafficking ring he ran—in exchange for a substantially lower sentence.

A two-count indictment unsealed by federal prosecutors on July 8 charged the 66-year-old billionaire financier with sex trafficking and conspiracy charges. Epstein allegedly sexually exploited and abused dozens of minor girls at his homes in Manhattan, New York, and Palm Beach, Florida, among other locations.

The charges carry with them a maximum sentence of 45 years in jail. At Epstein’s age, the charges are tantamount to “a life sentence” Geoffrey Berman, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said at a press conference.

Mod Edit - "You are only to post an excerpt of an article, not the entire thing

Brian WIlliams
Katie Couric
Wolf Blitzer
Ben Affleck
Charlie Rose
Woody Allen
Chelsea Handler
George Stephanopoulos
Kevin Spacey
Chris Tucker
Bill Clinton

The left elite, all good and close with Epstein.

Name those names....
But Russia Russia happened with absolutely zero evidence! Ohhhh the irony of the leftists
Every Democrat and Republican in our intelligence committees and community have said that it was Russia and Russia wanted Trump to win. They hacked the DNC server and gave all those emails that fox noise Rush etcetera etc blew out of all proportion, super duper. Change the channel and get some actual news.

Wrong yet again. You forget to mention that once the investigation started, that "ever intelligence agency" became 10, then 5, then 3, then it was revealed that it was ONLY little Jimmy Clapper who thought that. No, Russia did NOT hack the DNC server. Proven by experts. The time frame given and the amount of information taken showed it HAD to be an inside job. No outside source had the speed capabilities needed. Asante has stated multiple times Russia had ZERO to do with the e-mails. That was idiot Podesta giving up his password WILLINGLY in a phishing scam. You really need to stop listening to CNN and MS13NBC and watch some adult news.
Proof the DNC server wasn't hacked or you are a liar? What was the "information taken" and where did it come from? How did you prove Podesta gave up his password willingly for a "phishing scam?"

That all was widely published when it happened. Do try to keep up before you look stupid. Oh wait, too late for that.......
So you turned out to be a liar once again without proof. These Cloned Trump voters are so boring. They never debate anything and they never back up anything. You people are so pitiful.

Podesta emails - Wikipedia

Choke on it. He entered his password willingly and fell for a spear phishing scam.

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